Chapter 9 ~ Persuasion

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Granaidh - Grandmother
Pronounced like Granny.

Chapter 9: Persuasion

Gordon was grinning as he added his phone number to my contact list, and I shook my head at him. He’d make a good alpha when the time came, he already had that air of 'I always get what I want.’ Even if I’d tried more than once to nip that in the bud.

“This doesn’t mean anything. We’re just friends,” I reiterated for the third time. “Allies even. I don’t want any dick pics.”

He scoffed and rolled his eyes but I couldn’t help but laugh at the disgust in his eyes. At least I was sure I wouldn’t get any R-rated pictures sent my way. Gods knew I’d had enough of that from males in high school.

“Of course. I’m just pleased you want to stay in touch.” He jangled his car keys in his hand then smiled. “I better go before my grandfather comes to drag me away. I hope to see you at the next meeting. Good luck, Raeghan. If you need anything, you let me know.”

“Thank you,” I replied, hoping he could hear the sincerity.

Begrudgingly, I allowed him to hug me, his cheek warm against mine. Looking too smug for the little that happened between us, he jogged over to his car. The meeting hadn’t been entirely pointless, I’d at least made a friend. Though I feared I’d made some enemies, especially in his grandfather who hadn’t come to say goodbye as the others had. A snub, but directed solely at me.

One day, he’d regret it.

Turning around, I watched as Everett and Eagan chucked our suitcases into the boot while Mum spoke to Alpha Joshua by the door of the hotel. Sunday morning was meant to signal the end of council but it seemed there was never an end to things that needed to be discussed. I should have felt better about surviving my first meeting but the entire thing had left me with a sour taste in my mouth and a heavy weight crushing my shoulders.

"Cheer up, Raerae," Uncle Everett teased, flicking my cheek.

I swatted at his hand and gave him a glare. "This was pointless. Whatever Mum thought I'd achieve by coming, I didn't do it."

"That's not true. You showed them all that you'll fight for what you want, you gained an ally in a future Alpha. That's an accomplishment."

But it didn't feel like it was a big enough one. And I was sure Gordon had only agreed to back me because he was still hoping I'd change my mind about taking him as a mate.

"Next time you shouldn't ask," Eagan grunted, folding his arms, continuing when I gave him a questioning look. "These councils are a formality, pup. It's. . .too human, though I understand our need for it. You're a wolf. Wolves don't use words to get what they want."

I snorted at him. "You're saying I should challenge them."

"Of course."

Everett was looking at his third with slight disapproval but didn’t argue against it. Was he right? We were wolves, after all. Alphas rose and fell from challenges that were ingrained in our culture back in the old days, but challenges were becoming less and less common. Maybe he was right, maybe we were trying to be too human.

So why shouldn't I challenge them? Though a small part of me, a growing part, believed it all to be futile. I couldn't fight every Alpha that disagreed, I was still training. Learning. A life spent defending my position didn’t sound fulfilling.
Is that what it was going to take? Another year and more of this being stuck?

"What is meant to be will be," Everett advised before tugging me into his arms for a hug. I hugged him back, resting my cheek against his chest.

"You sound like Granaidh now," I jibed, grinning as he scoffed.

Tugging on a strand of my hair he shook his head as he stepped back. "I should be proud to sound like my mother."

"How is mother?" Ruffling my hair as she passed, mum tugged her younger brother into her, pressing her cheek against his.

"She's good, misses you. We'll come through soon," Everett replied.

She nodded then looked over at Eagan with wariness in her expression. I watched with interest, my gaze flicking between the pair.

"It was nice to see you, Alpha Female Cathwulf," Eagan said, taking a step back towards his car.

Mum gave him a tight smile then shook her head and squeezed her brother's arm. "We better get going too. Give Mum my love, tell her I'll call once we're home."

"Of course." With one last wave, Everett turned towards his own car and I sighed as I readied myself for a long journey too.

Tossing me the keys, Mum winked. "You wanted to drive."

Grinning, I clutched the keys in my hand and about sprang into the road to climb in the drivers side. Mum chuckled as she got in too, resting comfortably back in her seat. I made sure to exaggerate all my checks just so she was sure I'd done them before pulling out onto the road.

I'd never driven in a busy city centre before but I was nowhere near as stressed as Mum had been when coming here. I maneuvered easily through small streets until we were on the main roads again. Keeping below the speed limit, I wanted to discuss what had happened with Mum but her eyes were closed and I didn't want to disturb her peace.
In the silence, my thoughts tumbled over themselves.

I felt as though life had no real direction for me now. Until I either gained more alliances, or felt strong enough to issue a challenge, I was left with no position. Fenna's offer flickered to the forefront of my thoughts. She'd left to prove herself. She'd come back so much more than she was when she left. . .

