Venom vs Toxin.

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Disclaimer: RWBY is owned by rooster teeth, venom, mania, ghost rider and toxin are owned by marvel.

Y/N POV: life was supposed to be normal but you know, it usually never is, and the reason for that is because I have to fight carnage's son, what a fucking fun life I have.


The klyntar tried to slash at the four of us but I quickly grabbed the unconscious qrow and backed up, I created tendrils to grab summer and raven and pull them back.

Venom: summer, take qrow and run, me and raven will hold this bastard off.

Summer grabs qrow and starts running away, meanwhile I attack him with my blade and pierce him in the chest, he grabs me and punches me through a wall, I get up and raven attempt to do a vertical slash but the klyntar grabbed the sword and then punched her in the stomach and then kicks her in the face making her let go of her sword.

???: We're feeling hungry.

The klyntar grabs raven and is about to eat her but I quickly cut his arm off and use my semblance to create a fireball and fire it at him, making him retreat into the shadows, I grab ravens sword and give it to her.

Raven: where is that damn thing?!

Venom: don't know, listen, you need to get out of here, create a portal to summer and qrow and run.

Raven: what?! I can't leave you! That thing will rip you apart!

Venom: It won't, things are about to get heated in here.

As I say that, steam and fire start appearing around me, raven realises what I'm about to do and creates a portal and goes through it, leaving me with the klyntar.

Venom: We never caught your name.

Toxin: the names toxin, and I'm your end!!! (Laughs)

Venom: you're definitely carnage's son.

I hear his laughter all around me, I was getting sick of it so I consume myself in heat and prepare to explode.

Venom: Time to blow the roof of this place.

As I say that I see toxin lunge at me but I quickly explode, setting the building on fire, I look around to see if he lived through that but I couldn't see him and the building was coming down in a few seconds so I run and jump out the window and land on another building wall and watched it fall.

Venom: that was a fucking pain.

Summer: venom! Down here!!

I look down to see summer waving, I jump down and then get hugged by her, I quickly return it and see qrow limping a bit.

Venom: You Ok?

Qrow: I got the shit beat out of me so No (pulls out a flask and drinks) now I'm better.

I chuckle at this and revert back and look at raven.

Y/N: you good raven?

Raven: just a bruise but still breathing.

Y/N: good to hear, we need to tell ozpin what happened, think you can make a portal there?

Raven just nods and creates a portal and we go through it and see ozpin drinking his tea.

Y/N: ok seriously, do you ever run out?

Ozpin just chuckles and looks at us.

Ozpin: So, tell me what happened.

Y/N: completely dodged my question but Ok....

I then explained what happened minus the fact that raven and summer kissed me, I also explained that the klyntar's name is toxin and that it was carnage's son.

Ozpin: I see, you may leave now.

We all took the elevator and headed into the hallway, we were about to say our farewells until the lights in the hallway were turning on and off.


Once I hear toxin I turn into Venom, and look around.

Qrow: that's not good, that thing will probably kill everyone here.

I think for a moment and remember that it was lunch time.

Venom: Raven, open a portal to yang quickly!!!

She does as she was told and we jump in, we see RWBY, JNPR, mania, sienna, robbie and all the other students in the cafeteria.

Venom: Oh thank oum.

Pyrrha: hey guys what's u-

Venom: No time to explain you need to get out of here now!!

Ruby: what's wro-

She couldn't finish as the lights immediately get turned off, everyone starts to panic and runs to the door but I web the door.

Venom: No one's leaving this room, we'll be safe in here, so sit down and calm down (to raven) get ozpin and the other professors in here.

She then creates a portal and in moments ozpin and the others come in.

Ozpin: what's going on?

Venom: Toxin is in beacon, make sure everyone stays in here, we're going after him.

Ozpin: are you sure you can handle this?

Venom: No, but hey, you've gotta face these type of challenges when you're a hunter right?

He just nods and I start walking to the webbed up door, but then feel a hand grab my arm and I see SQR, RWBY, JNPR, sienna, mania, robbie, velvet and possibly her team look at me.

Ruby: where are you going?

Venom: we've gotta take care of a certain family member of ours.

Mania: Its toxin isn't It?

Venom: Yes.

Mania: let us help You, we can take him together.

Venom: No, you need to stay here in case he tries to kill everyone in here.

Mania: but-

Venom: No buts, the same goes for all of you, I'll do this alone.

