The truth comes out.

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Disclaimer: RWBY is owned by rooster teeth, and venom, mania and ghost rider is owned by marvel.

Y/N POV: after having sienna become a student in beacon, my life has been going at a steady pace for a change although I've been checking around Vale to see if the white fang were smuggling anything at the docks and so far nothing, RWBY and JNPR have been asking why I keep suddenly disappearing and my response has always been "ozpin has sent me on mini missions" and odly they buy to that bullshit, the only people that know about what I'm really doing is mania and sienna but other than that, things are fine... for now.

Venom: we need to head to the docks again.

Y/N (in head): I know, once we finish eating, we head out again.

As I ate, I heard cardin bullying someone, I turn to see him bullying....

Y/N: are you fucking kidding me?

Dickhead and his group was bullying not only velvet, but also blake and sienna and needles to say, they were going to do unspeakable things to them, I saw RWY and JNPR and ran to them.

Y/N: hey people, nice weather we're having, Nora can I borrow your hammer quickly?

Nora was confused but gave it to me, I then turn into venom.

Venom: thank you.

A/N: just so you know, your not agent venom anymore, you're normal venom but don't worry, agent venom is another state like you're semblance, juggernaut, and that giant form.

Cardin: come on freaks, why don't you just die already to the grimm? You faunas are nothing.

Sienna: oh please, you're a pathetic, weak and stupid fool.

Blake: What she said.

Velvet didn't say anything since she was scared, cardin had his team take care of velvet and sienna, and then he pushed blake to the wall and was about to forcefully kiss her until....


When I said that, I smashed cardin's face with Nora's hammer and then grabbed the other 3 and sent them flying into a wall.

Venom: you 3 ok?

They nod and smile, I look back at CRDL and walk up to them.

Venom: cardin, what did we say to you?

Cardin was scared shitless.

Venom: oh? You're scared now? What happened to that tough guy attitude? You know what? We're gonna make this quick but really painful (Looks at Nora) Nora this is for you.

I the grab his leg and break it, causing him to scream, I then grab the other and do the same.


I then revert back and sit at my table, then everyone else follows.

Y/N: his your hammer back.

She takes it and hugs it like it's a stuffed animal.

Blake and sienna: thanks Y/N and venom.

Y/N: you're welcome.

As we say that I feel something behind me, I turn to see velvet hugging me.

Velvet: thanks again.

Y/N: don't mention it.

She then let's go and walks off, I started talking to everyone asking how everything was, the were some positives and negatives but that's school for ya, after some time, I decided to take my leave.

Y/N: alright everybody, I gotta go.

Ruby: again? Is it another mission?

Yang: you've been doing a lot of those lately, want us to help ya?

Y/N: nah its all good, hopefully it won't be long as the last one.

I then took my leave, as I was walking I saw mania in front of me.

Mania: where are you going?

Y/N: we're heading to the docks again, we need to keep an eye on it, in case the white fang are there this time.

Mania: can we join you?

Y/N: sure.

We then headed out into vale and went to the docks, when we got there, there wasn't really anything there, it was baisicly the same as it was before, but I decided to stay.

Mania: Daddy, uncle, look, it's ruby and the others.

I look down and see them talking to a ginger with a grey dress, ruby seemed enthusiastic as ever while the others were just lost.

Venom: I didn't think they'd be in this part of vale, I wonder why they're here?

Mania: Because of the vytal festival.

Venom: the wha- ohhh yeah!!! I completely forgot.

Venom (In Head): Y/N, look at the docks... white fang, and Adam is with them.

I look down and see them and so did RWBY, they started sneaking through the docks to see what they were doing but I sure as hell new.

Venom: mania, let's go.

We started web swinging down to the docks and landed in the middle.

Venom: Hey fuckface!

Adam turns to see me and then the white fang start surrounding us.

Ruby POV: we saw the white fang and decided to sneak our way through the docks to see what they were up to.

Yang: (whisper) what do you think they're doing?

Weiss: (whisper) who knows, those faunus scum are always up to something.

Ruby: (whisper) shh, let's listen.

Adam: hurry up! We don't have much time!

Blake: (whisper) a-adam?

Ruby: (whisper) you know him?

Blake: (whisper) k-kinda.

Before I could ask anything else, we heard a voice shouting.

Venom: hey fuckface!

I turn to see it was Venom and mania.

Yang: (whisper) what are they doing here?! Is this that mission ozpin sent them to do?

Weiss: (whisper) not sure.

Ruby: (whisper) come on let's help them.

Blake: (whisper) ruby wait, let's see what happens first.

After some thinking I agree and turn my attention back to venom and mania.

Adam: so... you finally came, it was expected, you've got ways to piss off the white fang.

Venom: And you love it, I mean, who doesn't like ruining your bullshit?

Adam: hmph, talk all you want, but things have changed, I'm now the leader of the white fang!

RWBY: (whisper) what?!

