Just another takedown.

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Disclaimer: RWBY is owned by rooster teeth, and venom, mania and ghost rider.

Y/N: light started to hit my face, and I slowly open my eyes, I then look around and I see Blake still asleep and cuddling me, I gently move her off of me and sit up.

Y/N (in head): venom, did you sense any white fang near our position?

Venom: No nothing, it was quiet all night.

Y/N (in head) ok, let's talk to mania.

Venom: one moment..... mania?

Mania (in head): is everything ok?

Y/N (in head): Yes, everything is fine, how's everything at beacon?

Mania (in head): it's just quiet, JNPR have been out in vale, while ruby, yang and Weiss are just silent, they haven't said anything since you left, which reminds us, where's Blake?

Venom: Blake's with us, she's asleep at the moment.

Mania (in head): ok, we'll let the others know, are you bringing her back?

I look at Blake's sleeping figure and begin to think if she even wants to go back to beacon today but I had a feeling she didn't want to, well not today.

Y/N (in head): I don't think she wants to go back, not yet, she needs some space, I'll stay with her so she won't feel alone..

Mania (in head): ok, we'll see you soon.

Y/N (in head)/ venom: goodbye.

I then got up and took a quick shower and then got changed into dark blue shorts, white T-shirt and red and white trainers, once I was done I was about to leave the room until I heard Blake waking up.

Blake: (yawn).... Y/N?

Y/N: I'm right here Blake.

She looks to where I am and gives a warm smile.

Blake: good morning.

Y/N: good morning to you too, sleep well?

Blake: Yep, did you?

Y/N: slept like a kitten.

She giggles at what I said and then looks down.

Y/N: you ok?

Blake: not really, I want to go back to beacon but I'm afraid about what might happen.

Y/N: you don't have to, besides I told mania that you needed some space and she's going to tell the others that, so you've got time to reclaim your bearings.

Blake: thanks, were you going somewhere?

Y/N: I was gonna get something to eat for breakfast and bring back something for ya while I was at it.

Blake: well it looks like you don't have to do that since I'm awake, let me get ready and I'll go with you.

Y/N: sure, I'll wait outside.

She nods and then I wait outside the room and I began to think about my fight with carnage, sure it ended with me and venom winning but something felt off about it.

Y/N (in head): hey Venom, when we fought carnage, did something feel off when it was nearly over.

Venom: No, why? Do you think something was off?

Y/N (in head): I don't know, I feel like we didn't kill him, I was so focused on the fight, I wasn't thinking if we burnt him completely.

Venom: if you feel this way, then let's return back to the house and search if he's alive.

Y/N: sounds good.

Blake then came out of the room and then we headed out to get something to eat, we walked for about an hour until we saw a restaurant, we decided to enter and get a table and then we started talking for a while until the waiter arrived.

Waiter: hello what can I get you 2?

Y/N: do you have f/b (favourite breakfast)?

Waiter: Yes we do.

Y/N: I'll have that then with f/d (favourite drink) please.

Waiter: ok, and for you madam?

Blake: I'll have the same please with some water.

Waiter: very well, it'll be brought to you shortly.

Y/N and Blake: thank you.

As he left my mind began to drift back to the fight with carnage and tai, I started thinking if I possibly missed something but it all seemed normal but it still didn't sit right, my thoughts were then interrupted by Blake.

Blake: Y/N?.... Y/N?

Y/N: huh?

Blake: you ok? You kinda spaced out.

Y/N: y-yeah I'm fine, just thinking.

Blake: about?

Y/N: the fight with carnage and tai.

Blake: why are you thinking about that?

Y/N: because something just doesn't feel right, near the end of the fight.... it just felt off, me and venom are planning to head to the house and see if he's somehow alive.

Blake: do you want me to go with you?

Y/N: nah, it's fine, anyway, you feeling better?

Blake: Yes, I really needed this, thank you.

Y/N: no problem.

Our breakfast then arrived and we started to eat we then heard someone singing inside, once the song was over everyone began to give a round of applause.

Blake: he's a good singer.

Y/N: please, Y/N could do better.

Blake: really?

Y/N: Yes.

Blake: (smirks) prove it.

Y/N:.... I'm sorry what?

Blake: prove it, I want to hear you sing.

Y/N: but i-i think shouldn't because.... uhh....

Blake: please? It would make me feel better.

Blake then gives me the cat eyes.

