Talking with Blake and being cautious.

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Y/N POV: it's the next day and things aren't going so well, turns out after the whole fight with torchwick, Blake has been distancing herself more from her team and I, she's been going to the library a lot to find any information on the white fang movements, now that I think about it, the file I had on white fang bases would've been useful at this point in time, too bad I took care of those bases though, Anyways I'm getting off topic, RWY have been trying to get Blake to get some sleep and come to the dance that's happening soon but they've had no luck, now you're all probably wondering, "where am I in all this?" Well the answer to that is simple..... I'm getting yelled at.

Glynda: you should consider yourself lucky!! The amount of damage that you and team RWBY caused was luckily fixed thanks to me!!! But the fact that you went past curfew to act in this kind of manner is unacceptable!!!! What do you have to say for yourself!?!?!

Y/N: '-_- we forgot she could fix anything.

Glynda: that's all you got from this?!?!?

Ozpin: now, now miss goodwitch, at least they are safe and they managed to solve the issue.

Y/N: wait a minute..... you knew we'd go and go and find some Intel didn't you?

Ozpin: whatever do you mean? (sips tea).

Y/N: that's sneaky oz, real sneaky, but it looks like you've saved from winter yelling at me, I swear that woman is cold but she's loving none the less.

Ozpin: that reminds me, seeing as you're... affiliated with winter, how are you planning to explain this to qrow, both him and winter hate eachother.

Y/N:....... Oh sugar honey ice tea.

Ozpin: I suppose you haven't figured it out yet, you may leave now.

I'm fucked, I'm so fucked, this'll be hard to explain when I see the 2 of them, anyway, I decided to head to the hall since that's where RWY and hopefully Blake is, once I got there, I saw ruby, Weiss, and yang, but unfortunately, no Blake.

Y/N: hey girls.

Yang: hey handsome~ what brings you here?

Y/N: just came to see how things were going, and I was hoping to see Blake here, but I guess she's still going doing research on the white fang.

Yang: (sigh) yeah, we've tried to get her to come to the dance but she's too stubborn.

Weiss: I swear, she needs to learn when to relax.

Y/N (in head): that's it, I'm done not doing anything about it. (Outloud) do you know where she is?

Yang: last I checked, she was still in the library, why?

Y/N: I'm going to talk to her.

I then leave RWY to do their thing and head for the library to search for Blake.

(Mini timeskip)

When I entered the library, I saw Blake, sitting at a table with stacks of books near her.

Venom: how long has she been doing this?

Y/N (in head): if I had to guess, since the start of the first semester or after the white fang fight at the docks, but doesn't matter now, I just need her to listen to what I have to say.

I started to walk over to Blake, once I was next to her, I tapped her shoulder, she looked at me for a moment before looking back at what she was doing.

Y/N: hey Blake.

Blake: hey.

Y/N: look Blake, I'm not gonna beat around the bush here, you've been doing this for a long time and I can see you're tired, you need to take a break.

Blake doesn't respond.

Y/N: Blake, are you listening to me?

She doesn't respond again, I decided to grab the book she's using away from her, she then sends me a glare.

Blake: give me back my book.

Y/N: nope, not until you listen to me.

Blake: I'm not taking a break Y/N, my team have tried to tell me the same thing and ive told them no.

Y/N: Blake, can't you see what this is doing to you? You're doing this with no rest, look, I'm not saying you should stop, I'm saying you should take a break.

Blake: is torchwick taking a break? Are the white fang taking a break?

Y/N: (sigh) No.

Blake: them I'm not either.

Y/N: Blake you need to rest, think about this.

Blake: I'm perfectly fine.

Y/N: prove it.

Blake: what?

Y/N: I said prove it, if you can land a hit on me, I won't bother you about this.

Blake stands up and prepares to punch me but the problem is her movements are so predictable, I sidestep out of the way, making her fall to the floor.

Y/N: you're too tired to even hit me Blake, you're movements were too predictable.

Blake: (stands up) it doesn't matter if I'm slow, I can still take care of myself.

Y/N: alright Blake, answer me this, when you find out what the white fang and torchwick are doing, what're you gonna do?

Blake: I'll stop them.

Y/N: what if they outnumber you?

Blake: that won't happen.

Y/N: why not?

Blake: because I'm capable enough to fight them off.

Y/N: if I could dodge that punch you did, then how can you fight them, note that when I dodged, I had multiple opportunities to either subdue you or kill you, and that is if I was your enemy.

Blake doesn't bother to respond to me, I let out a sigh and look at her again.

Y/N: Blake, do you remember the time I left beacon to find the carnage and the others and take down some white fang hideouts?

Blake: yes.

Y/N: I knew that I wasn't going to last if I didn't get any rest, that's why I stayed at a hotel when I was hunting and let me tell you something, a break can get you far, it got me far since there is no white fang hideouts in vale anymore, yes I haven't found the klyntar yet, but I'm still looking for them while having break.

Blake: I can't, if I take a break, then they'll be one step ahead of us, I have to do this, everything else is a waste of time.

Y/N:...... I'm a waste of time Blake?

Blake: what?

Y/N: you said "everything else is a waste of time," so am I a waste of time to you Blake? Is this more important than getting some rest? Is it more important than you're friends? Is this more important than..... than me?

Blake: w-what?! N-no!!! You're not a waste of time.

Y/N: then why say it?

Blake: I-i don't know, I'm just not thinking straight i-

Y/N: exactly, you're not thinking straight, if you were, you wouldn't have said everything was a waste of time (hugs Blake) like I said before, all I'm asking is for you to take a break, I'm not telling you to stop, please Blake, I don't like seeing you like this, neither does anyone else, and by the way, you should go to the dance, get you're mind of things, can you do this Blake, not just for me, but for everyone else?

