The hunter becomes the prey.

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After the initiation, venom and I have been planning a way to avoid ruby and yang, but it hasn't been easy, considering how both JNPR and RWBY tend to follow us and watch what we do, my first class was with prof. Oobleck, by the time we got there, we sat down at the very right hand side and waited for everyone else to arrive, note venom isn't bonded with me.

Oobleck: now, let's beg-

Out of nowhere both team RWBY and JNPR busted through the door.

Ruby: sorry we're late! We were decorating our dorm!!

Oobleck: I'll let you off this time, now please take a seat.

As soon as he said that, they looked my way and saw free seats.

Venom and Y/N (in head): shit!!!!

Thankfully Blake was sitting next to me so ruby and yang were not close to us, but still... apart of me wanted to get out of dodge, oobleck started talking about his life which made me space out but thankfully I had venom to talk to although the only issue was that we could feel the others glaring at us, but we tried to shrug it off, but What do you know, it didn't work.

Yang POV: I'd love to see what he looks like under the mask... Maybe I can accidently knock it off.

Ruby POV: he's so quiet, i wonder what he's thinking.

Weiss POV: the way he saved me from that nevermore... that was so brave- wait, am I falling for him?

Blake POV: he's so mysterious, why do I feel happy around him?

Y/N POV: I was getting annoyed with everyone looking at me but luckily I had a way to get that attention off of me.

Oobleck: who thinks they have the skills to become a great hunter?

Finally! I raise my hand and as I thought, their glares were off me.

Y/N: I do sir.

Oobleck: could you please come and stand in front of the class?

I got out of my seat and stood there and saw a cage that had an ursor in it.

Venom: an ursor? Shall we bond and take care of it?

Y/N: I got it.

Oobleck: and.... begin!!

As soon as the ursor was out of the cage, it charged at me, I simply side step to avoid it attacking me.


Y/N (in head): Why the hell are they cheering? It's not that much of a threat.

Venom (in head): they think you're going to get hurt.

Y/N: that's just funny.

I duck under the ursor and uppercut it with my fist covered in fire, I then roundhouse kick it, sending it flying, I look back at it and hold my right hand out to my side and just build up heat in it, the ursor gets back up and lunges at me, I just stood there waiting until it was close enough, then I jumped over it and punched it's head, making my first go through it's head and it's through brain, everyone looked at me shock while oobleck gave me a round of applause for the finishing move, then tosses a towel at me so I could wipe the blood off my hand.

Oobleck: it appears that we are in the presence of a true hunter in training.

Y/N: thanks.

When the bell rang, it was time for lunch so venom latched on to me and we headed to the cafeteria with RWBY and JNPR following us, this was going to be a fun year for us. As soon as we got to the cafeteria I got f/f (favourite food) and sat alone, but that didn't last long as both teams sat on the same table.

Yang: that fight was awesome! You took it down in seconds!

Y/N: it didn't feel awesome, it was just another day another Grimm killed.

Yang: Why are you such a killjoy?

Y/N: because it was an easy task.

Nora: that was still awesome! I mean you didn't break it's legs but the way you broke it's head and you were like (makes random sound effects)

Y/N: she always like this?

Jaune: yep... unfortunately.

???: hey stop it!!

Y/N: huh? (Turns around to see a faunus being bullied)

???: I knew they were real!

???: what a freak!

???: Why would they allow a faunus like you here?!

I look at everyone else who are just looking with a sympathetic look, we started having flashbacks of our time with our "family" and made our blood boil and we couldn't take it anymore, RWBY and JNPR looked at us with worry.

Y/N: excuse us, we need to take out the trash.

We got up and started walking to them and our anger just grew and we decided to become venom.

???: Cardin, please stop!!

???: shut up you weakling!!

Venom: we suggest you listen to her.

Cardin: oh Yeah?! What the fuck are you gonna do bitch?!

Venom: if I'm not mistaken, you're the leader of team CRDL right?

Cardin: yeah so what?! Are you scared you little pussy?!

After he said That, I headbutt him.

Venom: (laughs) why would we be sacred of you? Plus you're not fit to lead.

Cardin: you smug bastard!! Get em boys!

Cardin's group grab their weapons and attempt to attack us but we just stand there and once their close enough venom creates tentacles (please don't think it's gonna be something sexual right here, anyways back to it) and grab his 3 team members sending 1 to a wall and web him into a cocoon, note I didn't web his face, because he needed to breathe, I throw the other 2, one hitting a table, and the other hitting a tray of food.

Venom: whoops.

They both get up and charge at me again so we grab them again and slam one into the floor and web him into a cocoon and throw the other one again.


He gets up again but I shoot a web at his legs and pull making him full then put him in a cocoon as well.

Venom: then there was one.

Cardin: I'm gonna wipe that smug look of your face!

Cardin grabs his weapon and tries to hit me but we sidestep making him hit a table.

Venom: now, now, that table is not your hitting disorder.

Cardin: you're a dick!!!!

Venom: so long as you've seen yours and you don't even recognise one do ya?

