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Library, Tecna 

 I was surrounded by stacks and stacks of books. The library this time was filled with fairies of all years picking out books and doing research about a topic for their classes. Light whispers and flipping of pages filled the library. I was flipping a page within the Ikaika book, I have found in the Alfea library. I was searching on the topic of Valtor along with Digit by my side. Right across from me was Emalia and Serenity as they both had a book in hand.  I couldn't stop thinking about last night how Emalia dodged the bullet from explaining what has been going on with her these past few weeks. Not to mention Emalia's potential connection with Valtor. I wonder how Aisha will feel about Emalia's potential connection with Valtor and I, myself has been wondering what the connection of Valtor and Emalia? 

 "Emalia?" I called out to her gently closing the book I was reading. 

 "Yeah, what's up?" Emalia replied as her amber orange eyes not leaving her spot on the page. 

 "You haven't explained to the girls what has been going on with you," 

 I guess Emalia heard the fret in my voice because she looked at me along with Serenity. Serenity looks at me with sad big green eyes then turned her head at Emalia. 

 "Emalia, you told her about the situation?" Serenity asked her bonded fairy with big green eyes.

 Situation? What is Serenity implying? Is something else going with Emalia that she is not telling me? 

 "What situation? Emalia is something else going on with you that you are not telling?" I asked curious squinting my eyes. 

 "Oops sorry Emalia!" Serenity apologized covering her mouth like she told an unspoken secret. "I didn't mean too Emalia!" 

 "Its okay, Serenity, its best to tell Tecna since she is helping me and kinda deep in a situation that you are going to find out too, but let's tell Tecna the start of my trouble," Emalia patted Serenity's head with a smile. "Tecna not only have I been thinking about the translation of my unconsciousness, but someone has been watching me. I don't know who or what this person want from me, but I think they want my powers!" 

 Someone again want Emalia's powers? I wonder is it going to be another year of Emalia turning evil and be under the control of our enemies? From what Aisha was telling the girls and I about Valtor and being in the Omega Dimension and breaking out. Valtor seems like a powerful enemy, probably one of the strongest foes the Winx girls and I have to battle and defeat. 

 "Do you think its going to be another year of someone controlling you for the sake of your powers?" I asked Emalia panicking within myself thinking there will be another problem we have to deal with. 

 "It won't happen again Tecna since my powers are on my side and it won't be no powerful mind control spell placed on me," Emalia said strongly.  

 Digit pulled out her calculator and began crunching some numbers on it. I wonder what numbers Digit is trying to calculate. For some reason, I felt like Emalia wasn't being totally honest since Emalia doesn't know what the future of our encounter with Valtor is going to bring her. 

 "You don't believe me, do you?" Emalia asked me with a frown. 

 "Not entirely for the sake you don't know what the future has in store for you when we meet Valtor," I stated my thoughts. "Valtor from Aisha's reports from Andros that Valtor seems like a powerful foe by the way he took over Andros as soon as he escaped from the Omega Dimension," 

 Emalia placed her hand over mine and she smiled at me. 

 "Tecna, I can reassure you that something not even Valtor is going to make turn on his side and have me fight against you and the girls!" Emalia smiled. 

 I want to believe Emalia truly, I do. 

 "No worries, Tecna, I did the calculations and its a 99.99999999999% chance that Emalia will not turn against her friends!" Digit grinned showing me her calculator and the answer she was calculating. 

 I felt a bit safe! Digit's calculation and the strong percentage that Emalia will not turn against us made me smile. 

 "Okay Emalia, I trust you!" I grinned from ear to ear causing Emalia to gasp. 

 "Oh you didn't believe me until Digit started crunching the numbers?" Emalia faked a shock look while she couldn't help, but laugh lightly. "You have such little faith in me!" 

 "What?!" I exclaimed shrugging my shoulders. "I'm a girl of numbers and probability, what do you expect?!" 

 Ms. Barbatea came over to our section of the library. Ms. Barbatea's back was straighten like she was walking to complete an important task. She fixed her glasses as she was adjusting them on the bridge of her nose. 

 "Shhh girls, you're in the library!" Ms. Barbatea sternly correct us until she gave us that look and walked back towards her task. 

 "Sorry Ms. Barbatea" Emalia and I said in unison after Ms. Barbatea walked off. 

Emalia's subconscious, Inoki 

 I was pacing back and forth. I was dwelling on the fact that eventually that Emalia is going to encounter Valtor. Nahao has a short history with Valtor before Kala took him out and stripped Nahao out of Valtor. Nahao was relaxing like he wasn't worried about meeting Valtor or cared about the situation that is awaiting for her. 

 "What are you stressing yourself over, Inoki?" Nahao checking out his sharp dragon claws. 

 "You're not concerned about Valtor or Emalia?" I asked. 

 "Nope, why should I?" 

 Nahao looked at me squinting his dragon eyes. Nahao lifted himself from his relaxed position. I hate when Nahao gets like this, being all cocky. 

