Please! No!

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Disclaimer: I haven't done one of these in a while so here I go! I don't own any characters they belong to Uncle Rick (Rick Riordan) I only own Sunday, Luke and any other OC's as well as the plot. Also drawing is not mine!

P.S italics are present Percy's thoughts

Percy's POV

My eyes stung as a bright light shone in through the open truck door. Annabeth and I sat looking up at the familiar cyclopes in front of us.

"Get up! Boss wants to see you" one of the cyclopes barked. I heard Annabeth slowly stand. She knew we were too weak to fight. I tried following her lead and on shaky legs stood. A shape pain shot down my bloody leg.

I wobbled on two feet black dots splashed my vison, next thing I knew I was lying on the hard floor of the truck. I heard Annabeth shout my name. "HEY! I SAID GET UP" a gruff voice snapped me back to reality.

I felt a large hand roughly wrap around my arm. My whole body shuttered, I closed my eyes as images flooded my mind. Flashes ofhimlaughing, standing over me the look of a murderer flashing in his eyes. Horrible memories that I tried so hard to supress were surfacing.

"Percy...Percy!" I heard a distant voice "...Percy snap out of it!". My eyes flickered open, I could feel wet trails running down my cheeks. Looking around I could see Annabeth's worried face, she was upside down. I noticed I was being carried on the shoulder of one of the cyclopes.

Feeling a sharp shoulder digging into my cut stomach, I let out a small yelp. "Oh, would you look who decided to join us?" before I could see where the voice came from, I was dropped to the ground.

My face hit the dirt and I could feel ropes cutting my wrists, there is no way I can reach riptide. "Get up! Sea scum" slowly I stood. Both cyclopes were looked at me with their huge eyes. A pair of bloodshot eyes flashed in my mind, I slowly brought a fist up to my head repeatably hitting it hard.

Once the memory stopped I could hear the two cyclopes laughing "So much for Olympus' saviour!". In a small burst of anger, I tried walking up to them, I wanted to punch one so bad. I quickly regrated my decision wobbling on weak legs.

I would have fallen if Annabeth hadn't have let me lean on her shoulder. I smiled at her gratefully. "Alright keep walking! Boss is waiting!" the larger cyclops pushed Annabeth and I in front of them.

As we walked I observed our environment. We were on a long dirt path, it stretched quite a long distance and was surrounded by tears. At the end of the path was a huge mountain, black smoke surrounded the peak. Straining my eyes, I could see a large building through the dark mist.

As were grew closer I could see the structure better. The building looked like an ancient Greek temple, its black stone radiating dark energy so strong I could feel it from the foot of the mountain.

After walked up the mountain's winding path for a few minutes, I could hear the distant sound of running water. "Hey, Perce?" Annabeth turned to me her voice low "Do you hear that?". I nodded closing my eyes, I tried concentrating on the water.

"Useless" a familiar voice echoed on my head. In the dark of my eyes I saw an image of a fat middle aged man, he held a knife loosely in his bloody hand. Violently I shook my head, pushing down the memory.

I turned to Annabeth worry evident on her face. "I-I can't focus" I whispered, she nodded. I quickly looked down at my feet as we walked, embarrassed for how useless I felt. After a few minutes we had reached the large doors of the temple.

Now that we were closer, I could see the stones and door, faces swirled around their surface. They whispered words I couldn't hope to understand. Annabeth and I stood still as the doors slowly opened with a loud creak.

We were roughly shoved, letting us stumble into the dark room. Before we could react the doors had shut behind us leaving us in cold silence. "Welcome!" a loud familiar voice boomed. Torches of greek fire burst to life on the tall walls.

We stood at the end of a massive throne room. Paintings lined the walls depicting large battles, prophecies and Tartarus himself.

My eyes slowly made their way down the hall, at the end was a large throne. Like the walls the throne was pitch black with whispering faces swimming in the dark surface. From the back of the chair large spikes pierced the air, a red shimmering liquid dripped down the points.

I gulp as my eyes meet the figure sitting on the throne. Tartarus sat at his full height and size. His purple skin looked thicker than before, his hair bloody red like the ground of the pit itself. A strong aura radiated off him, causing my body to shiver.

Thick black Armor hung off his strong body, it was engraved with symbols. Before In the dark cell I couldn't see him clearly. Now that I see him at his full strength I was terrified, although I wouldn't say so out loud.

"Ah! Your finally here! Come forth!" his voice boomed, clear, commanding. As we took steps forwards I could feel the urge to run and hide creep over my body. I'm an adult, I'm a father I can do this! I have to be brave!

Soon we were a few feet from the massive deity. I felt me energy being sucked from my body, becoming weaker. "I've been waiting for you..." before he could finish, my mouth opened "we are never going to join you". I was sick of him and his 'niceness'.

"PERSEUS! DON'T SPEAK TO ME WITH THAT TONE!" Tartarus' voice echoed around the room. I let out a scream as I dropped to the floor, I felt memories surface. My bound hands held my head, his face flashed in my mind. Gabe's slurred voice filled my mind "Pathetic" "Stupid" "Useless".

I felt small, like a child again. I felt my body shaking, I slowly forced my eyes open. I will not give Tartarus any satisfaction. Slowly I rise to my feet, burying my memories further in my mind.

