Kurumi has Death Battle's future in her hands

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Name: Kurumi Tokisaki, Code Name: Nightmare, White Queen in Inverse form

Origin: Date A Live

Height: 5'2"

Weight: N/A

Gender: Female

BWH: 85-59-87

Age: 17-18 (physically)

Classification: Formerly human, Spirit



Dizzy: 30 years ago, there was a giant explosion so big, it could be seen from space. Killing over 150 million people, this was the first of many explosions dubbed Spacequake's and the cause of them came from the appearance of Spirits.

Junko: Among these spirits, one of the most dangerous and brutal of them was Kurumi.

Akame: Right. Kurumi is a powerhouse. Especially with her Angel.

Akame: Basically, all spirits have an Angel and an Astral Dress.

Junko: Kurumi's Astral Dress is known as Elohim, which can be translated as "Spirit Dress of God's Authority, Number 3". It basically works as armor and clothing.

Akame: And her Angel is... Zafkiel. A.k.a... "Time Emperor".

Junko: It's abilities are in the name, this angel let's Kurumi manipulate time!

Dizzy: Well, to an extent. Kurumi's angel takes the form of two guns, a Flintlock Pistol and a Musket. It also comes with a giant clock behind her.

Akame: Her flintlock pistol and musket both possess special bullets that can cause different effects on the subject's time depending on the number of the bullet.To activate any power she needs, she first needs to call her Angel and position her flintlock at the number of the bullet on the Angel, in which the power is loaded from the number into her firearm. Next, she fires that loaded gun to her target. If Kurumi intends to use the effect on herself, then she shoots herself. The bullets take effect the instant they connect with their target.

Junko: The First Bullet Aleph accelerates her targets external time. Kurumi often uses this to greatly increase her speed in battle!

Dizzy: The Second Bullet Bet is the exact opposite as it slows down her targets external time.

Junko: The Third Bullet Gimmel speeds up internal time, causing her target to age. And the Fourth Bullet Dalet rewinds time on a target. Allowing her to heal any physical injury, but it can't be used for bringing back the dead.

Dizzy: The Fifth Bullet Hei let's her glimpse into the future. Overuse of this, however, can strain Kurumi's mind from the sheer amount of visions seen. While the Sixth Bullet Vev let's her send her targets consciousness into the past for a few days.

Junko: The Seventh Bullet Zayin temporarily freezes her targets time. And the Eighth Bullet Het makes badass clones that we'll go over later!

Dizzy: The Ninth Bullet Tet allows Kurumi to share her senses with someone in a completely different time or dimension while the Tenth Bullet Yud peeks into the past of any object struck. Kurumi used this bullet to regain memories from amnesia.

Junko: Oh, and the Eleventh Bullet Yud Aleph can bring people into the future. The distance traveled depends on the amount of time she puts in it as well as Reiryoku which is basically spiritual energy.

Dizzy: And the Twelfth Bullet Yud Bet sends her target into the past. But unlike her sixth bullet, only lasts until the affect of the bullet wears off.

Junko: The biggest issue with these bullets though is they take away her time, in other words, her lifespan.

Dizzy: Luckily for her, she has the City of Devouring Time.

Dizzy: A giant dome that is capable of stealing the time of others and using it as her own.

Junko: The size of it can range from buildings to entire cities, and can be further expanded with her clones!

Dizzy: These clones are all weaker than the original and can't use Zafkiel, but they're still extremely strong.

Junko: And she can make an army of them, so she doesn't have to worry about getting out numbered by her opponent.

Dizzy: Despite not being able to use the powers of the original, they can all still make Spacequake's and use the City of Devouring Time, increasing its range.

Junko: And all her clones are kept inside her shadow!

Akame: Right. Kurumi can quickly enter any shadow for a quick escape. She can also summon hands from any shadow and even store clones within.

Dizzy: According to Kurumi, her shadows are composed of two layers. The first layer is a free storage space where she can safely deposit and summon her clones at any given moment. The second layer is a digestive stomach where she breaks down victims to absorb their time. Since it's akin to looking into her own stomach, Kurumi is unable to check up or inspect victims that are sent to the latter area.