Ruby then holds onto me tightly and then the others follow, I embrace them and then let go.

Yang: don't die on us.

Venom: As if we'd let that happen.

Velvet: I wish we could watch over you.

I pat her head making her blush.

Venom: We'll be fine velv.

Glynda: hold on a moment.

She then casts a spell and I see a big blue orb with me in it.

Glynda: now we can watch over you and communicate with you.

Venom: Ok, (looks at everyone) I'll be back, stay safe.

I then rip the webs of the door and then go through, once I'm on the other side I web it up again and start walking.

A/N: since the others can speak to you through the blue orb the text for them speaking will be like this. Anyway back to it.

I kept walking and checking my surroundings, it was a bit difficult since it was dark but my eyes managed to adjust to the darkness.

Ruby: big brother are you ok?

Venom: Yeah I'm fine, haven't fou-


Venom: Nevermind.

I see toxin on the ceiling and he was crawling really quickly towards me an then he lunges at me, I didn't have time to react so i got tackled to the ground and he starts slashing at me, I start blocking but once I see an opening I engulf my right fist in fire and punch him off of me, I then get on him and start punching him in the face until he creates tendrils and throws me into a wall, and then into another one, I got up and pushed him Into the wall and elbowed him in the stomach and then threw him down the hall.

Yang: kick his ass Y/N!!!


I then created my claws and watch him get up.

Venom: like father, like son.

I then start running to him and he does the same but he lunges at me to which I go on my knees and slide past him and shoot a web at his legs and brought him to me and slashed his arm off.

Venom: That all you got you ugly bastard?!

His arm turns into a puddle and goes to toxin and gets absorbed by him then his arm regenerates back.

Robbie: you had to say That.

Venom: not the fucking time.

I then create my tendrils and grab him by the legs and then bring him to me at full speed and then run to him and then turn into my juggernaut form and grab him and then slam him into the wall and then punch him over and over again, until he grabs my fist and then creates tendrils and wraps them around me and starts squeezing the life out of me.

Mania: daddy! Uncle!

Venom: don't.... worry.... mania....

I use my semblance and engulf myself in fire, burning the tendrils, I then tackle him and throw him all the way down the hall and kick him in the stomach but he quickly gets up and lunges at me and then knees me in the stomach, and then kicks me in the face.

Toxin: you're just like carnage, weak and pathetic.

Venom: Look us in the eye and say that.

Ren: dude! What're you thinking?!

I didn't answer I just kept looking down until toxin grabbed me and made me face him.

Toxin: my face will be the last thing you'll ever see (Laughs).

I then create my blade and engulf it in fire and impale him in the neck, he let's go of me and then I engulf my left claw in fire and impale him, making him scream in pain.

Venom: What's the matter? Can't take the heat?

He then kicks me off of him and then goes on all fours and charges at me and then jumps at me and pushes me through the door which led to the cafeteria, everyone inside sees us.

Venom: GET OUT OF HERE!! RUN!!!!

all the students start screaming and running, I punch him off of me and get up only to have him slash at my chest I then get kicked into a few tables.


He's about to lunge at me again but I see a chain wrap around his leg and then he gets sent flying, I see ghost rider then kick toxin to mania to which she responds by creating her axes and cuts toxin in half but he regenerates, I see Weiss trap him in ice, and ruby and Blake start slashing at him but he grabs them and tosses them away, pyrrha and jaune go in for a strike but he knocks them back and then breaks free, Nora tries to smash him with her hammer but fails and gets kicked into ren, he then sees velvet and kicks her into a wall.

Toxin: say goodnight little bunny (laughs).

Velvet was too scared to move so I quickly get up and run to them, as toxin is about to kill her I get in front and take the hit making me groan in pain.

Velvet: Y-Y/N?!

Venom: Toxin.... DON'T..... YOU EVER..... HURT HER.... OR ANYONE ELSE!!!!

I then go hellfire and punch him away, sienna them grabs her daggers and slashes at him.

Toxin: (Chuckles) you're pretty strong old man.

I just say nothing and start walking and after about 10 seconds I sprint and then punch him over and over and then kick him near a window, summer starts shooting while raven and qrow cut his legs then glynda uses a knockback spell and knocks him into the window, he quickly regenerates and then looks at me, he then runs at me and I do the same only I lunge at him this time and slash at him but he kicks me into the air, but I shoot webs and pull myself straight to him and grab him, and then knee him and headbutt him, I then shoot fireballs at him.