A/N: please tell me someone got this reference.

Everyone laughs at Cardin, even the faunus that he was bullying was laughing, which angered him,
Cardin tries to hit me again but I knock his weapon out of his hand and grab him by his shirt.

Venom: we're going to be nice to you, and not break you, but If we see you hurt her again or anyone else, I'll give you a taste of real pain, understand?

Cardin: l-loud and clear.

Venom: good boy.

Once our conversation was over I put him in a cocoon and put him on the ceiling.

Cardin: h-hey get me down!!!

Venom: relax the webbing will wear off... in 2 hours, or unless someone can cut you down.

Cardin: get me dow-

I decided to shoot a web at his mouth to shut him up, I then go back to the uniform that we were forced to wear, well more so me because venom is a symbiote, anyway I turn back to the bunny faunus and extend my arm out.

Y/N: you alright?

???: y-yeah thank you.

Y/N: don't worry about it, if he does that again, don't hesitate to tell me.

???: t-thank y-you.

I then heard a stomach grumble and realise that it was hers.

Y/N: uhh... out of curiosity was that tray over there yours?

She nods and then I head to the cafeteria and order the same food she had and gave it to her.

Y/N: here you go.

???: w-what? I c-can't take this! I should be the one paying for my food!

Y/N: yes you can, you shouldn't be leaving with an empty stomach, just take it, plus if you're worried about paying don't be, it's free of charge.

???: i-i don't know what to say.

Y/N: you don't have to say anything.

???: i-i... thank you very much, i-im velvet by the way.

Y/N: Desmond Morales, nice to meet you.

Y/N: and the voice speaking now is venom.

After our introduction, she hopped or I guess skipped her way to her team, I looked back at the others and saw smiles on their faces, I then went back to my seat and started eating, note that venom is covering my face but not my mouth.

Ren: now that was awesome.

Y/N: thanks.

Blake: Why did you help her?

Y/N: let's just say... we've had our fair share of being abused and neglected, plus faunus and humans should be treated as equals, not as enemies.

As I say this, i see a smile across Blake's face, and then look at everyone else who seem to agree with what I said, once lunch was over we headed to ms glynda's class where we would be doing combat training, I took my seat and waited for glynda to arrive, we waited for about 3 minutes until she arrived and she started to go through the basics, everything was alright, until I felt stares only it wasn't the others.

Y/N (in head): Venom, is someone staring at us?

Venom: hmmm.... to our right, near the door.

I look to where he said, and saw someone at the door, whoever it was they stopped looking and walked off, I managed to get to the door and follow the person, when we were outside the person stopped and turned and aimed a gun at me.

???: Venom, you're coming with us

Y/N: a gun? Really? You couldn't do better?

As soon as I said that, about 50 or 60 white fang members appeared out of nowhere aiming their guns at us.

Venom: you had to say that.

Y/N (in head): don't be like that, things just got more fun, we can let loose.

Venom: (laughs) very Well, let's enjoy our new found prey.

We started to turn into Venom, causing them to panic.

Venom: hahahahahaha, you?! Aim guns at us?! You don't stand a chance!!

We use our semblance and create a fire wall and web our way up to a tree, and begin to watch carefully at where they go.

Venom: ahahahahahahaha!!! Be careful... you never know when someone is.... (We jump down to 2 people) behind you... (I grab both their heads and slam them together and hang them in cocoons and head to another tree and watch the others)

WFM: everyone regroup!!! Get in a circle and watch the trees.

Venom: hahahahahaha, give up and we'll make this swift... RAAAAAAAAGGGHHHH!!!!

A/N: this is your juggernaut form, you baisicly hit harder, and are a bit faster, besides that back to the story.

The ground started shaking and they all looked straight to see us Charging towards them.

Venom: you're done for now!!!!

As soon as we charged them, we swung our fists and started taking them out, then threw one into a tree, then slam another into the ground, then grab another and start choking him.

Venom: how pathetic!!

As I was about to crush the white fang members head, I see something fall to the ground.

Venom: what?!

A huge surge of electricity hits us and we start feeling a powerful shock go through us making us feel very weak.

Venom: n-no, they're using shock grenades!

We tried to get up but are shot in the back by a harpoon and then get with electricity.

Venom: aaaaaaaggggghhhh!!!!

We then get hit by another grenade, sending us flying into a tree, causing us to revert back to are normal form and we slowly started losing parts of us, and by that I mean that venom was slowly getting erased off of me. We were getting shot by more harpoons and lightning until we heard a voice.

???: alright that's enough!!

They all stopped and moved out the way, we couldn't move even if we wanted to, venom was mostly erased, the only parts of him was on my right hand, left leg, right foot, left arm, a bit at the top of my back, the bottom part of my chest and half of my face was revealed, while the other was venom.

Y/N (in head): Venom, we need to move.


Y/N (in head): don't you fucking ignore Me, come on we need to move... Venom?

Venom:... can't.... sor.... fail....

Y/N (in head): don't quit on Me... listen, save your strength, I'll get us out of this...

