Venom vs Predator.

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Disclaimer: I don't own rwby, it's own by rooster teeth, venom is owned by marvel, and predator is owned by 20th century fox.

(In ports class)

Y/N POV: after the confrontation between my "family" and me, I've been having a decent life now, I've forgiven ruby and yang and we're now a family again, I've got all my friends with me, and venom has been quiet for a while now.

Y/N (in head): venom, why are you so quiet? You're usually not like this.


Y/N (in head): venom?


Y/N (in head): don't you fucking ignore Me.

Venom:... Y/N.... we need to tell you something...

Y/N (in head) what's up?

Venom: as you know we are a klyntar, and we've told you everything about our kind.

Y/N (in head): yeah....

Venom: well... we haven't told you exactly everything.

Y/N (in head): what did you miss?

Venom: well you see, our race are numerous, and the reason for that is because we create our own spawn, but if a klyntar is to bond with a host, the klyntar will still create spawn, and so will the host.

Y/N (in head): meaning?

Venom: meaning.....that you and us will be giving birth to a klyntar.

As he said that, I leen a bit too much backwards and fell of my chair.


Port: Mr L/N, what seems to be the problem?


I get up and run out the door and run all the way up to the roof, hoping no one would follow me, afterwards venom then gets off of me and stands there.

Venom: we probably shouldn't have told you...


while we're talking, RWBY and JNPR opened the door and saw us.

Jaune: you guys ok?


Pyrrha: because you fell off your chair.

Nora: you yelled "we're gonna what now?!"

Ruby: you and venom both yelled in sync.

Yang: and you ran out the room like you were set on fire.

Venom: we are fine!! Totally fine!!

Blake: you're not helping yourselves, what are you hiding?

Venom and Y/N: NOTHING!!!

As we Say that, they start getting closer, and we started backing up, before i could say anything, I could feel my scroll vibrating, I checked what it was and it was a message from ozpin saying, "meet me in my office and bring the others".

Y/N: ozpin wants to meet us, let's go and ignore this conversation!

Ruby: Oh no, when it's over, we're bringing this conversation back.

I sigh in defeat, and we walked to ozpin's office.

(2 minute timeskip)

Y/N: what's up ozymandias?

The others couldn't help but snicker a bit.

Ozpin: 2 hours ago, something crash landed in the emerald forest, i'd you all to go and investigate.

Jaune: do we know what landed?

Ozpin: no, be prepared, the Grimm could be around the impact zone, who knows how many there are.

Jaune: we'll keep that in mind.

Once we were done we went into the bullhead, and headed to our destination, it took about 20 minutes to get there, once we landed we headed to the impact zone and we became venom.

Venom: any guess to what it might be?

Weiss: it could be a meteor.

Blake: maybe a plane?

Yang: who knows, let's keep moving.

Ren: hey Venom, do you think it could be another you?

Venom: no, if it was then they would've attempted to establish communication with us.

Ren: Oh... good to know.

Once We were close enough, we heard a roar and what appeared to be Grimm screaming.

Nora: I... don't like the sound of that.

Venom: be ready.

Once we arrived we saw a lot of.... things.

Jaune: Oh oum... I think I'm gonna be sick...

Blake: are those skulls of grimms?

Venom: and more by the looks of it.

Ruby: ok... let's stick together, keep an eye out for what's going on.

Yang: that's weird.

Pyrrha: what?

Yang: there's nothing in the crater.

Venom (in head): somethings not right.

Venom (in head): agreed, I suggest... Y/N! GET YANG AND PYRRHA AWAY FROM THERE!!!

without a moments hesitation, i fire 2 webs at them and pull them away from the crater as There's an explosion.

Venom: that was too close.

Yang runs to us and bearhugs us.

Yang: thank you! thank you! thank you!

Venom: can't... breathe...

Yang: Oh shit! Sorry.

Blake: who the hell did that?

Everyone looks around scared shitless, meanwhile we are looking carefully at the trees.

Venom: we're gonna head out for a minute.

Everyone: WHAT?!

Weiss: you can't leave us alone!!

Venom: we won't be gone long, if something bad happens, just shoot twice and we'll come back.

