Chapter 19 - love lost

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Ash P.O.V

Cant this Elevator go any faster I need to prevent this Commander Okamai from getting Serena there is no way that he will get her, after what seemed like a year the elevator door opened as I limped out I heard what sounded like metal being lifted I looked to my left then saw 6 more men in black outfits surrounding me and lifting up their m9 or AK47 "Stop right their kid" the one straight in front of me said he then his walkie talkie "Commander Okamai we have the boy surrounded on the fifth floor in whiskey two nine" he let go of the button which allows the operator to talk and the walkie talkie sprang to life again "Keep him there I am on my way up" he then acknowledged the order then lifted his m9 up again. The man in front must be the leader of the men as he had blue stripes in his black uniform where the others were all black the man was also taller than the rest of them. "Sir come here and look at this" asked the man to my right "You take my place and tighten the circle" the man grunted in acknowledgement the blue man then walked to my right side and then whistled in amazement I looked to my right and was immediately startled by what I saw the floor was dashed with blood I then looked to my side and saw my hoodie by my right side was ripped and shredded "Looks like one of you morons can aim" said the leader. I lifted up my hoodie and saw a hole that was still dripping fresh blood and I noticed a red line alongside the hole must have been where another bullet zoomed past.

DING! COMMANDER ON DECK! Shouted one of the other soldiers they all saluted "At ease" said the man with a deep and booming voice with an accent that I don't recognise the new person who is the commander walked in front of me I looked up and he towered over me he must be 6'11 he had messy dark brown almost black hair with deep ocean blue eyes he looked physically fit and he was wearing a black uniform like the rest but he had a white stripe going down the left sleeve "Quite your staring you piece of shit" that made me think back to my father I must have zoned out cause then my face exploded with pain "I said stop staring at me did your parents not teach you manners" I don't know who this prick is but he is getting on my nerves. "Do you have the building surrounded?" the soldier nodded his head "good" he then looked down at me "you will bring us to your friend's ward" Okamai said but I didn't answer him "this pest better be mute or deaf!" he then reached into his holster at the side of his leg and pulled out a desert eagle in gold with OKAMAI engraved into the side. "I will say again.... Lead us to your friends ward" all of the soldiers primed their weapons which forced me to lead them to the ward. As I started walking in the direction of the wards I stopped to see if they were following me which resulted in me getting shoved forward "Move" we started are walk to the wards as we came to the stairs one of the soldiers got in front of me to ensure I can't run off I then felt something dig into the side of my face "if you try anything you will regret it" "as this gun can stop a ryhorn in its tracks" he then dug the gun further into my head forcing me to walk up the stairs.

After walking for what seemed like ages we arrived at the wards and I led them to the ward room the soldiers kicked the door in and ran into the room after a few later "All clear sir" the commander shoved out of the road and into two of the other soldiers who instantly pinned me to the wall and pinned my arms behind my back I winced at the force they were exerting on my arms "BRING IN THE KID!" I was forced into the room and the commanders gun was instantly in my face "Where is your friend Ketchum?" I waited for a few seconds then responded "which friend would that be as I have so many friends?" I could see he was trying to control his temper "I will ask u again where is Serena Yvonne?" I didn't answer "so you what to play it the hard way ok ketchum" he reached into his inside pocket and picked up his walkie talkie "thabhairt suas a mháthair agus a dheartháir" (sorry if I misspelt this as my irish is a bit rusty, pretend this is the native language of Orange island) I didn't understand what he said then 10 minutes later I heard struggling and then two soldiers enter and they have innocent people with them the soldiers threw the people down in front of me.

I was instantly scared as there infront of me was my mum and Red "where is Serena Ketchum" I still didn't answer one of the soldiers behind me leaned down and whispered " you are better answering him kid" then the commander primed his desert eagle and put it to my head " if you don't tell me I will shoot" "Ash dont tell him what he wants to know as he is evil" I will give u to the count of 3 ketchum" 1... he primed the gun again I cant tell him where Serena is as they will hurt her 2... "Ash stay strong don't tell him" 3 "where is your friend" "......" I closed my eyes waiting for the impact BANG! I opened my eyes and saw I wasn't bleeding or dead then I heard Red cry and I looked up and I instantly broke down my mother had blood pouring out for her stomach "I will ask again WHERE IS SERENA YVONNE!" "IM HERE DON'T SHOOT IM HERE" I heard her voice I turned around and saw the soldiers grab here instantly I looked around again at my mum "Ash, Red I want you to know that I love you both very BANG! "NOOOOOOOOOO MUUUUUUUMMMMMM!" my mums body slumped over with a sicking thud I looked to where I heard the shot come from and saw the commanders gun smoking "I warned you Ketchum" I broke free from the grip of the soldiers and ran over to my mum there was blood spewing on the ground I collapsed to my knees and cried into her shoulder "I-Im s-sorry m-mum- please please don't leave I l-love y-y-you t-t-t-t-too" I then felt someone tap mu side and I looked over and saw a nurse who was hiding in the corner "Im sorry son but she is gone" I looked for red and saw he was over by the soldiers I got up "Red get away from them!" he didn't listen "Re... FUCK UP ASH" Red then walked up to me "because of you mum is dead because of you, I wish it was you who was killed then the last thing I remember is Red punching me in the face repeatedly then I collapsed and he continued to beat me I could here faint screams then nothing.


I felt someone shake me several seconds later my eyes shot open and I saw I was in a hospital bed and I looked and saw jay and Saj and they were ok but wrapped up in bangades around their shoulder I went to speak but then the pain instantly hit "Ash calm down take it easy" I then managed to say "Where is Red and Serena?" the brother didn't answer then I saw Nami in the corner she came closer "I'm afraid that they are missing Ash and I'm glad ur okay"


Ill update ASAP guys school is really busy at the minute 

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