 "You know Valtor is going to come after Emalia ........ us," I informed Nahao.

 "He's not really coming after Emalia or me, but really he wants you," Nahao corrected me. 

 "Its all three of us, we are a unit, we fight as one!" 

 Nahao rolled his eyes .... if he had any. 

 "You know we have to tell Emalia about your past and the reason why you were locked up deep inside her," I told Nahao as I saw the muscles on his dragon body tensed.

 "I will not speak about my reason of being locked up within her, its because of me that I tried to end my previous host's life," Nahao replied using his dragon pupil-less eyes to intimidate me, but its not working, it never worked. 

 "You lectured me nearly a year ago for caring and protecting Emalia because my love for her, but I think you only did that because you did the same or what you thought would be right to protect and care for your old host," I addressed. "And I know you remember who or should I say who he is," 

 "We're going to have to end the conversation with me not telling Emalia about my connection with Valtor along with the previous host that I used to belong too, I belong to Emalia now and its my job to worry and protect her!" 

 I snickered. I thought Nahao wasn't worried about Emalia, but he just proved himself wrong! Its interesting how Emalia had a short time of getting to know Nahao and she already made a new space in his electric dragon heart. 

 "You know you just proved that you care for Emalia right?" I teased my dragon half. 

 "Shut up Inoki!" Nahao growled. 

 "And also eventually we have to talk to Kala about Valtor and other things," 

 "Yeah never in a million years!"

Apartment, Flora

  All the Winx girls included myself were in our apartment. Aisha has given everyone the latest news about what's happening on Andros. It sadden my heart to hear about Aisha's people are being attacked by those monstrous mermaids that used to protect the Omega Dimension. The people of Andros were attacked so much to the point that they went into hiding even Aisha's parents, King and Queen of Andros. Nobody should have to live in fear like that in their homes and have to worry about if they walk out of their hiding that they might be attacked by those mermaids Valtor controls. 

 The girls and I are having a discussion about what to do to help Aisha and the people of Andros. After some convincing mainly on Bloom's part that Aisha is willing to let the rest of the Winx girls and I to come help and solve their Valtor issues. But the problem that is stomping the Winx girls and I are how are we going to get pass Miss Griselda and Headmistress Faragonda's watchful eyes and escape to Andros while leaving without them noticing that we were gone?

"You're our friend and you count on all of us to help!" Musa reassured Aisha with a grin and a thumbs up. 

 "But what about our classes?" Tecna brought up as she searched to each Winx girls for an answer to her question. "You know we can't just take off and Miss Faragonda will never give us permission to leave Alfea!"

 "We can just take off Tecna, I know you have one of those sweet gadgets that you, Timmy, and Digit made to get us to Andros!" Emalia smirked in a mischievous way. "The thing is how are going to attend our classes or how are we going to skip them!" 

 Emalia leaned against the wardrobe closet that belonged to Stella which she shares with Emalia. I didn't want to miss my classes either! I didn't want to have the same punishment as last school year where Headmistress Faragonda took our powers away and made us clean Alfea from top to bottom with brooms and mops. I studied how Emalia's mischievous grin grew bigger and I realize that she is sometimes a bad influence ...... at the right time and I kind of like it!

 "No worries Emalia, its obvious you have no experience with this type of thing!' Stella chimed as she was replying to Tecna's concern about classes. 

 Stella grinned as she lightly strolled over to her wardrobe and opened it up. Inside it was different clothes mixed together into one. Stella's expensive and lavish clothes were on the left while Emalia's casual and comfortable clothes from Earth was on the right. Stella pulled out one of Emalia's blue and white beanie and scarf set that she has gotten from Falen. 

 "Huh?" I urged in confusion but mainly in shock that Stella would grab that since we know how important that beanie and scarf set is to Emalia. 

 "Emalia how you don't mind that I borrow this for my stunt to trick Miss Griselda and Headmistress Faragonda do you?" Stella asked faking a cough and sick tone of voice. 

 I glanced over at Emalia as she had her lips formed a thing line along with one side rising up like she almost frowning. Emalia's arms were crossed with her amber orange eyes turning dull while it trickle down Stella's fake sick get up look. 

 "Sure, but don't ruin it or I'll get you!" Emalia warned. 

 "Excuse me school nurse I'm afraid I've got an terrible cold," Stella said going over her fake sickness act while this time adding a sneezing sound to it that doesn't sound true. "Sorry I won't be able to attend class today,"

 I thought Stella acting sick was pretty good! The perfect nasally tone to make her nose seem like it was full of mucus. The sneeze sounded believable along with her coughing. If Stella called me saying she was sick and I heard her talk like that then I would had believe Stella. 

 "I don't know how things work on your planet Stella, but no one would fall for that on Earth," Bloom proclaimed. 

 I frowned with a silent "aww", I thought that was a good sick act. Maybe Bloom heard or did better back on Earth?

 "Just leave it to me, I'll cover for you!" Stella beamed taking off Emalia's beanie and scarf. 