Y/N: nope, not looking, I'm looking away, nope, no.

Blake: please?

Y/N: must resist, focus is key, not looking.

Blake: pretty please?

I attempted to resist but in the end it failed, I looked at her face and it got me.

Y/N: (sigh) fine, I'll sing, but one song only.

Blake: that's fine (in head) yes!!!!

I then got up on the stage and played the song and began to sing.


Once the song was over, everyone gave me a round of applause I then went back to my table to be met with a wide eyed and red faced Blake, I just smirk at this.

Y/N: you good Blake?

Blake: y-yeah fine, t-that was surprising, your voice sounded beautiful...

Y/N: o-oh, thanks.

We then continued to chat until someone came in and interrupted us.

???: hey Blake, everything ok?

I then turn to see a blonde haired person wearing a white jacket, blue T-shirt and blue shorts.

Blake: hey Sun, yeah everything is fine.

Sun: good to know, (looks at Y/N) who's this?

Blake: this is Y/N, Y/N meet Sun, I met him when I was still running from beacon.

Sun: nice to meet ya, any friend of Blake's is a friend of mine.

Y/N: likewise.

He was in shock that there were 2 voices, I just chuckle and give him a short explanation.

Sun: oh ok, that's actually kinda cool.

Y/N: I think you're the person that has ever said that, anyway why are you standing? grab a seat and join us.

He then grabbed a seat and sat with us, we then started talking about a few things until....

Venom: Y/N, white fang in a truck.

I look at the window and see about 5 white fang, 3 were in the back while the others were up front, both Sun and Blake were wondering what I was looking at.

Blake: Y/N? What are you looking at?

I simply pointed and they looked at the truck.

Sun: what the heck are those guys doing?

Y/N: sun, stay here with Blake I'm going after them.

Before Blake could say anything I run out the door and slowly turn into Venom and web swing after the truck, after about a while I saw it stop at the docks.

Venom: Great, back here again.

I decided to web swing down to the docks and land in the middle of the docks.

Venom: (Sigh) superhero landing!!

They all look at me and surround me.

Roman: oh if it isn't the fucking asshole.

Venom: Roman, my good buddy! how's your face?

He looked at me pissed and then ordered his men to attack me, I quickly dispatch them by creating tendrils and pinning them to the walls and floors and webbing them up.

Venom: So.... that happened, now then, where's your boyfriend at?

Roman: Adam is not my boyfriend he's just a-

Venom: husband?

Roman: No!! He's an acquaintance!!

Venom: Are you sure about that?

Roman: Yes! And shut up!

Ruby: Venom!!

I turn to see ruby, Weiss and yang along with that ginger haired lady.

Blake: Y/N!!

I then look above me to see Blake along with Sun.

Venom: hey ladies and gentleman, could you please take care of the white fang that are behind you?

Yang: what?

As soon as she says that a huge group of white fang appear and start attacking, RWBY along with Sun and the girl start defending themselves but a few sneak past them and come to me, I charge at them and create my blade and start slashing at them, I grab one and then kick him into a crate, I look behind me to see Roman escaping.

Venom: Guys Roman is making a run for it!

Ruby: We'll get him! Come on penny!

I then see ruby and the girl now known as penny intercept Roman and start a fight but we're losing.

Venom: Sun! Go and help them!!

He then runs in to assist them and I fight the other white fang, I quickly glance at the others who are fine except for Blake as she's about to get attacked from behind, I charge to her.

Venom: Blake get down!!!

She quickly looks my way and ducks, giving me the opportunity to roundhouse kick the guy, I then look at Blake.

Blake: thanks.

Venom: Don't mention it.

We then continue to fight until they were all taken down, I then look to where Roman is to see ruby get kicked away and then penny runs to Roman and creates random sharp blades and starts fighting them.

Venom: Whoa.

She then continues to fight until we hear something coming to us.

Weiss: do I hear... a bullhead?

As she says that I look up into the air and see 3 bullheads coming our way with.... machine guns?!

Venom: Get to cover!!!

Everyone starts running but ruby didn't have enough time to get cover, I run to her while the bullheads are firing and when I get to ruby I grab her and web swing to a random truck and hide her there.

Venom: Stay here.

She nods and I run back out attempting to grab Roman only to see bullets come my way, luckily penny came in front of me and deflect the shots with her shield.

Venom: thanks.

Penny: you are most certainly welcome.