We then turn around and start swinging to where we think we heard the laughter, once we made it to our destination, we could feel that we were being watched, but we pretended we didn't notice, we kept walking until we stopped dead still and listened carefully to any noises, but...there was nothing, we looked around to see anything suspicious until we saw a certain tree, we looked at it and waited for something to happen, until we heard gunshots, and it wasn't 2 shots it was more, so we quickly swung back to them to see them fighting a few Grimm, we unleashed our claws and assisted them, once it was over we looked at the others who were relieved to see us.

Venom: you guys ok?

Nora: we're fine.

Blake: did you see anything?

Venom: no nothi-

Venom (in head): behind us...

I turned around to see nothing there, but we could tell something wasn't right.

Ren:... Venom?

Ruby: big brother? Is everything ok?

We didn't say anything, we kept staring at the same spot.

Venom:... EVERYONE RUN!!!

We saw a shot coming at us, so we quickly backflipped and shot a web at jaune, pulling him out of the way.

Jaune: than-

Venom: RUN DAMMIT!!!

without a moments hesitation everyone started running, we hanged back a bit to cause a distraction, which it worked but we were the target now, luckily venom warned me whenever we were about to get hit, giving me enough time to dodge out of the way, I then use my semblance and begin to set the forest on fire, and swing away, I looked back to see a few yellow eyes, and white eyes, I turn away and head back to the others.

Ruby: wh-what was that?!

Yang: i-i don't know!

Jaune: wh-where is Venom?!

Nora: he was with us!

Venom: what's all the chatter about?

Ruby: B-brother!!

As she runs to us we see something on the ground and before we could say anything ruby stepped on it, which blew up and sent her flying.

Yang and venom: RUBY!!!!

We run to her and to our luck she was alive but unconscious

(Play for about 10 seconds)

We quickly turn to see something land but... it there was nothing until we see the same yellow eyes, and then it appeared out of nowhere.

Whatever it was, it was taller than us, had sharp blades on its arms, a cannon on its shoulder, armour, a spear, and some sort of disk, along with a mask, everyone looked shocked but we quickly got up and stood our ground, but then realise there were more, about 3 more to be exact and one of them looked different... it looked like....

Venom: a klyntar?!

Ren: I thought you said there weren't any here!!

Venom: we did... why didn't it call to us?

They all dropped from their trees and readied their weapons, and so did the others.

Venom: no.... you guys get out of here, we'll hold them off.

Yang: b-but-

Venom: no buts Yang, everyone get out of here, take ruby somewhere so she can recover.

Yang: we can't leave you!

Venom: yang, have faith in your brother.

She was uncertain about this but agreed, she grabbed ruby and ran off while the others were hesitant but agreed to run too.

Jaune: don't die on us!

Venom: (chuckles) wouldn't dream of it.

I look back at them and start swinging away so I could buy some time for the others, they started opening fire and throwing disks at me, they managed to cut me a bit, in order to lose them i use my semblance and throw a fireball at a tree which causes it to fall, I then hide near a tree and wait to hear if they were close.

Venom (in head): why the fuck is there a klyntar here?! Why didn't it reach out to us?!

Venom (in head): there can only be one reason why, the klyntar has become corrupt.

Venom (in head): great, just what we need.

I began to look around to see if they were following, until I saw one below us, I had venom make my claws and before it could look up I jump down and land on it, I then proceed to claw at it, it kicked me off of him and jumped on me and starts punching me in the face over and over, I headbutt it and then shoot a web at its leg and spin it around making it hit a few trees, and then throw it, it manages to get back up and shoots it's gun, we manage to dodge until we were too close to it as it got a direct hit on me, knocking me back, I get up and see a piece of my arm shot off, venom quickly heals it and then i turn into my juggernaut form and grab it's leg and crush it, making it scream in pain and then I repeatedly smash it into the ground.

(15 to 20 seconds)

Once I was done I let go to see it, flick something on its wrist and press something, causing it to explode and knocking me into a tree, I slowly get up and see what used to be that alien, I continue the hunt for the other 3, as I swing, my web got cut in half and I begin to fall but I manage to stick the landing and look around carefully, only to see another shot fired at me, I quickly jump onto a tree and start crawling up and hide behind it however I was still getting shot so i decide to throw a fireball and start hiding somewhere else, once I was safe I take a quick peak, to see things being planted on the ground.

