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 The Winx girls, the Specialists, and me were flying in the Owl to get to the mountain where this Mirror of Truth is located. On the way to the mountains there was this Griffon that attached its sharp claws around the Owl. The guys and I were trying our best to shake this Griffin off our ship, but the only thing it has gotten us is an angry Griffin, cracked windshield, and a malfunctioning ship. Falen and I tried our best to get this ship back to its working function, but this Griffin got a vice grip on the ship. Sky was trying his best to shake this Griffin off and again nothing was working. The ship was shaking, jerking slide to slide causing the Winx girls to move along with the ship. 

 "Sky try to pull up!?" Bloom exclaimed holding on to one of the empty chairs of the Owl. 

 Soon more Griffons appeared around the Griffin that was latched to the ship. A cracking sound of the glass from the windshield filled the dysfunctional ship. My glasses was reflecting the green colored text of the ship. I was trying to find solutions to get the Owl back in functioning order, but the only thing that get the Owl back working right is getting this Griffin and its friends off our backs. 

 "The engines not responding," Sky said pushing buttons trying to get the Owl under control at the least with this Griffin on top. 

 I heard the wobbly steps of someone coming towards me. I slightly glanced up and see that it was Tecna. Tecna was holding tightly to my chair as she was trying to not get swept away with the constant rocking the ship was doing. 

 "Maybe we can slow down the dive?" Tecna questioned. 

 "The gravitational fields are gone, the ship structure won't last long!" I informed Tecna, but mainly to Falen and Sky. 

 The sounds of the systems blared. The announcement that the ship won't last long further proved that the Owl was on its last leg. 

 "Emalia can't you do some reverse destruction magic like you did before?" Brandon asked as he was sitting next to Stella holding her tight. 

 "I can, but it will be no use since these Griffins will only come back on top and turn it back to the way it was, we need to get these Griffins away from the ship then I can start my magic," Emalia replied as she was holding Falen's chair. 

 "Well then, hold on tight I'll try to switch it to auto level," Sky called out preparing everyone for what's going to happen. "Timmy and Falen put us on manual override," 

 "You got it, Sky!" Falen and I said at the same time. 

 I was putting the systems of the Owl into manual override putting in one part of the code to do it. Falen put the other code in and we was able to get the Owl into manual override as the green words in bold lettering reading, "SYSTEM MANUAL OVERRIDE,". I looked up at the cracked windshield and saw the Griffin had ran its claws down the windshield causing a Lous screeching noises to echo along with the constant system siren. 

 "Sky, the Griffon won't let go!" Brandon exclaimed as the Owl rocked. 

 "Timmy opened the hyper valves, we need to increase the power!" Sky asked. 

 "I feel the Griffon let one of its clawed feet off the ship!" Falen shouted over the alarm. 

 True enough, the Griffin did let its clawed feet off the Owl. But, once the Griffin let the claw off the Owl, it slammed back on the ship. That slammed shook the ship again, but mainly on the right side where Musa, Falen, Emalia, and Flora was at. I tried to get the hyper valves open, but for some reason they were opening. 

 "It's not working," I exclaimed. 

 "I can't believe that the bird is stronger than the ship's engine?" Sky said shocked as he was pushing buttons. 

 "I know a way to get these Griffins off this ship!" Nahoa said sounding like he was about to say something sinister. 

 "What can we do Nahoa?" Falen questioned. 

 "You can let me zap them with electric and we can take them back to Alfea and can roast and bbq them! Its been long while since I had roasted Griffin!"  

 "Yea thanks for your advice Nahoa maybe next time or never!" Emalia exclaimed sounding like she was rolling her eyes. 


 "Girls, its our turn now, let's go get those Griffins!" I exclaimed as the girls looked at me with determination expect for Stella. 

 Emalia was walking towards the directions of the hanger doors. Emalia stopped walking and stood in front of Stella and Brandon. Stella had a sad look on her face as she wasn't able to use her powers to help us get the Griffins off around the Owl. I was sad that she couldn't join us, but I can at least feel a bit better that she is allowing Brandon to "see" her. 

 "I won't be much help!" Stella said sadly. 

 "Don't worry Stella, it'll be okay!" Brandon placed his hand on Stella's cheek still under the affect of the spell Flora casted. 

 "No worries Stella I'll fight in your honor!" Emalia beamed as she held Stella's hand gently. 

 "MAGIC WINX!!" I yelled activating our transformation. 

