Chapter five

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Parker yelped, as he was grazed by the attack. " Ow!" He exclaimed. I don't really think I deserved that. He thought. Spout put up a finger, and waddled it.

" Stop fighting you two. We're going to all have to get along in order to be a part of this Squad, so stop beating the shit out of each other and pretend you like each other." She orders them.

Parker groaned. Why should I get along with a jerky Popplio? Pip only shrugged. " I guess we will have to, but just know I hate you." Pip commented. " Fuck off." Parker cursed, feeling like cursing would help him.

Spout slapped him. " Get along or there will be more than pancake slaps!" She threatens. Their door opens. " Pip! Trouble! It's Lynx and Bahu!" A Shiny Snivy exclaimed, almost bringing the door from its hinges.

Pip instantly went onto his two back feet. They looked like stubs to Parker. He always wondered how Pokemon like Popplio were able to walk on two feet like that. Seemed like they would end up being more clumsy than walking. If anything the Pokémon would waddle around, not walking around so easily like that.

" Those two fiends! Those two newbie outlaws don't know when to stop!" Pip harshly growled. " Don't sweat it, Pip. There's a lot of outlaws who are slippery. We can't capture them all in one try. Sure, you're a prodigy, but even the most successful starters have their bad days. You two will learn that soon, I'm sure. Name's Hermione." The shiny Snivy introduced, looking between the three.

" It's just frustrating. I was able to defeat Pulse, why not two girls?" Pip wondered, voice faltering. " Probably because you went too easy on them." Parker harshly comments, folding his arms.

" You weren't there. They were slippery folk, Oshawott." Pip snarled, insulted by what Parker had assumed. Plus, he's just a Popplio. They're all weak and idiotic starters who think they are powerful, when in reality they're the weakest thing out there. Not even a Magikarp is that weak!

Hermione seemed to understand the tension, and quickly dashed out of the room. " Whatever. Let's just go before Pip melts the wall with his glares." Parker snarled, heat radiating. His body tingled.

I hate this team! I wish this Popplio would just die!! Parker thought, not regretting what he thought. He believed it should happen. If it's anyone in this squad who should die, it's the other male water starter in this group!

Parker wouldn't let him know that. He knew he shouldn't be thinking like that, but he just couldn't help but hate him that much.

The three explored, searching for Bahu and Lynx; whoever they were, they seemed more skilled than Parker would have expected from teenagers.

That was when Parker paused: he heard something. " Help!" A wail broke out, the three dashing to the scene. " I heard something! This way! Follow me!" Parker told them.

Pip didn't seem to want to follow him. It's not like I'm asking you to follow me to the end of the earth, Pip. He growled, unaware that they were approaching a tied up Glaceon.

A lynx-like cat, and a brown fox were were conversing, the Shinx holding a bag in her jaws. Their attention turned to the Squad of water types. The two turned around, paws ready to flee.

The Shinx giggles. " Oh hello there, friend." She purred, a Foot going forward almost instantly. Pretty sure that doesn't sound like she means that they're her friends. I'm convinced that she's being sarcastic.

The bag in her mouth jiggled, like it didn't want to leave the stand the Glaceon had. The Eevee bared her fangs at them, glimmering yellowish in the sunlight.

" Glad you could crash the party, Starter Squad. Too bad you and your little group are all weak and pathetic water types. You're nothing to Lynx electric attacks, you hear? We're going to escape! You can't capture us, bitches!" She snarled, running extremely fast.

Quick Attack! " Move!" Pip exclaimed as they all scattered, making the two villains laugh their tails off. The Eevee zigzagged around, chasing each of them, it felt like she was trying to taunt them with her attacks that were missing.

She's purposefully missing. Are they trying to distract us? Lynx had her eyes closed. What is she- Lynx opened her eyes, and an electrical surge exploded from where she was, shocking all three Pokémon with an attack, figuratively.

It only hit Spout, Who yelped in pain, collapsing. A smirk alighted the Eevee's face. She was smug, very smug. " You stand no-" she began before Parker chucked his scalchop at her.

She yelped, rubbing the back of her head where she was hit with the Razor Shell. " Why you little brats! You're going to pay-hey!" She yelled, as Pip managed to grab the bag that Lynx was holding loosely in her jaws.

" Give that back ugly!" She snarled, opening her jaws, another set of fangs coming out of her mouth. Well I'm never going to be the same after seeing that. The move was a classic: Bite.

Spout swiftly ducked into her shell, spinning around. " Take that, suckers!" She cried out, running over both of the outlaws. They squealed with pain, and humiliation.

The bite move disappeared, being thwarted by Spout's good nature. " You're mean!" Bahu wailed, tears welling in her eyes. It was like she knew fake tears.

Lynx snarled at them. Slaver hung at the edge of her mouth. " How dare you!" She blustered, the drool falling to the ground rapidly.

" How dare me?" Spout questioned. " Yes! How dare you make Bahu cry. You're going to regret the day you were born, turtle!" Lynx gnarled, claws extended.

Spout just blinked at her. " Why would I? I'm glad I was born." Spout said, almost too innocently. Lynx groaned, rolling her eyes at the Squirtle. She then stuck her head out, ears bent backwards.

Her face was stuck in a growling snarl, clearly hating what was happing. " You won't get away with the goods, baddies." Spout said.

