Chapter 29 ~ Gaolor

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What do you make of the mystery male? Do you trust him?

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Chapter 29: Gaolor

My head was spinning as I made my way downstairs, one hand on the banister to keep myself steady. The paintings on the wall blurred in and out of focus but I managed to keep my legs moving and hold of the waves of emotions battering my senses.

While I felt some measure of relief after speaking with my Alpha, my stomach still fluttered with butterflies, and the ache after running non-stop for the last week was beginning to be felt now adrenaline was wearing off. I was exhausted, but there was still so much to be done. Including coming to terms with the fact that I'd all but challenged my dad while he lay in his sick bed. And there hadn't been any disappointment from him. In fact, he'd looked almost pleased.

I sighed as I reached the bottom step, rubbing my face to try and waken up but I ended up yawning so hard, my jaw clicked. Even my thoughts were muddled with the need to sleep.

Tomorrow. I'd begin working tomorrow. This just wouldn't do.

I'd get myself some food, check on Mum, and then crash in bed. Hopefully I wouldn't have to track Ebbe down, I didn't think I'd be able to rest until I knew he was back and that we were okay.

The high-pitched jingle of childish laughter echoed from the kitchen and I couldn't hep but grin, the sound alone filling me with energy. I knew whose laughter that was, and I'd missed my little monsters far too much. Forgetting about the worries of the pack, I all but ran down the hall and slid into the kitchen. The pups' favourite place to cause mischief.

Maebh, Basjan, Jamie and Ellie must have formed a strong bond while I was away. The four of them were darting in delight around the kitchen island with cookies in hand, leaving a trail of crumbs in their wake.

I eyed the makeshift ladder they'd created from a folding chair and a thick book before clearing my throat. They all stopped short, heads whipping round in my direction. For a moment, they looked as though they were trying to decide whether to run in an attempt to get away with their antics, or admit defeat and apologise.

Before I could react, they made their decision and I was suddenly being stampeded. Even Basjan came running over to grab at my leg while little voices all shouted greetings and declarations of how much they'd missed me over the top of one another. All my troubles slowly faded as I crouched to wrap them all up in my arms, squeezing them tight. They all nuzzled in, taking deep pulls of my scent as their cheeks rubbed against my skin.

"Don't think you can get out of trouble by being so sweet. You know better than to run around the kitchen, and what if that chair had fallen over?" I scolded, making a snatch for the cookie Jamie held but he quickly whipped it out of the way.

"We were very careful. If you want your own you have to ask," he sniffed, unfazed by being put back in his place. At least his sister stood pouting at the ground with rosy cheeks, but she'd always been the more sensible of the pair.

I smirked, slowly rising with a soft growl while Jamie proved he was definitely Quillan's son as he bared little fangs at me.

Narrowing my eyes, I fixed him with my best stern look. "If you don't have to ask then I don't. I think I'll have your cookie and tell your parents what I caught you doing. Don't think I don't know who was the mastermind behind erecting a climbing frame."

Jamie huffed, blue eyes scrunching as he bowed his head in defeat. With a small chuckle, I ruffled his dark hair. "I won't tell as long you promise not to do it again. Away with you now, Alpha Roarke is trying to rest."

Maebh giggled in triumph and quickly began to run towards the back door with Ellie in tow. Jamie gave me a smug grin before grabbing Basjan's hand and dragging him in the same direction. I stared after them in amusement, wondering which babysitter they'd managed to slip away from this time. It was nice to see Basjan had fit right in here too.

Disassembling the makeshift ladder, I tucked the chair back under the table and place the book on the counter. At least they'd chosen a dictionary and not one of the priceless books we kept around the house.

Footsteps echoed behind me, followed by the scent of floral lavender and earth toned herbs. I turned to smile at my Auntie Oria, glad to see her face again. Freydis was with her, emerald green eyes as eerily watchful as ever.

Did she know Ebbe was back, could she smell him on my skin? And most importantly, would she react as badly as Aljana had when she spotted what was going on between us.

"I finally found you," Oria chirped, coming over to greet me cheek to cheek.

I had to stretch to reach, and silver hair fell around me like a veil as she held me tight. I relaxed into the comfort she gave me with the gentle touches to my arm, a soft rumble from her chest against mine

"I was with Dad. He's put me in charge of our guest downstairs."