 "Hey!" Musa called out turning her attention over to Stella in surprise. "Does that mean you're not gonna come with us?" 

 Why isn't Stella coming with us? Stella would never miss an opportunity to miss or ditch school! Was something on Stella's mind that deeply to make ehr want to stay here and cover for us?

 "Believe me, I really want too!' Stella dejected. "I'm just too worried about what's happening on Solaria, I might have to go there," 

 Stella walked over to the doors of the apartment. Her back was facing the group as Stella was hugging herself like she was trying to keep herself together. I instantly had a flashback of Stella's Princess Ball gone wrong. King Radius didn't even recognized Stella after she was turned into a monster. I can only imagine how Stella felt when her own father didn't recognized her, called Stella a monster, and to top it off King Radius ordered the guards to capture and end her. I wouldn't even wish that on anyone even the Trix for that matter. 

 "In order for him to do that to me, he had to be under some kind of spell!" Stella rambled. "I know he was, he'd never treat me like that and he never would let Cassandra run his Kingdom," 

 "Don't worry Stella, I completely understand how hard it is for you!" Aisha said coming over to Stella and placing a hand on Stella's shoulder. "And you guys thanks so much, you're such good friends!" 

One by one each Winx girls surrounded Aisha to hug her which formed into a group hug. I heard a little "hmm" noise coming from Aisha which means we probably squished her during the group hug. 


After the group hug, Aisha thought it would a good idea for everyone that's going with her to Andros to call up anyone they want to tell goodbye. Its a good idea to tell Riven that I won't be seeing him for a while since I don't know how long it would take to fix the problem on Andros. When I called Riven and informed him the news that I will be away for a little while, he tried to act so tough around his friends! Once I heard the other Specialists phones ringing meaning that the girls were call them, he instantly turned into a semi-softy! I ended the call with Riven with him ranting that I need to be extremely careful and try to spot out any funny business. I told him I'll be fine and ended the phone staring dreamily at my phone. I placed it in my pocket and went on to meet with the girls at the center of the living room. 

 "Alright, are we done with our goodbyes?" Tecna asked as she was standing next to Aisha who gave her the thumbs up with a smile. 

 "Hmmm, just about, yes!" Aisha replied happily. 

 "Are we leaving now or what?" I questioned with a grin appearing on the side of Aisha. 

 "Come over here Winx!" Stella gestured her hands in a come here motion.

 The girls and I gathered around Stella as Tecna pulled out some strange device that she probably made along with the help of Timmy or Digit. I wonder is this the device that she went to show Timmy, yesterday? The shape of the device reminds me a huge diamond, but it wasn't clear as a diamond. The overall color of the mystery machinery was teal blue color. At the top were red specks that seems to me to be buttons on it. Tecna makes all these cool devices that can aid the girls and I in tight situations, I wonder what this device can do for us?!

 "Timmy and I designed this program that creates small dimensional passage!" Tecna beamed as the girls and I watched this device in work. "It should work!"

 "It should?" I repeated. 

 "I hope it works because I don't want my top half of my body to be in Alfea while the remaining half of my body on Earth scaring my mom half to death!" Emalia joked having the Winx girls laughing. 

 "Hahaha, very funny Emalia, but we are getting to Andros safely!" Tecna rolled her eyes joking. 

 The device stopped spinning and a dark green portal surrounded by electric green numbers appeared around it. Once the portal was opened, Tecna and I looked at each other. Tecna's smile was at its width end as they were ear to ear knowing that the new programming so far is working. 

 "I'll go first okay?" Tecna walked toward the portal. "You all follow me!"

 One by one every Winx girls, but Stella entered the portal. Stella was giving each Winx girls a nice and loving send off until we see her until we get back at Alfea. 


 The portal opened again. The girls and I landed on our feet as our electronic digital number and dark green background turned into a colorful and expensive place. I searched around the room and see that we was in a royal castle where I can see thrones. Sitting in those thrones are a surprised King and Queen of Andros, Aisha's mother and father. Aisha's mother was the first of the two to lose her astonished expression. A grin grew on her face as she got off her throne and walked towards Aisha with arms wide out. Aisha's father followed in close pursuit as he wore a grin as well. He's eyes twinkling under the light of the room as he was excited to see Aisha. 

 "Aisha!" Aisha's mom said tenderly hugging her daughter. 

 "Welcome!" Aisha's father chimed hugging his daughter as well.  

 "Well Musa and Emalia, I told you it would work!" Tecna taunted. 

 The device suddenly appeared to its original form falling down due to it not being in use anymore. The device landed on Tecna's head causing Emalia and I to laugh at the sudden attack from Tecna's own programming. 

 "Ouch!" Tecna said catching her programming in her hand staring at it with disgust. 

 "You're right Tecna, it does work!" Emalia continued on laughing with glee. 

 "My dear!" Aisha's mother continue to smile. 

 "My sweet princess!" Aisha's father beamed. 

 "I couldn't wait to see you guys again, I was so worry!" Aisha exclaimed sounding concern. "My friends decided to come with me, they want to help save Andros!" 

