The rescue mission.

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Disclaimer: I don't own rwby, it's own by rooster teeth, and venom is owned by marvel.

No one's POV: after the capture of Y/N and venom, glynda, RWBY and JNPR are flying to where the white fang are holding them,

Ruby POV: everyone was getting worried about what could be happening to big brother and Venom, yang was pacing back and forth in the bullhead trying to stay calm, but I could tell that she wasn't calm as he she was clenching her fists and looked like she wanted to break something, Weiss was sharpening her sword making sure it was sharp enough to cut anything down, Blake was reading a book, but I could she was worried, jaune was just looking outside the window, waiting for when we landed, ren was just looking down at the floor probably thinking about what's going on, pyrrha Was just sitting down fidgeting, probably trying to stay calm, but it clearly isn't working, Nora was just making a few modifications to her hammer, but i could see the sad expression on her face, glynda was just on her computer, probably making a report to ozpin and I... Well, I didn't know what to think, I was happy that big brother was alive but why did he hide himself? Where has he been? And what has he been doing for the past 10 years? I was so sad when he left us, and the fact that he's alive... I can finally be a sister to him, and I won't let him leave my sight... thinking about those 10 years, it must've been tough, but he had venom with him, they were- are best friends and venom has looked after my big brother all this time, I can't, I won't have the white fang take them away from us, not now not ever.

Y/N POV: I can't move, where am I? Am I dead? Is this what death feels like? No... I'm alive, where's Venom?

???: oh, you're waking up now are You?

Y/N (in head): come on... wake up! MOVE DAMMIT!!!

I managed to open my eyes and managed to look up and saw... That bastard Roman!


Roman: whoa there, why so harsh? Be thankful you're alive, if it were up to me, I would've killed you back at the academy.

I try to move but look both to my right and left and see that my hands are chained to a table, note that I'm upright so I'm able to get a good look around me but not behind me, all I saw was what appeared to be lab equipment, syringes, needles, a fucking saw?! I then look back at Roman and begin to calm down.

Y/N: what the fuck do you want?!

Roman: its not what I want, it's what the boss wants, and she wants venom.

Y/N: well you can fuck off, I'm not giving him up! You want him, you're gonna have to kill me!

Roman: I could do that but you don't know what's happening to you do You?

Y/N: what're you talking about?!

Roman: if it was easy as you said then we would've done it ages ago, but you see, whenever we try to extract him, he forces your body to use your semblance, when we put your fire out he threatens to kill himself, and he starts that by using your semblance to slowly erase himself.

Y/N: (laughs) I'd fucking give him a round of applause if my hands were free, hey I have an idea, set me free so I can do that.

Roman: (laughs) you're a funny guy, too bad you'll be dead afterwards.

As Roman is about to punch me, we hear a voice stopping him.

???: don't hit them Roman, or you will be killed.

Roman: oh Come on Adam, he can take a beating, I mean he took a lot of punishment when he kept getting shocked.

Y/N: sorry to interrupt your couple reunion, but I have places to be, so the sooner you try and kill me, the quicker I'll be able to beat the shit out of the both of you and get out of here.

Adam: I'll deal with you later, now Roman...

Both of them started talking about nonsense, so while they were doing that I tried to speak to venom.

Y/N (in head): Venom, you there?.... come on bud where are you?.... (Sigh) listen, I know you're trying to keep us both alive but you're just killing yourself, save your strength, focus on regenerating yourself, I'll use my semblance and take the beating, it's time to put 8 years of abuse to good work by enduring more pain, (out loud) you 2 fucktards done yet?

Adam: Roman, go make a report, I'll deal with him.

Roman: whatever... you're the boss (walks off).

Adam: when I'm threw with you, you're gonna wish you kept your trap shut!

Y/N: aww, is the big bad bull mad? Come on bitch, hit me with your best shot but just so you know, anything you've done, I've already seen, and experienced.

Adam: you prick!!

(20 minute time skip)

Yang POV: when we finally landed, I was the first to get out, I was itching to smash some skulls in and save Y/N but we had a plan to stick with.

Glynda: remember the plan, yang, jaune, Nora, Weiss and I will create a distraction, while Blake, ruby, pyrrha and ren will break into the hideout and rescue Mr L/N, everybody clear?

We all nodded our heads in agreement and began to run to the complex, all we had to do was wait until everyone was in position.

