Chapter 13 ~ The Norse Pack

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Chapter 13: The Norse Pack

The rhythmic thud of paws on grass soothed my soul. There were no worries out here. No fear of failing in front of my pack, no troubled thoughts about this being the day someone else took my spot as heir, no need to skip around my words in fear of causing an argument between my parents. It was just me, letting instincts loose, running as fast I could through a valley filled with life. Blurs of greens and browns, the rush of the river next to me, the blue sky stretching far beyond the mountains that stood guard; it was a place of peace.

The pass to the valley had scared me a little as it shadowed us, and I swore the ground beneath me had thudded like someone was hammering into the rock, but when it opened up, I’d been caught in awe. It reminded me of the glens of home. A bark from Orin told me to be free. To explore. It was hard to ignore the call of the wild but I was used to keeping a tight grip on my wolf.

Of course I didn’t stray far in my explorations. I could hear the others behind me and was surprised I’d even been allowed to lead the way, especially as I had no idea where I was going. Orin liked to assert his dominance over me but maybe Fenna had sweet talked him into letting me go for a bit.

Pouncing at the rustling branches of a bush next to me, I rolled in the mud, narrowly missing the red squirrel that ran straight up the trunk of a tree. Not that I’d really intended to catch it, it was always fun to play with prey.
I lay on my back panting for a while, watching clouds float by, taking deep inhales of the air to get used to the new scents of the Norse Pack’s territory. A snapping branch and suddenly I was being crushed by a heavy weight. Black fur told me it was Fenna who’d decided to play too and I wriggled beneath her, nipping playfully at a leg. She rolled off me easily, nudging into my side to get me back to my paws.

Her actions were clear: time to go. I recognised the restlessness in the way the others shifted on their paws. Impatience. We were close to the pack. Shaking out my fur, I followed her back to the others and allowed Orin and Fenna to take the lead again. She kept looking back at me as I fell behind, readying myself to meet the wolves who had become Fenna’s family. Would they accept me? I hoped so.

Ebbe chuffed next to me, nudging his bigger body into mine. Despite feeling oddly nervous around him after once more waking up sprawled over him, I accepted his encouragement. Lengthening my stride again, I kept my head held high, tail up. Confident and dominant but not quite challenging. I wanted the Pack’s first glimpse of me to make a good impression.

We followed the path for another hour or so before I caught sight of the settlement across the river. It was exactly as Orin had described for me countless times. Wooden huts, a hall pressed against one of the cliffs, tables, chairs, and benches scattered throughout, all surrounded by thick trees. Wolves stood in the river with long spears that were forgotten when they spotted us and the echo of howls announced our arrival to the rest of the pack.

Fenna and Orin happily ran through the river with Gisli hot on their heels. Ebbe went to follow but paused when I stayed back. Instincts warned me I was on another pack’s territory and it was difficult to keep calm when I wanted to growl and posture at the wolves gathering on the banking to greet us. Eyes flicked curiously to me and I had to force myself to look away.

A nip to my shoulder and Ebbe urged me on, staying by my side as we both started to trudge through the slow flowing river. It was shallow enough that I didn’t need to swim but even though it was the height of summer, it was freezing cold.

Once I reached the banking, I shifted to skin, keeping my distance as pack members surrounded Fenna and Orin, greeting them excitedly. It was nice to watch, to see that my friend truly was accepted and loved here. And I didn’t want to interrupt. Pups circled around Gisli and she crouched to hug them one by one. I glanced at Ebbe next to me.

“Why don’t you go greet them?” I asked, studying the tension that gripped him. He stood stiff beside me, watching the approach of a male and female who exuded power with every step. I knew who they were without asking.

“They missed my sister, and Orin and Fenna, I doubt they missed me,” he finally replied, blue eyes meeting mine with such sadness in their depths that betrayed the casual way he spoke.

“I'll stay here with you then.” I smiled, and it grew when he smiled back.

Maybe Ebbe and I wouldn’t end up killing each other as Mum had joked. He’d been nice since we’d left, comforting, suspiciously so.