"He has?" She pulled back with a wide crystal blue eyes, yet something smug lingered at the edge of her lips. "That's a big responsibility, Raeghan."

I shrugged, feeling a slight blush rise to my cheeks. It was a big deal, even if it wasn't something I was particularly looking forward to.

Peering over her shoulder, Freydis offered me a small smile and nod in greeting.

"It's nice to see you again, Freydis. Ebbe came back with me, I don't know if you've seen him yet."

"He found Bjarke and I before he went for a run," she replied. "I'm very proud to hear what he accomplished back home with your help."

I shook my head with a small frown. "It was all down to him. I didn't do anything."

She chuckled huskily and shared a look with Oria that made my defensive instincts kick in. Once more I was left wondering just how much she knew. I'd only been home a matter of hours but I had no doubt most the pack would know Ebbe was here with me, perhaps as more than just a guide and hunter at my right before the day was over. Secrets never lasted long amongst pack.

"Are you here for lunch? I'm going to make some sandwiches." I gave Oria a grateful look for changing the subject.

"Please and thank you."

Sitting at the table, I propped my chin on my hand and the moment I did, my eyes fluttered shut. Sleep beckoned and I wasn't sure how much longer I'd be able to fight it.

The scrape of a chair being pulled out in front of me startled me half awake again, and I listened to the two females discuss patients they'd seen today, and the medical equipment that was being made specifically for Freydis to take back to the pack for her and Madden.

I wondered what exchange was being made for that, the equipment wasn't cheap.

"Cheese for you and chicken for our guest." Placing two plates in front of me, Oria dusted her hands and looked at me expectantly.

Two plates?

And then realisation dawned.

"I was hoping to put off seeing the bastard until tomorrow. I haven't slept, and I'm still feeling a little murderous towards him for trying to kill my father and take over the pack. Surely whoever has been feeding him until I got here can do it one more time?"

Oria laughed as she sat down next to Freydis. "He's your responsibility. He needs fed."


"Well," I muttered, pulling my sandwich closer. "I can at least eat first, right?"


My teeth ground together in anticipation of finally laying eyes on the foolish male who'd challenged my father. Each step leaving me more tensed.

Liam, Weylin and Brighid stood outside the basement door as I walked around the side of the house. Their eyes immediately went to the chicken sandwich I was carrying and if I was less stressed, I might have laughed and teased them.

The three wolves lifted their gazes to look at me and I swallowed down the growl that wanted to tear from my throat. It became harder and harder to clamp down on the bloodthirsty part of myself that wanted to shove them out of the way, tear down the stairs, and rip apart our prisoner.

"It's good to have you home again, Raeghan," Weylin greeted with a strained smile.

I couldn't blame him for the wary way he watched me. Even I could sense the crackle of fury in the air around me. Taking a deep breath, I forced a smile on my face. "It's good to be back, I missed home."

Liam bent down to brush his cheek to mine and I tried not to react when he pulled back with a slight frown. Could he could smell Ebbe on me?

Clearing my throat, I tried not to react.

"Dad. . .our Alpha, he's put me in charge of him." Jerking my head towards the door, I couldn't disguise the venom in my tone, outweighing any pride at being given such an important task. I could smell the male from here. A strange mix of the usual earthy Wulver tones polluted by the stink of a city.

Brighid bowed her head and gave me an encouraging smile. "We'll follow your command then."

Her words rocked me on my feet. No fight needed to prove my place, she submitted to my new position almost smugly. Weylin hummed as he considered me and I quickly added, "Your input would be greatly appreciated. If you think I'm doing something wrong, I've no doubt you'll be quick to tell me, and I'll listen."

"Has the Norse Pack been teaching you diplomacy, pup?"

Liam chuckled, folding his arms across his chest. He wouldn't step down so easily either.

While Brighid was an integral part of the wolves that made up the scouts, she didn't hold a real rank in the pack. Weylin however was the Alpha's head warrior, it wasn't in his nature to bow to anyone who hadn't beaten him in a fight. And Liam? As Ben's mate, the Alpha's third, he too was born to stand his ground.

Lifting myself up with a breath, my chin jutted out and I was sure my eyes were glowing as I set loose the new power I'd found within myself. Lips peeling back slowly, a deep growl rumbled from my chest to beat against the two males. Liam's eyes widened, a flash of blue streaking across as he took me in. He strained to keep his head up, while Weylin merely smirked.

