Back into the fray.

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Disclaimer: RWBY is owned by rooster teeth, venom, mania and ghost rider are owned by marvel.

Y/N POV: Its a been about 2 weeks since my fight with toxin, and I'm still not out of this Goddamm hospital, everytime time I try to get up, I end getting pushed back into bed by whoever is looking after me for the day or I fall back, right now I'm just trying to rest but I prefer to be on my feet and doing something, while no one was around, I sit up and then put my feet on the ground and im about to stand up until....

Pyrrha: (clears throat).

Y/N: (faces pyrrha) oh hey pyrrha (nervous laugh).

Pyrrha: what do you think you're doing?

Y/N: nothing.

Pyrrha didn't buy it and gets up in my face and stares into my e/c eyes.

Pyrrha: why are you lying?

Y/N: we're not lying.

Pyrrha: your eyes say otherwise.

She keeps staring into my eyes which led to some awkward silence.

Y/N: are you trying to do an intense staring contest with Me?

She was a bit confused but later realises that she was staring at me for a while and backs a way with a light blush on her face.

Pyrrha: (Blushes) s-sorry.... anyway what were you gonna do?

Y/N:..... (sigh) I was going to try and walk without falling again.

Pyrrha: Y/N..... we've talked about this, you shouldn't try and walk until you've fully recovered.

Y/N: Ok first off, that's something a child does when they try and walk, and second, you're not my mother.

I hear pyrrha let out a sigh before she walks up to me and attempts to put me back to bed but I refuse and stay still.

Y/N: I'm not going to lie down, I need to start walking again.

Pyrrha: not until you've fully recovered.

Y/N: no.

Pyrrha: yes.

Y/N: No.

Pyrrha: yes.

Y/N: NO!

pyrrha: YES!


Pyrrha: NO! WAIT I MEAN-


I slowly get up and was about to start walking but pyrrha is persistent as hell.

Pyrrha: I said you need to rest!

She then grabs me from behind and puts me back on the bed and then pins me on the bed (this sounds sexual as fuck)

Pyrrha: you're staying here!

There was a moment of silence and pyrrha was still pinning me and staring at me with a pissed off look.

Y/N: uhh... pyrrha? Do you see the position we're both in?

Pyrrha then realised what she's doing and starts blushing but doesn't move, instead she starts leaning close to my face until her lips meet mine, I went wide eyed but eventually gave in and our tounges started to fight for dominance but I let her win, allowing her to explore her new territory but eventually broke apart leaving a string of soliva connected to our lips.

Y/N: w-why did you kiss Me?! D-dont you like jaune?!

Pyrrha: I did but.... he never saw how I felt about him, but with you, I feel like I can express my feelings to you, I love you Y/N, please let me be you're girlfriend.

Y/N: Well.... if that's the way you feel.... then sure, only problem is-

Pyrrha: I know all about it, the girls are ok with it.

Y/N (in head): why do girls fall head over heels for me?

Venom: who knows, you can handle women but can't handle klyntars, A bit odd if you ask us.

Y/N (in head): fuck you.

Venom: That's impossible to do.

Y/N (in head): you're an ass sometimes you know That?

Venom: (Chuckles).

I mentally flip off venom and then look back at pyrrha.

Y/N: pyrrha, could you please get off of Me, I need to start walking again.

Pyrrha: but-

Y/N: look, if I'm about to fall you can pick me up before it happens.

Pyrrha:.... (sigh) ok.

She then gets off of me and I proceed to get up, once I'm standing I slowly start to walk and after about 5 seconds I'm about to fall but I was luckily caught by pyrrha, I look at her and give a warm smile to which she gives her own, she then sets me back down on the bed and then i get up and try again.

Y/N (in head): we'll be back to full strength soon, and then we'll get stronger!

(2 day timeskip)

I was able to start walking and running and eventually regained my speed, reflexes and strength as myself and as venom, all I needed now was to get stronger and then I'll be back to my usual self.

Y/N: yo Robbie.

Robbie: What's up? Feeling better?

Y/N: we're doing fine, but we need to ask you something.

Robbie: and what's That?

Y/N: we need to get stronger, so do you mind sparring with us?

Robbie: sure, I don't see why not.

He then turns into ghost rider and I turn into Venom, he starts to spin his chain and starts walking to me and then I start to walk to him and then sprint, he tries to throw his chain but I dodge and pounce at him, he manages to move out of the way and then punches me in the face, I block and then punch him in the stomach and then headbutt him, sending him back a bit, he pull his chain back to him and then spins it again, I run to him and prepare to kick him but he sidesteps and then swings his chain, giving me a cut across my chest and then stabs my leg and then knees me in the stomach and kicks me in the face, making me go to the ground, I quickly get back up and uppercut him and then shoot a web at his arms and then spin him around and then throw him into a wall, and then punch him through it, we accidently end up in ms goodwitch's class where RWBY and everyone else is.


Venom: hi ms goodwitch, we're just having a spar.

Ghost rider: sorry about the wall (to venom) by the way dodge.

Venom (in head): CAR!!!!

Venom: OH FUCK!

I quickly jump in the air and backflip and see the dodge charger go straight to ghost rider and is about to hit him but he fazes through it.

Ghost rider: you actually dodged.