Venom: we'd say congratulations are in order, but we can't give you that since you're gonna lose that position in 10 seconds.

Mania: We'll make this easy for all of you, surrender and you won't be hurt... as much.

Adam: I've heard enough, attack them!

They started charging at the 2, and I looked at my team.

Ruby: (whisper) let's help out!

They nod and ready their weapons and we start our assault.

Y/N POV: Adam sent his goons to attack us first, as we were about to fight I see RWBY come out of the shadows and start fighting.

Ruby: hey big bro! Need a hand?!

Venom: Of course! When it comes to my sister's and friends, how can I say no?

She smiles and starts fighting the white fang, mania decided to help them and I was hellbent on fighting Adam, I jump on the crate he's on and create my claws.

Venom: We will enjoy this.

Adam: let's go!!

Adam unsheathes his sword and attacks first by attempting to strike me in the chest but I move out of the way and then attempt to hit his face but he blocks with his hand so I decide to grab him instead and slam into the crate and attempt to stab him, he manages to move out of the way and kicks me and backs up.

Venom: Do my eyes deceive me?! Are you actually landing hits and dodging?! (Slow clap) congratulations! You learnt new moves, most people don't tend to do that! Even in those anime TV shows!

Adam: stop mocking me!!

Venom: No can do, you know why, because this is grade A fuckery coming from us.

Adam was getting pissed, and attempted to hit us again but I decided to jump over him and kick him in the back of the head.

Venom: The back of yo head is redicolous, now... toro! toro! Motherfucker!

Adam: shut up!!!

Adam tries to slash us again to which I  simply block and then headbutt him and then slash at his stomach to which it lands and then kick him to the floor I jump down and prepare to finish him but he moves out of the way and gets up, I quickly look behind me to see that RWBY and mania have taken care of the white fang and are watching the fight, I look back to see Adam smiling.

Venom: What are you smug about?

Adam: I'm smug because you have Blake with you.

I was shocked that he knew Blake and now I had questions.

Venom: How do you know Blake?

Adam: it's simple, she was in the white fang.

RWBY: what?!?!

Venom: t-that's not true!! You're lying!

Adam: what would I gain by lying?

I then turn to Blake.

Venom: Blake.... is this true? Were you really in the white fang?

She was silent and looked at the ground, but then looked back and nodded yes, I was shocked at the news and so was everyone else, I look back at Adam only to see he was gone, I web swing around the area, trying to find him but I had no luck.

Venom (In Head): Mania, I'm heading back to beacon, I need to tell ozpin what happened.

Mania: are you going to tell him about Blake?

Venom: knowing him, he probably already knows, but if he doesn't then I won't say anything.

Mania: Ok, we'll see you soon.

I then web swing to ozpin to give him the details.


I told ozpin about Adam being the new leader and what he was doing at the docks, I then told the same thing to sienna, she wasn't really surprised by this considering what Adam said back in menagerie, after that, I decided to head to team RWBY's dorm because I needed answers, when I got there, i only saw ruby, Weiss and yang.

Y/N: where's Blake?

Yang: Blake and Weiss had an argument and Weiss said somethings to Blake and then she ran.

I was at a lost for words, sure Blake was a member of the white fang, but that doesn't give her the excuse to hurt her.

Weiss: I say good riddance, she's a faunus that worked with the white fang, she should be arrested.

Y/N: Weiss, she WAS a white fang member, she's changed, you can't judge her because of something she did in the past.

Weiss: I don't care, she deserves to be arrested.

Ruby: how can you say that?! She's a member of our team!

Weiss: a member that hid the fact that she's a faunus that worked for the white fang, she doesn't deserve to be in beacon, she should be arrested, or maybe she should be severely punished, she doesn't deserve to walk free!

Once she said that I felt my memories of my childhood coming back, I was never able to walk free and I was always punished and hearing her say that about Blake made me....


I punch the wall making everyone look my way, surprisingly I made a few cracks in the wall.

Venom: Calm down Y/N.

Y/N (in head): sorry venom but I'm beyond pissed.

I then look at my fist and see blood leaking out of it.

Y/N: huh, it's been so long since I've seen blood, I've nearly forgotten the colour of it.

I then look at Weiss with anger and I could feel my heat rising, and steam was being released, they all looked scared as my e/c (eye colour) changed to red.

Y/N: now listen here you ice queen bitch... it's taking everything I've got to not break something, the fact that you think that Blake should be arrested, punished and not be able to walk free is unforgivable, she is your teammate and your friend, and you had the guts to insult her, who cares if she was with the white fang and who cares if she's a faunus?! SHE'S TRYING TO FIX HER MISTAKES BUT HOW CAN SHE IF YOU'RE GOING TO KEEP JUDGING HER ON WHAT SHE DID IN THE PAST?!

Everyone was quiet as my outburst appeared to have scared them.

Y/N: you really are a schnee.

I then started walking away.

Ruby: big brother, where are you going?

