Chapter 18 - The Past reveals itself Part one

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Heres a song to help with the action play as you read if you want

Ash P.O.V

Why did he say my name, oh god what are these men looking and what are they looking Serena for. Then man who I would assume is the leader shouted again "WHERE IS ASHTON KETCHUM AND SERENA YVONNE?!" no one answered and the way they were getting angry. As no one was responding to them the one who I presumed was the leader walked over to the reception desk where the nurse was shaking "You come here now" ordered the leader, the receptionist didn't move probably from shock so the man grabbed her by her nursing uniform and pulled her over the counter and then got her in a choke hold "If someone doesn't tell me where I can find Ash Ketchum and Serena Yvonne then this nurse will die!" the man then raised his gun and pointed it at the nurses head. The nurse was crying violently, "You have until the count o three to tell me where they are" still no one answered "1" there was still no answer "2" he loaded his gun was he really going to shoot here "3....IM ASH KETCHUM" I stood up the man then looked at me "you are Ash Ketchum?" I nodded he the4n let the nurse go she then fell to her knees breathing a sigh of relief the man started walking over to me. Until he suddenly turned around and fired his gun at the nurse, which resulted in the nurse to slump to the ground with blood going everywhere. The man then walked over to her body and shot once more in the back of the head blood splashed up and hit his face, People were starting to cry "oh dear you could have saved her boy if only had done it Sonner" I can't believe this monster shot her the doors to the front of the hospital opened and a security guard walked in I presume from his lunch break he looked up and noticed the men and went for his gun BOOM! A bullet went straight through his head and he fell to the ground with a sickening thump. "Come here boy" the man pointed his gun at me my body wouldn't respond "I said COME HERE!" I still couldn't move.

He stormed over to me and whacked the but of the gun across the side of my face causing me to whimper in pain. "Boss we have company" shouted one of the other men causing the man in front of me to turn around "What company?" then sirens were heard "Shit the cops what do we do boss" he simply held up his gun while saying "if you run out of ammo use the AK47's which are in your backpacks" the other men nodded I had a feeling that they were going to hurt Serena so while the boss wasn't looking I elbowed him in the stomach which caused him to double over in pain then I ran back into the elevator and repeatedly pressed the 5th floor button "GET HIM" I looked across the lobby and saw more men in black run in and were bolting towards the elevator come on come on come on the men were 100 metres away and closing they are now 50 metres and closing then the elevator doors closed and seconds later two loud tumps could be heard and "Shit he got away". I have to get to Serena's Room to stop those men from hurting her or something worse. DING! The elevator doors opened and I sprinted down the maze of corridors that eventually lead to Serena's room I was 2 minutes away when the lights cut out everything went black but I continued to run, but it seemed like I was standing still then my ankle caught on something and with the momentum my ankle was jerked forward causing me to lose my balance I put my arm out be grab something and ended up whimpering in pain as the thing I reached out for sliced down my forearm my momentum continued forward until another thing smacked into my kneecap causing me to slam onto the ground, my nerves were on fire it felt like a charizard was using flamethrower on my arm and whole leg then there was a flicker and dim lights came on which must be the hospitals backup generator, once my vision was restored I didn't recognise where I was this isn't Serena's Ward I looked up and saw a sign which read ward 3a-d shit I'm on the wrong floor I sprang up and started running again and was making my way back to the elevator when it dinged open I jumped behind cover which was a overturned gerny "Find that Kid and the Ketchum boy Commander Okamai wants them both alive" I heard a few other voices but I wasn't sure how many there were then there was silence. But it wasn't a nice silence it as an eerie silence.

"Boss look at this looks like someone is here and is bleeding" I looked down and saw my forearm it was bleeding a lot and there was a 10cm cut going down my arm and I looked around the corner and saw 6 guys all in black and where they were had blood, "follow it and see where it goes" oh shit I tried to get up as quietly as possible and ran but as I ran I smashed into the gerny causing a creaking sound to be heard "Salazar, Romeo got see what that was" I sprinted out of there "Sir there he is" oh no this isn't good "GET HIM" I was weaving left and right to try and lose them but it was useless my arm was bleeding and leaving a trial behind me. I heard two people running after me and they were gaining fast. Then I heard someone up ahead and they sounded familiar, I ripped of part of my sleeve and wrapped it around my arm and then jumped to the right into another gerny, the two men continued to run past until I couldn't hear them anymore, I got up and followed the familiar voices "Thank god Serena is ok especially after the lights went out" the voices were getting closer " I know I am so relieved" as I went round a corner I stopped just in time as I nearly collided with Saj and Jay "Hi guys were is everyone" I asked the two brothers "Hi ash and they went home 20 minutes ago why?" I was relieved to know that they all got out "because there are people with guns in the hospital looking for me and Serena" both of the brothers were worried by this then I heard footsteps again "he went this way come one" before I could react the two men from before appeared with their guns out "Hello Ketchum thought you could lose us that easily" I could see Saj and Jay were worried "Your coming with us Ketchum" I didn't respond "I SAID GET OVER HERE OR ELSE UR FRIENDS DIE!" I can't risk them getting hurt so I walked/limped over to them "that's a good boy now lead us to Yvonne's room" I started to walk when I heard struggling in the background, I turned around and saw Saj and Jay fighting the two men "Run Ash we have got this go protect Serena" I didn't want to leave them "GO ASH WE GOT YOUR BACK AIGHT!" shouted Saj I nodded and ran in the direction of Serena's room. I was half way up the corridor when BANG! BANG! And two people crying in pain, I couldn't turn back and got into an elevator I pressed the right button this time and waited for the doors to close then I saw a flash I tried to dodge but it hit me in the side then the doors closed my body was in so much pain. I hope Saj and Jay are okay Don't worry Serena I'm on my way to protect you

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