An unexpected meeting.

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Disclaimer: RWBY is owned by rooster teeth, venom, mania, and ghost rider are owned by marvel.

Y/N POV: ever since that weird day with that venompool guy, I decided to forget about it, but at least he can help me when the time comes, I was in my dorm, playing on my scroll, Robbie was sharpening his sword on his chain, sienna was reading, and mania was just leaning on the wall thinking, we then got a knock at the door and I opened it to see team RWBY.

Y/N: hey ladies, what's up?

Ruby: Weiss has something to say.

I then look at her to see her right hand shaking a bit.

Y/N: something wrong?

Weiss: no everything is fine, it's just.... my family want to meet you and team and see if you're "worthy" to be acquainted with me.

I was a bit confused until I saw the shocked expression in Blake's face, I then remembered that Weiss' father was jaques schnee, the current heir to schnee dust company, and he's using faunus to mine for dust.

Y/N: (sigh) that's just swell, wait does he know that Blake's a faunus and that I'm your boyfriend?

Weiss: no, I haven't told him, he wants me to find someone that's on the same level on Me, and if I told him Blake is a faunus then..... things would happen.

I could see a bit of sadness in her eyes, I was gonna ask but I didn't want to push her so I left it at that.

Y/N: when does he want to meet us?

Weiss: today.

Y/N: (sigh) Ok, (to Blake) I guess you're gonna have to hide your ears Blake.

She just nods and put her bow on her head to cover her cat ears, I then look at the others in my dorm.

Y/N: can you please behave while I'm gone?

Mania/sienna: yes

Robbie: I never behave.

Y/N: which is why we're giving sienna and mania permission to beat the shit out of you if you don't behave.

I then look back at the others.

Y/N: let's get going.

We start to head outside when we see a bullhead land, the door opens to see a woman wearing white and blue clothing, she had white hair and blue eyes.

???: hello Weiss.

Weiss: hello sister, (to RWBY and Y/N) ladies and gentleman, this is my sister, winter schnee, winter, this is team RWBY and my boy...... I mean friend, Y/N.

Y/N: a pleasure to meet you winter.

Winter: likewise, now hop aboard the bullhead, our family is waiting.

We all got on and then it took off, I sat in between both Weiss and Blake and I could see saddened and worried expressions.

Y/N: you 2 will be alright, look if something goes wrong, just know I'm here for you 2 Ok?

They both look at me and smile and then put their heads on my shoulders until....

Winter: (clears throat).

We then look straight to see winter with an angered look and arms folded.

Winter: care to explain?

Weiss: uhh.... Well....

Y/N: they're nervous so I'm trying to calm them down.

Winter: that doesn't explain why they were leaning on you.

Y/N: they wanted to get comfortable until we got there, is there a problem with that?

Winter just stares at me and I do the same, there was a minute of silence until she walked off.

Weiss: you shouldn't have done that.

Y/N: Why not?

Weiss: she tends to attack the people that talk back to her.

Y/N: (smirks) let her try.


The bullhead started to land and we then got off only to be greeted by jaques and a younger kid that looked like him.

Jaques: Weiss, so good to see you, how are you this fine day?

Weiss: I'm fine father.

???: I bet beacon is boring, I don't know why you went there.

Weiss: for you're information, it's not boring, it's better than atlas academy, plus you're not there to annoy me.

I couldn't help but chuckle at this.

???: what's so funny?

Y/N: oh nothing.

???: that's what I though you stupid fool.

I looked at him and shoot a fireball over his head, shocking everyone.

Y/N: talk shit again, and you'll be incinerated.

Weiss: calm down Y/N.

I drop my hand and start to calm down.

Weiss: anyway, this is my father, jaques schnee, and this is my idiotic brother, Whitley schnee.

We just bow to them although I'm a little uncomfortable doing this, considering one is a prick and the other is the biggest cunt I've ever seen.

We then head inside, when we got in, the place was actually decent but I prefer a place that's normal to Me, we kept walking until we came to a halt.

Jaques: I'd like to speak with Y/N and my daughter along with Whitley and winter, you girls my take a look around.... just don't touch anything.

He then led us into a room where there was a woman sitting down, she looked like winter but a lot older.

Jaques: ah willow, I didn't think you'd join us.

Willow: of course I would, we are a family.

Y/N: may I ask why you wanted to talk to me and Weiss specifically?

They then looked at me and Weiss and then a screen appeared and there was a video playing, it was me talking to Weiss and me kissing her, and then I turn around and I fight anti - venom, I then realise this recording was taken from the fight I had with ironwood, I look to see Weiss looking down at the ground, I put my hand on her shoulder to reassure her, she looks at me and smiles a little, I look back at the others and start glaring at them.

Y/N: What do you want?

Winter: we want answers to our questions.

Y/N: and what are your questions?

Willow: are you in love with our daughter?

Y/N: I think the recording of me kissing Weiss and giving a handsome smile answers that.

Winter: What was that suit you were wearing?

I simply turn into Venom and give a little explanation.

Venom: This suit is alive, nothing more, nothing less.

I then revert back.

Winter: that's obviously a lie.