"A nice trick," he commented, nodding his head slowly. "I'll test what else you've learned later."

I smirked at that. I couldn't wait. If I could take Weylin down. . .well, besides my father and perhaps Quillan, he was one of the strongest in the pack. That would surely gain me some respect, even those that still thought I was a pup playing at a game I didn't understand.

And then my attention flicked back to the matter at hand and tension returned to my body. I gripped the plate so tight I might have broken it if Weylin hadn't gripped my shoulder.

"Do you want me to go in with you?"

Swallowing harshly, I shook my head and turned towards the door. "No. I need to go in alone. More than one of us, and he'll be more likely to clamp up. If he wants our mercy, he has to give compliance in return, which means telling us exactly what the fuck-" I blushed briefly at the look all three wolves gave me for swearing. "-he was thinking."

"Good luck with getting him to talk." Brighid winked and unlocked the door, pulling it open wide to reveal the wooden stairs that led down. "He hasn't so much as given us his name and he only stops growling if Sam or Oria are there."

Oh, I'd get him to talk.

Straightening my shoulders, I continued to let dominance flow as I marched down the stairs and along the room to the same cell Ebbe had been locked in all those months ago. He, however, hadn't deserved it. Not in my eyes, at least.

Stepping up to the bars, my eyes scanned the small space before frowning at the hunched figure on the floor in the shadowed corner. Light brown hair was cropped short but his head was lowered so I couldn't see his face. Muscled arms rested on his knees, and his was skin dark with a collage of dark tattoos I couldn't quite make out. Though I was certain by their shape and glimpses of colour they weren't the runes and symbols I was used to.

My nose scrunched as I attempted to take in his scent properly, the sour, copper tang of old blood tainted the everything in here. Whatever injuries he'd sustained were healing if the musty smell was anything to go by. He'd been badly hurt too, perhaps life-threateningly so.


Glancing between the scruffy figure and the perfectly good bed at the opposite side, I cleared my throat so he wouldn't be able to pretend he hadn't heard me.

"Is the mattress not to your liking?" I hissed, perturbed by his blatant refusal to take the comfort we'd offered him, which was far more than deserved. There was even a book on the floor, its white pages splayed haphazardly open like it had been carelessly tossed aside.

"You're new. What do you want?" he muttered, voice deep, and husky as if he hadn't had a drink in days. Tilting his head up just enough so I could see the glow of ocean grey eyes, I was taken in by swirling colours like raging waves crashing against rocks. His expression was pinched with rage.

Rage, and sorrowful resignation. From the slump to his shoulders and disregard for my being there, he'd accepted his fate. And for some reason that only infuriated me further.

"So, the fool the Alpha gave mercy to does speak after all?"

Stony silence met my remark, and I could hear my parents berating me for taunting him. I was meant to be trying to get him to open up, but I just couldn't resist. Especially as he was showing a blatant lack of appreciation for his situation. Holding out the plate towards the bars, I tried to keep my voice somewhat gentle as I begrudgingly offered, "I hope chicken is okay."

He scoffed. Actually scoffed, remaining where he sat and moving his gaze to the concrete floor. Irritation flared again and a dark chuckle left my lips. Picking up half the sandwich so I was sure he could see it, I inspected it with faux interest.

"I know you haven't eaten in a while, and you've been healing from grave injuries which uses up a lot of energy, so you must be starving," I observed.

Grey eyes flicked up to mine and I made sure he could see my hate for him, my voice almost a growl as I continued, "Believe me, would-be usurper, you're going to want your strength. . ."

A guffaw wasn't the reaction I expected. The male laughed like I'd told the funniest joke, tipping his head so the light lit up half of his face.

"Would-be usurper? Who the fuck talks like that?"

My hand slammed against the metal bars, my patience snapping. How could he be laughing? His life was in my hands and yet he didn't seem to care in the slightest. Was it a lack of understanding, did he think we would just keep him in this cell for the rest of his days?

"I don't think you understand the gravity of your situation, mutt," I hissed.