The pack eventually dispersed again and I straightened up as Fenna motioned for me to come over. The Alpha pair watched me as I walked, and the hair on my arms stood on end from the power they held. I kept my gaze low and respectful, even while I studied them through my lashes.
Alpha Jakkon was older than my father, and far more intimidating with the expressionless mask he wore. Dark haired and blue eyed, I realised Orin was the double of his sire.

Alpha Female Signy set me at ease with her gentle smile, emerald eyes glinting as she took me in. She radiated warmth. A true mother to wolves, I knew that already.

“Mother, Father, this is Raeghan Ava Lyall, daughter of Alpha Roarke and Alpha Female Cathwulf.”

Stopping a few paces away, I tipped my head to bare my neck. “It’s nice to meet you, Alphas.”

“It’s a pleasure to have you here, Raeghan. Fenna talks about you so much I feel like I already know you,” Alpha Female Signy gushed. “Come here so I can get a look at you.”

Her kind words melted away the last of my worry and I lifted my head and stepped closer. She gripped my hands, eyes glittering as she studied my face.

“A beautiful female,” she complimented, her arm sliding around my shoulder to turn me towards her mate. “What do you think of Fenna's proposal then, my mate? The daughter of an Alpha learning from us is a fair trade for them teaching our daughter, is it not?”

I blushed, forcing my head up to meet the Alpha's gaze. Stern midnight eyes trailed over my form and I held my breath without realising, lifting my chin just a little, enough so that he might see a little of who I was.

His lips twitched, his head tipping to one side. “You’re the female who would be Alpha?”

“Yes,” I replied firmly.

His eyebrow quirked up and at first I thought he would berate me for speaking so. Glancing at his mate, he turned to his son next.

“She’s fast and strong, Father. We could use another hunter over the summer.”

I was surprised to hear Orin speak for me, especially in a tone filled with affection. He winked when he caught my shocked expression. Alpha Jakkon's gaze came back to me and he stepped in close to my space. I didn’t look away as he bared his teeth, testing me. When I dared to bare my own teeth, readying myself for a fight, he smirked.

“I see you, Raeghan,” he murmured, nodding to himself with a him. “It would be an honour to train a future Alpha, but remember your place here. You’re not pack. You eat last, you help with whatever is needed, and one day I might deem you worthy of being allowed to fight your way up and train under my eye. You have to prove yourself first. But I’ll make sure you’re sent back to your pack having learned what it truly means to be pack.”

All I could do was nod and hope he couldn’t see the waver in my stance. There was a depth to his words that I didn’t understand, and from the tilt to his head, I feared he could see that. My gaze flicked to Fenna and she smiled, giving me a nod of encouragement. Mum and Dad had both said that learning to work at the bottom of the pack would somehow help, maybe even make me feel more at ease. I had to trust them, and this new Alpha pair.

“Ebbe, you can keep her right. Take her with you when you do your chores,” he added, and my stomach dropped.

Ebbe and I might finally be getting along but being stuck with him wouldn’t help. As if that was the only reason anyway, the male sent my senses haywire. Not that I could say that. Signy squeezed my shoulder with a chuckle, mistaking the new frown on my face. “His chores aren’t too bad, I promise. You might even enjoy it. Once you’ve settled in, you can join Fenna in her training with me.”

“It would be an honour to train with you, Alpha Female-“

“You can call me Signy, Raeghan. Unless the situation calls for formality. You are Fenna’s cousin, therefore you are my family as well.”

More warmth filled me. This female was definitely less frightening than her mate.

“Let me see if I can sort you a place to stay so you don’t have to sleep in the hall tonight.” Arm still around me, she began to guide me to the hall that sat at the head of the settlement. Fenna walked on my other side and I could feel Ebbe trailing behind us as well while Orin and Jakkon stayed behind to talk. 