Venom (in head): are those landmines or something?

Venom (in head): it's possible, it could be trying to test us.

Venom (in head): only one way to find out.

I run out of cover and begin to web swing my way to where I thought the damn thing was only to be shot from behind, I then fall to the ground where all the mines are, I get up and then all of them detonate knocking me into a tree, I get up and start looking around to see where it would be, and then I see a blast coming at me, i quickly jump on to a tree and then web swing to avoid another, once I knew where it was I shot a web to where it was and pull myself to where it was and punch it, knocking it out of its cloak and taking it's mask off, we both fall to the ground but I was the first to get up, I look at it and see what it looks like under the mask.

Venom: you are one ugly motherfucker.

I run at it and grab it by the throat and then engulf my fist in fire and start punching it in the stomach, it then retaliated by grabbing a knife and stabs me in my right arm making me let go, I pull it out and look back at it as it roars at me and unleashes it's right wrist blade and grabs its spear and goes into a fighting stance, I decide to switch to a blade and grab the knife with my left hand and let out a roar and charge at it and go for a swing, it blocks with the spear and stabs me in the stomach with its wrist blade and then headbutts me and attempts to try and stab me in the head, I duck down and stab it's hand with its knife, and then cut it's right arm off, making it spew green blood, it then stabs me in the stomach again with the spear, causing me to scream in pain, I then headbutt it and then wrap a web around it's neck and then wrap the other end on a tree and start hanging it, I then grab it's spear and throw it at its head, killing it, I then hear a beeping noise and realise that it was going to kill itself, I try to escape but caught in the blast, and I got sent flying and then land on the ground, with parts of venom barely on me.

Venom: why? Why do they always blow up?

I slowly get up, and try to stay balanced.

Venom (in head): Y/N, we don't have enough strength to regenerate and create our weapons.

Venom (in head): forget regenerating for now focus on creating our weapons, we're gonna need them to fight the last 2.

As I say that I hear an explosion in the distance and web swing my way there and see both of those ugly bitches together, but they're fighting eachother, with the one with the klyntar obviously winning the fight, as we see the normal one about to die, I decide to intervene by kicking the klyntar out of the way and grab the normal ugly bitch and web swing away to a safe location, once we land I put it down and begin to ask questions.

Venom: what the fuck are you?!

As we Say that, it presses a button and I back up a bit in case it would blow itself up but instead it spoke.

Predator: I'm a yuatja! A fierce hunter!

Venom: why do you have a klyntar with you?

Predator: that thing! Took over my brother! And it hunts with us.

Venom: you mean you, I killed the other 2, they put up quite a fight.

The yautja looks down and puts his hand on his chest, probably as a prey to them or something.

Venom: why did it attack you?

Predator: it wanted to betray me, that thing! Is dishonourable, it must be killed.

Venom: we couldn't agree more, that thing needs to die, or it will go on a rampage.

We both agreed to work together, and head back to where we saw it, when we arrived, we saw skulls, skinned Grimm hanging upside down, then it landed in front of us and let's out a roar, I have my claw on my left and my blade on my right, the yautja grabs his spear with his right and unleashes his left wrist blade, and aims his shoulder cannon at the klyntar, I then charge at it and attempt to strike it to which it blocks and punches me with enough force to level a building, the yautja opens fire at it and then runs to it and spins around and cuts it with its blade And then stabs it with the spear then shoots it in the face sending it back, the klyntar looks back at the yautja and lunges at him, it then proceeds to attack it over and over making him scream, I get up and shoot a web at it and throw it at a tree, and then claw it's arm, the klyntar then tries to shoot me but I quickly move and tear it's shoulder cannon off and then stab it's stomach with my blade, it then headbutts and kicks me away, knocking me through a tree, it then looks at the yautja and punches him, then kicks him to the floor and punches him repeatedly, making a bloody mess, I quickly get up and push it off of the yautja but fall to the ground, I slowly get up and see the yautja pull it's mask off

(1.00 to 1.14)

The yautja then attacks the klyntar by punching it then kicks it in the leg, and then cuts it's left arm off.

Venom (in head): Y/N remember, klyntars hate fire.

