A surprise and heading to mount Glenn.

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A/N: I'd just like to say that in the last chapter, venom got sucked through a portal and went somewhere else, now this chapter is after he gets taken by the portal, if you want to know what happened when he went through the portal, then read my prototype story and the chapter "world's collide" part 1 and 2, that's all I have to say, now onto the story.

Y/N POV: fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCK, FUCK, FUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCKKKK!!!!!

3rd POV: you're probably wondering what's happening to our favourite protoganist, well that's simple, he's just gotten out of the portal and is now falling.

Y/N: I refuse to fucking die from this!!!

Y/N's right arm turns into a tendril and he attaches himself to beacon and stands on the wall.

Y/N: phew, (sees the blue orb in his left hand) you're not causing trouble any time soon, but that overseer guy will try and take it.

Venom: if he does, we'll be prepared.

Y/N (in head): let's hope.

(Mini timeskip)

Ozpin: so thats where you've been, and this overseer being wanted the orb for his master?

Y/N: yes.

Ozpin: I see, also, about the potential threat, be sure to keep an eye on the her and her team and report anything suspicious to me.

Y/N: got it.

Ozpin: you may go now.

I nod my head and go to the elevator.

(Mini timeskip)

As I was walking down the hall, I heard people talking in RWBY's dorm, by the voices I could tell RWBY and JNPR were in there.

Weiss: let's calm down now.

Yang: how can we calm down if something like this is happening!!!

What the fuck?

Jaune: not so loud, someone will hear us.


Ren: I think we have every right to not be calm about this jaune.

Y/N (in head): I really don't want to assume what's going on in there, but my head is taking me to that certain area.

Venom: I don't think you need to, something feels off about them, we suggest we confront them.

I had venom unlock the door and I then opened it, when I walked in, they all saw me and had nervous looks on their faces.... but they're fully clothed so I'm good.

Y/N: so can someone tell me why you guys seem to be nervous.

Ruby: (nervous) heeeeyyy big brother... umm well you see... uhh, before we continue, you should sit down first.

Before I could say anything, pyrrha and Blake grab my arms and have me sit down on one of their beds.

Pyrrha: ok, now then, the reason we're slightly worried is because umm... yang could you take over?

Yang: you know what, instead of telling you, we'll just show you, (looks at the others) agreed?

Everyone: agreed.

Both teams back away from me and then... What the fuck?!?!?! Are those klyntars?!?!?!?!

A/N: am I the only one that thinks that symbiote Nora looks a bit like gwenpool?

Ruby: uhh..... surprise?

I just said nothing and looked at each and everyone one of them.

Ren: you're taking this surprisingly well.

Y/N: I just want to know one thing... how?

Weiss: well, here's what happened....

(Flashback - Weiss POV)

Weiss: (sigh) I'm bored.

Yang: that's a first, the great Weiss schnee is bored.

Weiss: oh shut it yo-

Before I could finish my sentence, there was a bright light shinning from our window, ruby being a dolt, decided to look out the window and see what it was even though you should never go to something that glows brightly, it could possibly be an illusion or something worse.

Ruby: uhh guys.... A meteor just landed in the forest.

Blake: so? It's just a meteor, it's not li-

Before Blake could finish her sentence, ruby was already out the door, she really is a dunce.

Blake: and she's gone.

Weiss: (sigh) let's go and make sure she doesn't injure herself.

We then proceeded to head out and head after ruby, along the way, we ran into team JNPR.

Nora: hey girls, can someone explain why ruby just ran?

Yang: she saw some meteor crash In the forest and went to look at it.


As she says that, Nora started running away.

Pyrrha: (sigh) guess we'll accompany you.

We then followed the trial of rose petals that ruby left.

(Mini timeskip)

Weiss: Where the hell is that dolt?!?!

Blake: she couldn't have gone far.

Jaune: I didn't think Nora would be gone so quickly.

Yang: I think I see ruby and Nora over there (points further into the forest) hey rubes!!! What do ya see?!?!

