Chapter 15 ~ Far From Home

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I'm still recovering so I'm sorry if there's any mistakes

I'm going to post a special prologue for this story in my Facebook Group soon so make sure to join up and keep an eye out!

Chapter 15: Far From Home

I was already awake when Ebbe swung open the door to my temporary den the next morning. Scowl in place, there was no sign of the playful wolf who'd enjoyed our game of who could get to the most traps yesterday. His eyes raked over me as I hauled myself to my feet. There was a lingering ache from running nonstop the last few days but it wasn't anything worse than I was used to.

Already dressed, hair scraped back, face washed, I was ready for whatever orders he had to throw my way.

"We're on breakfast duty," he grumbled.

"Does that mean I can sneak some of the good stuff before I'm left with scraps?" I teased, wanting to see his smile. Or what passed for a smile when it came to Ebbe. He only stared at me blankly before leaving quickly out the door.

I huffed and followed him.

Someone was in a bad mood. Again. And I couldn't be bothered fighting him to tell me what was wrong so I trailed behind him, taking a deep breath of fresh morning air as my feet sunk into damp grass. Birds chirped happily in the trees that surrounded us and I wondered just how early it had to be for the whole settlement to be empty.

"All you have to do is stir the pot. I'll sort the rest," Ebbe said as he knelt by an array of food and fruits of every variety, some of which I was sure couldn't be grown here. Vegetables from the vegi patch I'd seen a few wolves tending to yesterday, oats, meats, breads...the pack had to have contacts with farmers or shops. I'd definitely not seen any pigs around to provide the bacon Ebbe was cooking while I stirred a pot of what smelt and looked like thick porridge.

Sitting next to him, I grabbed the wooden spoon and dutifully began to solely stir. It was hard to seem properly awake when I was given something so menial to do. Running was what I usually did in the morning
Yawning loudly, I finally caught a glimpse of Ebbe's smile.


"Nothing." He smirked. "But if you're tired now, you're not going to last the week."

It was my turn to scowl. "I'm sure I'll manage but thank you for your encouragement."

He chuckled, shaking his head as he returned his attention to cooking. We remained silent for the rest of the morning, thought it wasn't awkward. Ebbe seemed to be deep in thought about something and I knew better than to ask.

The pack woke up slowly, sleepy parents trying to keep excitable pups quiet and still until breakfast was ready. It was frustrating watching others take what Ebbe and I had made while we had to wait, my job being to dish out the porridge into bowls and plates held out to me with no thanks offered. At least Fenna gave me a wink when she took her food, and Orin had smirked at my scowl.

My stomach was growling loudly, hunger pangs leaving me shifting on my knees. I moved quickly when it was finally my turn but Ebbe was making sure to take his sweet time. Swallowing a growl because I wasn't allowed to rush him, I settled for muttering under my breath. Then I was left surprised when he didn't take the last bit of bacon. My eyes flew up to his face but he turned away and took his spot to eat on the outskirts.
Snatching the bacon, some fruit, and bread, I took my place next to him.

"You didn't have to do that," I murmured.

All he gave me in answer was a shrug, as if he had no idea what I was talking about. I smiled anyway, nudging my shoulder against his before my gaze wandered over the pack. To learn, I needed to watch. I knew some were talking about me but I didn't care too much. Like Wulf had said yesterday, new faces meant gossip. At least I was leaving my mark here, or I would before I left. I'd give them something to talk about that would be to my advantage.

With that new plan in mind, I ate quickly, eager to get to work in the hopes I'd gain some approval. Tearing the bacon I'd left for last in half, I handed a bit to Ebbe. He looked slowly from it to me, his narrowed blue eyes calculating. There was no trick though. I'd noticed how little he'd put on his plate to make sure I could gorge myself like I usually did.

A rumble of encouragement slipped past my lips that left me blushing and him fighting a smile, but he took the offering. Sharing food was an intimate act, but having Ebbe on my side might become handy. I grinned as he ate, sitting back on my hands to let my breakfast settle in my stomach, preparing for whatever Alpha Jakkon and the pack had to throw at me today.

It was then I caught another set of blue eyes that were narrowed in suspicion, or maybe it was distaste. She'd seen what passed between me and the male she'd taken under her wing.


Her head tipped to one side, she studied me like I'd been caught doing something I shouldn't. I had to bite my cheek to stop from answering the challenge I felt coming from her. I didn't have the right to challenge anymore. That was going to be hard.
What did she have to be suspicious about anyway? I was free to do what I wished with my food and surely she couldn't be angry I'd offered it to Ebbe. I shifted uncomfortably.

"So," I mused, tearing my gaze away from the angry she-wolf and back to the grumpy male beside me. "Am I with you today?"