A/n: This gifs are killing me. Wattpad please change the gifs requirements about the gif size or file being too large. 

 We transformed and flew out the hanger doors. The Owl and the Griffins continue to fly forward as the girls and I flew back and floated in the air. The Griffon on top of the Owl was holding on for dear life. 

 "HEY YOU, LET GO!" I shouted at the Griffin on top of the ship. "SPHERE OF FIRE!!!!" 

 I cast my spell aiming my magic at the Griffin at the top of the Owl. My spell made contact with the Griffin on the Owl and threw it off the ship. But what shocked me was that my spell didn't do anything to the Griffin as tiny golden dust twinkled as it was going down at the ground. 

 "What it wasn't affective?!" I said shockingly as the Griffin shook it off like it didn't bother it. 

 "They are talking together now!" Flora pointed as the other Griffins that were on the side was coming towards the ship. 

 "I'll try to stun them with my sound wave!" Musa said as she created her sound wave and it was hit those Griffins. 

 The Griffins were hit with Musa's spell and they were pushed back from the ship. But the thing is the Griffins went back to chasing the Owl like nothing happened. 

 "They're running from us, but they're heading straight for the ship?!" Tecna said analyzing the Griffins behaviors. 

 "Well it seems like it will be turn!" Emalia said as she was back to fly after the Griffins until Flora stopped her. 

 "Emalia, we have to make sure that we don't hurt them," Flora exclaimed. 

 "I'm not going to hurt them, well Nahao might but I won't!" Emalia informed Flora with a gentle smile. "TORNADO TWIST!" 

 Emalia casted her spell and several large tornado appeared. Emalia flicked her arms ordering those endlessly swirling tornadoes in the direction of the flying Griffins. The tornadoes grabbed a hold of each Griffin individually spinning them around and around. Then again a golden dust twinkled while falling down. The Griffons were lightly dizzy until they went back flying back to the Owl. 

 "What that didn't work either!" Emalia exclaimed and looked at everyone. "What is going on with our magic today?!" 


 Sky flew the ship between the narrow path of the mountains so the Griffins won't have a wide enough space to endlessly attack or plan a group assualt on the Owl. The Griffins has been off the ship for a long time. The Owl's alarm system went off as soon as the girls at the Griffin off the top of the ship. The Griffins that were on the side has disappeared as well. I checked the radar and I didn't see any Griffins in sight, but the enemy radar wasn't working properly since the Griffin broke the Owl's system. 

 "I think the girls did it, it looks like the Griffins has retreated now!" Timmy exclaimed sounding happy. 

 "Yeah, I don't see them on the radar scanners!" I smiled. 

 I turned my chair around to see Timmy was smiling and I got a good view of Stella and Brandon. Brandon was going to smile as well until his eyes widen. My smile dropped as I was wondering why Brandon was looking like that. 

 "It seem like you two spoke too soon!" Brandon said pointing out the windshield. 

 I turned my chair back around to see the Griffins coming right back. The big Griffin came back but instead of coming from the back like it did before. This time, it was coming from the front. 

"Frontal attack!" Sky exclaimed. 

 The Griffin grabbed the Owl with its clawed feet. The Griffin stopped the Owl from moving forward. Sky was pushing the buttons on the steering panel. The ship was rocking as it was fighting against the strength of the Griffin. Then the Griffin won the strength battle by slamming the Owl on the rocky side of the mountain. The Owl's alarm system went back to sounding through the used to be quiet ship. Sky was pushing buttons trying to get this Griffin off the ship. Again, nothing worked, but this time the Griffin was grinding the ship against the rocks of the mountain. I can see the smoke coming from the ship and tailing behind us as the Griffin has control of where the Owl was going. When I thought we couldn't get this Griffin off the Owl, the Griffin's weight was again was off the ship. 

 "Alright!" Sky exclaimed as he high fived Timmy and me. 

 "See Stella, we made it!" Brandon exclaimed tenderly touching Stella's cheek smiling. 

For the third time, the Owl's alarms sounded off again. I don't think, I'll be able to get this alarm buzzing out of my ears even after its completely over. I ran to the controls and see that red bolded words appearing on the panels. I tried to push some buttons, but nothing was responding 

 "What's going on now?!" Brandon questioned as he looked around at the Griffons thinking maybe they came back. 

 "The controls aren't responding they stuck!" Timmy declared as he looked over at Sky then at me. "How about you end of the controls Falen?"