" But, didn't they already not get away with them?" Pip questioned, shoving the bag in front of the turtle's face. With that Lynx tackled him to the ground, trying to grab at the bag with her teeth, making Pip yelp.

Bahu then followed her example, running at Parker in a Take Down Attack. Parker managed to yield her away with a Water Gun Attack. " Ew!" Bahu complained, drenched in the water.

" Get it off of me!" She wailed, shaking her paws to get the water off of her paws. The droplets rained down on the grass, making it perk up.

Bahu shook out her fur in disgust. Her fur fluffed up. She then shot stars. Parker tried to dodge the swirling stars that were starting to surround him, but the Swift hit him anyways.

Parker heard Pip cry out in pain. Lynx had her fangs on his flipper. Pip waved his paw around as if that would get the female off his flipper.

" Say cheese." Lynx taunted as she used Spark. Electricity sparked, lighting up the blue sky to a lighter whitish color due to the power of the lightning expelled from her body.

An inhuman noise came from the throat of Pip, obviously in tons of pain. Duh. Lynx eyes alit with malice. Her grin was almost matched I must stop thinking of that, and anything else related to it.

I have a mission. I must capture these two villains. No matter how close they are to what was. He didn't even notice when Bahu slammed her body into, at least not until his fur got dusty when he hit the ground.

Bahu snickered at him. " What? Didn't notice? Of course you wouldn't notice. You're all about rules and no fun!" She laughed, pawing at the ground with her front feet.

Parker didn't know what to say about it. Just because there are rules doesn't mean things are not fun. He pondered as he prepared himself. No distractions this time. He convinced himself.

His scalchop glowed and grew. He slammed it against Bahu, sending her against the stand. " Don't crush my berries!" Wailed the Glaceon. " You should be glad you're still alive!" Parker yelled, anger running in his veins.

He couldn't help it. Sometimes his anger got the best of him, and he yelled at Pokémon, which probably wasn't the best idea.

Fortunately, the Glaceon shut her mouth after that. She must have finally realized how much danger she could be in if we haven't arrived. I guess that makes us heroes.

Parker liked the sound of being a hero. Lynx chuckled. " Well, well. Lookie what we have here, an angry gopher!" That made Bahu laugh along with her.

Parker hates being laughed at. He growled with frustration. This capture was taking too long. The sun was setting. Time to get this capture done and over with.

But before he could make the arrest, Lynx pounced on him, using his face as a launchpad. He screeched as she did. " Forget the dumb groceries! We have to get out of here!" Lynx meowed, turning back as she laughed.

" Oh no you don't!" Parker cried out as he threw his scalchop, bonking Lynx on the head. What happened next was unnecessary. Spout used Rapid Spin once more, running over both of the outlaws. In fact, she ran over Parker also.

Parker groaned as Pip laughed at his misfortune. It honestly isn't that funny. I don't get humor. Parker thought, as he held his head in his paws.

Pip surrounds himself with elegant water. He quickly slammed into Bahu and Lynx. He made Bahu faint with ease. Lynx growled. " You have the right to remain silent." Pip told her.

He grabbed pokecuffs from behind his back. Where'd he even get those? Parker wondered as he went to assist the Popplio, grudgingly.

Pip put the pokecuffs on Lynx, who was still struggling with a wail. " Just because you're both girls doesn't mean we will take it easy on you. Cry all you want, Lynx. That won't keep you away from jail, and what you've stolen." Pip tells her, making her angry.

He had already fastened the cuffs on her, and Parker was handling the unconscious Eevee. It was really easy. She wasn't even struggling. It was hilarious. Well, it was easy. " You will carry her, Parker." Pip told him. " What?!" He cries out in outrage.

" You expect me to carry her?! What makes you even consider you're my leader, Pip!" Parker snarled. " Boys, behave." Spout ordered, paws at her mouth. At this rate, they'll escape! " Why don't you take her. Or are you not strong enough to carry anyone?" Parker taunted him. " I advise you to shut up! I'm being as nice as I can, and yet you act like I killed your parents!" Pip snarled.

Parker clutched his scalchop in anger. " You wouldn't understand! You keep yourself hidden from others. Why can't I?" He growled. " I don't care if you hide your true feelings from the public eye, what I do care about is bringing in these villains. We must bring these two in. They might be petty thieves, but we need to capture them in case they turn out to be like Tudi. Please? Can't we just get back to the Squad?" Pip questions, seeming to bite back an emotion.

Parker sighed. I-I guess. Put aside my anger, but why can't I seem to put it aside? " Fine. Let's hurry then." He remarks as he lifts up the Eevee.

They took their sweet time back. It was dark, and Parker was exhausted as they went back towards the squad. Luckily, Bahu was still very passed out by the time they opened the door.

" You caught them!" Eule exclaimed in both surprise and pleasure. He held out his wings. " I can take them both from your paws. Why don't you get some rest? You've had a long first day." Eule advised. That is some advise I can get behind. Parker thought in satisfaction as they all went back to their now shared room.

Authors note: Things are getting hotter and hotter each chapter. Bahu and Lynx finally make another appearance, but is all as it seems? Hope you enjoyed. Tell me your thoughts. It's appreciated. 😃😍😋😛😝😜😆😁😄😃😀😊😊😊😊😊😊

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