The merc with the mouth.

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Disclaimer: RWBY is owned by rooster teeth, Venom, ghost rider, mania, and venompool are owned by marvel.

Venompool: WHAT?! Nobody owns me, I own marvel, you know why?! Because I am marvel.

A/N: if you're gonna break the 4th wall, don't try and break it every few seconds, got it?

Venompool: give me chimichangas and I'll agree to this.

A/N: no you won't.

Venompool: you're right I won't, ONTO THE STORY JACKASS!!!!

A/N: Fuck you.

Y/N POV: right now I'm at beacon, doing my homework since I've been to busy looking for carnage, anti - venom and toxin, I've managed to finish it and decided to head to vale as just regular Y/N and by myself since I needed to clear my thoughts and I need to be away from the girls as they are always with me, I got on a bullhead and went straight to vale, once I was there I started walking minding my own business until I bumped into someone, I looked to see who it was and it was a girl with chocolate and pink hair, she's wearing some black trousers, a white and pink shirt with a cape attached to it, black gloves, and pink and white high heels, she was looking down at her bowl she was carrying and then at me and back at her bowl, repeating the same movements over and over until looking at me with and angry face, she then gets up and pulls a notepad and starts writing something and shows me what she wrote.

???: you owe me a bowel of ice cream.

Y/N: can't you speak?

A/N: I'm just gonna say what she's saying cause I'm too lazy to say that she gets her notepad and writes something over and over again.

Venompool: Shut up already and get back to it, mama needs some chimichangas.

A/N: Shut up!!

???: I'm mute.

Y/N: oh, anyway, I'll pay for the ice cream.

She then grabs my arm and drags me to an ice cream place.

Cashier: hello what can I do for you 2 lovebirds?

The girl holding my arm pointed to a specific ice cream that had the same colour as her hair, I payed for it and the cashier gave her the ice cream, she then dragged me to a table and we both sat down, she started eating and then looked at me and offered me some, I shake my head no and she continues eating.

Y/N: What's your name?

Neo: my name is neo, what's yours?

Y/N: the names Y/N.

Neo: cute name.

Y/N: thanks, you're is nice and sweet.

She smiles a bit and blushes.

I was about to say something, until I see a crushed a van with...

Y/N: another klyntar?!

Venompool: finally!!! I'm in the story and now I've got my chimichangas! Hey kid! Want some?!

A/N: I thought I said stop breaking the 4th wall every few seconds.

Venompool: Shut the fuck up, I'm making this interesting as fuck, take my game for example, I gave the fans what they wanted, a makeout session with rouge and of course jiggle physics.

A/N: (sigh) I preferred movie you.

Venompool: whatever, (to Y/N) so you still want some chimichangas?!

Y/N: neo, get to safety, things might go south.

I then get up and go outside and turn into Venom.

Venom: Who are you?!

Venompool: me? Have you not read the title for this part? I'm the merc with the mouth.

Venom: Title?

A/N: don't make me get cable.

Venompool: ok, I'll stop.... for now, (to Y/N) the names venompool and I'm here to get some chimichangas, and then kill you.

Venom: What?! Ok, I'm ending this stupid scenario.

I go to him and prepare to punch him.


(Timeskip because I'm venompool, and pow Che ka pow wow)

Venom: What the fuck?! This doesn't make sense.

Venompool: Well you see, I created a timeskip so I skipped the fight, and now the comments are probably gonna hate me because they didn't get to imagine themselves fighting me, thats right comment section, you hate me? Then bite me.

Venom: Who are you talking to?!

Venompool: doesn't matter, anyway, you're outnumbered by 3 symbiotes and now you need help yes?

Venom: Well... yeah....

Venompool: then, I'm the guy for the job amigo! Lets go fuck up some bitc-

He was interrupted by a shot to the head, I look to see neo holding an umbrella with smoke coming out of it.

Venompool: look missy, although it was a nice shot, it didn't kill me.

Me and neo just look at him shocked.

Venom: How?!

Venompool: oh that's simple, I have a healing factor, so I can't die! Bullets, swords, anything, it can kill me! Watch.

He pulls a sword out of his back and stabs him in the head.

Venompool: see? Then let's go!!

Venom: Where?

Venompool: somewhere!

I then get off the wall and look at him walking down the street, I thought fuck it and started to follow him until I felt a hand on my arm, I turn to see neo.

Neo: you seriously gonna follow that crazy guy?

Venom: Well.... yeah, I mean I've dealt with worse so this should be a piece of cake.

I turn to see him eat the van that had chimichangas, and then he burps a tire out.

Venom: Nevermind, this is worse, anyway I'll see ya around, I then start walking to the dickhead and hear someone follow and I see neo.

Venom: Why are you coming with us?

Neo: I'm bored so why not, also what's with the 2 voices?

Venom: I'm bonded with this alien and it's called venom.

She just nods at what I said.

Venom: Sooo..... venompool, why do you want to help me?