I tried to get up, but only managed to be on my knees which earned me a quick shock putting me back down.

???: you're one tough bastard... I'm going to enjoy tearing that thing off of you, and once that's done... it'll be our weapon, and you'll be dead.

Y/N: who... are... you?

???: (laughs) you'll be dead once we get what we want so why not tell you, the names Roman torchwick, and you... are our property now.

I tried to get up but got kicked in the face, my vision started getting blurry.

Roman: grab him and put him in the bullhead, make sure he doesn't move.

After he said that, I blacked out.

Ruby POV: we were listening to glynda talking about how to improve our defences, until I realised that Desmond wasn't here, I raise my hand and caught glynda's attention.

Glynda: what's the matter ms rose?

Ruby: uhh... where's Desmond?

As I said that she looked around the class and didn't see him.

Glynda: he was here, where on earth did he go?

Everyone looked around trying to find him but had no luck.

Yang: did anyone see him leave?

Blake: nope.

Weiss: I didn't see him move... I don't like this.

All of a sudden we heard ozpin on the intercom.

Ozpin: could glynda and teams RWBY and JNPR come to my office?

What was this about? Did he know where Desmond was? We all packed our stuff and went to his office.

Ozpin POV: I waited about 5 minutes until they arrived.

Glynda: what's seems to be the problem?

Ozpin: I have important news regarding Mr Morales.

Everyone looked at me with curiosity.

Ozpin: the reason he wasn't in your class was because he saw someone suspicious and followed that person outside, once he was there he was ambushed by 60 white fang members.

They all looked at me in shock and and disbelief, but jaune had something to say.

Jaune: so? Desmond is strong, plus with venom on his side they probably took care of it.

They all seemed happy of that thought until I told them the truth.

Ozpin: that was not the case, not this time, he was outnumbered and outgunned... it pains me to say this but... both venom and Desmond have been captured...

All their faces turned to horror at this news and began to panic.

Yang: b-but how?! They're tough as hell there's no way they could-

I grab a remote and play a video that had the recording of Y/N and venom fighting the white fang.

Ozpin: this was taken during their battle, the white fang used what appeared to be electricity based weapons to weaken both of them and then capture them.

Everyone was just watching the clip as they saw them crying out in pain, trying their hardest to fight back, I could see that it affected yang and ruby the most as they knew Desmond and venom more than the others, watching them get hurt was painful, until...

Ozpin: ruby, yang, I'm about to zoom in on Desmond, look at his face.

As I did that, they looked in horror as they realised that it was actually Y/N being captured.

Yang: Y-Y/N?!

Ruby: B-big b-brother?!

WB and JNPR: brother?

I began to explain how Desmond was actually Y/N and that he was adopted by the rose, bradwin, and xio longs, they felt sympathy for the 2 as they tried their hardest to comfort them but it was no use.

Yang: he-he's alive... w-why did he hide himself? Why didn't I see him leave the room? I could've (Starts crying) i could've helped him.

Ruby: big brother... where have you been? (Starts crying) i should've been there... I could've saved you!

Yang tried her hardest to comfort ruby but the state they were both in, it was no use, yang then looked at me and I could see that she was angry.

Yang: where are they taking them?!

Ozpin: I don't know, I've sent a drone to follow them and see where they go.

Yang: we have to go after them!

Ozpin: I cannot allow that.

Ruby: what?! Why not?!

Ozpin: you are children and going alone will only get yourselves killed.

Blake: but they're not alone! They have us! We can help.

Weiss and JNPR: yeah!!!

Ozpin: my decision is final.

Gkynda: ozpin... let them go, they care for those 2 greatly, I'll accompany them, make sure they won't get hurt.

Ozpin: glynda...

Jaune: come on! We need to save them! We all owe them for saving us back at the initiation.

Pyrrha: they've shown us that we can be better if we work together.

Ren: we've seen them pull off the impossible and save us from the impossible, they're true huntsman, and we can't lose them.

Nora: we'll break every white fang members legs until we find them!!

Weiss: I owe them greatly for saving me from that nevermore, and defending us.

Blake: they know that faunus and humans can work together, and they've given me hope that, that day will come, and that hope will be gone with them if we don't save them.

Yang: me and ruby are Y/N's sisters, and venom has kept him safe, and we don't want to lose both of them.

Ruby: we weren't there for him for 10 years, but we can be there for him now, and venom has always watched out for Y/N and we want to have both of them back to us alive and well.

Glynda: well?


Everyone: please!!

Ozpin:... (Sigh) get your gear ready, I'll have a bullhead waiting for you.

They all nod and start running to the elevator and then go to their lockers to grab what they need.

Ozpin (in head): you 2 have made quite the impression on everyone, you've given them hope, and they can't bare to lose you 2, please come back safely.

A/N: alright guys, it's done, you've been captured, and you've got RWBY and JNPR along with glynda coming for ya, will you and venom be able to last long enough for them to save you? Well find out next time, thank you guys for taking the time to read "we are Venom - the hunter becomes the prey" and as always... PEACE ✌✌

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