My Second Character: Cora Grayson

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Hey everyone. It's me again, Weeksjmj29. This next one is hard for me to write. So hard that I had stop and do another character before doing this one. Not because it's hard to do, but because the background Story for her is a little......Cringy. So fair warning, this chapter does have trigger moments. You have been warned. Ladies and Gentlemen, allow me to introduce you to Cora Grayson, also known as the Black Rose.

(Warning: Trigger Moments in BackGround Story)

Tamer Form:

Name: Cora Grayson

Age: 17

Gender: female

Series(Tamer or Data) : Data Squad.

Digivice Colors: Black and Violet

Looks: pale skin with a little sun. black and blue hair and green eyes. She has a snake tattoo. The head of the snake starts on her right hand, curls around her arm and goes across her back, curls around her left arm and the tail rest on her left hand. She also has 2 angel wings tattooed on her hips, one on each hip. She has scars on her back under the snake tattoo. Her hands are really scarred. The  Snake's head as tail covers the worse of the scars on her hands.

Clothing: black leather jacket over a purple sports bra. Over the bra and under the jacket is a black netted shirt. She also wears black pants and black biker boots. She has a studded neck band around her neck. She also wears black biker gloves to cover her hands.

Personality: shy, kinda reclusive, friendly once she gets to know you, slightly afraid of others or what they think about her.

Likes: reading, black, nature, peace, love, black, violet flowers, teddy bears, black.

Dislikes: white, bullies, torture, pain, evil, fire.

Digimon Partner: BlackGaomon

Digimon Digivolution Line:

In-training Stage- Wanyamon
Rookie Stage- BlackGaomon
Champion Stage- BlackGaogamon
Ultimate Stage-Black MachGaogamon.
Mega- NightmareGaogamon
Other stages- NightmareGaogamon: Reaper Mode.

Background Story: Cora has had a horrible past. Her mother was tortured brutally by her father. After she was born, the beatings and abuse got worse. One day, she had enough. She took her newborn baby and left. Some time after, she filed for divorce and she gained full custody of Cora. She moved around with Cora to stay away from Cora's father.

That's when she met Daniel Grayson. He was the light that her mother needed. For seven years, they were a living family that her mother wanted to be. Daniel was a better father than her real father ever was. Their life was peaceful.

However, all good things come to an end. One day Daniel took Cora to get ice cream. She was giggling the whole time. When they got home, they came upon a horrible sight. Their home was up in flames. The Firefighters were trying their best to put out the flames. Cora screamed as she saw the fire. Daniel tried to run into the building , but the police and firefighters stopped him. Daniel held Cora and told her that everything would be alright. But their hope was dashed when a firefighter brought out a burned body of her mother. She wasn't moving. Cora tried to get to her, and so did Daniel, but the police stopped her. The paramedics tried to help, but they declared her deceased. Cora and Daniel attended her funeral days later. Cora cried the whole time.

Then things got worse. Her father came and tried to reclaim custody of Cora from Daniel. Daniel fought as hard as he could, but in the end, he failed. Cora's father ended up taking custody of Cora and took her home with him.

Then her torture began. He beat her and abused her whenever she didn't follow his orders or when he was drunk. He cursed her for reminding him of her mother. Some days he mistook her for her mother, which caused the beatings to get worse. She was sent to the hospital several times, and every time, it was decide that the beatings came from bullies. It stayed like that for 4 years.

Then, she turned 12. Her father was going to take it to another level. At the same time, Daniel was trying his hardest to get the proof of what her father had done. He never left Cora, he did whatever he could to help her. He finally got enough evidence to take it to DSS. The DSS ordered the police to take Cora's father into custody.

When the police prepared themselves to go and take Cora's father into custody, her father was preparing the unthinkable. He wasn't his normal self that day. He was crazier than usual. While Cora tried to read one of the few books they had, her father came in and knocked the book out of her hands and slapped her in the face. He dragged her by her hair out of her room and into his room, calling her all manner of vulgar names as he did. Once in his room, he picked her up, slapped her again, and threw her onto his bed. He took a knife looked at her with a vicious grin. He then began cutting off her clothes. As he did, he took off his. She was screaming the whole time. As she tried to resist, he punched her in the stomach or cut her skin or slapped her face. As he was about to assault her in that cruel way (not going to say it. After all, this is digimon.) Cops burst into the house and into the room. 3 officers grabbed him and threw into the wall, holding him against it as another officer gently picked Cora and left the room. The officer took her to the paramedics, who were on standby in case it all went south. They treated her wounds. Daniel was allowed in and upon seeing him, she jumped into his lap and cried. He held her gently as he rubbed her in a soothing manner.

The cops arrested Cora's father and charged in with assault and battery, 1st Degree Murder of her mother and several other crimes. He was sentenced to a federal prison for life imprisonment without the chance of Parole. Daniel was given custody of Cora and became her new guardian.

He spent the next 5 years trying to help her. He did whatever she asked and cared for her as a father would have. She still had nightmares of what her father had done to her and as a result, Daniel had to stay with her as she fell asleep.

Her once happy and perky self had changed to silent and shy. If anyone were to raise their hands, even if they stretching, she flinches. She gained a couple friends and they did their best to help her, as they of her pain.

She started wearing dark clothing. Some people started calling her an Emo chick or a Gothika. She didn't care about that. But the biggest change was when she started wearing black full length biker gloves. Everywhere she goes, she has them on. Only her friends and Daniel know the truth.