Venompool: baisicly this person called darealpoblos left a comment saying if the author knows me and he said yes and he wanted you to add me as a friend on Facebook but I don't think anybody uses that anymore so follow me on Twitter, and for plot reasons the author wants me to help you beat the shit out of bad guys and I'm doing this because he's paying me in tacos and chimichangas, ain't that right A/N?

Venom: ○_○

Neo: ○_○

Venom: What the fuck are you saying?


venompool: Why do people say 4th wall, to me it's a big open window, it should be called 4th window.

Neo: are you seriously ok in the head?

Venompool: nope!

Venom: ok cut the shit, who are you?

Venompool:....... (insert batman voice) I'm batman! TIMESKIP!!!!

(Timeskip to cafeteria)

Venom: What the fuck?! How are we here?!

Yang: hey bro! Who's that?

Venom: calls himself ven-

Venompool: Why hello hot tits, the names venompool, wanna yang~?

I look to see yang a blushing mess, and I just laugh.

Venom: it's not fun when you get flirted with is it yang?

Neo: wait, your sister flirted with you?!

Venom: I was adopted so she's not exactly my sister.

Venompool: oh look, it's cardick.

I watch him go up to Cardin and pulls a minigun out of thin air.

Yang: Where did he-

Venom: no clue.

Venompool: hey cardick!!!

Cardin: wow, you're ugly as shit.

Venompool: (give me my fucking Arnold Schwarzenegger voice) hasta la vista... baby.

Venompool: im doing the sound affects can use fuck you, BANG, BANG, BANG, BANG, BANG, BANG!


venompool: relax, hey author, fix this shit and give me a timeskip to the Forrest.

A/N: I regret this, (fixes shit) and...

(Timeskip to Forrest cause venompool is abusing his power)

Neo: and now we're here.

Venom: Where's yang?

Venompool: in my sex dungeon.

Venom: What the fuck did you say?!

Venompool: just kidding, I'm not interested in her, my dick is meant for another girl, and her name is death.

Venom: I'm... not gonna bother questioning that, anyway why are we here?

Venompool: Well ms we all scream for ice cream is gonna watch us fight since every single part to this story has a fight in it, so why not continue that little trend, don't worry, I won't use a timeskip, you hear that author?! I'M NOT TIMESKIPING!


Venompool: whatever, let's get to it.

Venom: You're probably gonna be the death of me.

He pulls out his swords and I create my blade and not taking my chances, I go hellfire and run at him and slash at him, and he just blocks with his swords and then creates a tendril that grabs a pistol and starts shooting me, he keeps saying "bang" over and over, I just keep dodging and then shoot a web and pull his gun away and then shoot him with it, he then attempts to deflect them (imagine the scene from deadpool 2 and if you haven't seen it, what are you doing?)

Venompool: yeah seriously, I mean I killed myself twice, who wants to miss that?


I then impale him in the stomach and then create a claw and stick it in the side of his head and turn up the heat and start to be in him, he stabs me in the stomach and then grabs 2 more and stabs me in the stomach again, we were at a stalemate as I was bleeding and he was burning.

Venompool: guess What.

Venom: What?

Venompool: TIMESKIP!!!

(Timeskip cause venompool is a bitch)

After the fight I'm on the ground with multiple cuts but I heal and stand up and revert back to normal.

Venompool: Well that was fun, I may have fucked up this part of the story but hey! That's what happens when I'm here, don't worry, I'll be sure to come back for the big 3 A.K.A carnage, anti - venom and toxin boss fight, which will probably be whenever, anyway I need to talk to Stan Lee about getting my own infinity gauntlet, so..... yeah..... hey author roll credits I'm done here.

A/N: I'm not doing that, just go through the fucking portal I made.

I see a Portal open and see an old man come out of it.

Stan lee: excelcior!!!

He then goes back in and venompool just moonwalks and answers a call on his scroll and goes in.

Venompool: CHIMICHANGAS!!!!

neo: What.... just happened today?

Y/N: I don't know, and at this point I'm not really interested.

Neo: yeah.... I'm gonna go.

Y/N: it's a long walk form here to vale, don't you need a ride?

I see  bullhead appear and neo gets on it, zhs turns around and winks before it takes off and I start heading back to beacon.

A/N: Well guys..... that was a complete clusterfuck, I feel like this is something Michael bay would do.

Venompool: nah, he'd put explosions in it.


Venompool: you can get rid of me, also why is this story so dark at the start, are you from the dc universe?

A/N: What? No, I'm marvel all the way.

Venompool: wise choice, anyway I'm doing this outro, well people, I fucked you hard didn't I? I made this part have no sense in it whatsoever, you know why, because I'm your friendly neighbourhood venompool.

A/N: oh my god shut up, anyway thanks for reading "we are Venom - the merc with the mouth" it was a complete cluster fuck of timeskips and deadpool killing and flirting so..... yeah, and as always.... PEACE✌✌

Venompool: and chimichangas✌✌

A/N: ok that's it, I'm gonna kill him (grabs shotgun)


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