Glynda: yang, you must stay calm, once this begins you can't charge in and find your brother, you'll get yourself killed, do you understand?

Yang:... yeah, I know, I'll keep a cool head.

Glynda: good, now... get ready.

I headed back to where I was and got ready.

Weiss: you Ok?

Yang: yeah.

Jaune: if you need to talk about it, we're here.

Yang: thanks... now come on, let's get Y/N back.

Y/N POV: after being punched over and over, venom was being persistent and kept healing my wounds, even though I specifically said not to.

Adam: I'm impressed, Roman was right, you can take a beating.

Y/N: and you can go fuck yourself.

As he was about to throw another punch he was suddenly stopped by a voice.

???: that's enough Adam.

Adam: yes leader khan.

Y/N (in head): that voice... and where have I heard that name?

???: leave us Adam, I have business with this human.

Adam: understood (leaves the room).

Once he was gone I couldn't see who the person that was in here was, but I managed to move my head a little and realised that it was a faunus.

???: hello Y/N, remember me?

Y/N:..... no.

She seemed a bit shocked but just gave me a smile.

???: I suppose you wouldn't, after all, it was only 3 years ago, and a lot has changed between us.

Y/N: you say that like we're in a relationship.

???: (chuckles) try and remember, it was in the emerald forest.

Y/N: no one was in the emerald forest, well except for-


Venom: Y/N, someone is in trouble, I can sense Grimm, 10 at least.

Y/N (in head): Well, at least we can get some daily exercise, let's do this.

As we approached the person in danger, we turned into Venom and made our way to where they were, once we arrived i saw a female faunus, who was actually putting up a good fight, only problem was that she was facing 10 deathstalkers, she got knocked into a tree and was about to be killed, until we shot a web and pulled her to us.

Venom: you alright?

???: y-yes, w-who are you? What are you?

Venom: don't worry about it, we'll take care of it.

???: whose "we"?

We looked at the deathstalkers and turned into our juggernaut form and ran at them and started punching them to pieces, we went to the first one and punched it straight in the face, then lifted it up and ripped it apart, we looked at the remaining 9 and decided to take on 2 by grabbing one of the deathclaw's stingers and ripped it off and stabbed the other in the head, we look back at the other one and slam it's head into the ground, the others begin to slowly move closer, I decided to end it.


We ran at them and repeatedly punched the deathclaws over and over, not even giving them a second to breathe, once they were a blood puddle I returned to my normal state.

Venom: you alright?

???: ye- yes, thank you, who are you?

Venom: we are Venom.

???: why do you keep saying "we"?

Venom: well... the suit we- I'm wearing is alive, its called venom, but when we are like this we take the name venom.

???: then whose the person under the mask?

Venom: I... can't tell you.

???: why not?

Venom: I just can't.

The faunus begins to walk up to me, and our faces are a bit too close to eachother, I start blushing under the mask, and for some odd reason venom decided to return me to my causal clothing and I quickly put my hood up, to avoid the faunus seeing my face.

???: why do you hide your face?

Y/N: because I want to hide my identity.

She says nothing and gets really, really close to me, like her face is inches from mine, she then decides to grab my hood and starts pulling it down, I grab her hands to stop her.

???: you can't hide your face forever, you might as well let me see who you are.

Y/N: I prefer to not let anyone see.

???:... how about this i tell you what my name is and you show me your face and tell me your name, agreed?

Y/N: why do you even care what a stranger like me looks like and what his name is?

???: because I want to thank the "stranger" for risking his life to save mine.

Venom: we technically helped, but at least we don't have to deal with this.

I hear Venom, say this and i mentally flip him off, I look back at the faunus and slowly let go of her hands and she begins to pull my hood off of my face, revealing a scar going straight on my left cheek, which I got from my "family", she looks at me with a smile.

???: my name is Sienna Khan, it's a pleasure to meet you.

Y/N: Y/N L/N, nice to meet you too sienna.

(End flashback)

Y/N: you've got to be fucking kidding me.

Sienna: language.

Y/N: English.

Sienna: (giggles) how have you been?

Y/N: oh great, I fought the white fang got shocked, nearly lost Venom, got kicked in the face, and now I'm bound to a FUCKING TABLE GETTING THE SHIT BEAT OUT OF ME AND TRYING TO KEEP VENOM ALIVE, SO YEAH, LIFE IS GREAT!!!

sienna: I know you're angry-

Y/N: I'm beyond that.