3rd POV: ruby didn't bother responding.

Jaune: uhh... ruby? Nora?

No response.

Pyrrha: what're you guys-

Soon the others look at what both ruby and Nora were looking at to see 8 klyntars standing in front of them, they were about to pull out their weapons, but realised they didn't have them.

Weiss: what do we do?!

Yang: don't let them touch you!!!

Ruby: I wish Y/N and venom were here, they know more about this than us!!

Soon the 8 klyntars soon stood opposite of RWBY and JNPR and did nothing.

Ren: why aren't they doing anything?

Pyrrha: maybe they're waiting for us to attack?

Blake: or maybe they want to show they're not a threat.

Weiss: that's stupid! We've seen what they can do! It could be some trick!!

While JNPR and WBY were talking ruby was staring at the red klyntar in front of her, she became hesitant but slowly walked up to it and once she was close enough, she slowly raised her right arm out and kept it there, the klyntar looked down at her hand and then did the same, once the klyntar grabbed ruby's hand, it slowly started to take over her hand.

Ruby: (muttering) this is weird, this is freaky.

The klyntar covered ruby's right arm and chest but the progress was halted by yang.

Yang: ruby! What are you doing?!?!?!

Soon both teams and the klyntar faced ruby and the other klyntar while ruby was looking at them with a nervous look.

Ruby: uhhh.... bonding with it??? (Nervous laughter).

Weiss: you dolt you shouldn't be doing that!!! How do you know it won't brainwash you or something?!?!?

Ruby: well.... we won't know until we try right?

Nora: I say keep going.

Jaune: why?!

Nora: look at it jaune, it's not like it's doing anything bad to her.

Ren: for now.

With that being said, the klyntar soon fully covered ruby, WBY and JNPR were nervous as they don't know what happened, but that soon changed.

Ruby: I FEEL AMAZING!!!!!!

pyrrha: ruby?

Ruby: yep!!!

Blake: you ok?


Yang: I think that's-


Weiss: it's the symbiote talking ruby!!!

Ruby:............ oh.

Yang: now then, do you feel like you're being brainwashed?

Ruby: uhh.... no.

Blake: Well... What do we do with the others?

Nora: well that's simple, (looks at klyntar) HEY SIMBY!!!! HUG ME!!!

Nora immediately ran to the klyntar and jumped on it which made both of them fall to the ground, the klyntar then merges with Nora and then she stands up.


Ren: calm down Nora (looks at the others) should we just... you know bond with them?

Jaune: I guess, I mean... it couldn't be that bad right?

Nobody bothered to respond, they each went to their individual klyntar, once it was done, each individual heard the klyntars voices, RWBY and NP's klyntars voices were female while JR's were male.

Weiss: wait I just realised something.... HOW ARE WE GONNA EXPLAIN THIS TO Y/N?!?!?!


(End flashback - Y/N POV)

Weiss: and that's it.

Y/N: well.... that's good then, also you won't have to worry about them being dangerous, since you're their first hosts, they'll be friendly.

Ruby: oh good.

Y/N: what're their names?

Ruby: I.... actually don't know.

Weiss: we are frost.

Weiss covers her mouth.

Weiss: I did not say that.

Y/N: relax, it's just you're klyntar.

Yang: we are blaze.

Blake: we are void.

Ruby: we are thorn.

Pyrrha: we are scarla.

Nora: we are havoc.

Jaune: we are skorn.

Ren: we are discord.

Y/N: interesting names, it's only fair that we introduce ourselves, we (morphs into vemom) are Venom.

After introductions were out of the way, we all morphed back to our normal selves.

Ruby: sooo.... What do we now that we have are very own Alien partner?

Y/N: for now, you don't use them, well not yet anyway.

Yang: why?

Y/N: I can't tell you yet, but if my suspicions are right, I'll tell you then.

Everyone: ok.

Intercom: can Mr L/N come to ozpin's office.

