Chapter 20

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Ash P.O.V

I felt someone shake me several seconds later my eyes shot open and I saw I was in a hospital bed and I looked and saw jay and Saj and they were ok but wrapped up in bandages around their shoulder I went to speak "Ash calm down take it easy" I then managed to say "Where is Red and Serena?" the brother didn't answer then I saw Nami in the corner she came closer "I'm afraid that they are missing Ash and I'm glad ur okay" I went to ask how my mum was but then I remembered that the piece of shit Okamai killed her "Ash you ok?" I didn't respond then I heard that voice again which caused me to snap out of the trance my eyes snapped up and I saw Nami, Saj and jay were staring at me and their faces had worried features etched on their faces I went to answer them but I couldn't as the memory of that moment was on a loop in my mind the sickening slump of her body falling to the ground and the life in her eyes draining

"Ash? You are starting to worry us please say something?" the pain was evident in Nami's voice I looked up again and they all gasped "what's wrong?" Nami then brings over her phone "look for yourself" I looked down and I saw that my eyes went from their normal chocolate brown to a dark gray. "what's happening to me?"

"I'll go get the doctor "Jay said within seconds he left the room and a few minutes later a doctor strolled into the room with jay following behind "hello how can I help?" the doc looked over to me and then he had a serious/ worried expression "What's wrong doc?" he did not answer and started to write on his board "Would your friends kindly give us some room for a few minutes?" my friends nodded and exited the ward leaving me and the doctor alone.

I looked up at him and saw he was still scribbling on his writing board he then looked up at me "Ash how long have your eyes been like this?" he then waited for my response "a few minutes ago before jay asked for a doctor" he nodded "what's wrong with me doc?" I could feel the fear of the unknown creeping into the back of my mind.

"I'm sorry Ash but there is no medical reasoning behind this" and he continued to write on his board "What do you mean by medical reasoning?" once he finished writing he looked back at me "What I mean is that you should be in extreme amounts of pain and your body shows no signs of injury and your stomach and side where there was a bullet we got the bullet out and we went to check on the injury an hour later and there was no evidence of the surgery" the doctors pager went and he excused himself and left the room what the hell does he mean by that?.

Serena POV

We having been traveling for hours I presume as Okamai blindfolded me so I would not see anything the vehicle that I'm held captive is speeding along the roads and I can hear car hours blasting and in return the vehicles driver gives a blast of the horn then I thought I heard my saving grace police sirens this made me hope that the police would find me the sirens were getting closer and my hopes were rising then the van swerved and slammed into something and the sirens got further and further away the realisation began to dawn on me.

I was trapped in a van speeding through traffic heading to arceus knows where, and Ash my poor Ash, yes I finally said it I have a crush on Ash I wish I could be there with him and support him through this. I then started to think that I would not see Ash again and that he would be in this world without the love of his mother

"stop crying girl" I didn't even realise I was crying "I said shut up you stupid girl" the voice of the stranger then punched me to shut me up the impact forced my head to smack of the side of the vehicle causing me to black out and feel weight less I started to dream about Ash and me together and was reliving the happiest times of my life I then remembered all the times Ash saved me in the past and how he always pulled through and I knew that he is going to save me and ill remain strong for him as he would do the same for me. I will stay strong for you as I know you will come and save me.

Three days later

Ash P.O.V

It's the day I don't think I can face I don't want to believe that she's gone it has to be a sick twisted nightmare it must be, I can still remember the look on her face she was so at peace till her last breath how could this happen I lost my mum my brother and Serena the ones I hold closest to me. I was discharged from hospital three days ago and I'm staying with my mums sister as she came to get me when the hospital contacted her and asked her to collect me so here I am waiting for my aunt to get me when she did she drove me to her house so that we can get changed and head to the event that I don't want to face it as I don't think that I can cope and face it my aunt hasn't even talked to me as she knows her sister was shot but she doesn't now the circumstances of how she dead and I don't think I can say to her as I fear that she will disown me and I will be truly alone in this cruel world. When we finally got to the unforsaken place where it was only a few of my mums family on her side and none showed up on the pricks side didn't show up the tension in the building was unbearable and the sympathy looks I was getting I couldn't cope I went to run out but my aunt stopped me and looked at me and looked into my eyes and I saw the love in them then they went to confusion as she noticed the colour of my eyes changed and as I feared the look in her eyes said it all I pushed out of her grip and ran out of the forsaken place as I couldn't face it right now I burst through the door and ran out and to the left down an alley and I kept running until the tears spilled and my legs wouldn't cooperate any longer and I slumped to the ground sobs raking my body wishing that she was here I continued to think like that until someone sneaked up behind me and whacked the back of my head with a blunt object my last thought was could I be joining you, mum?

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