That got a reaction. The male was on his feet and prowling towards me in an instant, fangs on show and glinting under florescent lights. Mottled green and yellow bruising covered one half of his face, and the tall male might have intimidated me if he was at full strength. Broader than Ebbe, he looked more like one of the male's Weylin and my father would train from other pack's

"I am not a mutt, you little bitch," he spat. "I don't want your bed, or your water, or your food, or your weird speeches. You'll get nothing from me because I have nothing to say to any of you. I lost the challenge; I accept my fate. None of it will matter in the end when I'm dead anyway."

Defeat coated his words with bitterness as he turned away to slump back down in his corner. I frowned at him, his unexpected demeanour making my anger stutter for just a moment.

"Don't you understand? If we wanted you dead, my father would have killed you during the challenge. He's under the impression you have reasoning for your actions that's worth hearing out. Or at least, he believes you can earn forgiveness. Challenges are the way of the wolf, after all." I had to grit that last bit out between clenched teeth. It was our way, and I respected that, but that didn't mean I had to like it. Especially when as far as I was concerned, this male couldn't have single reason I'd deem understandable.

The male frowned, sitting up a little straighter.

"The Alpha is your father?" he asked quietly, like it hadn't even occurred to him that the male he'd attacked would have a family.

I nodded, watching him closely. He sat still for a while and then the silence was broken by the obnoxious rumble of the his stomach. With an eye roll, I placed the plate on the floor and nudged it towards him. "Just eat, for the sake of the gods."

Again he stared at me like I'd said something in another language, one eyebrow raised before he turned his face away.

My fingers twitched but I schooled my features and sighed heavily. At this rate his death would be by his own hands.

"Fine. I'll eat it then," I said.

Just as I was about to pick it up, the male grumbled, "Wait. . .I'll have it."

Chuckling, I slowly stepped back and grabbed a chair, setting it in front of his cell. I sat with my arms folded, chewing my lip as I debated how to go about getting through to him. And how to keep my temper.

He did take the offered food, but he kept up his rebellion by sitting stubbornly on the floor. His gaze remained transfixed on me, just as mine was on him. The more I studied him, taking in deep pulls of his scent, the more confused I became.

Petrol fumes, cigarette smoke, and the unmistakable scent of humans all mingled together, almost cancelling out the natural, earthier tones that told me he was Wulver.

"Why do you smell like you've been living in the middle of a city?" I finally demanded, eyes narrowing in accusation. He'd spent enough time amongst humans that their scents had rubbed into his skin. It sent alarm bells ringing. Sometimes humans caught a whiff of proof about Wulvers, or others in our shadow community, and would stop at nothing to find us, to shove us on the front page of newspapers and internet headlines.

That would just be the beginning.

A snarl twisted his features and he tore angrily into his lunch, his eyes flicking defiantly to the floor. I'd hit a nerve.

"Do work with them? Live with them?" I pressed. "You smell like you do."

His shoulders tensed and he froze for a full minute before he finished chewing then swallowed. "None of your business, is it? I'm Wulver, like you, that's all you have to know."

I snorted, the sound caught between bemusement and scorn.

"We aren't anything alike," I snapped, rising from my chair. "I'm your gaoler. If you want to keep being afforded the luxury of being kept alive, you need to start talking. Starting with who you are, where you come from, and why the fuck you were stupid enough to challenge one of the strongest Alphas in the country on a whim!"

Laughing again, he shook his head at me and finished off his sandwich. I had to curl my fingers and dig my nails into the palm of my hands to stop myself from doing anything rash.

He didn't want to offer anything to me, he didn't trust me, and to be fair why should he? I certainly didn't trust him. But his attitude was rubbing my fur the wrong way, enticing me to let the wolf out and get the revenge I craved. Even the way he sat showed blatant disrespect, his body twisted away from me, but not quite giving me his back.

"How long do you think you can cope with being locked up?" I asked, tapping my leg as I sat back down and took a calming breath. "If you're Wulver, like me, it won't take long before being trapped gets to your head. How long before it starts to drive you mad and you lose yourself to your fur? A month maybe?"

That caught his attention.

A flash of silver in his eyes betrayed fear shining through this defiance. The petrol tang of his rage filled the air and I tipped my head, waiting, only to huff when he kept his lips pressed into a thin line. I'd gotten a better sense of his wolf though, a flurry of wild as his skin shifted then settled. He had control.