She then turns around and destroys a bullhead, and then destroys another with an energy beam, I then get up and chase after Roman, he gets on a bullhead and takes off, I attempt to stop it by shooting 2 webs and attempt to pull back down to the ground, it was working until Roman shoot the webs and then shoots me in the leg and arm and then flies off.

Venom: (Chuckles) fucker.

I then get tackled by ruby.

Ruby: I'm so happy you're ok!!

Venom: Well why wouldn't I be?

Ruby: because you just got shot, and the bullets are still inside you!

Venom: yeeeeaaahhh, you might wanna look away, this is gonna get ugly, and cover your ears.

She does that, and I create tendrils and make them go into the bullet wound and pull them out.

Venom: Jeez, that hurt like a moderfucka.

I then heal and stand up then revert back.

Y/N: well that was fun.

I look around and see Weiss and Blake talking I was about to head over there in case they were gonna argue but they were hugging and then they came to where I am.

Weiss: I've apologised to her.

Blake: everything is fine now.

Y/N: that's good to hear, also Weiss, I owe you an apology, I'm sorry for calling you an ice queen bitch and yelling at you.

Weiss: it's fine.

Yang: Yes! RWBY is back together!!

Ruby: hey Y/N, this is penny she's a friend that I met yesterday.

Penny: salutations.

Y/N: nice to meet ya, also thanks again for saving me.

Penny: you are most certainly welcome.

Blake: hey Y/N?

Y/N: what's up?

She was looking at the ground, and was fidgeting.

Y/N: are you o-

Before I could finish, blake leaned forward and smashed her lips with mine, I was probably redder than ruby's cape and I was wide eyed but I eventually lean into the kiss but we split due to the need for air.

Y/N: wha-wha i-i... ho- ju- you-

Blake: (Blushes) i uhh... I've liked you for a while, and I was too shy to tell you, but when you found out what I really was and who I worked for, you still stood by me and I grew confident in telling you how I feel... do you like me back?

Y/N: (Y/N exe has stopped working)


I snapped out of it and looked back at Blake, I was at a lost for words but I didn't need any for what I was about to do, I grabbed her by the waist and pulled her in for another kiss and after a while, we broke apart.

Y/N: does that answer your question?

She just smiled and hugged me to which I return.

RWY: aww man!!!

We look at Weiss, ruby and yang with a confused look.

Y/N: what?

Yang: I wanted to confess about how I feel! But now Blake has you!!

Weiss: I wanted to do the same!

Ruby: me too!!

Blake: I'm ok with sharing him.

RWY: really?!

Y/N:... we're sorry what?

Blake: I don't mind sharing him, we all love him so it's only fair that I share him with my team.

Y/N: can I say something about this?

RWBY: nope!!!

I sigh in defeat, and then I get kissed by Yang, then by ruby, then by Weiss and I just stand there in shock.

Sun: uhh Y/N? (waves hand in front of his face)

(Y/N exe has has stopped working again, please try again later)

I then snap out of it and just give a smile.

Y/N: Well... uhh.... I'm just gonna go.... so uhh bye.

Ruby: where are you going?

Y/N: Blake can fill you in, she knows where we're going.

I then turn into Venom and head to the house.


I head to where tai's body was and began to look around.

Y/N: there's the house but where is tai?

Venom: his body should be here it couldn't have moved on it's own.

I keep walking until I see something red on the floor.

Y/N: is that.... blood?

Venom: if it is, then there is 2 suggestions, one a Grimm ate him but there haven't been any here for years and the other is....

Y/N: carnage consumed him.... he's alive... you think he got far?

Venom: he consumed tai, so yes, he's probably far away from here by now.

Y/N: we're just gonna have to hunt him down then.

I then get up and turn into Venom again and web swing away back to beacon.


Atlas soldier: sir, specimen captured, returning to base.

Carnage: let us out so we can kill all of you, aaaagggghhh!!!!!

Ironwood: doctor.

Scientist: Yes sir?

Ironwood: we've captured the specimen, commence project anti-venom.

Scientist: right away sir.

A/N: We'll guys, you looked after Blake, fought Roman and the white fang again, met 2 new faces and, RWBY have you as their boyfriend, you know carnage is alive and he's now been captured by atlas and ironwood is starting a project called "anti-venom," anyway, thanks for reading "we are Venom - just another takedown" and as always... PEACE✌✌

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