 "Your Majesties!" The girls and I expect for Aisha bowed to her parents. 

 Aisha's parents happy faces turned into the expressions of perplexed. Aisha's mother lightly gasped as she look over to her husband as Aisha's father glance at her then at us. It only a matter of seconds that Aisha's father or mother is going to turn the Winx girls and I around sending us back to Alfea. 

 "Thank you, but really you shouldn't have come!" Aisha's father declared. 

 "It's no longer safe here, Valtor is a vicious enemy," Aisha's mother chimed with a worried look on her face. 

 "And soon he'll put the whole Magix Dimension in danger," 

 I saw out the corner of my eyes that someone .... Emalia raised her hand. She got the King and Queen of ANdros attention as she stepped froward making herself known that she wants to speak with them. 

 "Excuse King and Queen of Andros, you may not have known of us, but we are the Winx Club! Prior to Aisha, you lovely daughter and amazing friend, joined our team we saved the Magix Dimension that was about to be under the control of the Trix!" Emalia informed with a smile. "We maybe simple fairies, but these fairies before you and the one back in Alfea kicks butt! We don't mind showing Valtor a thing or two about missing with friend's home and people!" 

 Even though Emalia was in front of the Winx girls and I, I can tell she was smirking. Emalia somehow found joy in this, maybe it the rush of skipping school or maybe finally meeting Valtor after all the talk about him from Aisha? I was in a daze until something like a little spark caught my eyes. I glance down to see electric blue and dark purple bolts of electricity was sparking out of Emalia's finger tips. I realize I wasn't the only one noticing it as everyone's eyes expect Emalia was on her hands. 

 "Ummm sweetie is your friend alright over there?" Aisha's father asked in concern. 

 Emalia searched around herself until her eyes landed on her hands. Emalia raised her hands to her eye level and studied them for a minute or two. Emalia jerked her hands like she was trying to get something disgusting off of her getting the electric jitters away. 

 "Sorry about that!" Emalia apologized. "New power adjustment!"

 "But Daddy, Emalia is right we are able to stop Valtor!" Aisha pleaded with her father.

 "I admire your optimism and I hope its true Aisha," Aisha's father warned his daughter. 

Back at Alfea, Serenity 

 Once the girls left for Andros, I felt a sadness in my heart that I won't be seeing Emalia in a few days. I wished I can go with Emalia and the girls and offer my assistance, but the Winx girls feel that the negative energy around Andros, mainly the Omega Portal will be dangerous for us bonded Pixies. Kekipi had his head resting on his paws making a despair sound rumbling out of his mouth. Kekipi misses Emalia already and I do too. 

 "And now time to excuse the big plan!" Stella exclaimed walking over to the nightstand that had the phone on top.

 "Stella, be careful!" Amore warned her bonded fairy. "You have to ultra convincing, the Winx mission depends on you!" 

 Stella began dialing the number to the School Nurse of Alfea, Ofelia. My heart was speeding like something scary was chasing after me. I took some deep breaths trying to calm myself. I tried to use my tranquil powers on myself, but it didn't work since I was so worried about the fate of Emalia getting in trouble. 

 "Wow a Tranquil Pixie can't even calm herself down!" Chatta teased. "I never thought this day will come!"

 "Leave me alone Chatta, aren't you worried about this plan?" I exclaimed. 

 "Not really since I know Stella got this under the bag!" Chatta leaned back with her feet kicked up. 

 Stella waited for the phone to pick up on the other. Stella's eyes sparkled and dilated with excitement. Stella's eyes returned back to its normal size as she adjusted her throat silently with her fingertips moving it side to side. 

 "Yes Nurse Ofelia, my friends in the apartment belong to the Winx Club has been taken over!" Stella exclaimed with the mucus noise in her voice to make her sound sick. "I think from being around them that I am feeling the same sickness,"

 Stella began coming with a little sneezing and coughing at different times and intensity while on the short call with Nurse Ofelia. Stella pulled the phone away from her ears along with pushing a button that I'm assuming to end the call. 

 "So what did Nurse Ofelia say?" Tune asked Stella wondering. 

 "It went well assume as Nurse Ofelia saying the usual nurse thing and she say try to get better!" Stella exclaimed placing the phone back down on the nightstand. "I must not be a bad actress after all!" 

 "Let's hope no one finds out the truth!" Amore hopes. 

 "What if Miss Griselda, Nurse Ofelia, or Headmistress Faragonda come in to check on how the girls are doing?" Lockette asked as I panicked. "What do we do then?" 

 "We'll find it out when the time comes for right now let's hope that the girls can handle themselves with moi!" 

 Then there was a knock at the door. I slightly trembled as upon hearing that knock. I can feel eyes are on me and I looked up to see the bonded Pixies glaring at me expect for Piff. Stella looks over at the bonded fairies and put her finger over her mouth. Stella walks over to the door and opened it. I flew behind Stella to see it was a fairy with long orange hair. 