I then run and push him through the window, sending both of us outside, I then kicked him and then land on the wall. I watch him fall and then get up I jump down and prepare to kick him but he moves out of the way and then punches me into the wall, but he hurt himself doing that, I get off the wall and then go on one knee.

Venom: (in head) fuck, I've used too much power.

Venom: (in head): we're gonna have to put all we have into this.

I then slowly stand up and I look at myself and see my flames flickering, so I put all my heat into my right fist making me go out of hellfire since I transferred everything into my fist, I look at toxin and see him running at me and I do the same once were close enough I duck and then give him one hell of an uppercut, making him fall to the ground, I stand there triumphant but see him slowly get up.

Toxin: Look at what you've done to us, you've actually made us tired, we keep this up we'd probably die, but that's not gonna happen, not until we kill you and dad and start our murder spree (laughs).

He then runs off, I was about to go after him but I collapsed to the ground since I was too exhausted, I could hear voices call my name and realise that it was everyone back at the cafeteria, I then feel someone move me and then I'm face to face with mania.

Mania: daddy? Uncle?

Venom: We're fine mania.

I look back at the window and see everyone looking at me in worry, I revert back and give them a smile and a thumbs up to signal I was ok, they seemed a bit happy but we're still concerned.

Y/N: hey mania..... we're just gonna.... rest our..... eyes......

I then close them and feel myself go limp and then blackout.


I hear some beeping noises, I open my eyes and I see I'm in the hospital.... again.

Y/N: godammit, again?!

I then look around and I realise everyone is here looking at me, and there was some awkward silence and then I get group hugged by everyone, making me scream in pain.


They then get off of me and have concern looks on their faces.

Ruby: you Ok?

Y/N: No, I'm sore all over, I can barely move, and even with venom's healing abilities I'm not sure I'll be out of here anytime soon.

She then hugs me but not in one that can hurt me.

Ruby: we were so scared.

Y/N: of what? Me losing the fight? Please, I had it, if the bastard didn't play dirty.

She then let's go off me and I see the door open revealing ozpin and glynda.

Y/N: hey oz, how's beacon after that little bit of rough housing?

Ozpin: Its damaged but it's minimal, it'll be repaired in a few hours.

Y/N: that's good to hear, how's the other students?

Glynda: they're a bit shaken but they'll get over it.

I just nod and then feel something on me, I look to see a pair of bunny ears and realise it was velvet and she was crying.

Velvet: i-i was so scared, I thought i-i w-was gonna d-die, thank you for saving me!

I then hug back and rub her ears to calm her down and after a moment it works, she then looks at me and I give a reassuring smile.

Y/N: velvet, you know that I protect people I care about, and you're one of them, don't ever forget that Ok?

She just nods and gets off of me, I then look at ozpin.

Ozpin: you've done a lot of good things for us Y/N and venom, you've supported your friends, and defended others from discrimination or being killed, you've even risked your own life on numerous accounts, for that, I'm truly greatful to you.

I just nod my head at what he said and look around to see smiles.

Y/N: hey oz, do you know what happened to toxin?

Ozpin: I'm afraid not, he was gone in a blink of an eye and everyone was focused on you.

Y/N: great, another klyntar to hunt down.

Mania: that can wait, for now, you need to rest.

Y/N: yeah... anyway, I'm gonna go to sleep for a bit, so why don't you all head back to beacon, I'm sure you got better things to do.

Mania: we're not leaving you, toxin or carnage could show up and kill you, we're staying right here.

RWBY/JNPR: so are we.

Sienna/velvet/Robbie: count us in.

Raven/summer/qrow: might as well.

Ruby: now that thats settled, let's talk about shifts and how long they should be.

I watch as they start talking about who would be watching us and who would be next, I then look to see ozpin and glynda smile and then leave, I look at mania who's looking at the others, I hold her hand and then slowly lay back and close my eyes and start thinking about how I'm gonna have to find 3 klyntars, I then feel drowsy and let sleep overtake me.

A/N: Well, you fought toxin in beacon, caused some havoc, and now have 3 klyntars on the loose, fun times ain't it? anyway, thanks for reading "we are Venom - venom vs Toxin," and as always.... PEACE✌✌

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