My eyes catch a flash of orange hair, its Mnemosyne she's doing this. I can hear her chains clanging quietly.

I felt a hand rest on my shoulder, Annabeth's stormy eyes met mine. We shared an understanding, we will never give in.

"Please I just want to help you! Join me and you will always be remembered never forgotten" Tartarus' voice was softer now, sweet, It sickened me.

This time it was Annabeth who talked up, "Like Percy said we will never join you! We'd rather die knowing we've helped others then hurt them!"

"Oh, little Annabeth..." Tartarus tutted "... if you're going to be like that. I'm sure you wouldn't mind if Percy here went through a little more pain". His cruel laugh made my insides churn. Panic raised in the pit of my stomach.

"Please not again..." Annabeth's stressed voice filled my ears, the rest of her sentence was cut off by the sound of Gabe's voice. "Persssseus! Where are ya?" his slurring voice made my small body tense.

I could feel my knees hit the cold floor of Tartarus temple, I remember this day. My eyes close to see a dark familiar hallway. No no no! please not this one!

I saw a large staggering figure turn the corner of the hallway. I could see his bloodshot eyes gleam dangerously in the low light. My back hit the cold wall as I backed away.

"Oh, there you are" I stood frozen. Please not this one! "How was ssschool?". My mouth remained shut as he moved closer to me. I was too scared to reply.

I remember this day, I tried to forget it but it always stuck. This was the day I got expelled and the day before I moved to Yancy Academy.

"Oh ssso you're not going to talk to me huh punk?!" he walked closer, reaching to a small table next to him. "I heard you've been expelled, again" my breathing quickened as he picked up a previously broken beer bottle.

I looked around, trying to find a way out. All I could see was blank walls and dead ends. A sharp pain erupted in my stomach. As I look down at where the pain came from I could see the broken bottle sticking out of my flesh. Red warm blood slowly stained my shirt.

I can't believe I have to go through his again. I let out a yelp as the glass was ripped from where it was buried. My hand jumped to the bleeding injury, I felt dizzy looking at the blood slowly dripped from my fingers.

"I can't have you leave! Can I Perseus?" my eyes slowly met the man standing in front of me. "I don't want to lose my favourite punching bag!" A familiar pain shot up my leg as Gabe kicked my knee.

I roughly fell to the ground. I gasped as the air was knocked out of my lungs. "What's wrong punk! Still got nothing to say?" he slurred out. I remained quiet knowing it would be worse if I spoke.

I scream as a foot came flying at my stomach. I wheezed as the air was knocked from my lungs again. Tears now leaked from my closed eyes. I yelped as another leg kicked my stomach again.

I moved my legs and arms in on myself, trying to become smaller. Blow after blow was sent to my stomach and ribs. I lay on the floor my arms over my head, being repeatedly kicked.

"You pathetic piece of garbage! You can't even stay in school!" Gabe grunted as he aimed another kick to my ribs. As he made contact a loud creak echoed around the silent apartment. The pain was overpowering, my rib had snapped. I felt vomit rise in my throat, my breathing became laboured.

"Oh suck it up! You're a useless cry-baby!" Gabe slurred as he squatted down beside me. I let out a whimper as Gabe forcefully shoved me onto my back. "No one loves you!" the words echoed around my damaged head.

Gabe slowly gets up and starts stumbling back down the hallway. "Mum loves me" my voice was weak, almost nothing. My words caused Gabe to stop in his tracks. He slowly walked back to where I lay, in a corner in my own blood.

I tried to scoot further into the corner, I only made it a felt inches before the pain was to great. My broken rib and bruised stomach were too much, my attempts of moving were futile. Gabe stood over me, his figure blocking the light.

"YOU.ARE.NO.BODY!" his words cut deeper than any knife. That's not true! That's not true! I try to tell myself but even I don't believe it. Maybe I am, maybe he's right.

"I'm gonna teach you a lesson boy" Gabe growled as he knelt down beside me again. He pulled something sharp from his back pocket. The shiny surface of the knife gleamed in the dull light.

"p-please n-no" I whispered as he brought the knife closer to my arm. "Oh, so now you wanna talk" Gabe smiled, his stained teeth flashed.

Scream after scream the blade was dragged across my arm. Blood gushed from my arms, staining the floor. The knife cut through my flesh like it was butter.

P-please s-stop! Please! Please I'll do anything! As the beg slipped from my lips I found that I was back in the throne room. I lay on the ground, curled in on myself.

I heard Tartarus' cruel laugh echo around the room. Every laughed caused my body to flinch. Tears ran down my cheeks.

I heard footsteps approach me, I felt a presence next to me. A hand slowly moved towards my chin lifting it roughly.

My eyes opened in panic, no no no! I quickly scooted away from the hand, bring my knees up to my chest. My whole body shook, as loud sobs racked my body.

In the corner of my eye I could see Annabeth, she was struggling to get out of her captures arms. "That was too easy!" Tartarus laughed again "You are so pathetic!" I flinched again at his words. "I thought you were supposed to the best".


Sorry! I know its been a really long time! please don't kill me! want a nugget? (passes you a nugget) anyways I hope you liked the extra long and angsty chapter (2145 words dam!)

P.S I hope it was ok I found it really hard to write that's is why it took so long!

P.P.S shout out to Rae! you always support me! you're the best bro! 

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