Meeting an old friend.

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Disclaimer: I don't own rwby, it's owned by rooster teeth, and I don't own venom or ghost rider, they are owned by marvel.

Y/N POV: after the little alien encounter and telling the others about venom and me creating a klyntar, I've been studying at beacon normally and training whenever we got spare time, and this morning I was going to meet an old friend only... there was one slight issue.

Venom: Y/N wake up.... we may have an issue.

Y/N (in head): ....what?

Venom: just open your eyes and look around you.

I do as he says and look around and see...

Y/N (in head): WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?! HOW DID THEY GET IN HERE?!?!?

I look to my right and see yang sleeping very close to me, I then look to my left and see ruby sleeping way too close to me and then look in front of me and see both Blake and Weiss, sleeping on top of me, I blush like crazy and try to calm down.

Y/N (in head): venom, buddy.... could you please tell me.... HOW THE HELL THEY GOT IN HERE?!?!?!

Venom: we don't know how they came in here, but we need to get up and have breakfast.

I try to move my arms, but see both ruby and yang are holding on to them, I attempt to free my right, by slowly lifting my arm, luckily I managed to free it and then move ruby's hand off my left and then slowly get up trying not to make as much noise as possible, then I had to deal with blake and Weiss, I had venom create tentacles so he could lift them off of me, I then get out off bed and gently place Ruby and Weiss down, I then have venom create my school clothes and leave the room.

Y/N (in head): we're gonna need a lot of locks for our dorm.

Venom: 100% agreed.

We went to the cafeteria and got my F/B (favourite breakfast) and sat down and began to eat, as I was eating I saw JNPR come in and collect their breakfast and sit at my table.

Jaune: you alright bud?

Y/N: yeah, why wouldn't I be?

Jaune: because you're going to have a kid.

Y/N: Ok, first of all, it's not my kid and second, I'm only assisting venom with the creation of the klyntar..... that sounded wrong didn't it?

Venom: yes.

Jaune: yep.

Nora: yup.

Ren: definitely.

Pyrrha: a little.

As we continue to eat our breakfast someone's hands cover my eyes.

Yang: guess who?

Y/N: good morning Yang.

Once I say that, she uncovers my eyes and I see the rest of team RWBY sitting down at the table.

Pyrrha: good morning girls, you sleep well?

RWBY: very (Looks at Y/N)

Yang: (smirks) how did you sleep Y/N~?

I look away trying to hide the blush on my face and then clear my throat.

Y/N:.... i-i slept fine, thank y-you...

Ruby: I bet you did~


Nora: are we missing something here?

Y/N: No, you're not missing anything!!!

Nora: oookay? Well anyway who's ready for combat training at ms goodwitch's class?

Yang: you bet! I can finally beat up whoever I want, hey Y/N why don't we fight?

Y/N: sorry, but I'm gonna have to skip classes for today.

Blake: why's that?

Y/N: I've got an old friend to visit... well that's if ozpin let's me go that is.

Weiss: who's this friend of yours?

Y/N: let's just say.... he's kinda like me, anyway I'll see you all later.

Once I leave I head to ozpin's office so he could let me go.

Knock knock

Ozpin: who is it?

Y/N: it's me, can I come in?

Ozpin: yes, you may.

As I open the door, I see someone else in ozpin's office and realise who it was, it was general ironwood, this made us uneasy as he's known for exploiting people for "the greater Good".

Ozpin: this is-

Y/N: ironwood, headmaster of atlas academy, nice to meet you, the names Y/N.

Ironwood starts to walk around and observe me, until speaking.

Ironwood: ozpin, this is the kid that took down a nevermore, a deathstalker and 500 Grimm by himself?

Ozpin: yes, this is him

Ironwood: he doesn't look like much.

Y/N: looks can be deceiving.

Ironwood: that's very true (Looks at ozpin) keep me posted on that car on fire.

Ozpin: will do.

Ironwood then leaves then I look at ozpin with a confused look.

Y/N: "car on fire?"

Ozpin: there was a vehicle that was in flames, and never blew up.

As soon as he says that, I then realise that me and venom knew one person with a fire car that can't blow up.

Y/N: really? Good to know....

Ozpin: what did you want to talk about?

Y/N: we were wondering if we could skip classes today.

Ozpin: may I ask why?

Y/N: we need to see an old friend of ours, it's been awhile and we want to see if he's ok.

Ozpin:... very Well, but be back as soon as possible.

I nod my head in agreement and head outside, once outside, I turn into Venom and start web swinging my way to vale, once I was there I land near garage and walk in.

Y/N: helloooo anyone home?

???: who is it?

Y/N: It's housekeeping.

As I say that, a figure walks out revealing a man wearing black jeans, black jacket, and black gloves.

???: Y/N? Venom?

Y/N: Robbie Reyes! Our man!!

When venom got off of me, he realises who we are and walks up to me and extends his hand to which I grab and shake it.

Robbie: long time no see, we've got a lot to talk about.

Y/N: you bet we do, same bar?