I took in everything about the settlement while we walked, the rustic living that was a surprise to see despite Fenna telling me this was how they lived. It was different seeing it; the wolves in animal hides and dresses that looked like something I’d see in a medieval movie rather than what anyone wore these days.
What would I look like in their clothes? How would they feel to wear? It would be better than parading around naked like I was now but other wolves here didn’t seem to have a problem. I was used to seeing too much of wolves, but not as blatantly as this. My cheeks blushed at the thought of it being a regular occurrence, remembering what Gisli had said about her brother’s dislike for clothes.

My throat tightened and suddenly I was very aware of the male walking behind me. I could feel his gaze on the back of my head. Gods, I swore I could hear him inhaling deeply as he often did around me. I had to dig my nails deep into my palm until it stung to stop that train of thought, focussing instead in the rickety steps that lead to two huge wooden door that were swung wide open.

The inside of the hall wasn’t as busy as I’d feared; I guessed the warm weather meant most of the pack were working outside. Tables and benches took up most the space, alongside one at the top where I guessed the high ranked sat. Behind that was a cave lit up by a single torch. A shiver went up my spine as I looked over the statues that filled it.

Cold stone faces stared blankly back at me, their features expressionless. It was eerie. Fenna hadn’t told me about this place but I knew I would try to stay as far away from it as possible, if only to stay away from the unsettling feeling that those dead eyes were in fact watching.

A feather brush against the back of my hand and I startled forward again with a yelp before spinning around to glare at a smirking Ebbe.

“That wasn’t funny,” I snapped, shoving his chest then blushing furiously at the look Signy was giving me, quickly mumbling, “Sorry.”

Attacking a member of her pack wasn’t a good start.

Green eyes flicked between us both and Ebbe was quick to bow his head, still smirking. “Forgive me, Alpha Female. I didn’t mean to scare her.”

Bullshit, I thought, narrowing my eyes.

Signy hummed in amusement. “Why don’t you go and see what needs done outside, Ebbe, while I see to our guest. I'll send her back to you soon.”

He frowned, glancing at me and opening his mouth before grunting and bowing his head again. He turned on his heel and headed back out of the hall and this time I couldn’t help myself. I looked, properly, catching sight of the scars that glittered on his skin again, rippling as muscles bunched.

I swallowed then let out a harsh breath.

“Good gods,” Signy murmured, snapping my attention back to her. “What did you do to him?”

I frowned, taking a wary step back. “What?”

Fenna laughed. “Not that you’ve done anything bad to him, Raerae. She’s probably just never seen him smile.”

I blinked, mouth forming an 'oh'. But I'd seen him smile. And smirk often too.

“Or apologise without teeth at his throat,” Signy added slowly, still staring at me like I’d pulled off some trick before she chuckled.

Now that, I could believe. It took days of me ignoring Ebbe and then leaving over the weekend to get him to say sorry for what he’d said to me in the basement.

Spinning around, Signy headed for a large chest set against the wall beside what I could only guess was a loom. If never seen one before, but Fenna had explained it’s use in making clothes and such.

“I’m relieved that he seems to have found whatever he needed to put him in a better mood. Things were starting to get tense here. . .” The Alpha Female's words were murmured under her breath, and I wondered if I was meant to hear.

Glancing up at Fenna for an answer to whatever that meant, she merely gave me a strained smile. I chuckled and folded my arms. “Am I not the only one he likes to poke at then?”

Once more Signy was staring over her shoulder at me like some alien.

“Ebbe is simply still learning about what pack is, just as you are. He’s a good male, but his life has taught him it’s easier to keep others out than let them in,” she explained.

Fenna linked her arm through mine and patted my hand. There was an odd look on her face and she gave Signy a meaningful look before whispering to me, “We think you’re going to be a good influence on him, that’s all.”

Whatever that meant.

“What do we think, Fenna? Green for our fire-kissed female?” Signy mused, pulling something out of the chest.

“Fire-kissed?” I’d never heard that expression before.

Signy nodded, reaching to touch a lock of my wavy, and currently knotted, Auburn hair. “It’s a beautiful colour. One of our Gods, Thor, has red hair.”

