The meeting and the choice that will impact the future.

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3rd POV: Y/N, team RWBY, zwei and dr. Oobleck were currently walking around the destroyed city that resides in mount Glenn, Oobleck was busy asking WBY why they wanted to be huntresses, each of them gave their reasons. Yang wanted to be a huntress because she wanted to travel around the world and have fun, Blake's reason was that she could one day return to her home and change the white fang to what they originally were, a peaceful group wanting nothing more than peace and doing it through peaceful protests, and last but not least, weiss wanted to be strong enough so that one day she can take control of her company and clear the schnee name. After that it was quiet, no one made a noise, well except for the slurping of oobleck who was drinking from his mug.

Venom (in head): you know, this whole shadowing huntsman business has been nothing but fucking boring.

Venom (in head): (sighs) we know Y/N.... do you ever wish to go back to the old days?

Venom: (in head): what do you mean "the old days"?

Venom (in head): you know what we're referring to.

Y/N POV: he was right, I did know what he was referring to. Back in the day I used to be in a group of super powered beings, we did whatever we wanted, whenever we wanted and no one was able to stop us, the group consisted of me and venom as.... well venom, robbie Reyes as ghost rider, gwen stacy as ghost spider or as she calls herself spider gwen, Marc Spector as moon knight, Frank castle as the punisher, Laura Kinney who went under 2 notable aliases, talon and the wolverine, Jennifer Walters as she hulk, Elizabeth Ross as red she hulk and a woman who looked like a universe, singularity, we were essentially our own superhero team, travelling from Kingdom to kingdom doing god knows what, but eventually, we had to split off in our own directions, we never kept in contact with each each other, well that's technically a lie, me and robbie kept in touch, but the others didn't want to, thinking that we should cut each other from our lives but I never did, i kept their phone numbers on my scroll while they deleted theirs, I couldn't forget all the good times we had.

Oobleck: what about yourself mr L/N, why did you want to become a huntsman?

Oobleck cut me off from my thoughts and when I faced him I realised that he wouldn't stop until I got my answer.

Venom: (sigh) I'll be honest, I never wanted to become a huntsman (everyone looks at me in confusion) don't give me that look (looks at RWBY) do you remember how everything started for me? (A moment of thought and they nod), I had nothing but venom, we had to do what he had to do to survive out in the wild, steal, kill, whatever it took, when I found I was on even ground, I decided to step my game up and moved into different kingdoms, doing whatever I could to survive, timeskip a few years, and I find myself on bullhead heading to beacon all because ozpin offered it to me.

Oobleck: so you became a huntsman because you wanted to survive?

Venom: essentially, but eventually things changed for me, but enough about me, you guys should find some a place to camp for the night.

Blake: what about you Y/N?

Venom: we're just gonna look around for a bit.

3rd POV: Before anyone could say anything, venom swung away from them and landed on a roof and sat on the edge, venom dematerialised leaving Y/N in r/c (random clothes). Y/N sighed and looked out into the horizon, he then looked down at his right hand and activated his semblance making his eyes red once again, his hand ignited in flames and he just stared at it like he was caught in a trance, he eventually snaps out of it and deactivates it and sighs again. Venom leaves Y/N and creates himself a human form and sits next to Y/N.

Venom: what is troubling you Y/N?

Y/N: (sigh) nothing, I'm just thinking of our old friends, things were so simple back then and now.... everything is all over the place.

Venom: we know what you mean, however there is nothing we can do, everything we do gets blown out of proportion and we've managed to fix it.

Y/N: but what if we can't? What if something blows way out of proportion and it leads to complete chaos.

Venom: we will fix whatever comes at us, (puts hand on shoulder) together.

Y/N: we could lose.

Venom: then we'll do that together too.

Y/N smiles a little before standing up however he is suddenly sat back down by venom, he looks over to him confused before looking a little nervous as venom is narrowing his eyes at him and growling at him.

Y/N: v-venom bud what's up?

Venom said nothing and suddenly lunged at Y/N and began to merge with him, only this was a forced merge, Y/N began panicking and started squirming. Eventually, he starts to black out and eventually succumbs to the darkness and then a bright light shines and he finds himself...... not on mount Glenn.

Y/N stands up and looks around, seeing plants with sharp spikes, teeth and, tounges? Needles to say Y/N was completely confused.

Y/N: what the hell?

???: Y/N.

Y/N turns around and sees venom standing behind him.

Y/N: venom where the hell are we? And why the fuck did you forcefully merge with me?

Venom: we weren't in control of ourselves.

Y/N: then who was?

???: that would be us.

Y/N and venom both turn around to see millions of klyntars converging on their location, Y/N slowly backed away but venom placed a hand on his shoulders keeping him from moving any further. The klyntars halted their movements as they all surrounded Y/N and venom.

Y/N: (shocked) what...the....fuck?

Klyntars: we have been waiting for you Y/N, news of your adventures and feats have reached us.