Y/N: Well you'd know about lying wouldn't you, considering how you covered shit for ironwood when he killed people for "the greater good"

She's about to draw her sword but I create my blade and put it at her throat.

Y/N: go ahead, we dare you.

She then puts her hand away from her sword and I put my blade away and back up.

Y/N: anymore Goddamm questions?

Jaques: (smirks) how's tai doing?

I freeze at that name, why the fuck did he mention tai?

Jaques: I was gonna send some special weapons as he wanted to teach someone some manners.

Weiss: father! Stop it!

Jaques: I bet he's doing well, that man knows how to put people in their place, isn't that right Weiss?

I was shocked at what he said I looked at Weiss to see her looking down at the ground, her hand was shaking and she was crying a little.

Y/N: what's he talking about?


Y/N: Weiss tell me.



She then looks at me with fear in his eyes and then back down, I then get pissed and my eyes go red, and I look at jaques and grab him and push him to the wall leaving some cracks in it and then I create my blade and put it right at his neck.

Y/N: you better start talking, right fucking now! Why the fuck did you mention tai?!

Whitley: oh that's simple, we know everything about you, you're Y/N Rose, you were abused and neglected for most of your childhood until you ran, and changed your name to Y/N L/N, you were hunting white fang for most of your life as the powerful fighter known as venom, you joined beacon, and created a powerful weapon called carnage and he led to the creation of anti - venom, and carnage also made an even powerful weapon called toxin and you've been hunting those 3 ever since.

I then stop and let everything he said sink in, they knew everything about Me, ever since I was a kid, what kind of fucked up family is this?

Willow: we also know who your real parents are.

Once she says that I immediately let go of jaques and look at willow.

Y/N: who are they? Who Are my parents?!

Willow: we'll tell you on one condition, you tell us everything about This suit of yours.

I stayed silent for a moment until...

Venom: Take the deal.

Y/N (in head): what?!

Venom: Take it, you can get information on their whereabouts.

Y/N (in head): and tell them everything about you?! No, I'm not letting this happen.

Venom: But-

Y/N (in head): no buts, you've been with me since the beginning and I don't plan on selling our friendship over this, besides they're probably lying their asses off.

Venom:... Thank you.

Y/N (in head): What are friends for? (To willow) I decline the offer.

Willow: that's quite a shame, now you'll never learn about your parents.

The 3 left the room, leaving me and Weiss, after about 5 seconds, RBY came in and they saw us being very quiet.

Ruby: what happened in here?

Weiss didn't answer so I decided do answer her question.

Y/N: jaques and the others know everything about Me, my childhood to now, they know very little on venom, they were going to give me advice on my real parents but they wanted to know about venom, I refused the offer.

Blake: Why didn't you accept it and make a lie about venom?

Y/N: because I'd end up being like ironwood, or another schnee, and I don't want that, I just want to be me (looks at Weiss) Weiss, what did jaques mean?

She didn't say anything.

Y/N: (sigh) listen.... I'm sorry for yelling at you, I was just furious with them, please Weiss, tell me what he meant.

There was a moment of silence until she sighed and looked at us, she then moved a strand of hair that covered a bit of her eye to reveal a scar, we all looked in shock.

Yang: Weiss, how did you get that?

Weiss:... I was doing some training with my dad so I could defend myself if necessary but one day, we were training again and then dad got a bit violent and slashed at my eye, he then told me that "a schnee must show no weakness and that I will have to take the mantle of the dust company when I'm older."

Y/N: he gave you a scar.... because of his own selfish reasons?

She just nods and starts crying, I walk up to her and give a hug.

Y/N: Weiss... you didn't have to hide that from us, you shoudnt suffer this alone, plus your father shouldn't have done that to you, if he does that then he's heartless, listen Weiss, I know You think that when you become the owner of the dust company, you'll think people will think your heartless and don't give a damn, but that's not true, your a caring, loving and fun girl, I've seen it and so has your team, don't let your family drag you down.

She then looks at me for a moment and then I lean and kiss her, she leans into it and then after about a minute we broke apart leaving a string of soliva.

Weiss: you always have a way with words, that's why I love you dunce.

Y/N: love you too.

The door opens and I see winter with a smile on her face.

Y/N: Why are you here?

Winter: relax, I'm not here to fight, I just want to say that I'm thankful that you care for my sister, so please look after her, don't let her be like my father and mother.

She then extends her hand out to me, I look at it and after a moment I smile and shake it.

Y/N: I will, you have my word.

We then decided to leave and head back to beacon only to be stopped by jaques.

Jaques: where do you think you're going?

Weiss: back to beacon.

Jaques: I never gave you permission to leave.

I then walk up to him and smirk and once I'm close enough I punch him in the face shocking everyone except for RWBY and winter, we then start to walk past them and ignore everything they're saying once we got on the bullhead, we said our goodbyes to winter and then went back to beacon, once there, we went to our dorms, when I entered mine I saw everyone asleep, I lie down on my bed and slowly fall asleep with one thought in my head.

Y/N (in head): can't wait to take him down from that pedestal of his.

I then fall asleep.

A/N: Well... you visited weiss' parents and things went South really quickly but hey, you punched jaques in the face, anyways, thanks for reading "we are Venom - an unexpected meeting," and as always.... PEACE✌✌

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