Robbie: let's do it.

A/N: just to let you know, Robbie's semblance is to become ghost rider since I won't have Eli involved in this story, anyways back to it.

(Timeskip to juniors bar)

Robbie: guys, where have you 2 been?

Y/N: all over, we mostly were at the emerald forest, until we started hitting white fang hideouts, and then we got into beacon academy, we also ran into ruby and yang-

Robbie: you ran into them?! I hope they didn't try any shit.

Y/N: nah, it's all good, I've forgiven them, but I haven't forgiven the others, anyways, I got captured, then rescued, I then find out that I will be helping venom in creating a klyntar-

Robbie: wait, wait, create? Like give birth?


Robbie: Oh my oum.... anything else.

Y/N: well... we fought some aliens and one of them gave me it's spear as a sign of respect, and to top it all off, 4 girls sle-

Robbie: what?

Y/N: nothing....

Robbie: Y/N.... come on, tell me.

Y/N:... 4 girls were sleeping in my room..... in the same bed.... without me knowing....

Robbie: Y/N.... YOU LUCKY SON OF BITCH!!!!

Y/N: wait, what?

Robbie: you got 4 girls sleeping with you, tell me, who are they?

Y/N: ok? The first is Weiss schnee, she's like a rich girl, people call her ice queen because they think she's cold hearted, but her heart is in the right place, next is Blake Belladona, she's a cat faunus, she loves reading, and the last 2 are.... (mumbles)

Robbie: who?

Y/N: (mumbles)

Robbie: just say it.

Y/N: ruby and yang.

Robbie: Oh... I guess that's alright.

Y/N: how the hell is that alright?!

Robbie: well they aren't really your sisters, so they CAN date you if they like you.

Y/N: whatever, enough about me, what about you?

Robbie: not much man, ironwood has been trying to hunt me down and bring me in but I always give him the slip.

Y/N: why don't you join us?

Robbie: join you?

Y/N: join beacon academy, and become a skilled hunter, hell even ozpin could keep ironwood off of ya.

Robbie: nah, I don't think I'd like going to another school, besides-

Before he could finish, we heard a girl getting picked on by a couple guys, i look at Robbie and then we both get up and head to the guys to confront them.

Y/N: get the hell away from her.

Dickhead: what was that? Are you trying to be a hero?

Robbie: I don't think you heard him, back off.

The dickhead then pulls a gun at us, making everyone else doing the same.

Dickhead: you boys shoulda stayed out of it.

Robbie: bartender, get that song ready.

Bartender: s-sure kid.

Once he said that, Robbie uses his semblance and his skin starts to burn off, revealing a skull on fire, he then pulls out his chains that have a sword attached at the end of it, revealing that he's turned into ghost rider, and I start turning into venom, and we unleash our blade, needless to say those guys were scared shitless.

Ghost rider/Venom: HIT IT!!!

(Play the song above)

The dickhead, opens fire at us and we jump onto the ceiling, ghost rider swings his chain at the dickhead, and cuts him in the chest, then punches him, making him hit the wall, he then looks at another and throws his chain and stabs him in the leg and then drags him to a table and throws him into it, meanwhile, I shoot a web at another dickhead, and then dropkick him, venom then warns me of a gunshot coming at me, so I duck down and then turn around and cut the guys gun off then cut his leg then punch him through the window, I look behind me and see ghost rider get shot repeatedly and then he falls down.

Random guy: we killed it, Yeah! Eat shit motherfucker!

Venom: 3....2....1.... and....

Ghost rider then sits up and looks at them, once he stands up he starts swaying left and right, and i then realise what he's about to do, so I activate my semblance and create a fire web shield to cover myself, and then I hear an explosion and I see fire spread out along with some bullet holes in the walls, I look around and see ghost rider who's just standing there, he then grabs someone who managed to survive it all, he looks my way and then nods at me, he looks back at the prick and then stabs him in the leg and then wraps the end of his chain onto his hand and spins him around and then pulls the blade out of his leg and then sends the guy flying my way and then I catch him and do a German suplex, I then see someone else about to shoot, I then shoot a web and pull him to me and then duck, making him go to ghost rider to which he responds by stretching his right arm out, closelining the guy and knocking him down, we then go to the bar and take a quick shot of the strongest stuff and start heading our way out until some military grunts come in and point there guns at us, we just stand there and look at them.

Soldier: you 2 are coming with us, come quietly or we'll open fire!

I look at ghost rider and I see him start flicking his car keys, I then hear an engine and realise what he was about to do.

Venom: you all done fucked up.

The noise gets louder and louder until a dodge charger R/T comes crashing through the wall, hitting the military guys, we walk out the bar and see a helicopter shine light on us, we were now on the news.

Ghost rider: hey venom.

Venom: what?

Ghost rider: think you can get me into beacon?

Venom: only one way to find out, race you there.

We then swing to beacon and ghost rider gets in his car and drives to beacon.

(20 minute timeskip)

Y/N: Hey ozp-

Ozpin: Y/N!!! Care to explain why you were at the destroyed juniors bar?!?!?!