 "Its the same thing over here," I replied. 

 "We're being attacked again and by something very big this time!" Sky said looking up to see the windshield wasn't showing the sky, but feathers of a very large beast. 

 Timmy and I sat in the controls seat and being trying to fix the ship. Nothing was working successfully. I feared that the Owl was going to breakdown and the Griffins are going to pick us out for dinner. 

 "If we don't slow down this ship is going blow!" I exclaimed. 

 "I'm trying to release the coolant, but it's deactivated, there's nothing else we can do," Sky said informing Timmy and me. 


 "Musa and Emalia are you two ready?!" Bloom asked Musa and I as we began the first part of the plan to get those Griffins completely off the Owl. 

 "Totally!" Musa nodded as she swooped down underneath the ship. 

 "Here we go girls!" I smiled. "Good luck!" 

 I followed after Musa flying under the Owl. Musa was waiting for me to come down along with her so we can cast our spell at the same time as well as waiting for Bloom to give us the signal to start our part of the plan.

 "Emalia, Musa, we're in position!" Bloom yelled. 

 Musa and I looked at each other with determination. We nodded at each other and placed our hands at the green spinning device that is underneath. 

 "ULTRA SOUND POWER/ DESTRUCTION REVERSAL!!!" Musa and I shouted casting our spells at the same time. 

 Musa's Ultra Sound Power was going hitting the ship and was going to the Mama Griffin. My magic was repairing the ship which included the windshield, Owl's systems, and everything else that could be going wrong. I heard the screeching of the Mama Griffin as she felt the effects of Musa's place. The additional the weight of the Mama Griffin was off the ship. Musa and I were waiting for Bloom, Tecna, and Flora to cast that relocation spell so we can leave under the ship. 

 "Ready?" Bloom asked Flora and Tecna, but was stopped by Tecna. 

 "Look!" Tecna exclaimed. 

 It was silent for a little bit until the screeching of more Griffins coming. I'm assuming its the babies coming to protect their mother. 

 "The other Griffins are coming back!" Tecna declared. 

 "They're trying to protect their mother!" Flora proclaimed. 

 "And we are trying to protect our friends and this ship!" I said still casting my magic to fix all the ship's damages. 

 "Keep your positions, we got to cast this convergence spell!" Bloom said keeping Flora and Tecna focus on the task at hand. 

 The screeching of the Griffins' family was getting louder and louder. As I begin to wonder when will this relocation spell be ready to activate so these Griffins will be out of our hairs. 

 "NOW!!!!" Bloom shouted as I saw an orange yellowish ball coming towards the ship. "RELOCATION SPELL!" 

 Musa and I ended casting our respective spells. We flew from under the ship and we rejoined Tecna, Flora, and Bloom. I looked around the empty sky and see that the Griffins' family were nowhere to be seen. 

 "WE DID IT!!" Flora cheered pumping her fist. "But where did the Griffins go?"

 "Flora who cares where they went as long as they are not bothering us and this ship!" I exclaimed as I was flying over to the hanger doors. 

 I turned back to face my friends and see that Tecna was checking her scanner. 

 "They haven't been relocated very far since we're kind of new at this spell," Tecna reported as she was looking at the system. 

 "Emalia had the right idea, let's get out of here before they come back!" Musa exclaimed flying and floating next to me. 

Mirror of Truth's Cave, Stella 

 We made it to the cave that is housing the Mirror of Truth. Timmy used the Owl's computer to scan for a closer entrance to get to the Mirror of Truth faster. Luckily, there was an opening that granted quick access to the Mirror of Truth. Everyone was unloading the Owl as Brandon and I were somewhat the last stepping out of the ship. I had my pink glittery hooded coat wrapped around me along with the hood covering my head so Brandon don't have to see me. Brandon was walking next to me and he never left my side since we got on the Owl back in Alfea! Flora's spell really worked as I felt that Brandon was being his old self. But I kinda of felt a difference in Brandon's behavior with me, he was more gentle with me than he was before. I hope its not because Flora's spell broke!

 The cave that was keeping the Mirror of Truth in was a bit dark, but thanks to the large opening light from outside was making it's way inside. 

 "You have to admit we do make a great team!" Sky flirted with Bloom causing her to smile. 

 "Yeah too bad they don't have high speed rescue ops in the Magix Games!" Bloom exclaimed. 