It's because her hands bear the worse of the Scars she had obtain when she stayed with her father. One of his crazy days, grabbed her and dragged her to his garage. He took out a gas can and poured it over both of her hands. She screamed as the gasoline burned her hands. What came next was even worse. He took out a match and struck, causing it to burn. He came to her with the match. She screamed and flailed violently, trying to get away. She struck him in her flailing, which knocked the match out of his hand. He then growl as he stood and backhanded her, causing her to fall. He put his leg on her back and held her down as he took out and struck another match. The flame on the match connected with the gasoline on her hands. The gasoline lit up and both her hands lit up on fire. She screamed loudly as the fire burned her hand. He let her go and laughed a maniacal laugh as went to get a beer. As soon as he was out of her sight, she left the garage and ran to the small pond near her father's house. She felt a soothing sensation as the water washed the flames away. She left her hands in the water for several minutes. But when she lifted her hands out if the water, she wished she hadn't. (I won't describe it because it's too horrible. I'm gonna skip it.)

She went to the hospital and they took care of her wounds. It was ruled as an accident like the others, but it was very barely believable. From that day, she wore gloves to cover her hands.

She was 17 years old when everything changed. After School she went to the part clear her head. Unbeknownst to her, she was being followed. She had a rough day, as a few bullies had teased her about wearing gloves. She was still suffering from memories of the past. She wished her mother was there for her. She just wanted someone or something to take the pain she's been through away.

It was around a little after sunset when she decided to head home. As she was about to leave, she heard a growl. She looked around to find out the source of the growl. She noticed that it had gotten very foggy. She was beginning to panic when she heard thudding sound. She saw that several tree were moving. The growl got louder. Then she aw a large shape emerge from the trees and fog. What she saw made her froze in panic.

In front of her was a creature she never see before. It looked like a giant red beetle with multiple exoskeleton arms and large pincers(Kuwagamon, sorry, had to use him. Couldn't find another one that's good enough to use.). It let out a roar and swiped it's clawed hand towards where she was. She jumped out of the at the right time because she looked at where she previously was. The bench was destroyed and the trees behind it was ripped out of the ground.

The creature growled again and threw the trees at her. She dodged the trees, but she didn't see the hand coming her way. She was knocked off her feet and into a tree very hard. Her vision was blurry and blood was oozing out a deep gash on top of her head, going down her face. She looked up saw the big red bug coming towards her. She closed her eyes as it raised it's hand to strike. "I'm coming soon mommy." She said as waited for the inevitable deathblow.

But it never came. Instead, she heard loud yell. "SHADOW PUMMEL!!!" She opened her eyes and cleared her vision before reopening them. Her eyes widen as she saw a small creature enveloped in a dark aura charged towards the Giant Beetle creature. The moment it hit, there was an explosion and the giant beetle was sent into several trees, knocking it down.

When the aura disappeared, Cora looked at the creature and two words came out of her mouth. "So Cute." What stood in front of hurt was a black dog in the form of kid. It had violet gloves and a violet scarf around it's neck. As it turns towards her, it has violet colored eyes. She thought it was beautiful. Then it surprised her when it spoke. "Are you aright?" All she could do was nod. It smiled. "Thank goodness you're alright." She just smiled. 'So cute.' They both turned when they heard a growl. They watched as the Red Beetle move a tree that fell on it. It looked hurt but it still stood. She watched as the black doggy boxer got in a fighting stance in front of her. "I won't let you hurt hert." The red beetle raised it's giant clawed hand brought it down on the puppy boxer. To her relief, it jumped up and out of the way. She then heard the black doggy boxer yell again. "GATLING BLITZ." It rained hundreds of punches onto the red beetle. She was amazed that the creature could fight such a large monster. "So brave." She watched at the red beetle had caught the puppy boxer. "Oh no." It then threw the little creature.

Luckily, the puppy boxer corrected itself and landed on the tree. It jumped up in air and began spinning. "DARK TWISTER!!" A wind began to form around the creature until it turned into a dark tornado which launched itself at the red beetle, hitting it and knocking it down.

She felt the urge to cheer the creature on. She then saw the red beetle spreading it's wings and flew up. It then charged towards the puppy boxer. She watched as the creature emerged itself in the dark aura again. It then jump up towards the red beetle. She suddenly screamed out.

"GOOO!!!!" The puppy boxer threw a punch. "SHADOW PUMMMMMEEEELLLLLLL!!!" The punch connected with the red beetle's body, causing a huge explosion. The beetle landed in front of her as the red beetle crashed into the ground. They watch as the create began to break apart until it faded away. The black puppy boxer then turned walked towards her. "You're safe now." She tried to get up, but failed. The creature grabbed her arm and pulled."let me help."

After a few tries, she was able to get up. She wiped the blood away from her face. "Thank you." The puppy creature smiled. "No problem." She then asked a question she had been wanting to ask. "What are you? What is that creature?" The little creature spoke. "My name is BlackGaomon and I'm a digimon. As for that big red beetle from earlier is known as Kuwagamon. It's a nasty digimon."

She nodded. "Thanks again." BGaomon nodded. "No problem Tamer." She raised her eyebrow in confusion. "What's a tamer?" It stepped closer to her and touched her leg. "A tamer is partner of a digimon." She then pointed at herself. "Am I your partner?" It nodded as it spoke. "You are if you want to be." She smiled. "I don't know if I'm able to be your partner, but I will try." They were stunned when a ball of light appeared in front of her. As the light faded away, a black and violet device appeared. Then it landed in her hands. "What is this?" BGaomon touched her leg and pointed the device. "That is a Digivice. It is what connect a digimon to it's tamer. You are now my tamer." She smiled as she nodded. "I will then do my best." She picked petted it's head. "Let's go home." She turned they left the park as tamer and digimon partner.

Other info: she really loves teddy bears and violet flowers.

Alright everyone this one is finally done. Whew. Lol. That was intense. Anyways, I'm gonna work on the others later. Bye bye for now.:)- Weeksjmj29

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