Pulling to a stop in front of the house, Mum finally stirred, blinking sleepily over at me. She smiled until she noticed the stiff way I sat and reached over to stroke my cheek.

"I know you're disappointed. I am too. One day they'll see, Raeghan."

"They'll never see, not unless I make them," I argued, glaring up the house before meeting Mum's gaze. I hated seeing the pity there. "Are you happy, mum?"

She blinked in confusion, sitting up straighter. "What?"

"You wanted to be Alpha, but Uncle Everett who's only a little older than I am, he's already slowly taking over from Kal and Granaidh. Your younger brother will take over the pack you grew up in, simply because he's male."

"It's more than simply because he's male, Raeghan. You know that. You're oversimplifying it all." She sighed, rubbing her forehead.

"Do you think Everett is stronger than you?" I demanded, turning to face her properly. "Do you think he will lead better than you could have? If you hadn’t mated with Dad, would you be happily standing by Everett’s side as Beta right now?"

She was quiet and her knuckles whitened with how tightly she gripped the dashboard in front of her. Then she clicked the button to release the seatbelt faced me too.

"At one time in my life, yes. Ruling my pack, becoming Alpha, proving that I was strong enough, that was all I cared about. And yes, I resented my choices being taken away from me, but I was blind to what I'd been given. I'm happy as a mother, The Peacekeeper, and Alpha Female. Your father and I lead together, and I'll stand up to him when I think he's wrong. I submit to him, and he is my Alpha, because I respect him, not just because he's stronger. It's not all about strength."

She paused to cup my cheek. "You're a strong wolf Raeghan, stronger than me even if you don't know it yet, but wolves must follow you as their Alpha because you also lead well, you care. I believe you'll get what you want but I can’t lie and say it’ll be easy."

I tipped my head into her touch, closing my eyes as I soaked in her words. Once I was sure I could speak calmly and still with respect, I took a deep breath.

"I can't do anything until Dad stops treating me like a pup. I understand he wants to protect me, I understand that this paints a target on my back, that some wolves will challenge me simply because they don't think a female should be Alpha, whether or not that female is capable, but I'm making that choice. By denying me the title of heir, he is announcing to all those wolves that he agrees a female can't be Alpha, even if he doesn't."

Mum was silent, her hands dropping to her lap. She already knew all of this. It's why they'd been fighting so much lately. I didn't think we'd all ever see eye to eye on this. It was pointless. There was nothing I could do to make my dad change his mind.
She made no move to climb out of the car as I did and I felt like I'd done something wrong even if I wasn't sure exactly what. I grabbed both of our suitcases from the boot and marched inside, leaving her in the car.

I'd had enough of all this. I was tired of fighting everyday for something I couldn't get. It was tearing me, and I feared my family, apart.

When I caught Fenna's scent in the doorway, I followed it to the living room, dumping the suitcases by the stairs. Without greeting any of the wolves inside, I planted my hands on my hips.

"I'll come back with you."

Fenna blinked, setting the steaming mug of coffee she held on the table in front of her. "What?"

"To your pack. I want to come. You're right, I need to get away."

She shared a look with Orin who inclined his head a little. It was up to her. Of course I'd ask my Alpha, but I was going no matter what his answer was. If he wouldn't give me a title, he could at least give me this. A hand on my shoulder and I looked over to see Mum smiling at me. She wouldn't stop me either.

"If you're sure, Raeghan," Fenna said slowly. She walked over and tugged me into a hug and I clung tight onto her.

“The meeting didn’t go well then?” she whispered by my ear.

I gave a gentle shake of my head and cuddled closer into her as she mumbled, “I’m sorry.”

When she pulled back, she turned her attention to Mum and smiled almost warily. "I'll bring her back when Freydis has finished learning. I don't know if Ebbe and Gisli will want to stay with her or come with us."

"The twins are welcome here if they want to stay. We should go and speak to Roarke. . .tactfully. Propose a swap. You have members of your pack here, it's only fair your pack plays host to one of ours. The daughter of the Alpha pair is a suitable choice." I could see the wheels turning in my mother's head as she attempted to figure out the best way to approach her mate. "Why don't you go for a run, Raeghan? By the time you come back, I might have convinced him."

Her words weren't a suggestion. She wanted me out of the way.

"You can just tell me you think I'll only make it worse," I mumbled, blushing as Oria tried to stifle her laugh from where she sat by the fire. Even Quillan was smirking at me.

Message received. Dad and I in the same room probably wouldn't be a good idea until Mum had a chance to sway him to agree. He'd let Fenna go, gods, he'd wished her well and told her to go find what she needed to, so how could he say no to me?

"Siannon's out back with Kailum and the pups. He brought Ellie over for lunch," Oria told me, giving me a way out that wouldn't leave me alone with my thoughts.

I nodded, glancing back at Mum again. She squeezed my arm. “This will be good for you. Off you go, I’ll send someone to fetch you in a bit.”