 "We don't need anymore of that!" Emalia declared with her arms crossed. 

 "Why not do it again Princesa?" Falen questioned placing his arm around Emalia's shoulders. 

 "Because the next time, I have to go through that then I'll have to train Kekipi to be an attack Gynosphinx!" 

 "And I can teach Kekipi to takedown some Griffons and other magical animals that I haven't eaten in a long time!" Nahoa said as it sounded like he was licking his lips. 

 "How about you be on your best behavior and not worry about that and worry about helping Stella!" Inoki commanded. 


 "Hmm our search is over!" Musa exclaimed. 

 "That's the entrance to the cave!" I pointed. 

 I looked forwarded and see what Concorda was explaining about the giants who protect the Mirror of Truth. Ahead there were rigged and jagged rocks that formed thin and thick pillars. The rocks were connected to the top of the cave ceiling. Everyone was walking ahead trying to reach the giants that guards the Mirror of Truth. 

 "Ummm, what are we looking for exactly?" Brandon asked confused. 

 "The Mirror of Truth, Concorda couldn't tell us what it looks like, but we know it when we see it," Flora explained it too Brandon so I don't have to tell him the real reason why I was looking for it.  

 "I just hope it works, I so want it to give me my old looks back!" I pleaded hoping that it works and wasn't a waste of time. 

 Brandon placed his hands on my shoulders as we both look for this Mirror of Truth. 

 "Well remember what Concorda said?" Bloom questioned as she was now walking with Musa and Flora. 

 "The Ice Spirits are the keepers of the magic and we should trust their words," Musa replied to Bloom's question. 

 "Maybe when Concorda said 'we know when we see it' maybe she meant Stella will know when she see it?" Emalia questioned as she turned her head to look at me. 

 "Don't look at me, I don't even know where to start," I exclaimed. 

 There was a dinging noise that echoed through the cave. The dinging was coming from Tecna. Tecna raised her forearm and her scanner popped up. 

 "We're almost there just a little bit further and the tunnel should widen out," Tecna informed the group. 


 Tecna's analysis was spot on. The end of this tunnel we was going through did widen. We got closer to what Musa, Stella, and Flora was talking about these Ice Spirits that protects this Mirror of Truth. The Ice Spirits were formed from ice and they had the faces of older magical men, but had the "body" of ice forming a long ice sickle. These Ice Spirits were incandescently glowing a light blue hue. Everyone even myself was captured by its unspeakable beauty. 

 "It's amazing, alright, where are we exactly?!" Stella asked in amazement. 

 "You are in front of us," One of the Ice Spirits said spooking the group and I out a bit as one of the Ice Spirits spoke out all of a sudden. "You were looking for us, state your business,"

 "Well sorry to bother you, but are you the Ice Spirits?" Bloom asked them as she was crouched down a bit with her hands over her mouth slightly. 

 "We are the ones, who wait in eternity, speak," The second Ice Spirit spoke. 

 As Bloom was coming up with the words to say, Flora took a step back leaving Bloom on her own in the front without Bloom noticing Flora had left her side. 

 "W-we need your help please!" Bloom smiled at the Ice Spirits before her. 

 "You overcame great dangers," The third Ice Spirit spoke. 

 "The frozen winds of the barrier, the fierce talons of the Griffins," The fourth Ice Spirits listed.

 "Your motivation must be strong," The first Ice Spirit declared. 

 Stella for some reason was walking forward so the spirits can get a good look at her. As Stella was walking forward she took her hood off for the first step since she stepped out of the Owl. 

 "Ah dark magic, an evil spell," The first Ice Spirit continued to talk as he laid eyes on Stella. 

 Dark magic? When was dark magic casted on Stella? Could it have been the Princess Ball that happened? That would explain why King Radius wanted to capture Stella and the Winx girls since he didn't recognize who Stella was at the time. It would also explain why every time I see Stella, I see this glowing gold light surrounding her. But if dark magic was placed on Stella then why didn't Emalia reverse it like what she did to the Owl back when those Griffins attacked us?

 "Well can you help me break it?" Stella whimpered a bit. 

 "You must look for the Mirror of Truth, you will find it once you found yourself," The second Ice Spirit replied to Stella's question. 

 "It will break the spell only if you touch its heart," The third Ice Spirit chimed. 