"Let me in," The orange hair fairy exclaimed as she gently pushed her way inside the apartment. "Stella, its an emergency!" 

 "What's going on?" Stella questioned. "Did you hear something about Solaria?" 

 Stella moved to the side to let the fairy in the apartment. 

 "No news well at least not about Solaria," The fairy informed Stella. 

 There was a knock on the door and this time, I felt it wasn't a fairy at the door, but someone of higher power. I panicked even more along with the girls. 

 "Who could it be at the door?" I questioned in fear silently. 

 "I know who it could be, it could be Miss Griselda since I did see her down the hallway walking the same path as me!" The orange haired fairy declared in a whisper. 

  "Then you have to hide and I have to make the other Winx girls appear!' Stella said frantically. "Who is it?" 

 Stella asked the person behind the door in a sing song tone of voice like she was fine. But the voice behind the door struck a cord in me as I knew that Stella and the Winx girls are in trouble if we are not careful with our next move. It was Miss Griselda, who was behind that door. Stella raised her fingers and set them in a twinkling motion as magic flowed out of her fingertips. Those dust of golden light circled around the bonded Pixies and I until we transformed as our bonded fairies. I was dressed up as Emalia with her long curly pigtails caressing my shoulders. Stella's friend instantly ran out of the apartment. 

 "Six students with the flu is very troubling, I'd like to see how your friends are doing?" Miss Griselda said behind the door until she opened the door herself. "Are you alone?"

 The bonded Pixies and I sat on the bed standing around it. The bonded Pixies and I began to laugh like we was having a good time. Stella put her hand on the door like she was the one opening the door. Miss Griselda was holding a tray and on that tray was a teapot and a few teacups. On the side of the teapot and teacups was a plate of cookies. 

 "Of course not!" Stella beamed as she let Miss Griselda inside the apartment. "Miss Griselda everyone!"

 "You look well girls!" Miss Griselda placed the tray on the empty table as she turned to us with a smile. 

 "We're feeling a little bit better thank you!" Bloom exclaimed with a smile. 

 Flora got off the bed with a sudden leap. Flora was yelping like a rabbit. Flora grabbed the cookie from the plate. Lockette's eyes widen when she felt like our cover has been blown. Lockette went over to the tray grabbing the teapot and cup scaring Miss Grisdela by her sudden slid over to her. 

 "A hot cup of tea just what the doctor ordered!" Lockette beamed at Miss Griselda pouring herself some tea. 

 "Hmmmm!" Flora beamed nibbling on the cookie in her hand. 

 "Thanks for the cookie and tea Miss Griselda, I'm sure this can get the girls and I back to fulll health again!" I beamed taking a cookie for myself. 

 Miss Griselda shook the astonishment from her face and began walking towards the door. I waved Miss Griselda a goodbye. Miss Griselda stopped walking towards the door to have one last look at us.I munched on the cookie while Miss Griselda fixed her glasses on her face. 

 "Well then get some rest, I'll see you in class in a couple of days," Miss Griselda declared taking one final look at us and closing the door to the room. 

 Everyone took a deep breath of relief once we heard Miss Griselda's footsteps receding down the hallways of Alfea. After a couple of seconds the door to the apartment opened revealing it was that orange haired fairy from earlier. The bonded Pixies and I stood in line, but for some reason Flora had her mouth covered like she said something that shouldn't been said. 

 "Did she buy it?' The orange haired fairy asked Stella. 

 "Yeah, I think she did," Stella turned her attention to the bonded Pixies and I as we smiled at her. "But Flora was acting a bit strangely, a little too rabbit-y I should say.  

 Stella twinkled her fingers again causing magic to pour out of her fingertips like before. Golden yellow dust surrounded the bonded Pixies and I as I realized we was turned back into our actual forms. I looked over to where "Flora" could be at and realized pretending to be Flora was Kiko!

Omega Dimension, Darcy

 "Everything is according to plan!" Valtor smirked. 

 My sisters and I were walking behind Valtor following through the endless staircases that was held within the Omega Dimension. Lately since Valtor left Solaria, the only thing he thought about was Bloom and Emalia, but mainly that evil fairy wannabe Emalia. He tried to find anything about the pesky wannabe and ended up finding nothing since there is nothing written about her within the Magix Dimension after nearly 3 years. Valtor began asking Stormy, Icy, and I things about them which I wonder is he going to use them in his upcoming plans that he is creating? My sisters and I vowed to never tell Valtor anymore information about Bloom or Emalia since they both have the habit to steal what we want. 

 "Soon the whole magical dimension will be at my feet!" Valtor stopped walking causing my sisters and I to stop walking too. 

 "And we'll get rid of the Winx once and for!" Icy smirked darkly twisting a piece of her curly side bangs. 

Valtor hummed as I can see from the side that his lip at the end curled into a smile. Gosh I love his sinister smile! I wish he can smile that way with me.  

"Speaking of the Winx any news on them lately?" Valtor questioned now facing my sisters and I. 