Robbie: we were taking down some crooks and then one thing led to another and then we left.

Ozpin: who are you?

Y/N: he's my old friend, his name is Robbie Reyes and he is gho-

Ironwood: he's what Y/N? He's the pyromaniac?

Venom: not good.

He starts walking around Robbie observing him like he did me.

Ironwood: you dress like him, you have the same car as him, which means that you are him (gets in his face) you're coming with me.

Robbie: go and fuck yourself, I ain't going anywhere.

Ironwood: you don't have a choice dipshit, you're coming with me, right now.

As he's about to grab his arm I quickly intervene by grabbing ironwood's arm and push him back.

Y/N: keep away from him, ironwood.

Ironwood: back off kid, do you have any idea, who he is, we've been trying to capture him for a while and now is our chance! (Looks at robbie) By the way who was that person with you back at the bar?

Robbie: none of you're fucking business.

Y/N: come on Robbie, you might As well show him your partner.

Robbie looks me and gives me a smirk and agrees, he then looks at ironwood.

Robbie: you want to see who it is? Fine.

As he says that, his face starts burning off, showing his burning skull, and I start to morph back into my klyntar form, we were ghost rider and venom once again, this left ironwood completely shocked, and ozpin was surprised that my friend was ghost rider.

Ironwood: ozpin... you had his partner in crime here and never told me?!

Ozpin: I never knew that Mr L/N was affeliated with mr Reyes.

We then revert back.

Y/N: now to cut to the chase, ozpin, Robbie would like to join beacon academy.

Ironwood: that's not gonna-

Ozpin: very well.

Robbie: cool.

Ironwood: but ozpin he's-

Ozpin: he's a skilled fighter and a friend to Mr L/N, plus he'd be safe from you.

Ironwood didn't respond but instead looks at us and realised that arguing with ozpin is pointless, so he storms off.

Ozpin: welcome to beacon academy Mr Reyes.

Robbie: hold on a minute, I have 2 demands, 1 I don't wear the uniform and 2, I join Y/N's team.

Ozpin: very well.

Y/N: can we not wear uniform too?

Ozpin: I don't see why not.

Once that was said, venom reverts me back to my good old, black jeans, black T-shirt, F/C jacket and white trainers with F/C stripes.

Y/N: I thought I was never gonna be out of those clothes.

Ozpin: I suggest you introduce him to the others.

Once he said that we take our leave and head to the cafeteria as it was dinner time, once there, you see team RWBY looking at you.

Y/N: what?

They then point to team CRDL who were picking on velvet again, you look at Robbie and start turning.

Venom: CARDIN!!!!!

he then turns around and sees me and ghost rider clicking his knuckles.

Ghost rider: this is quite the start to my first day at beacon.

We then start walking at them and start taking care of business.

(1 minute timeskip)

Ghost rider: we'll that was easy.

Venom: when it comes to them, it always is.

You both revert back and head to the table where RWBY and JNPR were.

Blake: uhh Y/N? Who's that?

You then begin to explain who Robbie was and how you met, you then explain what his semblance is and that he is the ghost rider.

Nora: that's so cool!

Ruby: I've never seen someone use a chain with a sword on it, that's awesome!!

Y/N: thats not all, give him your scythe.

She was a little confused but gave it to him, once he got it, his hand was on fire and it began to change the scythe.

Robbie: I can change any weapon to suit my needs.

He then hands it back to ruby.

Y/N: speaking of needs, yang, Ruby, Blake, Weiss can I talk to you for a minute?

We got up and went to the edge of the cafeteria.

Yang: what's up?

Y/N: could you tell me how you got into my dorm and why you were all sleeping with me?

Weiss: Oh that's simple, you didn't lock your door.

Y/N: well shit.

Ruby: and the reason we slept with you was because we were scared.

Y/N: of?

Blake: yang told scary stories and we were scared.

Y/N: so if yang told scary stories, why was she sleeping with me?

Yang: because I saw how they snuggled up to you, so I thought why not, also you were so warm, you were like an electric blanket.

They all nod at yang's statement.

Y/N: (blushes) uhh... thanks? Next time a word of warning would be nice.

RWBY: ok!

We then head back to the others.

Y/N: alright guys, I'm gonna get some shut eye.

Robbie: same here.

We then say goodnight to everyone, and took off to our dorm, once we got in, we saw an extra bed which was for Robbie, he unpacked his things, and then we both went to sleep.

Y/N (in head): we're calling bullshit on what the girls said.

A/N: alright guys, you met up with an old friend who is actually the ghost rider, went to a bar and had a drink, had a fight with assholes and now you and robbie are on a team together, anyway that was "we are Venom - meeting an old friend," now, if you all remember, I asked who should crossover in this story, and I got a request from Justarandomguy90 who wanted the xenomorphs to crossover, and this will happen on Tuesday, if you guys would like other crossovers let me know and I'll be sure to do it in the future, anyway thanks for reading this and as always.... PEACE✌✌

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