“So does Tuireann. Though some might say they are one in the same, a god stretching across pantheons,” I replied, managing to stop myself from going on too much of a lecture. My parents had passed on their love of folklore and stories of gods down to me.

“You know your mythology, pup.” She grinned. “Yes, I think you and I will get along quite well. So, green?”

I puffed up with pride, grinning back before looking at the green dress she held out, looking from it to me as if deciding what she thought. My mother’s favourite colour was green, sometimes I wondered if it was because of the colour of Dad's eyes. The colour of mine.

“She won’t tell you, so I will. She prefers blue,” Fenna said, and suddenly green eyes went wide as Signy's gaze flew back to me. Her smile changed, an intrigued tilt at the edge as she lowered the dress.

“Not dark blue though. . .something lighter.” She spun back around, mumbling to herself in the language of the pack. Fenna had taught me a little, but no more than greetings and questions about the weather so I didn’t understand most of what she said.

“Let me go get dressed. I’m assuming you’d prefer breeks to a dress, so I’ll lend you a pair of leggings. They might be a bit long for you though,” Fenna teased, winking as I grasped for her hand, silently begging her not to leave me alone but she slipped easily from my grip, moving quickly while giving me a thumbs up.

I swallowed, fingers fretting in front of me as Signy finally closed the chest and stood up. I wasn’t ready to be left alone yet but I had to suck it up. I wasn’t a pup.

Swiping a stray strand of blonde hair away from her face, Signy held a light blue tunic up, the fabric a little rougher than I was used to. She nodded in approval and stood back so I could slip it on. A slit at the neck showed more skin that I'd have liked but the laces would tighten enough to close it up. Though I had no real problem with nudity as it was a part of life for beings who shifted forms, I was still glad that my rear was finally covered from view. Just about. Nobody back home stayed naked longer than they really had to. I understood well now that it wasn’t the same here.

“The style suits you.”

Another compliment that had my cheeks flushing slightly. “Do you have something I can tie my hair back with?”

Signy frowned, reaching out to pull the gentle waves over my shoulders. “I suppose so much hair might get in the way for the things we have planned for you.”

At my aghast expression, Signy laughed. “Don’t look so terrified, or my wolves will eat you alive.” She laughed again at her own joke and I managed a nervous smile, tugging at the hem of the tunic.

Being eaten alive was almost exactly what I was afraid of.

Spinning me around, she began to section my hair and I could feel as she started to braid it. Tall enough that she towered over me as Fenna did, she didn’t ask me to sit as Mum would so she could fix my hair. The smell of slightly sweet leather and the braid was tied off at the end.

“There. It’s been a while since anyone’s let me do their hair. My female, Freydis, she does it herself most of the time now. Though I think she lets Bjarke too.”

Turning around with a smile, I bowed my head. “I’m not very good with hair, you’re welcome to do mine whenever.”

“Thank you, sweet pup.” She cupped my face with a warm hand, her thumb brushing over my cheek.

“Before I let you go, I’d just like to say that I know you’re far away from home, and from all you know, and that can be scary. So though I can’t give you any special treatment, while you’re here, you come under my protection. Consider me your surrogate Alpha Female. If there’s ever a time you’re upset, or need to talk, if any of my males or females treat you badly, you come to me. An Alpha Female is mother to all the wolves on her territory.”

A weaker wolf might have wilted. The sentiment hit my heart and once more I was overcome by this female. She leaned down to press her cheek to mine and we took in the others scent. Hers was so different from any of my pack’s, more floral mountain air than the rich, damp earth of home.

“Find Fenna, and then find Ebbe. He can show you around. Today you can rest from your travels, tomorrow you begin. Maybe you can stay in Bjarke's den while you’re here. . .” She shook her head then waved me off. “We’ll worry about that tonight.”

“Thank you,” I said, squeezing her hand. “I think this is the best place for me to be right now.”

A crease formed between her brows but she didn’t say anything and let me leave.

Standing at the top step of the hall, I looked out over the pack, watching them laugh as they worked together. A fresh breeze brought with it only the scents of the wild and my skin shimmered as my wolf urged me to answer the call.

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