Venom: Well we're not Cardin are we?

Cardin: what did you say?!

I look at him and shoot a web at his mouth.

Venom: Ok back to business (looks to glynda) we'll head outside now.

Glynda: hold it! If it's a sparring match then use the arena for it.

I just nod and get in the arena and see ghost rider do the same.



Pyrrha: fight well you 2!

Ghost rider: would you look at that, you got fangirls, and other things.

Venom: Fuck you.

Ghost rider: love you too.

Venom: Shut the fuck up.

Glynda: 3....2....1..... BEGIN!!

I run to ghost rider and try and knee him in the face, but he moves out of the way and punches me in the stomach, I grab his arm and then threw him and then shot a web and pulled him to me and then ran to him and closelined him, I then put my knee on his chest and start punching him, until he grabs my left fist and punches me in the face, I get up and back up a bit and create my blade.

Ghost rider: oh god, you're Gordon Ramsay.

Venom: Why? Cause I have a blade?

Ghost rider: yes, the chefs greatest weapon.

Venom: Says the fucking mascot for hell's kitchen.

I then engulf my blade in fire and he does the same with his chains, I then run to him and pretend that I'm about to hit him, to my success, he throws his chain at me, I grab his chain with my blade and pull him to me and then closelined him again, he quickly gets up and stabs me in the leg with the sword and then raps the chain around my right arm and then my neck and then pins me to the floor and tightens his grip around the chain, I engulf myself in fire and then blow up, knocking him back, I then impale him in the stomach but he grabs my blade and pulls it out of him and kicks me back, we both get up and I see him heal his wounds and I do the same I put all my fire into both my fists and he grabs his chain and engulfs it in fire and spins it around, we then run to eachother and I punch him in the face and I get hit in the chest by his chain and we both get sent of the stage and fall to the ground.

Glynda: the match is a tie.

As she says that, me and Robbie revert back.

Y/N/Robbie: again?! Fuck sake.

I then look to my right and see mania and pyrrha running to me, they slowly lift me up and I manage to get on my feet, I walk to Robbie and help him up.

Robbie: That was fun, wanna grab some grub?

Y/N: yeah sure.

I feel arms wrapped around me and I realise that it was mania.

Mania: you should be resting.

Y/N: what can we say, we're too stubborn to rest.

She then let's go and we start walking to the cafeteria, followed by JNPR, RWBY, and sienna, as we walk I feel a hand grab mine and turn to see pyrrha holding it, I was about to ask what was wrong but she leans in and kisses me, which leaves everyone shocked, well expect for mania, we then break apart and then look at RWBY and sienna who are pouting.

Y/N: do you all wanna kiss?

They still just pout and I just walk up to each of them and kiss them, they then look at me with smiles.

Y/N: better?

RWBY/sienna: better.

We then continue walking to the cafeteria we see Cardin picking on velvet again, only this time she's standing up for herself which leads to Cardin backhanding her, I got pissed and my fire and steam become visible and my eyes go red.

Y/N: CARDIN!!!!!!!!

I run at him and punch him straight in the face, I then look at velvet who's crying her eyes out, this pisses me off more and I engulf my fist in fire and punch him to the floor and punch him over and over until he's through the ground, I then calm down and head back to velvet and hug her.

Y/N: it's ok, I'm here velv, calm down.

She eventually hugs back and starts to calm down.

Y/N: do you want me to walk you to your dorm?

She doesn't respond but instead just nods, I then look at the others.

Y/N: you guys go ahead and eat, I'll be back soon.

I then help velvet up and we start walking down the halls to her dorm, once there I knock on the door and wait for a few moments until a girl wearing a black scarf opens it, and sees a saddened velvet.

???: did you hurt her?!

Y/N: what?! No! Cardin backhanded her and I took care if him, she wanted me to walk her to her dorm and now we're at this point.

???: velvet, is this the guy that saved you from cardin all the time?

Velvet just nods her head.

Coco: thanks, the names coco, you must be Y/N.

Y/N: yep.

She then looks at me, and then smirks.

Coco: I can see why velvet has a thing for ya~

Velvet: C-COCO!!!

She just giggles and I just look at a red faced velvet and smile, I then hug her to which she returns.

Y/N: it was good to see you stand up for yourself, don't worry if Cardin hits you again, I'll be sure to make him feel pain 10 times worse.

I then give a quick peck on velvet's forehead making her blush, she then smiles and walks into her dorm, I then say goodbye and start walking back to the cafeteria.

Venom: That's 10.

Y/N (in head): Shut the fuck up.... wait 10?

Venom: Ruby, Yang, Blake, Weiss, Sienna, raven, summer, pyrrha, velvet and now coco.

Y/N (in head): how?! This is imposibru!!

I continue walking and once I'm in the cafeteria, I see Cardin still buried in the ground, I grab my food and sit at the table where everyone is and start talking, after a while I feel drowsy and head to my dorm and once I lie down, I feel sleep overtake me and before I pass out, I think about how I have to find 3 klyntars before they start shit, and then I black out.

A/N: Well, you're back on you're feet and fought ghost rider which ended in a draw, beat cardin into the ground after he hit velvet, and walked her to her dorm where you met her team member coco, anyway, thanks for reading "we are Venom - back into the fray," and as always.... PEACE✌✌

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