Ebbe smirked, wiping his fingers in the grass. "Alpha Jakkon informed me I'm in charge of you for now. You'll do as I say."

Great. I was sure he wouldn't make the experience pleasant for me. Maybe I could soften him with more food.

"Once everyone's done eating, you can gather and clean all the dishes. Madden might have some tools he needs cleaned too," he continued, looking far too smug. "And I'll supervise."

"You can't leave it all for me to do."
His grin widened and I shoved his shoulder.

"Of course I can. I'm in charge."

Irritation flared but I couldn't say anything, not without questioning direct orders from an Alpha. Quite why I was given to Ebbe to boss around rather than Signy or Fenna, I didn't understand. What was I going to learn about being an alpha from a male who seemed to hate me one minute and then tolerate me with teasing and smiles the next?

My mother had said I needed to begin at the bottom, and she believed I'd find some sort of freedoms in that; in not needing to fight to keep my place or make others understand I was deserving. And perhaps I would, so the best thing for now was to suck it up.

Still, being at the bottom meant not being near Fenna, and I needed her encouragement. So far away from home like Signy had said, I needed to keep my friends close. She was all I had here. Now I was practically sulking.

As soon as the pack finished eating, I tried to catch a hold of Fenna but she ignored me when I called her name and left me standing feeling alone. I frowned, swallowing back the lump that appeared in my throat. She hadn't heard me, that was all.

I shook my head, lifting my chin up and taking a deep breath. It was okay, I didn't need her. The pit in my stomach was no more than nerves.
A whistle behind me and I closed my eyes, taking yet another deep breath before turning to face Ebbe. Lounging on the grass, he motioned to the wooden bowls, mugs, horns and leftover food scattered around. Right. It was time for me to play pack maid. I made sure he could feel my irritation as I scooped what I could into my arms to take to the river, followed by the sound of his chuckling. He really was going to just sit and supervise.

Without Ebbe's help, it was a tedious task. But it was nice to be outside under the hot sun, kept cool by the river everything was washed in. Leftover food that could be had later was saved, everything else was either cast off or used for the vegetable patch. Lugging dishes around and running after pack members who came to add to my chores, my annoyance grew with the male lying on his back with an arm over his eyes to shield him from the sun. More than once I imagined kicking him as I hurried past.

I wondered if he'd told the pack to come to me for whatever they wanted. Or maybe it had been the Alpha pair who were allowing me to be run ragged. Either way, there was no rest for me. When I finally finished washing the dishes in between fetching water, clothes, and tools, I felt as worse for wear as I did after training with Weylin.

I searched for Ebbe amongst the pack to ask what to do next but frowned when there was no sight of him. A little more of my self-confidence chipped away. I didn't recognise a single face around me and didn't feel brave enough to approach a single one. I'd never felt so isolated before.
Even when a few had asked me to do things for them, none had spoken in English, creating a very clear line between me and them. Shifting on my feet, I wrapped my arms around myself.

Lunch came and I ate alone, picking at bread and a strong cheese that I ended up leaving. There was no sign of Fenna or Orin, Signy was no where to be seen and Jakkon had disappeared after breakfast. Even Ebbe hadn't reappeared. Was it something I'd said or done? How had Fenna managed to find a home amongst wolves that hated outsiders so much?


Jerking out of my wallowing, I squinted up at the shadow in front of me. Gleaming yellow eyes glinted with sympathy and finally someone offered me a gentle smile. Wulf held his hand out and I gladly accepted, hoisting myself to my feet.

"Do you want to see how we ready the furs and skins to be used for clothing, maybe you can help?" Though he posed it as a question, I knew I didn't have a choice.

I nodded. "It'll be handy to learn."

With a grin, he showed me the way and I was happy to see Gisli inside the hut we entered. She also had a grin for me, scrambling over to greet me cheek to cheek. She stayed close to my side and helped Wulf show me how to hang the furs and fix the skins.

Just as I started to relax into the sway of things, feeling companionship with Gisli and Wulf, I was reminded of my place when tea came round. Ebbe was still gone, which meant not only did I eat last, I ate alone. And then I was left to clean up after everyone again.

By the time I fell into the pile of furs that made up my bed that evening, I was exhausted. My back hurt from spending so much time hunched over the river, my fingers were raw from scrubbing dishes, and unlike back at home, there was no myriad of good nights from family. Tears stung my eyes but I refused to cry. Strong females, alphas, they didn't cry because they felt lonely, especially since it was only my first real day here.

"Suck it up," I told myself, taking a minute to just lie and breathe before pushing myself to sit up.

I needed to build a fire, Ebbe hadn't left one for me like he had last night. While during the day it was almost unbearably warm, the evening brought a chill to the air. Shoving myself to my knees, I crawled over to the firepit and narrowed my eyes at the flint before turning my attention to snapping small branches to place over dry leaves.

