Chapter six

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The next day, Parker woke up to hear someone sleep farting. Of course it was Spout. Parker quickly covered his mouth. What kind of a lady does that?Well, he supposed some female were different.

Not that I care about that sort of thing. He groaned as he rolled off the top bunk. Why Pip didn't want to be up there puzzled him. If you don't want to be squashed the upper bunk is where you should go!

Spout had chosen a bean bag. She looked weird, tucked in her shell on a bean bag. Meh, it's not me who's there, so who cares?! I'm finally in the big leagues!

This is where things will change for the good of my life! I will finally not have to worry about paying house bills, and getting a different job that requires ' better skills.'

Spout yawned and looked over at him. She rolled over to check a nearby clock. Her eyes got big right then and there. " What time is it?!" She asked, approaching the clock. She got as close as she could muster.

Does she need better glasses? Or just glasses? The door opened. A loud voice yelled at Parker, Pip, and Spout. Well, that's what it seemed like anyways. In honesty Parker could just hear Pokémon better in the morning.

It was a ruthless ability: being able to hear way better in the morning. He stretched his limbs out, feeling sore from what they did last night. I wonder how those idiots are doing. Must be whining about their dresses.

Parker snorted at the thought. He climbed down to wooden ladder that lead up to his bunk. I hate heights. If I fall....let's hope that doesn't happen. He placed a paw onto the comforting, and inviting ground. Sturdy; wood cedar.

He careful woven his way around the place. Now this place seemed like his home. Messy.

He collected himself, not like that, picking up a random piece of pie, a cookie, and dandruff from the floor. Parker froze there. He laughed nervously as he kicked the dandruff under Pip's bunk.

There! Now he is to blame for that! Not me. Now back to that voice. It was a young purple....Totodile?

Now that isn't right. Parker thought, confused. Shiny Totodile are green, not purple; why is this one purple? Awkwardness surrounded Parker, the weirdly purple Totodile, and Spout. So...what's going on there? You got dyed purple?

The Totodile cleared his throat. He then lifted his purple paw curled up into a punch. He then punched Parker back. A crunching sound could be heard.

" I see what you do. I see you starin'! No t'ank you! I don't need no more Pokémon starin' judgin' me like all them other folk!" He chumpfed.

The crunching sound? That was the sound of Parker's back- or it was the wall. Either way Parker felt something break behind him. He prayed it was the wall, and he wasn't forever paralyzed by the force of the Totodile.

He such a strange fellow. He...expects us to judge him? It's just...I have never seen such a sighting as him. A rare purple Totodile. There couldn't have been any other Totodile purple. At least, not to my knowledge.

" We don't mean to judge, it's just we've never seen a purple Totodile. This: it's such an amazing sight." Parker breathes, unsure if what he was saying even remotely described what he was looking at.

All he knew was that it was-breathtaking. After what Parker had informed him of the Totodile seemed to laugh, roughly hugging Parker. This guy-there's something about him. He's different.

" Why t'anks, brother. It means so much; other folk just mock and flip me off. I return the favor and let them know how much I don't give a care." The Totodile comments.

He then jumps in realization. " I was 'ere to tell you that there's an early meetin' out in the common areas. Of course, I was also 'ere to wake y'all up. Pretty late, it is." He said, rubbing his paws together.

He licked his lips. " Mmm, well, see you trio later." He exclaimed, racing off. Parker ribbed his back. Would you believe that Pip slept through all that shit? Well, he somehow did.

The two exchanged looks. " You wake him up," Parker offered Spout without thought. He didn't want to be in charge of clown-nose.

" No you go. The sooner we wake the sleepy head up the sooner we can learn what this meeting is about. I hope that it's about you. You and your mess. We really should set some ground rules about that." Spout commented.

Parker wanted to start a crying fest there. He didn't want to wake up this seal. This Seel should be able to wake himself up like a big boy can.

He growled, " I hate you." Spout rolled her eyes. " I am going to see what this gathering is all about. You better wake him up, Porker." With that she left; he was left to Pip the dog-like deal.

He sighed, Do I really have to? Can't I just push him out of bed? He approached the bottom bunk, peering at the sleeping form of Pip.

He seemed peaceful, but between that and Parker's eyes that didn't seem to matter: there was something heartbreaking about the way Pip's face appeared.

It might appear to be a regular face, but underneath it...There is destruction, hatred, love. This Pokémon lost someone important to him. me.

Parker invested this mysterious Popplio some more. It's not like I'm a stalker or anything. I'm just...curious. He convinced himself. He's not a weirdo like that.

Some people are crazy people: wanting to stalk people to kill them, forcing people to love them as due result of stalking, or other ridicule things that shouldn't really occur.

I'm not like them. I'm more than them. I'm just going to continue looking at him; that's not weird at all. Parker breathed as he glanced at the younger. He was tucked under the sheets.

He almost seems...fragile. Parker quickly shook his head, there's no way snappy is fragile. He's ferocious. Or is that just when I'm talking to him? I think he acts that way towards everyone.