She was silent got a moment, until I felt her arms wrapped around me.

Blake:.... Ok, I'll take a break from this... hey Y/N?

Y/N: yeah?

Blake: who are you taking to the dance?

Y/N: I was actually planning on taking you and the others with me to the dance, I can't have them left out.

Blake let's out a little giggle before calming down, I then pick her up and carry her bridal style to her dorm. Once we got there, Blake open the door and we walked in, I placed her on her bed and tucked her in and prepared to leave, only for her to grab me and pull me down into her bed.

Blake: sleep with me.

Y/N: but I'm no-

Blake decided to give me the goddamn cat eyes, I saw no point in resisting so I got comfortable and laid next to her, after about 30 seconds the door swings open and RWY come through.

Weiss: like i said yang, we're not getting fog machines if I do-

They then see me lying down next to a now sleeping Blake, I then put my finger to my mouth so they know to stay quiet, they got the message and silently closed the door, I saw yang looking at me with a smirk.

Y/N (in head): I don't like that smirk.

Venom: something tells us, you're gonna be stuck with them for a while.

Yang then goes to the bathroom and after 1 minute she comes out in her sleepwear.

Y/N: (whisper) yang what're you doing?

Yang: (whisper) oh I don't know, sleeping next to my brother while I have the chance, besides (lays down on his arm) you're baisicly trapped, so why not make the most of this? (Looks at Weiss and ruby) come on, join in on this.

Ruby: (whisper) I don't think we-

Before she could finish, Weiss decides to go to the bathroom and then come out a minute later in her sleepwear and lies on my stomach with a big blush on her face, I look at ruby and see she has a blush on her face as well, she then goes to the bathroom and then comes back out in her sleepwear and lies on me as well.

Ruby: (whisper) you're so warm and comfy.

Y/N: (whisper) umm thanks? Anyway I'd like to get up no-

Before I could finish my sentence, I heard snoring from both yang and Weiss, ruby then closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Venom: looks like we're not moving any time soon.

Y/N (in head): indeed, (sigh) might as well get some shut eye while I can.

I then close my eyes and fall asleep.

(Mini timeskip)

I wake up and see RWBY still sleeping on me, but luckily they were waking up, they then looked at me and give a small smile.

RWBY: hey~

Y/N: slept well?

Ruby: yep.

Weiss: yes.

Blake: yeah, I needed that.

Yang: you know it.

Y/N: listen, as great as it was taking a nap with you all, I need to get up now.

Ruby: awww, but I don't want you to go.

Y/N: we can hang out later rubes.

RWBY reluctantly get off me, I get up and give them a quick peck on the cheek and head out the door and start walking, as I'm walking, I accidently bump into someone.

Y/N: my apologies.

???: don't worry, accidents happen.

I then look and see it was a women with Amber eyes and black hair.

Y/N: you're not from here are you?

Cinder: indeed we are not, I'm just visiting from haven along with my team, anyways my name is cinder fall (extends hand).

I was about to shake her hand until I felt something off, her aura didn't feel right, it was just too evil, she could be a potential threat and I didn't want to take that Chance, I shake her hand and have venom transfer a small portion of himself on her without her knowing.

???: cinder what 're you doing?

Cinder: oh just introducing myself, Y/N these are my teamates, (points to silver haired kid) mercury (points to green haired girl) and emerald.

Emerald/ mercury: hi/sup.

Cinder: now that, that is out of the way, do you know where this dorm is.

I then look at the number and give her directions.

Y/N: keep going down the hallway and then take the third right, when you do that you'll see you're dorm.

Cinder: thank you.

Cinder and her team leave but I could see give me a smirk, I turn to face them and wait until they're gone, once they do, I start walking to ozpin's office to tell him about a potential threat.

Venom: you don't think she's working with the white fang do you?

Y/N (in head): not sure, but hey, you know what they say, leave no stone unturned.

(Mini timeskip)

When I got to ozpin's office, I saw him looking directly at me.

Ozpin: ah perfect timing, I was about to call for you.

Y/N: what's up?

Ozpin: I have a mission for you, I need you to go to the temple b
In the emerald forest to collect a blue sphere.

Y/N: is it something special?

Ozpin: it has the power to send you through time and space, power like that should be kept locked away.

Y/N: alright I'll get it done.

I then turn and leave.

(Timeskip again because I'm lazy)

I made it to the temple and saw the blue sphere glowing, there were Grimm surrounding it but I made quick work of them, what I didn't understand was why we're they blue and yellow, I decided to not think about it until this was done.

Venom: so this is the orb... Well mission completed, time to take it ba-

3rd POV: the orb started shinning a brighter blue and then stopped suddenly, venom was confused on what it did but that soon changed when a portal opened up and started sucking everything in, venom tried to hold on to the ground but failed and got sucked into the portal, the orb then floated into the portal and it then closed, venom is seen floating around trying to figure out what is going on but is too shocked to understand, venom then spins out of control and then the camera zooms in on his symbol and then the screen fades to black.

A/N: alright, well you guys had a nice chat with ozpin and glynda, then you had a conversation with Blake about taking a break and succeeding, you met cinder and her friends, and then got a mission from ozpin about a blur sphere which teleported you somewhere, and by somewhere, I mean my other story which has prototype you in it, anyway thanks for reading "we are Venom - talking with Blake and being cautious," and as always..... PEACE✌✌

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