Sienna: (sigh) listen, I want to make a deal with you, work with the white fang, help us... help me end the discrimination that humans are causing.

Y/N: you see here's the thing, I plan for it to end, but i want it to end my way, and that means not killing people even if they deserve it, because at the end of the day, faunus will get hurt because of what you're doing.

Sienna:... I must go, but I hope you reconsider the offer.

As she walks off, I figured I had enough and attempt to escape until I hear an explosion,

Y/N (in head): hang on bud, helps on the way, but we gotta help too, listen they need both of us alive, so stop my heart, someone is bound to come in and check us, once they're close enough, use what strength you have to grab their key and free my arms, and I'll take care of the rest.

As I say that, I can feel myself being drouzy and start feeling death knocking at my doorstep, and then everything goes dark.

Venom POV: we were against this but it was the only way to get out, if we had enough power to speak, we would say otherwise but it wouldn't have stopped him, to our luck someone did come and check, we mustered what little strength we had left and grabbed the key and free our hands and immediately jumpstart our heart, and slowly go and rest.

Y/N POV: I wake up and see a white fang member, and see that my hands are free, I quickly grab the white fang member and hit his head on the table and then kick him knocking him out, I slowly begin to sneak out of the lab and head into the hallway still weakened, but I had to get us out of here, hopefully the others are ok.

Yang POV: eat shit!!!

I punch a white fang into a tree and see Weiss create an ice shield in front of me to defend me from bullets.

Yang: thanks!

Weiss nods and begins to create icicles and tosses them at a group of white fang, jaune is taking down the white fang by faking them out and attacking, he's obviously payed attention to combat class, Nora is hitting vehicles with her hammer, making them go flying and hitting the white fang, and glynda was using her magic to throw pretty much anything at them, and I was just punching them out of pure anger for what they did to Y/N.

Yang (in head): I will get my brother back!!

Ruby POV: while they were causing a distraction, we found an entry point and started looking for big brother, we looked in every room and I began to worry, what if they killed him? We saw some white fang and I turned my crescent rose into gun mode and open fire, while Blake runs past them and kicks them and slashes at the last few.

Ren: where the heck are they?!

Pyrrha: maybe he got moved somewhere.

Blake: were we too late?!

Ruby: no! We can't have been late, there's no way they co-


Ruby: I was cut off by someone screaming, we all turn around to see someone covered in blood get thrown across the hall, and see...


When I saw him, i could see that there were parts of venom still visible on him, when I called him he looked at us blankly and I saw that half of his face was venom and the other was big brother,

Blake: Y/N?


Ren: you Ok there bud?

Y/N:.... (Grins) this feels like old times eh Ruby?

Ruby: what are you talking about?

As I Say that, his grin disappears and acts serious.

Y/N: being locked in a room and being beaten the shit out of repeatedly.

I realise what he was talking about, was he still holding a grudge against me and Yang and our entire family the whole time?

Y/N: we need to get out of here let's mo-

As he is about to move, he collapses to the ground, I run to him and check his pulse he was alive but barely.

Pyrrha: we need to get out of here!

I grab onto Y/N And start carrying him out, once we were outside, we saw the others and we began to fall back, in order to cover our retreat glynda uses a knockback spell and throws everything back, everyone then gets on the bullhead which takes off and heads to beacon, I walk to a seat and lay Y/N so he can rest, the others were happy they succeeded in saving Y/N and began to relax but yang was too happy to see him back but her happiness was short lived as I told her what Y/N said and she was sad at the news, we both looked at big brother with a worried look as we knew that once he was awake, we were gonna need him to forgive us for what we did to him, we sat opposite of him, and drifted to sleep, thinking about what he said.


Y/N: this feels like old times eh Ruby? Being locked in a room and being beaten the shit out of repeatedly.

(End Flashback)

Ruby (in head): I hope you find it in your heart to forgive us big brother.

A/N: well guys, you got beaten the hell out of, find out that the leader of the white fang was someone you met 3 years ago and she wants you to help them, you were rescued by everyone and are resting on a bullhead with your siblings opposite of you who now know that you're alive and are thinking about what you said while they're sleeping, funny how things work out huh? Anyway thanks for reading "we are Venom - the rescue mission" hope you enjoyed reading, and as always.... PEACE✌✌

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