I could do this.

Taking the flint, I took out my frustrations of the day on them but that frustration only grew when it refused to spark. I swore, close to tears once more.

Slumping back, I ran a hand through my hair, soothing myself before trying again. I was so tired. All I wanted to do was curl up and sleep, and I was sure if I slept in fur then I'd be warm enough but giving up wasn't in my nature. Taking the flint in hand again, I closed my eyes, picturing how Ebbe had done it when he'd shown me. It was easy to see him in my head, my wrists copying his flicking movement.

I heard the spark, smelt the leaves burn as they caught fire, and grinned as I opened my eyes. Leaning down to blow gently, I soon had my first 'done by myself' fire.

"I so got this." Nodding to myself, my anger at Ebbe for ditching me and leaving me to face the teeth of his pack alone slowly faded.

Peeling off my clothes, I left them in a pile and crawled into the bedding. I'd never seen so many furs and blankets but happily buried myself beneath them, pretending the scents of Bjarke and Freydis weren't there. They'd fade soon, replaced by my own, and I'd feel more settled. Right then, it felt very much like trespassing.

Sleep came for me swiftly, my exhausted body putting up no fight at all. Not like it normally did. But hopes that the next day would be better were dashed as soon as I was woken by Alpha Jakkon opening the door to my den.

It was still pitch black outside, not even a shimmer of silver from the moon, and it took time for my eyes to adjust. It couldn't be anywhere near sunrise yet, which meant it had to be the wee hours of the morning still. I'd only gotten a handful of hours sleep.
Jakkon's eyes swept over the den before falling to where I was still trying to wake up properly. I sat up carefully, rubbing sleep from my eyes and keeping a blanket up to cover my skin. "Is something wrong?"

"Not at all," he replied quietly, jerking his head towards the door. "Get dressed and meet me outside."

I nodded around a loud yawn, blurry eyes watching him step back outside. A small flicker of excitement in my belly helped me feel a little more alove as I shimmied back into clothes and boots. Was he going to train me today? Show me how to be an Alpha
Grinning, I rebraided my hair and practically ran outside, so eager to learn, until I saw the three buckets by his feet.

Arms folded, blue eyes twinkled in amusement as my face fell. "Normally Ebbe does this, but with you here, I've told him he can have a few hours extra sleep. The pot for breakfast needs to be filled, boil it slowly for those preparing breakfast; you can stay and help them too. The barrel also needs refilled for drinking water in the hall and by the main table outside before everyone wakes up. Be quick so the patrols will have something fresh to drink when they get back."

Grinding my teeth together, I accepted my chores from him with a tight smile. He smirked again, chuckling as he turned on his heel and wandered back down the path to his own den. All the while, I glared at the Alpha's back. He was going to retreat to the warmth of his bed with his mate by his side while I trudged about in the dark. I worked quickly to warm myself up, filling the pot and then the barrel. Then I helped with breakfast again, and my second day was spent much the same as the first. And the third day. . .the fourth. . .

I began to regret ever leaving home.

But it had to change. Right? Omegas were treated with the same respect as every other member of the pack, but I was beneath even them now. Nobody would speak to me unless to ask me to do something, some barely looked at me. Ebbe pulled his disappearing act every day and left me alone and Gisli was busy looking after pups.

Why was Fenna allowing this? And what had happened to the sweet words of the Alpha Female who promised to look out for me? It wasn't like I could complain. She often sat and watched me work with a smile before wandering off again before I could even think to speak to her. This treatment of me was what Alpha Jakkon had decreed and so I did my best to bear it.

Rubbing my face, it was a struggle to so much as keep my eyes open. The tree I rested against gave me a clear view of the whole settlement and I watched with growing jealousy as Fenna laughed and joked amongst her friends. It was the first moment of peace I'd gotten in days but it didn't feel very peaceful, not when there was a basket of clothes I soon needed to give back to their owners. Then I was to help at the plot of land used for farming while the pack was making use of their homeland.

Alone and barely watched now, I could close my eyes and doze under the sun in preparation for yet more hard labour. At least until I was called to get off my ass. Although, I didn't seem to be the only one that felt like the odd one out. Ebbe never seemed to be amongst the pack, I'd never seen him interact much with anyone either. At least, not with anyone who wasn't his sister of Aljana.

I caught him watching me too sometimes, signature frown in place until he'd end up storming off into the woods. I was alone. But there was a comfort in knowing I wasn't alone, in being alone.

Once more I found myself softening towards him. There was a sense of comradery between us even if he wouldn't acknowledge it, neither of us felt at home here.

Even after only two days, I knew one thing; it wasn't any way for a wolf to live. He looked so lost sometimes that my wolf urged me to comfort but I knew how that would end.
So I suffered in silence. Missing home more and more everyday.

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