A/n: Skipping to when they found the Mirror of Truth

 Stella sat on her legs as she was peering down at the glowing frozen water that resembles a mirror. Stella poured her heart out as she stared at her unlikable appearance in the mirrored water. It broke me listening to Stella beg for the mirror to reverse the dark spell. When the mirror didn't do nothing to turn Stella back to the way she was and hearing her cry broke me even further. 

 "Stella," I called out to her about to give my speech, but Stella cut me off. 

 "Don't look at me!" Stella commanded as she turned her head and try to shoo me away. "Please,"

 "Why not?"

 Stella cried and used her fish hand to cover her face. Stella shook her head side to side like this was an endless nightmare for her. 

 "You don't understand, you think I'm pretty because of Flora's spell," Stella proclaimed crying. 

 Stella couldn't be more wrong she could ever be. I knew something was off about Stella ever since I couldn't find her back on Solaria. And on the Owl back to Alfea, I saw quick glances at Stella's new appearance. The same goes for coming here to this Mirror of Truth place. I saw pass Stella's horrible appearance and stuck by her throughout the trip because I was in love with Stella's personality, the true Stella I see every time we are hanging out. The sweet and kind Stella that cares more about her friends and me then fashion 90% of the time!

 "Stella this maybe a horrible time to tell you still, but I can see what you look like," I told Stella the truth. 

 I felt Stella's whole body stiffen under my touch. A chorus of gasps filled the noiseless cave. Stella slowly turned around to truly face me. Stella slowly stopped crying and she sniffled a bit to get herself together. 

 "But, but how?" Stella wondered. 

 "I don't know, the spell Flora cast on me never worked," I explained to Stella as she was wiping her tears. 

 "Even though, I look like this?" Stella questioned surprised. "You didn't runaway?" 

 "What!" I chuckled lightly. "Runaway from a beautiful person with a big heart and a wonderful soul? Come on girls tell Stella what you see!"

A/n: Again skipping because I'm a lazy right now and I feel I got the main concept of this episode. 

Back at Alfea, Tecna 

 Our short school break was over and its the start of a new school year. Everyone, new students and old students was trying to get things in order before going back to the groove of being back at Alfea. I could the choruses of footsteps and chattering outside the Winx Club's apartment door. A sense of familiar warms swelled my heart as I thought back to how I was on my first year of Alfea! Aisha has came back from Andros. I must say that she was acting like Emalia as she didn't want to talk about or at least give her friends updates about what was causing a shift in her mood. Aisha since stepping foot in the apartment has been stand offish along with looking down at anything like she was in deep thought about something. Stella must of thought giving Aisha a recap on what happened to her will cheer Aisha up and get her to explain what was going on with her while she was on Andros. 

 "You should have seen me Aisha, I was totally brave!" Stella cheered with a smile. 

 "Yeah sure, HeLp PLeAsE leT ME hAvE mY FACE baCK!" Musa came in joking stretching out the skin around her eyes to make a monster look causing Stella to place her hands on her hips frowning. 

 Everyone even Aisha, but expected Stella laughed. Stella and Musa walked over to the mirror while Stella was touching her face. 

 "Actually that monster transformation soften my skin well check it out!" Stella came over to Musa surprising her by her sudden move towards her. 

 "I'll pass on that, but thanks!" Musa smirked. 

 Stella again frowned and rolled her eyes at Musa not feeling Musa's joking nature at the moment. Bloom walked over to the window and peered out it with a smile. 

 "Hey did you see all the first year fairies?" Bloom asked smiling. 

 "I haven't seen not one dark fairy since I arrived here two years ago, I'm surrounded by goody two shoe fairies," Emalia grumbled jokingly. 

 The whole room went silent as all eyes were on Emalia. 

 "Emalia if you're worried about that then we can roast all these fairies expect for the ones in the room on an open fire!" Nahoa pointed out sounding excited appearing out of Emalia's pigtails. 

 "Calm yourself down Nahoa, you promised to be on your best behavior!" Inoki commented appearing also out of Emalia's pigtails. 

 "What this is my best behavior!" 

 "I was just kidding girls!" Emalia gave us all a sly grin shooing that thought away. 

 The room again was filled with laughter as we was laughing at Emalia's playful self. This the Emalia the girls and I missed the one making dark humor jokes and brushing it off as something little. But I still couldn't help to wonder what put Emalia in her mindless act before?

 "I've already met a girl who's interested in tropical plants, she comes from a realm full of palm trees!" Flora said with joy answering Bloom's earlier question. 