Y/N: guess that's me, remember, don't use them yet, actually you know what, just use them to enhance your speed and strength but not too much, ok?

Everyone: ok.

I then got up and headed to ozpin's office.

(Mini timeskip)

Y/N: what's up oz?

Ozpin: you'll be having a team shadowing you and another huntsman.

Y/N: wait, shadow us? We thought we were put back to huntsman in training.

Ozpin: no you did not, besides do you really think a huntsman in training could achieve the feats you've done?

Y/N: I suppose not.

Ozpin: anyways, head outside, you'll be seeing the team and the other huntsman that you'll be with.

I nod my head and leave the office.

(Mini timeskip)

As I was making my way to the bullhead, I saw a face I haven't seen in a while.

Y/N: vel?

As soon I said that, I saw the cute Easter bunny herself turn and face me and give a beaming smile.

Velvet: Y/N!!!

we both run to eachother and give eachother hug, after a moment, we let go of eachother.

Y/N: I have seen you in a while, where have you been?

Velvet: my mission was supposed to be over a few weeks ago but we had some trouble, but we did finish it in the end.

Y/N: were glad you're ok.

Velvet: thanks, but where are you going?

Y/N: I'm going to have a team shadow- YOYZA!!!

if you're wondering why I said that, it's simple, someone just smacked my ass, I turn my head to see coco with a smirk on her face.

Coco: nice ass.

Y/N: but why though?

Coco: simple.

She then grabbed me and pulled me into kiss.

Venom: that escalated quickly.

She then pulls away from me and we both start breathing heavily.

Coco: not bad~

Velvet: (Blushes) c-coco!!!!

Coco: what? Are you jealous I kissed him before you?

Velvet: n-no.

Coco: aww, come on velvet, it was just a kiss, speaking of kissing, now's your chance.

Velvet starts stuttering, I could see that she wants to so I made it easier for her, I lifted her chin and gently places my lips on hers, after a few seconds she kisses back and wraps her arms around me, we then break away and she looks at me with a massive blush, we then separate from eachother.

Coco: well now that, thats done, let's go and meet the others vel.

Velvet: (Blushes) y-yeah, (looks at Y/N) b-bye Y/N.

Y/N: later bun bun.

As they were walking away, I had one thought in my head.

Y/N (in head): revenge time.

I quickly went behind coco and smacked her ass, she gave a little yelp and looked at me.

Y/N: (smirks) nice ass coco.

Coco: (smirks) oh it's on.

Y/N: (walks close to coco) you bet it is.

We then go our separate ways.

(Another timeskip)

After picking up my spear I started walking to the bullhead, when I got there I see the team and the other huntsman... oh oum.

Oobleck: Ah Y/N!!! So glad you could join us!!

RWBY: you're the other huntsman we're shadowing?!?!?!

Y/N: surprise.

Oobleck: now then!! Enough chit chat!!! Let us be off!!!

Y/N (in head): venom create a link to RWBY.

Venom: done it already.

Y/N (telepathic): howdy.

Ruby (telepathic): OH MY OUM WHY IS Y/N IN MY HEAD!?!?!?

Weiss (telepathic): telepathy dolt.

Ruby (telepathic): oh.

Frost (telepathic): something you need?

Venom (telepathic): we're just reminding you to not go overboard when we encounter problems, understood?

RWBY/klyntars: yep/understood.

Venom then cuts the link.

Y/N: let's be off then.

We then got on the bullhead and prepared for our mission to mount Glenn with only one thought in my head.

Y/N (in head): things are gonna get hectic if this doesn't go well.

A/N: alright guys, you took the blue orb and gave it to ozpin, you went to RWBY's dorm and found out that JNPR and RWBY have klyntars, you kissed coco and velvet and now your with RWBY and oobleck heading to mount Glenn, what could go wrong? Anyway, thanks for reading "we are Venom - a surprise and heading to mount Glenn," and as always.... PEACE✌✌

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