He scanned the Popplio. His paws were kinked around the bedsheets. His nose was hidden by a sky blue pack. It's-it's an ice pack, Parker thought, feeling guilt creep up his spine. He honestly regretted doing that to the poor little guy.

He hates him, yet he didn't want that to happen. Parker snatched the pack, lifting it super carefully; it was like Pip was his little child. This was a change in his personality, that's what he knew for sure.

He was certain he had hated Popplio. Especially since one-he shook his head violently, heart pumping.

Not this again. Of course I blame his kind. They're nothing but siren brutes! They are the reason I am all alone! I shouldn't pity any of them, yet...why do I pity this one; he isn't any different. He can't possibly be any different. He doesn't understand like the rest: they're just the death Pokémon, not Yveltal.

He put his paws on his eyes. He wiped the tears that started to linger there. He wasn't going to cry. He would not cry. Male Pokémon don't cry, he reminds himself, still trying to control the tears that would seem to be coming like they were a waterfall. They were a waterfall.

That's exactly what his emotions were: like a waterfall. He turned his attention back to the still Popplio. He doesn't seem like them. Why is he so innocent?

He sniffles, a stray tear coming down. I can't control all of them. He continued to gaze at the... sensitive Popplio. He couldn't contain himself.

The ice pack fell to the floor. Parker bent over the Popplio. He was unaware of how close he actually was to the tutu-necked circus Pokémon. He leaned over a little, hoping to get more.

He was hoping he could learn why this guy put on a hood. I can understand a Decidueye because they're ghost and can't really take it off ; They can it they try, but why a Popplio? That's just screaming I need to be investigated and stal-followed.

With all the madness going on in his head he didn't notice that Pip opened his eyes. I mean it's weird- he continued to ramble inside his head before a flipper prodded him.

He screamed. It was loud, embarrassing, and it sounded like a girl voice. He jumped, banging his head on the top bunk's skeleton in the meantime. Then, he fell onto the floor, his rump rippling in pain.

Pip peaked down at him, amusement lit in his gaze. " So do you hate me, or are you trying to cuddle? I'm getting mixed feelings." Pip teased, picking up the ice pack from the floor.

" Neither!" Parker exclaimed, feeling his face redden with anger. He curled his fists. Emotion boiling in his chest. He decided that now was as good of a time to tell him: " There's a meeting. Come on, I want to know what it's about." Parker commented, grabbing his flipper without realizing it.

He pulls Pip out of the room. " I want to know too," Pip admits, " But I don't think they're going to start this meeting without us, worrywart." Pip had a smirk on his face.

" Worrywart?! I'm not worried they're going to leave us behind on this information; I'm afraid you're going to be way too slow to catch up!" He exclaims, letting go of Pip's flipper. That made the Popplio disappointed, but Parker didn't see his face as he raced through the hallways.

Parker thought he had abandoned the Popplio, of which he thought was really slow, but Pip had caught up to him. He was somehow still on all fours, practically prancing like a Stantler.

It was pretty funny to watch. Guess not all Pokémon have the same feet, huh. Parker thought. A smile crept it's way onto his face. He couldn't help it, he was actually starting him. It's weird. I hated him yesterday. Why am I starting to like him now?

He shrugged it off. Even the most hated of rivals can be friends. Guess I just had to get out of my comfort zone for once, he ponders as he pursues on.

Pip was actually going past him! Him! He was pretty fast if he does say so himself. He would never even consider a Popplio to be as fast, or even possibly faster than him. I am the fastest of my siblings...or what was left of them.

Pip seemed to notice his attitude change. " Are you okay?" He asks him. Parker nods. I wouldn't expect a Popplio to understand what it's like to lose someone close to you, but maybe he does know....I just don't want to tell anyone to be honest.

Parker never actually got a chance to answer him. They were in the commons. Paarthurnax cleared his throat. " I see we have everyone here." He begins.

The Pokémon cluttered in the area started to chatter. " What's going on?" " Is it Taco Tuesday?" " On a Monday, Phil?! I doubt it!" " Does this have anything to do with us getting overtaken by poop and gummy bears or whatever that Umbreon said?"

" Shut up!" Paarthurnax roar, calming the freaking out storm that has started to go on. " No! None of that is what's happening; that gummy bear thing is never going to happen! This is even worse than anything you are mentioning!"

" Then what is it, sir?" Pip prods, no hood. He has no hood. Is that good, or did he just forget...? Paarthurnax silenced the masses once again.

" I have some unfortunate news. I have found a dead Mudkip in the forest. With the scent of a new Pokémon. I'm afraid to tell you that this Pokémon has the scent of a...a Pokémon we have never had to deal with before. I want all paws on deck." Paarthurnax informs.

Authors note: Who is this new Pokémon? Is it just a reference, or is it something else that they have to face? Is there a hidden force trying to mess with the Starter Squad? Hope you enjoyed. Tell me your thoughts. This will be the last one in a while. Happy April fools day, btw. 😘🥰😍😄😁😆😂😂😂😀😀😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😎😎😎😎😎😝😝😛🧐🧐😛🤓🤓😛🧐🧐🧐🧐😛😝😗🤣😘

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