Akame: But that's not all. She also has a Inverse form, White Queen.

Akame: A spirits Inverse form is one taken when said spirit experiences negative emotions.

Junko: Wait, but isn't this just one of Kurumi's clones?

Dizzy: Yes. However, as stated earlier, Kurumi's clones are simply weaker versions of herself. Therefore it should be safe to assume this is her Inverse form but only weaker than the original.

Junko: I see. Well, this form is super powerful. While the name of her Astral Dress is unknown, it still serves as protection.

Akame: Right. And instead of an Angel as her main weapon, she has her Demon King, Lucifugus... literally meaning Lunatic Emperor.

Junko: Lucifugus consists of a giant clock, a Flintlock Pistol, and a Saber.

Akame: Each possess special abilities that can cause different effects on the subject depending on the weapon used.

Junko: Like Cancer Sword Satan which warps space-time in order to protect the White Queen or assault her enemy.

Akame: Or Leo Bullet Arie. A tracking bullet, guided by the White Queen's will, that devours space. The devoured space takes the form of a white trail that the bullet leaves behind. Anything that comes into contact with the trail or bullet will be shredded or annihilated into pieces. The White Queen dislikes using this bullet due to the noisy sound that the bullet makes while devouring space. In order to use this bullet, the White Queen must focus on her target so it can track them, meaning she's left completely immobile.

Junko: Libra Bullet Moznaim rules over space and can reverse cause and effect within that space. While Aquarius Bullet D'li heals its target completely.

Akame: And then there's Gemini Bullet Teomim. Originally, this power had the ability to create a degraded copy of the White Queen. However, the Queen disliked how the copies would tarnish her image, and thus she modified the powers of this bullet. By diluting the copies even further, they became Empties unrecognizable from herself. The end result was an artificial army created with the sole input of obeying the Queen's orders.

Junko: Oh, there's also the Scorpio Bullet Akrab, which is the cause for the White Queen's multiple personalities.

Dizzy: These personalities are also function as storage batteries, which can then be consumed for a quick boost of power. As a surplus of the power, the user can also turn Empties into chess piece under her control.

Akame: The original Kurumi has nearly entered her Inverse Form before, but does have ways of preventing herself from doing so.

Junko: With all this power, it's not like she needs it. Besides, this isn't even everything!

Akame: Right. Spirits are powered by Sephira Crystal's. And Kurumi managed to obtain two of them, giving her the power of Nia Hanjou.

Junko: Yep, now Kurumi has Nia's Astral Dress overlapping her own for extra protection!

Akame: The newly obtained Astral Dress is known as Yod. And the newly obtained Angel she has received is Rasiel which takes the form of a book.

Junko: Wait, a book?

Dizzy: Yes. While it does seem like just an ordinary book, it's true powers are considered godlike.

Akame: Right. Rasiel has the ability to grant Kurumi near omniscience, gifting her with knowledge of anything that has ever happened, no matter where or when it happened.

Junko: And since everything written in Rasiel is fact, that means Kurumi can write whatever she wants in the book and it will come true. Though this ability doesn't work well on other spirits.

Dizzy: Kurumi can also erase events within Rasiel, letting her go back and start over as many times as she wants.

Akame: However, Kurumi does have weaknesses.

Junko: Well, I think we already went over those though. She can't exactly control her Inverse Form and her manipulation over time with Zafkiel can take away her time. Though this isn't a very big problem in battle.

Dizzy: She's also very sadistic, going as far as killing her own clones if they decide to disobey her. While killing a clone doesn't do anything to Kurumi, her own death can make all the clones disappear as she is the original.

Akame: As for Rasiel, while it can predict events in the future, it cannot read minds nor give her future advice.

Junko: Not that it matters. With this much power, it's no wonder she's known as the most dangerous spirit.

Kurumi: You were ready to kill another creature, yet you're scared to be killed. Don't you think that's weird? When you point a gun at another life... This is what happens.

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