It's Ok Guys, We Got This!

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Amanda's POV

I watched as my leg bounded up and down on the wood floor. Nervous thoughts plagued my mind as I sat waiting. Chiron's office was still, silent and filled with nervous energy.

When Chiron, Jason, Piper, Luke and Sunday came out of the cave he asked me to wait for him in his office. I remember Sunday and Luke looked worried as they walked towards the Poseidon cabin.

I wonder what Chiron wants to talk to me about, probably about what happened only minutes ago. Maybe its... my thoughts were broken as the door to the office opened revealing the half horse camp director.

"Thank you for waiting" Chiron's voice echoed as he walked over to his wheelchair behind his desk. His hooves hitting the worn wood floor as he went. Slowly he lowered himself into his chair, his horse half disappearing.

"Amanda, as you know Racheal gave a prophecy today..."my bouncing leg came to a holt as Chiron continued. "... the prophecy stated that Luke, Sunday and 'the long unclaimed' would go on a quest"

I sat still thinking about why he was telling me this, then it hit me "I'm the long unclaimed" Chiron nodded. "We need you to go on this quest with Sunday and Luke".

"No" the word slipped out before I can stop it. Chiron looks at me, his eyes soft

"Amanda...". "I don't want to... kill monsters, I don't want to hurt anyone".

"I know how you feel about fighting but..." "no, you don't know how I feel!". I stand up abruptly knocking my chair to the ground in the process "I'm sorry Chiron but, I cant" I slowly walk towards the door. As my hand turns the door handle Chiron spoke.

"Amanda please" his voice was sterner now. "Chiron I can't... I can't go, what if It happens again? I can't go through that feeling again,". I yank the door open. "Amanda did you know this quest was to help Luke and Sunday get their parents back?" Chiron's voice sounded sad and aged.

I stood frozen one foot through the door. "They were taken by Tartarus... taken in front of their own eyes". I knew something was wrong with their parents, but this?

"What would you do if you could get your mother back?" I said nothing, I just stood frozen in the doorway. Chiron saw my hesitation "if you want to help them they will be waiting at the Pinetree at 6am"

And with that I was gone, slowly walking across the grass to the Hermes cabin. Campers run past waving at me, I waved back. I stared at my feet as I walked, my mind having an argument. We need to help them! we can't, it might happen again! They need us! W-we can't! THEY ARE OUR FRIENDS!

As I opened the cabin door I knew what I had to do, I started packing.

The Hermes cabin was empty, an odd sight. As I sit on my mat on the wooden floor I stare at my packed back laying near my crossed legs. I decided to skip dinner and wait to tell Sam I am leaving in the morning.

That night I barely slept, my dreams plagued by nightmares... memories.

I lay in bed, staring at the roof. Snores echoed softly through the cabin. Through the dim light I could see the clock that hung on the far wall it was 5am.

Sighing I decided to grab my bag and wait at the tree, I have given up on sleep anyway. The camp was silent as I walked across the wet grass, I could see the tree's silhouette through the moon light.

As I passed the stables I saw a light on, who could be up at this time? curious I changed course for the Pegasus stables. I walked through the stable doors and walked towards the light of a lantern. The sound of sobs echoed around the wooden building. At the end of the barn I came to a sign with green writing it had the name Blackjack.

Looking over the gate into the stall I saw a girl sitting on the floor. She was stroking a black Pegasus, I assumed was blackjack. I recognise the Pegasus, he has been at the camp when I arrived.

The girl hadn't noticed me yet, she reached into a pink box on the floor and pulled out a... doughnut? She moves it to the Pegasus mouth. "You know doughnuts are bad for pegasi right?" the girl jumps at my voice.

She turns to me and smiles while she whips the tears from her check. "oh... yeah I know, but he's always liked them" she smiles sadly. She looked like she was in her mid-twenties, her head was covered in dark brown curls.

I stood there awkwardly. "Sorry I uh interrupting you, ill leave you too it" I turned around towards the stable door. "Wait!" I felt a hand on my shoulder "are you Amanda?".