With my hands up in surrender, I spun around and headed for the back door. I caught Ebbe's scent by the stairs and noticed my suitcase had disappeared from where I'd dumped it. There was no sign of him though and I still held a little anger over our words in the basement. Hopefully he and his sister would decide to stay with their Beta pair.

Pushing myself on when I heard Mum and Fenna heading to Dad's office, I peered out the window by the back door. Siannon was sitting on the step, her head turned to where Kailum played with the pups. Jamie and Basjan were both in fur, fighting with growls that sounded more like purrs. Two females chased Kailum around, Maebh, and his half sister Ellie.

Kailum's father had died when he was young and his mother, Nennie, had taken another mate a few years ago. I knew he had his reservations about the new male in his life but he adored his little sister. They'd definitely provide me with distraction.

The door creaked as it swung open and Siannon twisted to see who it was. I gave her the best smile I could muster but she'd known me for as long as I'd been alive, being a year older. We'd grown up closely together. She pressed her cheek to mine in greeting then leaned back on her hands.

"Are you alright, moosh?" Her blue eyes swept over me with a slight frown.

I smiled at the nickname and nodded, taking a seat next to her on the step. "The council wouldn't support my claim for heir. I've decided it's maybe time I tried something else for a while so I'm going to go with Fenna."

I didn't need to say anymore than that. We were freakishly in tune with each other, as if our strong friendship had created a bond all of its own between us. She was my sister in all but blood. Still, she couldn't hide her sadness at the idea of me leaving.

"I always thought she'd convince you to go eventually," she admitted. "As long as you come back."

"Of course I'll come back." I laughed. "I haven't given up yet. I just need a break I think. . .I'll make sure to bring something back with me for you."

She grinned and it lit up her whole face. Her curly blonde hair looked almost gold in the sun and her skin held a slight flush of pink. My eyes wandered back to he male she'd been watching. Kailum swung his younger sister high into the air and her squeals of delight rang toward us.

"You'd make beautiful pups," I said slyly, watching her skin redden even more.

She knocked her shoulder against mine and furiously shook her head. I chuckled. She could deny it as much as she wanted but I knew she had a crush on Kailum. Often, I caught him watching her too. He'd allowed himself to move on after Fenna left and now he was a male looking for a mate.

I could think of no one better than my friend. Kailum still held scars from parts of his past. Siannon was a bubble of joy and light. Even on my worst days, she could make me smile and laugh until my stomach hurt. I smirked to myself. I could get these two wolves together.

"Raerae!" Ellie screamed, her little legs working fast to run my way when she spotted me. Kailum jogged after her, his hands out, ready to catch if she fell. This pup never hit the ground, her brother was always there.

I stood to swing her around, grinning as she giggled loudly. My mood lifted immediately.

"I'm going to be sick!" she squealed, wriggling in my arms.

I set her gently on her feet, chuckling as she swayed a little. "We can't have that!"

Shouting from inside the house had us all freezing. Even Basjan and Jamie stopped fighting. My shoulders tensed, ears straining to hear what was being said. Siannon stood, her arm linking through mine.

"Let's go for a walk" she suggested quickly.

Not waiting for an answer, she practically dragged me towards the trees. Kailum followed too, smiling down at his sister who skipped happily in front of us. Maebh took her hand while the little males darted through the trees, never straying too far out of sight.

My gaze flicked back to the house, finding the window of Dad's office only to catch movement in the window above. I could see my father's back and my mother pointing a furious finger at him. Always their fights were in their room, away from the pack so they couldn't see how their Alpha pair fought. They loved each other, deeply, I knew that. But I hated that they fought. I hated that it was always over me.

Maybe with me gone, they could find some sort of equilibrium with each other again.

I wondered if they'd left Fenna in the office. Could she hear what was being said? I wouldn’t ask. I didn’t want to know.

Kailum's fingers gripped my chin firmly, turning my head away from the house. "Ellie hasn't shifted in a while. Why don't we teach her to hunt. She could catch a mouse if she's fast enough."

A ball of grey fur rolled across the ground as Basjan quickly shifted back to skin so he could proudly claim, "I can catch mice!"

"Let's all go catch some then."

While Kailum shifted and helped the little hunters, I caught Siannon up on all that had happened in Edinburgh. She laughed when I told her about Gordon and how blunt he’d been with me.

“You gave him your phone number and now you’re going to go off the grid? The poor male will think you’re ignoring him,” she teased.

I laughed, kicking a stone out of my way. “I’ll let him know. You’re not upset?”

“I’ll miss you.  Everyone will. But you need to follow your instincts and if they’re saying go then go.”

I grinned, keeping my arm linked with her’s. Maybe I’d find something out in the wild that would help me here.

I prayed my mother and Fenna would be able to convince Dad of that too.

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