 "They have been quiet as of lately, so nothing new since then," I replied. 

 "Since no news, let's check because I sense them tampering with a magical creature that belongs to me," Valtor said as he strolled over to the magical blue waves of the Omega Dimension. 

 Valtor touched the endless blue waves of the Omega Dimension, using his magic to show a visual screen of Bloom and Emalia on each side of the beautiful captured creature of Valtor's mermaids. The mermaid was trapped inside a magical bubble barrier. What could those pesky little bugs are up to this time?

 "Fairies!" Valtor scoffed watching Emalia and Bloom speak with the corrupted mermaid. "They're always trying to help others and what's worse is they believe in what they do!" 

 Valtor chuckled causing me to laugh. Those pesky bugs believe they will make a difference in that lost world of Andros. What those Winx Bugs don't get? Valtor took over Andros and there's nothing they can do to save that corrupted mermaid land! Andros was just an example of what Valtor can do and soon other worlds within the Magix Dimension will feel the same or horrible wrath of Valtor! Maybe if I play my cards right, Valtor will see me as a good fit to help rule this pathetic world, not Icy, Stormy, or better yet Emalia or Bloom, but me, Darcy!

 "Ladies dismiss until I can find a way to get these Winx fairies out of our hairs," Valtor said walking away. 

 "As you wish Valtor!" Stormy replied in a flirty tone which cause Icy and I to frown at her with our arms crossed. "What?"

 After a while, my sisters and I went our separate ways. I thought maybe if I can come up with a good plan or distraction for the Winx that can impress Valtor then maybe Valtor will have the idea that I am the best lady for him to rule the Magix Dimension with! I heard the sound of sparks flying. Strolling in that direction, I see it was Icy by herself as she growling sending a tiny spark of flames in three different directions. 


 "Acting all tough and courageous!" I announced myself form the shadows with my arms crossing over the over with a grin. 

 "Valtor is right, they are so naive!" Stormy chimed coming out of the shadows as well. 

 "They think they can interfere with Valtor's plans?" Icy said walking a further ahead with Stormy and I following her. "I don't know to call them arrogant or stupid? It won't be long before they see that their spell is useless!" 

 Why can the Winx Bugs be like normal fairies and do what fairies do best. Fly away over their little rainbows and cry home to their mommas and daddies!?!?!

 "I think its time to go and welcome our old friends?!" Icy suggested that idea that I love and wished I came up with it. 

 "By all means go!" Valtor said as the light of the Omega Dimension welcomed him as he was out of the deep shadows. "And don't forget to have a little fun while you're at it!" 

Andros, Emalia 

 The Winx girls and I were flying through this sudden bad weather. We were flying through what seemed like a twister and doesn't seem like a natural twister either. I felt this was a magic indues twister. Suddenly a harsh wind blew causing the girls and I to stop flying since our wings were not bigger or strong enough to continue flying through it. I casted my Lunar Shield spell to redirect the harmful winds direction so I and the other Winx girls can fly. I heard the girls' screaming mainly Aisha's screams as her voice was the loudest since I was flying next to her. Again, I was stopped by the oncoming growing murky ocean wave of Andros coming towards the Winx girls and I. 

 "TURN BACK QUICK!!!!" Aisha yelled as she ordered the girls and I to retreat back down the ocean where we came from. 

 The girls and I flew quickly down the ocean. We came across a mini island that would be safe for us to avoid the roaring waves chasing us. The girls and I were getting closer and closer to the island, but the roaring waves was getting closer and closer to my friends and I. Once the girls and I were on the island, the ocean was still chasing us until it finally caught us. I took a deep breath at the last second, but it wasn't enough as I blacked out. 

 I opened my eyes, blinking a few times to adjust the suddenly position of the Andros's murky sun on me. In a snail's moving pace, I lifted myself up while my upper half of my body. I checked around to see that the Winx girls and I was swept on the rocky grounds of this island. The Winx girls were unconscious all, but Aisha who was awake before me. I felt that my ears was lifted with something as I heard the sound of water swooshing in my ears. I gently swing my head side to side and realize that there was water in my ear along with my head pounding after crash landing on this island. 

 "That was not the idea of surf's up I was looking for when I'm surfing the waves," I said getting the ocean water of Andros out of my ears. 

 "OH!" Aisha exclaimed with her lips slightly parted and eyes big with fear as she got up on her feet covering her face with her hands. "This is all my fault, I shouldn't have let you come!!! I'm putting my friends in danger!"

 Bloom, Musa, Tecna, Flora, and I slowly got to our feet as we was recovering from that sudden ocean attack. Bloom walked over to Aisha with a smile on her face while placing a hand on Aisha's shoulder to gesture that everything was going to be okay!

 "Valtor is a powerful enemy, but I know we can win!" Bloom said trying to cheer up Aisha. 

"If his spell isn't broken soon it will become irreversible!" Aisha warned. "The mermaids are keeping the portal to the Omega Dimension open that way the creatures that were imprisoned there can come out and invade Andros! I just can't stand by and let my people suffer!"