I didn't know how to reply, how does she know me? "uhhh yeah?". She blushed "Sorry I must sound rude, I'm Hazel from camp Jupiter". My eyes widen in shock, one of the big 7 from the stories.

"Here why don't you come sit with me?" I nodded as she dragged me back into blackjacks stall. "Is it true your going on the quest with Sunday and Luke?" I nod slowly.

It felt uncomfortable to be in the presence of someone I thought was an attention seeker my whole life, maybe I was wrong. Her smile widened, I looked into her eyes they looked like pure gold.

With no warning she pulled me into a hug "Thank you! Thank you!". I was confused "for what?" she let go of me and looked down at the hay covered floor. "I-im worried for Percy and Annabeth" she stroked the pegasus's main.

I didn't know what to say "oh I'm sorry.... That they were taken that is" I forgot they were close friends. "oh that's ok..." she looked back at me "...thank you so much for going with Sunday and Luke, they can't do it by themselves and I don't know what I'd do if we lost them too".

"Anyone would do it" I shrugged. I looked down at the empty box of doughnuts "So, doughnuts?". Hazel smiles looking down at the box "Percy always told me blackjack liked eating doughnuts. Blackjack was his pegasus, they could communicate, you know, son of Poseidon and stuff"

I never thought of the legendary Percy Jackson as a real person, he was more of a story, a myth. To me he was an attention-seeker who was popular because of his father, but now...

Hazel and I sat talking on the floor of the barn for a while but when the sun started to rise I knew it was time. "Sorry hazel I need to leave, I have a quest and all that" I stood up brushing myself off.

"Thank you Amanda... for talking to me" hazel smiled and waved me goodbye as I walked out of the stables. The trees silhouette loomed in the morning light. I could see two shadows, Luke and Sunday.

As I got closer I could see they we talked to each other looking down at what seemed to be a piece of paper, they both looked nervous but excited. "So you guys ready for this quest?" my voice echoed towards the pair.

Sunday turned and looked at me a smile on her face her grey eyes shining in the morning light, Luke gave me a small wave and then looked down to a paper in his hands. I walked past a sleeping Peleus and pat him on the head. His body coiled around the Pinetree's trunk

I stopped next to Sunday "Hi Amanda, you're just in time! We are just trying to figure out where we need to go first" Sunday looks back at the paper I now realised as a map. I walked up to them tilting my head so I can get a better look.

"The prophecy said we needed to head south to find what we assume is medusa" Luke said scratching his head. "I was up late night doing my research, the last place medusa was seen was in the south mountains".

Luke points to a spot on his map "The good part is it's a day's bus ride". "if we don't get attacked that is" I mutter "yeah" said Luke grimly. "It's ok guys, we got this" Sunday says happily, but her tone seemed off.

"Ok so Argus is waiting down the hill Chiron said he'll take us where we need to go" Luke said as we looked down the hill to where a black van was parked.

We started to make our way down the hill but were stopped by a voice yelling from on top of the hill. "Luke! Sunday! Wait!" running down the hill to where we were standing came the head of the hades cabin herself, Rae.

She slowed down as she reached us, "you were going to leave without saying goodbye to me!?" she shouted, as she bent over panting. Luke rubbed the back of his neck nervously, his cheeks turning red.

"Sorry Rae" Luke squeaked. She sighed "As least hug me goodbye you guys" she engulfed all three of us in a hug, then stepped away. "Well you better get going, time is running out" she waved goodbye and we started to head further down the hill.

"oh, and Luke! Don't forget this!" Rae threw a clear bag towards Luke, he catches it and looks inside. It contained some American money and drachmas, "I figured you didn't think about money! Good luck see you when. You get back!"

And for the first time in a while I left the safety of camp. 


hahaha *sobs* I know! I know! I am so sorry! I didn't mean for it to take this long I've been trying to write the same chapter for months! I am as frustrated as you are believe me! well at least I hope you enjoy it! Im not making any promises on when ill update next but hope you like this one!

Peace out my bros!

Piggy the potato queen 

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