As he says that, I use my semblance and engulfed my hands in flames and punch it in the face, I then shoot fire at it, sending it flying, it then struggles to get up, the yautja then throws a disk at it scratching it's face, I then shoot fire around it, creating a ring of fire, making it unable to escape, both the yautja and I jump in the circle and look at it, it tried to attack me but I punch it in the face and slam it to the ground, I could see bits of the klyntar gone, but it still wanted a fight so I punch it again and then burn what's left of the klyntar, but there were still some on the yautja's face, the yautja then grabs the near dead klyntar by the throat and lifts it up and with his right wrist blade, he stabs him under the chin and then rips it's head off, and lifts it's head up and let's out a roar, I then burn the klyntar off the head of the now dead yautja. Once it was over, the yautja puts it's mask back on and then faces me, I prepared for a fight but instead it handed me his spear.

Venom: why are you giving me this?

Predator: you have proven yourself to be a worthy hunter, you have killed 2 yautja and assisted in killing that abomination, you deserve my respect, take it.

I think about it for a minute and decide to accept it.

Venom: what about all the equipment? Someone's bound to take it.

As venom says that, the yautja presses a button which sends 3 ships into the air.

Venom: Oh... Ok.

I revert back to normal and look at the yautja and see him put his hand on his chest and bows, I then realise that what he's doing is a sign of respect so I do the same, he then walks to his ship and flies off and begins to cloak it, I then leave the emerald forest and head back to beacon.

(1 hour timeskip)

Ruby: why did you leave them?!

Yang: they didn't give us a choice we ha-

Ozpin: everyone calm down!

Everyone looks at ozpin

I'll have someone go to the emerald forest an-

Before he could finish, me and venom walk through the door, and see everyone's faces filled with shock.

Y/N: hey guys, you miss us?


Venom: they're probably busy, we should leave.


Before we could react, we got tackled to the ground,

Yang: we thought we lost you 2!!!

Jaune: you're all a bunch of assholes!!!  Nora was gonna head over there and break your legs.

Ruby: don't ever scare us!!!

Y/N: (chuckles) no promises.

Glynda: Y/N what is that in your hand?

They all get off of us and see me holding a spear.

Venom: Oh that? The yautja gave that to us.

Blake: the what?

Ozpin: you 2 have some explaining to do.

Y/N: here's how it went, after the others ran....

I explained to them what I did to fight the yautjas and why they had a klyntar and then explained that me and a yautja worked together to take down the klyntar and then as a sign of respect, it gave me it's a spear and flew off, everyone's jaw dropped at what I told them.

Ozpin: i-i see, thank you for telling me this, I'll make sure no one will no about this but us.

Ruby: how is it a spear? It doesn't even look like it.

I held it out in front of ruby and then press a button which extended it into a spear.

Rubh: WOOOOW!!!!

I then press the same button again to retract it,

Blake: my oum, you're hot.

Y/N: what?


Y/N: Ok?

Venom: will that be all ozpin?

Ozpin: yes, all of you may leave.

As we left me and venom went to our  dorm and decided to put the spear on a stand, to show what we've accomplished, but I know someday I'll need it, I then went to take a shower to get rid of the smell and dirt, once I was done I got changed and then heard a knock at my door, I opened it and saw RWBY and JNPR outside, I let them come in.

Yang: now Y/N, Venom, care to explain why you were panicking this morning at professor ports class?

Y/N: fuck.

Weiss: Well? We are not leaving until we hear the reason.

Venom: you see... we told Y/N about klyntar creating their own spawn...

Pyrrha: ok....

Venom: and we said that if a klyntar finds a host, then....

Ren: then what?

Y/N: the host will help create a spawn, which means.... me and venom are going to give birth to our own klyntar....

Everyone looked at us with their eyes wide and jaws down...

Everyone: WHAT?!

A/N: well... that was a productive day for you, you found out you'll be giving birth to a symbiote, you take on 4 predators and kill 2 and help the 4th predator kill the one that had a klyntar and you were given a spear as a sign of respect, by the way let me know if you would like another crossover, if yes, please say who you want and I'll try and add that person to the story in the future, and which girl do you think should confess their feelings to Y/N, it's all up to you, anyway thank you for reading "we are Venom - venom vs predator," I'll make the next part as soon as possible, and as always.... PEACE✌✌

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