Our Quest Has Begun? Oh great!

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Luke's POV:

I stare blankly at the book in front of me, a big leather book labelled 'The Second Titan War'. Words swirled and danced around the page, my dyslexia is acting up again. Amanda told me that it's because my mind is 'hardwired' to read ancient Greek, but I don't have time to learn a dead language.

I hear voices from outside the cabin door. Tired, I don't bother looking up instead trying to focus on the mess of letters in front of me, failing miserably.

"...I know Rae! Its ok I'll try and get him out, we'll meet you there" I hear Sunday as the wooden door is opened. "Hey Luke!" she said, I could hear the bed creaked as she sat down. I answered with a "hmm?".

"Raes been trying to get your attention. The campfire singalong is starting soon. You need a break" Sunday's voice echoed around the silent cabin. Kids walked past the cabin their laughter filling my ears.

"I can't have a break until we have mum and dad back" I mumble staring at a picture on dads desk. The photo was of mum and dad both looking younger on a beach they are both soaking, their smiles so big. It had blue writing in the bottom corner "Happy 16thBirthday Seaweed Brain from your Wise girl".

"Luke..." Sunday stood up "... we can't help them if your so tired you can't even focus on a book!". She walked over to the side of the desk, picking up a broken watch. I know she is right, even though she is only 12 she is always right. "You need to have a break, and besides mum and dad wouldn't want you to be like this!".

"Well they didn't want us to know about this world either and look at us!" I looked up to my sisters stormy grey eyes. "Just have a rest! For me?" she pleaded, I stared at my sisters face, my eyes going in and out of focus.

"Ok fine! But tomorrow I am going back to my research" I slowly sat up looking at the framed picture one more time. "Come on we'll miss it!" Sunday yelled grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the cabin.

As soon as we stepped into the cool breeze I could tell something was wrong. There was a crowd of people looking at something. "Luke Sunday! Thank the gods!" Amanda ran up behind us "Quick Racheal is making a prophecy!".

We sprinted over to the crowd of people. We pushed our way to the front. Lying on the floor in the centre of the crowd was Rachel. I've only seen her once, but I know about the red headed profit.

Clouds of green flowed around her like snakes, her eyes glowed bright green. Everyone fell quiet when they heard the raspy voice of the oracle.

"A great darkness rises from its cave,

Two children of sea and wisdom,

Take hast to save what they most crave 

And dragged into a different life, they fall victim

Evils home must be revealed by lady of serpents,

With this evil's help, darkness must fall,

Once wronged by sea son, she repents,

Help children of sea and wisdom find their loved haul,

Three children must Journey south

The two children and the long unclaimed,

In five days enter the mountains cursed mouth,

Beware the wronged child of darkness be blamed"

The green smoke clears as Rachel's eyes close. Everyone stood frozen, shocked. I could feel Sunday tightly grab my hand. The sound of hooves on the ground broke the deafening silence.

Chiron slows down as he sees Rachelon the ground, the crowd parts, Jason and piper follow behind him. He looked down at her on the grass, his expression serious. "Sunday, Luke follow me" Chiron's voice echoed around the crowd. People started whispering.

"Jason bring Rachel" Chiron said, he turned and started to walk away. I jogged after Chiron, struggling to keep up with his fast stride. Sunday walked a while behind us with Jason. I caught up to Chiron "Was that a prophecy about... us?" I questioned worried.

Chiron looked forwards "Yes, I am afraid your raining has to come to an end". I nodded confused, I looked over to where we were walking to. We stopped at a cliff wall, Chiron quickly steps through some curtains to a cave entrance.

Reaching up I move the star patterned fabric. I couldn't help but gasp as I entered the small cave. The walls were littered In paintings painted straight onto the stone walls.

Some paintings were beautiful of mythical creatures, others not so much. One painting caught my eye more than others though. It was an image of a girl sitting cross-legged on the ground she was looking at a laptop, in a dark room. The more I looked the more disturbing it became, I noticed that behind the girl was a large spider looking figure, their many red eyes glowing the dark.

A shiver passed over me as Sunday, Jason and Piper entered the cave. Jason slowly put Rachel down on a blue couch against one of the walls. Piper looked to Chiron who was pacing. "Chiron they need to go, don't they?" Piper asked.

"What?! They've only been training for two weeks!" Jason said, spinning around to look at his old mentor.

"I'm afraid we have no choice" Chiron said looking over to a large canvas on an easel in the corner of the cave. "The prophecy said five days, they are running out of time".

"Ok, lets at least go through the prophecy" piper said as she sat down on a vacant couch. "Good idea" Jason said as he sat down next to his wife.

I sat down on the floor and Sunday sat next to me, she is way too quiet. "So the first part we know. Do you remember the second?" piper turned to look at us. Sunday answered, her voice barely hearable;

"Evils home must be revealed by lady of serpents,

With this evil's help, darkness must fall,

Once wronged by sea son, she repents,

Help children of sea and wisdom find their loved haul"

"Alright, so they need to find a lady with serpents that was wronged by sea son" Jason summarised, tapping his chin. "I think it means medusa. Didn't Percy fight her a few time" Piper's voice echoed around the room.

"Doesn't she hate dad? Why will she help us" I asked recalling a story I heard about dad. "I'm not sure, we'll just have to find out" she said. Sunday spoke again this time her voice was slightly louder.

"Three children must Journey south

The two children and the long unclaimed,

In five days enter the mountains cursed mouth,

Beware the wronged child of darkness be blamed"

"Ok so south it is! To the mountains cursed mouth. Maybe a monster" Jason said, looking towards piper. She looked deep in thought "I'm not sure what the rest is, wronged child of darkness? And who is the long unclaimed? What do you think Chiron?" we all turn to the centaur.

"I think Rachel already figured it out for us" we all look to where he was standing. In front of him stood a canvas. It was a beautiful painting, but like the one with the spider it was kind of creepy.

There in the centre of the dark canvas was a girl around my age she was holding a glowing sword. Her clothes where stained and her long brown hair fell over her shoulders. Her piercing crystal blue eyes stood out like a boat in the ocean. Amanda Adams our friends. Above her head floated a huge harsh white question mark.

"I know its soon and your scared but Luke, Sunday, you need to pack. Your quest has begun" Chiron said, his tone grave. 


yo yo yo bros! Im back sorry I haven't updated in ages! I've been in my school musical and its been nuts! anyways hope ya enjoy this chapter I am uploading it at 12 ay night so! sorry about any spelling or gramma issues! also sort out to Rea (ReynaDiAngelo14)

Don't forget to comment I love reading them! 

Peace out,

Piggy3000 the Potato Queen

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