"Look," I muttered, leaning forward. "I don't want to be down here speaking to you anymore than you. My dad spared your life, which means he's offering you a chance of getting out of this cage. Falling in a challenge would have been an honourable death. Being executed for stubbornness however, would be shameful... I'll give you the night to think over what you want. When I come back tomorrow, you can either speak and take a chance at being set free with whatever boundaries my father sets in place for you, or you can continue to rot down here until you lose your sanity and we have to put you down like a rabid dog."

It was harsh. And possibly mostly lies. I couldn't see my father keeping him down here forever, even if the male refused to speak. We could easily chase him off our territory and make sure he knew never to return. But he didn't have to know that.

Pushing myself to my feet for a final time, my eyes raked over at him once more. His jaw was clenched, hands fisted, muscles bunched and tense as he glared at the ground. Good. He was thinking.

"I'll make sure someone comes down to give you a meal and something to drink in the evening." With that, I turned away and headed down the hall and back up the stairs.

I paused at the top step with my hand on the door handle, my fingers drumming over the metal as I contemplated what I'd made of the odd male, if I could see what had made my father spared him. But my hatred of him still burned strong and I shook my head, pushing open the door.

Weylin was still there with Flidais and they both gave me an expectant look. I shrugged my shoulders uselessly, folding my arms as Weylin leaned in to lock the door.

"He ate, and spoke but he gave me nothing. No name, no mention of a home or pack he belongs to, no reason for what he did." Frustrated and tired, I glared at the basement door. "Have you noticed his scent?"

Flidais frowned, her head tipping to one side. "His scent? I can't say I've been close enough to him to really study it."

I hummed, tearing my eyes away from the door to look at the guards now under my control.

It didn't matter that it might have meant nothing; I was oh so curious about why a wolf would choose to live in a city and surround themselves with humans they couldn't be themselves with. Especially as there was no scent that told me he'd been around other Wulvers.

Perhaps that was why dad spared him, that same curiosity. It was important we found out as much as possible, if there was a chance a random human was walking around with knowledge about us, we needed to know who they were.

Weylin reached out to squeeze my shoulder, stern brown eyes soft with concern for once. "You got him to speak, even if he revealed nothing, that's more than we've gotten. I'm sure your parting words will see a change in mood tomorrow. You've grown fierce."

My cheeks heated. So they'd heard the threats I'd given our prisoner, I'd half expected to be berated for using such a cheap tactic, but if it worked, I wouldn't care about frightening him. Giving them both a quick smile, I left them to their guard duties and headed back inside.

Leaning against the front door as I closed it, my head fell back and eyes closed as a long sigh left my lips. In one thing, Weylin had a point; I'd managed to break the male's silent treatment towards us; his laughter and derision was more than he'd given anyone else. A small accomplishment on a long list of things still to deal with.

"You should just go to bed, my pup," Mum spoke, and I looked over to see her walking out of the office and down the hall. Her stride was a little more confident than it had been this morning. Her head was held high, shoulders back, auburn hair tied into a neat bun. But her gaze shifted around as if she expected an attack at any moment.

Pushing away from the door, I lifted myself up too. "There's too much that needs done. I haven't even spoken to Quillan about the patrols, or you about what we can do to reassure the pack, and keep the council at bay-"

"All things that will still be waiting for your attention tomorrow. Exhausting yourself isn't going to help anyone, Raeghan. Go to bed. Now."

I couldn't even find the energy to argue. She was right, I needed to be at my best and right now I was running on fumes. Mum pressed a quick kiss to my cheek as I passed, but I swore she stiffened as she took in my scent. I caught a glimpse of that haunted look in her eyes again before it was replaced by a motherly smile and a whispered, "Sleep well."

Finding my room empty set my shoulders slumping. Ebbe hadn't come back, but who knew how long he'd need to ground himself in the wild.

Despite the anxiety about the way he and I parted, the moment my head hit the pillow, I fell into a deep sleep. Nobody came to wake me for chores or food, and it wasn't until late into the night that I stirred.

A creak had woken me, and a draft of cool air that told me the bedroom window had been opened. Then the bed dipped and the smell of wildflowers filled my next breath.

"Ebbe?" I mumbled, trying to turn to face him in the dark, but his hand gripped my hip, keeping me in place.

"Shh." His body curled around my back, his lips pressing against the crook of my neck, sending pleasant tingles through me. "Go back to sleep."

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