 "Girls, I got to go, I promised Timmy I'd show him my new holo programs!" I announced to the girls as was walking out the room. 

 I walked through the living room of the apartment and once I was at the exit of apartment which is the entrance of the corridors of Alfea, I was stopped by someone calling me. I turned around to see that it was Emalia that was calling for me. I found it a bit strange that Emalia would call for me, but I ignored that feeling trying to see how I can help a friend in need.

 "Tecna, can I stop you for a moment?" Emalia called out to me once she reached me. 

 "Sure, follow me out the door!" I beamed opening the door for Emalia and I. 


 Emalia and I were out in the busy corridors of Alfea. New and old fairies filled the hallways along with their luggages and carry-on bags. Emalia closed the door behind us and she followed down the hallways. Emalia and I were dodging the oncoming fairies and their bags from hitting us. A few of the bags and fairies nearly ran into us which caused the fairies to apologize greatly. Emalia and I just waved it off with a smile understanding how stressful it can be getting adjust to a new setting like Alfea. Once things got settled down that was when I decided it would be best to help Emalia out. 

 "So Emalia what can I do for you?" I asked with a smile. 

 "I need you to do me a quick favor something that will be milliseconds for you to do?" Emalia replied as I can sense the shift in Emalia's mood. 

 "Sure what could it be?"

 Emalia looked down at her hands. She then took a deep breath and looked me in the eyes. Emalia's eyes had the look of determination that had seen since the whole Stella situation. 

 "I need you to translate what 'E maka'ala iā Valtor' means," Emalia explained to me. 

 E what? What language could that be? 

 "Huh where could that language come from?" I pondered out loudly for Emalia to hear as she looked around searching for any prying ears, but didn't find any.

 "Someone or a couple said it to me a couple of weeks when I was "dead" during the end of Darkar's fight," Emalia explained to me. "But they said other things to me while I tried my best to pronounce it right, but that was the only line I could pronounce correctly so far,"

 I was speechless for a bit. So this was the reason Emalia has been off putting after the victory party of Darkar's end. So while Emalia was "dead" she was talking to a couple. 

 "Did you see what this couple look like?" I interrogated Emalia further. 

 "No, I couldn't since surrounding their voice was a blinding bright light," Emalia informed me. "They are the ones that saved me from death so, I figured it would be the right think to do is to take their message or warning to heart,"

 "Let me get my device out," I snapped my finger and my translation device appeared in my hand.

 I pushed a few buttons on my translation device booting up the system so it was working. Once it was up, I looked back at Emalia ready for her to speak the foreign language. 

"Go ahead Emalia repeated that translation again," I nodded over to Emalia who nodded back. 

 "E maka'ala iā Valtor," Emalia repeated the foreign language into my translation device. 

 My translation device picked up a quick and accurate translation that Emalia and I can both understand. My eyes widen as I read the deciphered foreign language on my screen. My body suddenly turned cold once my eyes stopped at the end of the sentence which was Valtor. I wonder who this Valtor is? And I wonder do Emalia know who Valtor is as well?

 "W-what's wrong Tecna?" Emalia asked me worriedly. 

 "Emalia what you just said is the Ikaikaian language," I said slowly easing my way to what I'm about to read. 

 "Really? What does it say?"

 I gulp down this hard pill I was about to mention to Emalia. 

 "Its translation mean 'Beware of Valtor'," I replied. 

 Emalia had the same reaction I had once I told her the meaning of the Ikaikaian language. 

 "Valtor," Emalia mumbled under her breath like she knew who this Valtor person could be. 

 "Emalia, who is this Valtor person?" 

Hours later outside in the courtyard of Alfea, Aisha 

 All the third year fairies were gathered around in the courtyard awaiting for Headmistress Faragonda's speech. The sun was at its highest point in the sky meaning it was the early afternoon. A gentle breeze blew calming down the sun's sizzling rays. It was nice day outside, but too bad it couldn't look like this back on Andros. The teaching staff of Alfea was standing on a red stand behind Headmistress Faragonda. They all wore a smile on their faces as they the time to look at each fairy that stood before them during the assembly. 

 "A warm welcome to all you third year Alfea fairies', I have a few announcements one of them is your final exams," Headmistress Faragonda announced. 

 A tiny choruses of groans and moans filled the used to be serious assembly. The third year fairies were not excited to hear about final exams especially since we just started a brand new school year not too long ago. How could my parents thought it would be a good idea for me to go back to Alfea when Andros needs me to help the ongoing problems that we are having. 

