My Third Character: Jin Juzaki

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Hey everyone. The last one was so intense. I dot think this one could contend with it. Oh well. Jin Jusaki, however is the one all ladies will want. A Sasuke kind guy without the intent of revenge. Ladies and Gentlemen, Jin Juzaki.:)

Tamer Form:

Name: Jin Juzaki

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Series(Tamer or Data) : Data Squad

Digivice Colors: Orange and Red

Looks: blood red hair wild style, blue eyes and tan skin. Very muscular, and his stature is that of a predator

Clothing: blood red full body trenchcoat like jacket over a black shirt black leather pants and blood red combat boots. He wears a unique cross necklace around his neck.

Personality: calm, cold, collective, rarely speaks, but when he does, words of wisdom come out. Has a deep voice for his age. Solo personality.

Likes: silence, reading, meditating, digimon, his partner, his cross necklace. More importantly, music

Dislikes: loud noise, annoying people, noisy people, failed assignments, in complete missions. Water.

Digimon: Coronamon

Digimon Digivolution Line:

In-training Stage- Sunmon
Rookie Stage- Coronamon
Champion Stage- Firamon
Ultimate Stage- Flaremon
Mega- Apollomon
Other stages- Apollomon: Solar Mode.
Apollomon: Solar Mode-SuperNova

Background Story: He is better known as Cold Fire, because the ladies think he's hot, but his personality makes him cold. However, before he became known as Cold Fire, he used to be a happy go-getter. He always made friends, even with the least likely people. In high school, he was the youngest person to join the Varsity Futbol Team(Soccer, there isn't football in Japan, only in America, but he's from Japan, so we're going with Soccer.) at the age of 14. Then he met Misa Ling, a girl who was as popular as him, but unlike him and the others, she was the kind girl who you wouldn't expect to be popular. She was kind, gentle, and caring. All of the other girls were jealous of her, but they were friendly to her. They got together and stayed together for 3 years.

Then tragedy struck and everything changed. A stalker from Misa's past came back. It drove her crazy with the stalkings, but Jin was there to help. One day, as Misa was walking home, the stalker confronted her in an alley. He wanted her, but she didn't want him as she was with Jin. He then told her that if he couldn't have her, then no one will. That night, the crazy stalker took her life, which utterly broke Jin. He couldn't take revenge on the stalker, as the stalker took his own life after taking hers.

The whole school went to her funeral. After the funeral , Jin changed completely. He grew out his hair, and began wearing darker clothing. His personality went ice cold. It stayed like that for 2 years. Until something happened that may be what would save him.

He was walking home one day when a ball of light appeared in front of him. He thought it was a wisp, but it wasn't one. The ball of light fell into his hand, which he had outstretched. When it hit his hand, the light began to fade. When the began to fade, a weird device appeared. It was rectangular and the colors were orang and red. He wondered what it was, but just put it in his pocket. He went home, took a shower and then went to sleep.

That night, as he was sleeping, the device began glowing. At the same time, Jin's consciousness went to the Digital World. When he woke up, he was in a world he didn't know. But what made his eyes widen was when he saw dozens and dozens of weird creatures going around, doing whatever they wanted. He then saw a red and orange creature walk up him. "A human. It's been a while since a human has came to the digital world." This confused Jin. "Digital World? What is that? More importantly, what are you?" It smiled as it spoke. "My name is Coronamon, and I'm a Digimon or Digital Monster. And the Digital World is the home of the digimon. There is so many of my kind here." Jin nodded, but one thing confused him. "If that's the case then why am I here? I should be home asleep?" It nodded it's head. "You may be here because you were chosen to be a digidestined or a digimon tamer." He looked at the creature. "I see." He then knelt in front of the small creature. "And what are those?" The creature touched his leg. "A digimon tamer is the partner of a digimon. You may be older than the previous digidestined, but you're here a reason." He nodded. "Then are you my digimon partner then?" It smiled. "If you want me to be." He nodde then touched the creature's head. 'Maybe you'll be the reason I can keep going.' Then everything went black.

He woke up in his bed. He thought it had been a dream when he saw a red and orange digiegg laying next to him. "Guess it wasn't a dream." He touched the egg and he felt a warm feeling. He knew things would get interesting.

Other info: he's has some symptoms of Aquaphobia. He has device that plays music whenever he's on missions.

Alright. That's it for Jin. The last character will be up soon. Which means the spirit tamer is coming. See you guys later.:)-Weeksjmj29

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