Y/N: I'm going to find Blake and see if she's ok, (looks at Weiss) if you want to make this right, you better apologise when she comes back.

I then leave the dorm and turn into Venom and start web swinging.

(10 minute timeskip)

Venom (In head): Anything?

Venom (in head): yes, look down and then to the right.

I look to where he told me too, and I saw Blake running I decided to web swing past her and revert back to normal I then hide by a corner and once she's close enough I grab her and pin her to the wall.

Blake: Y-Y/N?! Let me go!!

Y/N: I'm not letting you go Blake!

Blake: Y/N please, just leave me alone!

Y/N: No, I'm not gonna leave you alone, I care about you god dammit!!

I look at Blake and I see tears fill her eyes.

Blake: w-weiss s-said t-that i-i should b-

I didn't let her finish I hug her trying to calm her down.

Y/N: it's ok Blake, calm down, I'm here for you, don't cry.

After about a minute, she calmed down and I let go and look at her.

Y/N: Blake.... I need to know, why did you hide your ears?

Blake:.... can we talk while walking?

I nod yes and we started walking.

Blake: the reason I hid my ears is because I didn't want people to know that I was faunus.

Y/N: but why? I'm sure people wouldn't mind that you were a faunus.

Blake: but that's the thing people do mind, when humans see a faunus, they think that they're with the white fang, and I didn't want to feel like that, that's why I hid myself, I didn't want to be discriminated, (starts crying) and then my team finds out, you find out, I felt my world falling apart and I just couldn't take it, I've been trying to forget that past but it always comes back to me, i-i just cant.

Y/N: Blake I know how you feel but you've go-

Blake: how could you know what I feel like?!

I was a bit surprised by the sudden outburst but I quickly respond.

Y/N: do you not remember who you're talking to? I was abused and neglected since I was a kid Blake, I tried to outrun my past but it still caught up to me and it made me remember all the pain I went through, it was rough.

Blake: did you face It?

Y/N: I realised running from it wouldn't work, so... I faced my past and it made me feel happy, I managed to get through it and completely forget my past and moved on with my life, I mean look at me, I've forgiven ruby, Yang, qrow, raven, and summer, I've got a niece, and I killed tai and carnage because they were baisicly dicks.

Blake was quiet for a moment thinking about what I said but then responded.

Blake: I'm sorry for yelling at you, it's just so hard, I don't know if I can even face my past, (starts crying again) the thing that I di-

I saw her about to cry and I quickly hug her again.

Y/N: let it out Blake, just let it out.

She then hugs back and starts crying her eyes out and I just start moving side to side, after a few minutes, I let go and see that she's calm again.

Blake: Y/N?

Y/N: Yeah?

Blake: thank you.... you've been so good to Me and even though you know my past, you still stand by me.

Y/N: of course I would, i don't like seeing the people I care about hurt, sad and alone.

She smiles at me.

Y/N: anyway, do you wanna head back?

Blake:.... No, if I go back there'll probably be another argument, I'm gonna find a place to stay.

Y/N: I'll go with you.

Blake: but what about-

Y/N: don't worry, I'll have mania let them know.

Blake: o-ok.

Y/N: I have an idea.

I look around to make sure no one was looking I then turn into Venom and grab Blake.

Venom: hold on tight Blake.

She smiles and holds on to me and I start web swinging and I tell mania what's going on so she could tell the others, after about an hour I saw a hotel and landed and reverted back.

Blake: that will always be fun.

I smirk and we walk in, Blake decided to stay for the night, I then pay for her and head to the room, once inside, Blake sat down on her bed and removed her bow and revealed her cat ears, I then walk up to her.

Y/N: you ok?

Blake: Yeah I'm fine, just a bit tired.

Y/N: alright I'll leave you alone.

Blake: where are you going?

Y/N: I'm gonna find a place to set up camp and keep an eye on you and in case any white fang show up.

Blake: d-dont do that! (Blushes and looks away) You c-can sleep with me.

Y/N: (Blushes) oh.

Venom: did our heart just skip a beat? That's just precious.

Y/N (in head): SHUT. THE FUCK. UP! (To blake) well if your ok with It.

Blake just nods and then goes to the bathroom to change while I just lie down, Blake then comes out and gets in bed and we both turn our backs to eachother.

Blake: hey Y/N?

Y/N: what's Up?

Blake: thanks again, for everything you've done.

I then turn Blake to face me and smile, I then plant a kiss on her head making her blush.

Y/N: you're welcome.

She then pulls me into a hug and rubs her head into my chest, I decide to pat her head and rub her cat ears, making her purr.

Blake: you're so warm.

Y/N: Yeah, I get that a lot.

Blake: (giggles) goodnight Y/N.

Y/N: goodnight Blake.

I then fall asleep.

A/N: well guys, you fought Adam again, found out Blake was a white fang member, yelled at Weiss, helped Blake with her issues and now you're sleeping with her and not in that way, anyway thanks for reading "we are Venom - the truth comes out" and as always... PEACE✌✌

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