 "We just got here and she's already talking about final exams," One fairy behind me grumbled. 

 "I still have to unpack, I'm not ready for exams!" Another fairy across from the other fairy spoke. 

 "Girls let me finish," Headmistress Faragonda gently ordered getting the attention back on her. "Thank you, this year's final examination is a very important step in your training as fairies! Last year your goal was to earn your Charmix, this year your goal is to achieve your final transformation!" 

 Headmistress Faragonda pointed her index finger up to the blue cloudless skies that engulfs Alfea. A golden magic ball appeared and flew up in the air transforming into a huge rectangle. It should a pretty and colorful image of green lush grass accompanied by flowers, a rock, and a narrow stream of water flowing. As Headmistress Faragonda was speaking the image panned up revealing three girls happily playing on the green grass. Then it should those same three girls transforming into their fairy attires. 

 "Should you be successful you will gain access to new powers like fairy powder and miniaturization! This is your chance to be a full-fledged fairy!" Headmistress Faragonda explained with a smile on her face. 

 "Full-fledged fairy?" Musa questioned looking over at Tecna causing Tecna to shrug her shoulders. 

 "This is the only way you can pass your third year and those who do will be rewarded for all their hard work with a prize that will change their lives forever!" Headmistress Faragonda continued to elaborate as Stella silently cheered once she heard Headmistress Faragonda said the word rewarded. "Those who do not will remain as they are now; however, let's not forget that a fairy of a higher level has not only great powers, but a greater responsibility!"

 "Something that Stella lack at times!" Emalia joked nudging me as I light laughed with a tight smile. 

 "Hey are you talking about me?" Stella snarled at Emalia who just chuckled. 

 "Yes because what Headmistress Faragonda was talking about you once you get this power!"

 Stella playfully rolled her eyes at Emalia and raised her hand. Everyone began chattering with the fairy they was standing next to until Stella raised her hand to ask Headmistress Faragonda something. 

 "What should we do to prepare for this test?" Stella questioned. 

 "No special preparation is required!" Headmistress Faragonda bend down slightly with a smile at Stella. 

 "Thank goodness!" Stella exclaimed with her hand over her heart. 

 "The test will find you at a critical moment in time," Headmistress Faragonda elaborated more on what she told Stella. 

 I hope this final exam don't come now while I have to worry about the state of Andros. 

 "You will need to rescue someone from your own world and it will require a great sacrifice, if you succeed then and only then will you achieve final transformation! Then you will be able to fulfill your purpose as a full-fledged fairy fairy and protect your people in your world from evil and destruction!" Headmistress Faragonda explained further. 

 "Well that would be impossible for Emalia since we all know she will be the only causing destruction on her world thanks to her powers!" Stella snickered causing the other girls expect for me to laugh. 

 "Oh you want to go there Stella!" Emalia smirked with a silly tick mark on her head. 

 "I think I already took it there!" Stella fired back still laughing. 

 Another hour time skip 

 I opened the door to Stella, Emalia, and mine shared room. The girls have planned to go out tonight like it was a Winx Club tradition to do that every start of a new school year. I wasn't in the mood to go out as the weight of my world was out of my control and power to do anything. I just hope the girls went without me so I don't crash the joyous mood everyone will be having. Before I could walk over to my bed, there was a knock at the door. I strolled over to the door and opened it to see Bloom and the girls with a smile on their faces. 

 "Huh?" I said confused by why the girls would come to the door and wait for me. 

"Aisha, are you ready?" Bloom asked with grin on her face. 

 I sighed not feeling the can do spirit to go and hang out with my friends. I wished I could have their sense of not worrying and be happy and willing to have fun. 

 "Sorry girls, but I really don't feel like going out tonight," I told the girls as they smiles turned upside down. 

 "But Aisha, you need to tell us what's going on!" Musa said concerned about me. "We're your friends and we want to help you!" 

 "Please!" I barked at the girls, but I stopped myself and let them inside the room and into what was bothering. "Oh alright come on in, I'll explain to you what's going on with me as along as Emalia explained after what has been going on with her?"

 "Fair enough trade," Emalia sighed. "Fine I'll tell what has been up with me,"

 I didn't expect Emalia to willingly tell what has been up with her as of recent. I thought will put up a fight and tell girls and I that she will never explain what's been bugging her. I guess Emalia most definitely wants to know what has been up with me lately. I let everyone in the room as they found a respective spot to sit at. I sighed before I shared the news with the girls. I know this news will shock them and worry them even more about me. 