 "No one's saying they have too or let us or you stop trying to do something about it!" I exclaimed dusting the sand off my fairy clothes. 

 "Those harsh winds and that ocean wave doesn't sound like natural disaster?" Musa asked stepping forward. "Don't you girls think the same thing too?"

 The Winx girls and I was silent and too silent for my taste. I looked at each individual Winx girls and noticed that their eyes were on me. 

 "What?" I asked to the Winx girls who was staring at me. 

 "Aren't you going to tell us that the winds and water was being tampered with?" Tecna asked. 

 "Fine! Nahao!" I called out that stubborn dragon which appear in front of my face. "I felt that those winds and waves we encounter was induced by magic of someone powerful, did you feel the same thing too?" 

 "You are correct, those waves and winds were made by someone else," Nahao replied flapping his dragon wings. 

 "So what's the best course of action for us to do?" Flora questioned. 

 "To follow the course that the magic trail is leading us," Nahao turned his dragon head over to Flora. 

 "I'm assuming you know where that trail is leading too right?" I asked Nahao with a smirk. 

 "Of course follow me ..... well Emalia!"

 Nahao emerge back inside of me and the girls and I took flight again into the sky. I was leading the girls through the sky to where this magical being that caused this to happened. Something in me is saying that the magical being who did this is Valtor. Valtor has all the power in the world to cause Andros to be this way, broke out of the Omega Dimension, and turned the mermaids into monsters that attack the people of Andros on sight. Can the Winx girls and I really be able to take down Valtor in this state? From what I heard from Stella, Aisha, and the other Winx fairies the Omega Dimension is very hard to get out. If Valtor was able to get out and he was imprison there for years then that means he was weak at the time. Which also further question me into thinking if Valtor was weak then who did he team up to break out the Omega Dimension? 

 "The magic that snuck the mermaids is powerful, but it can't be irreversible!" Bloom declared as she was following close behind me. "Remember at Alfea, we learned that every spell has a counter spell!"

 "We also learned that to find a cure you first have to know the disease and that's why we have to face Valtor!" Tecna chimed as she was flying next to Bloom. 

 "Well then let's go and introduce ourselves!" Musa exclaimed. "Emalia do you think this magical trail will lead to Valtor?"

 I was about to reply when I suddenly halted to a stop floating in the sky. Bloom hit my back nudging forward and a few more budges moved me forward. I turned around and see the girls rubbing their heads groaning. I feel some powerful and sinister magical energy heading towards the girls and I. 

 "Why did you stop flying Emalia?" Aisha asked me. 

 "Because I sense something sinister coming towards us," I replied looking down at the water.

 True enough the water started to form a purple and gray color swirl. Appearing out of the swirl was Icy, Darcy, and Stormy, the Trix. I should have known that the Trix had a formed a pack with Valtor. I remember reading from Falen's Daily Magix Mail that the Trix was sentenced to the Omega Dimension. I bet it was Icy that broke Darcy and Stormy out and then somehow they met Valtor. The winds from Stormy pushed the Winx girls and I until I created my Lunar Shield. 

 "Unfortunately, you're not invited, not by me anyways!" Stormy said appearing out of nowhere along with Darcy and Icy. "Did you invite them sisters?"

 "Icy, Darcy, and Stormy!" Bloom called them out one by one. "I thought you was in the Omega Dimension!?"

 "They was until Icy broke them out along with Valtor!" I growled ending my Lunar Shield spell. 

 "What a smart bug you are Emalia!" Stormy exclaimed lightly clapping her hands in around of applause. "The Omega Dimension is so boring in the off season!"

 "So we decided to leave and visit old friends!" Darcy chimed with a sinister smile. 

 "And destroy them once and for all!" Icy balled her hands in a fist. 

 Icy began firing off her ice magic towards the girls and I. We were sitting ducks dodging her attacks. Darcy chimed in on the attacks to use her illusion spell. Darcy aimed that spell over to Musa who flew off to the side dodging the attack. Stormy threw her lightning spell and Flora didn't have enough time to dodge the spell and got hit in the chest knocking her unconscious in falling down. Anger drew inside me as I was upset that Flora was hurt. I felt the electricity flowing inside me and sparking around me. 

 "Ohhhhh! I see that while my sisters and I were away that our little dark fairy wannabe was learning new spells!" Darcy taunted with evil glee. 

 "She learned an electric spells so we must be similar in magic!" Stormy chimed rating her fingertips and seeing that sparks was flying out of her finger too. "I wonder who's stronger me or you!?!"

 "I've been waiting for this rematch with you Emalia!" Icy grinned. "Let's began!!"

 "I'll make the first move!" I growled. "ELECTRIC THUNDER CLAP!!!" 