 "My planet has been attacked by someone who calls himself Valtor," I explained to the girls. 

 I studied each Winx girl's emotion and expression when I informed them of the news I have been baring to myself. One girl, I should say two stood out, but one of them stood out more than the other. Tecna and Emalia stood out to me, but more so Emalia. Tecna's eyes widen and they went straight towards Emalia. Emalia's body was frozen like she was outside fighting off the cold weather. Emalia lost all the color on her body as she was turning pale. I wonder does Emalia have an idea who this Valtor could be since she is acting this way.  

 "He escaped from the Omega Dimension and invaded Andros for all we know he is unstoppable," I continued to informed the girls speaking out my thoughts for the first time since I left Andros. "My world, the whole magic universe in fact is in danger," 

 "How did this happen?" Bloom asked surprised. "Isn't Omega escape-proof?" 

 "Its supposed to be, no one's ever broken out before, the only way out of the Omega is through a portal that's under constant watch by an elite mermaid guard," I told Bloom. "Somehow, Valtor broke though the portal and turn the mermaids into something evil, something monstrous! No-one knows how he got out, but one thing for certain he didn't do it alone. Valtor is still on Andros and from there he can go anywhere, no one is safe from here," 

 "Does the magic council know about this?" Tecna questioned as I nodded. 

 "Yes they were informed as soon as the portal was breached," I replied to Tecna. 

 "So what's happening there now?" Stella asked as it was her turn to ask questions. 

 "We've tried everything we can to stop him, but nothing worked," I told Stella and the others. "So, a State of Emergency was declared and everyone was mobilized," 

 Everyone was quiet as a mouse. I guess they were in their own thoughts trying to process the situation I was dealing with inside my head. Emalia still looked pale as I assumed she knows what could be going on or have an idea who this Valtor could be. 

 "Up until now any attempts on Valtor has failed," Bloom said breaking the silence. 

 "Please Bloom, don't say what I think you're going to say," Stella whined. 

 "Stella, the whole magical dimension needs us, we can't just stay here and do nothing," Bloom informed Stella reprimanding kindly. 

 "That's right, we're not back done!" Musa said as she got on her feet with a assured smile. 

 "We're the Winx Club!" Bloom cheered. 

 "No danger is too tough to face!" Tecna said walking over to Bloom smiling at her, but she was looking at Emalia like she was signaling her to say something or believe in what she was saying. 

 "The people of Andros are in great danger, we can't allow another tragedy to take place like Domino," Bloom said now sitting next to me. 

 "Or Ikaika," Emalia said sadly. 

 "Unfortunately, Emalia and I wasn't there to stop what happened, but we can stop Andros from being another Domino and Ikaika!" Bloom smiled at me. 

 I smiled at the kind thought Bloom was filling in my heart and I smiled even further when Emalia placed her hand over Bloom's smiling over at me nodding like she was agreeing with Bloom's statement. One by one each Winx girl piled their hand over Bloom, Emalia, and my hand. 

 "Thanks girls and thank you Bloom!!" I smiled at my friends happy that I met them and considered them my friends!  

 "Winx Club!!!" The girls and I shouted as one cheering and laughing.   

A/n: I have my tiny burst of frustration with this episode that I'm looking at it with mature eyes. Brandon said the spell didn't work, but it did. During the two times Brandon truly was looking at Stella which was during the trip to the Mirror of Truth. We "saw" Stella in Brandon's eyes and he saw how she, how can I say this? ........ Brandon saw how she usually look since they met on the first episode of Winx Club. If the animators wanted to proof that the spell wasn't working on him then they should have animated Stella in her unlikable appearance. I believe it would of been the affective route to take to teach little girls or the young kids watching this that looks don't really matter. But I do like Brandon's sense of thought on Stella's situation and I wished to have a boyfriend or husband who thought on those same lines. Like the saying goes "If my man isn't thinking or acting like Brandon in this episode then I don't want him!" 🤣🤣🤣. But I hope enjoy the chapter and tell me in the comment section what is your favorite part of the chapter was. As well as telling me how are you liking the direction I am taking this story so far? Any questions or comments outside of what I stated, I would love to hear them! This is the end of the chapter and I'll see you guys for Chapter 5!!! 

End of Chapter 4 

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