 The Trix was slowly losing this battle with the Winx Club. For a group of untalented and powerless fairies, they are really holding themselves up against the Trix. I was studying and watching Bloom and Emalia during their battles with the Trix. Emalia and Bloom was fighting until Icy send Bloom flying with a huge ice shard. Emalia was following after Bloom as she was trying to catch up with Bloom before she lands in the water. Bloom made a splash in the water and was sinking into the bottom. Emalia dive into the water after Bloom as Bloom reached the bottom of the ocean floor. I used my magic to raise the ocean floor to form a platform for us to stand on. The platform rises showing Emalia and the unconscious Bloom. 

 Emalia's eyes widen in fear then in determination as she stood in front of Bloom protecting her from me. Then I remember how I find Emalia familiar. Those eyes they way they were scared then with determination. Those were the eyes of Kala before I turned her into a ghostly appearance of herself. Was Emalia the baby that Kala was holding before she fought me one on one? 

 "Valtor!" Emalia roared. 

 "Oh you can say my name without mumbling!" I said intrigued. "You built up some courage have you?"

 "I will built more when I beat you into letting your hold over the Andros' mermaids and land for my friend's honor!" 

 I laughed. Emalia really think she can take me on in this weak state? Kala was stronger than Emalia and she can barely keep up with me along with that other idiot I fought before Kala. Emalia is out of her league against me! Emalia was going to attack me until Bloom started coming out of her unconscious state. I used my magic to bind Emalia against one of the broken pillars of the platform I created. 

 "Oh hello Bloom!" I said walking towards Bloom as I had my hand out for her to get herself up. 

 "YOU STAY AWAY FROM HER YOU POWER HUNGRY CREEP!!!!" Emalia yelled as she tried to break out my binding spell. 

 Bloom looked back at Emalia who was trying to break out. Then she looked at my hand and shielded herself away from it. 

 "Don't be afraid and don't mind your rowdy friend over there!" I informed Bloom as came down to her level on the platform. "We already met on Solaria, I am Valtor,"

 "Bloom get away from him and fly over to the girls and bring them back!" Emalia declared as she was still struggling to get out. 

 "W-what about you?" Bloom questioned in fear. 

 "I will be fine don't worry about me!" Emalia exclaimed. "Just go!" 

 "I'm not leaving you!"

 Sisterhood between these two. Kind of reminded me of when I see Daphne and Kala together when I was gathering intel on Ikaika. 

 "You shouldn't be scared Bloom," I informed Bloom walking away glom her. "I'm sure you two have heard many bad things about me, but you know people do tend to exaggerate!"

 "Do they really exaggerate?" Emalia questioned. "Seems to me the things that those people are saying sound true to me," 

 "Right!" Bloom exclaimed. "You escaped the Omega Dimension, you attacked Andros, and transformed guardian mermaids into monsters!" 

 "What do you want Valtor?" Emalia barked. 

 I snickered as I leaned myself against the broken columns of the platform. 

 "Mine is an old story," I began my tale. " I was once powerful and respected, but then things changed, and now that I'm free again, I just want to take back what is rightfully mine. I want to be the supreme sorcerer of the Magic Dimension. And I'm warning you to stay out of my way!" 

 "Warning!?!?" Emalia snarled. "I'm warning you, Valtor, my friends snd I will put an end to your power hungry plans and send you back to the Omega Dimension!"

 "You can forget those plans because you're a criminal that needs to be taken down!" Bloom said using her wings to get on her feet and into a fight position. 

 "No, I just want what's mine, I don't want pain and destruction ... well, no more than it is needed at least!"

 I heard Bloom growling and was about to attack, but she stopped herself when she heard a voice calling out to her. I looked into the direction of the noises and see it was her pesky fairy friends. I growled known that the Trix was defeated and wasn't able to handle 4 weak fairies. One of the fairies dressed in green landed before me blocking my path against Bloom. 

 "I am Aisha, Princess of Andros!" The annoying fairy introduced herself. "FIGHT ME!!!" 

 The Princess of Andros coming to fight against me? Interesting. She had the nerve to challenge me in this pathetic state she is in!!!

 "Princess of Andros!?!?" I barked charging my powers to give her the worst spell I can think of. "Prepare to suffer the same fate as this useless world!!!"

 I created a blinding bright light that Aisha couldn't look away from. Aisha and her pathetic friends were screaming. I used this blinding light to disappear along with freeing Emalia from my binding spell. I growled when I used my magic to blind Aisha so she won't have to use her sight again!!

 I returned back to the Omega Dimension and used my magic to see what the Winx girls in the aftermath of my blinding spell. I watch all those pathetic fairies gathered around the blind Princess of Andros crying. 

 "The Winx are just a memory, and this world should be too!!" I growled hearing the Trix walking back to the Omega Dimsion defeated. "My friends, I'm fed up with Andros. And it's time to leave. We are free now, and we have so much more to do!"

A/n: Everything is fine with my mom. She just had a sprain neck that was hurting her back, but she is slowly getting better! I would like to thank the ones who were understanding and send kind messages to me for the past few days I wanted to update, but can't! Also I hope you guys enjoy this overdue chapter and have a good day or evening!!! See you guys next time!!!! ❤️😘

End of Chapter 5 

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