Y/N: i-im.....flattered? W-wait how could news reach you? Where the hell am I?!?!

Klyntars: word can spread quite easily, if we remember correctly, the news came from the home world of the yautja.

Hearing those words, Y/N immediately thought back to when he fought the predators back in the emerald forest and how much of challenge they were, not to mention fighting the corrupted klyntar.

Klyntars: as for where you are....

Venom: we are on our home world.

Y/N: homeworld.... wait, this is planet klyntar?!?! (Looks around more) this place looks.....umm....alive?

Klyntars: as it should be, afterall, our planet is one big klyntar.

Y/N: wait what?!?!

Klyntars: it is best not to get into it, listen Y/N, there are plans that must be set in motion and you are at the centre of them.

Y/N: what do you mean?

Klyntars: allow us to show you.

From behind Y/N, a tendril came out of the ground and latched onto his neck making Y/N widen his eyes before he sees random visions.

(The vision)

Y/N is floating in space looking at remnant, multiple meteorites started descending, all looking like they were aiming to vale. He then got teleported in the middle of vale, it was currently dark and the entire city looked abandoned and from the looks of it.... it looked like it had been taken over by the klyntar.

Y/N: what is this?

Y/N hears laughing and turns around and his blood freezes. In front of him was team RWBY, JNPR, CFVY, SRQ, Ghost rider, sienna, ozpin, glynda and mania, all dead and in front of them was a bunch of klyntars with a red circle on their heads, he also saw a man sitting on some kind of throne with a gold gauntlet on his left hand with six different coloured gems, the man had long white hair, black armour with the red symbol that venom has, on his right there is a red sword.

Knull: all will fall before Knull.

(Vision ends)

Y/N snaps awake from the vision and breaths heavily.

Y/N: wha (huff) what the fuck was (huff) that?! Who was that?!

Klyntars: that was our creator, his name was knull, he created the klyntars in order to kill the celestial beings.

Y/N: celestial beings?

Klyntars: a long time ago, the universe was just a void and it was something knull liked, he enjoyed the void, it was quiet place that he ruled, however after a few million years, and a great power appeared in the void.

Y/N: what was this great power?

Klyntars/venom: the celestials. They came to the void in order to fill it up with planets and galaxies. But knull was not pleased.

Knull attempted to speak to them and have them leave his home but they ignored him. Filled with rage, knull created a weapon and battled against the celestials, managing to behead one of them. Seeing this act of violence against them, the other celestials banished him to the deepest part of the void.

He would then use the head of the celestial as an a place of creating his ultimate weapon, the first klyntar.
The first klyntar was made with the power of the celestial and Knull's own flesh, it was only sword that was made to serve it's weilder.

As time went on, knull created more and more klyntars until he had an army, he then began his conquest of the galaxy that replaced his precious void.

Y/N: you said that the first klyntar was made by knull's own essence and the power of a celestial, Knull must've made some sort of weakness for the klyntar blade and the others that were created afterwards.

Klyntars: there are weaknesses, he gave us the weakness to flames and sound, those two weaknesses was due to the fact that first klyntar was molded by the flames to be a sword and the sound of the hammer beating against it.

Y/N: ok, next question, in the vision I saw some weird gauntlet with 6 glowing stones on them, what was that.

Each klyntar looked at eachother for a Moment and then spoke.

Klyntars: what you saw was called the infinity gauntlet, and those gems were called the infinity stones, they are gems that made up our universe. Each stone represents the fabric of our universe, the blue stone represents space, the purple stone represents power, the red stone represents reality, the green stone represents time, the yellow stone represents mind and the orange stone represents soul, when wielding all six stones, you practically become a celestial and could do whatever you want with just the snap of your fingers.

Y/N stood there slack jawed, to think that something like that was could be done by using 6 stones was terrifying.

Venom: Y/N (Y/N looks at venom) there's something you must know, and its regarding to your semblance.

Y/N what about it?

Venom: it's not a semblance.

Y/N: uhhh...... yes it is.

Venom: no it isn't.

Y/N: yes it is, what else could it be?

Klyntars: it is not what you call a semblance.

Y/N: then what else could it be, cause that's the only thing I can think of.

Klyntars: we have lived for over millions of years, we have learnt through our hosts and through knull what different powers, strengths, weaknesses other races possessed, when we found out venom bonded with you, we felt a power that we haven't felt since we were created, we immediately took interest in you, we began to think what it was that made it so familiar and after some time, we finally figured out what your power is.

Y/N: (curious) what is it?

Venom: Y/N (Y/N turns to him) it is a power that was used to defeat knull....

Klyntars: it is a power that was used to create the worlds and galaxies that are still here to this day.

Venom/klyntars: and it is a power that was used to create us.

Y/N quickly understood what they were referring to and backed away slowly before standing as still as a statue.

Y/N: are you saying that.... the power that I thought was my semblance.... is actually the power of-

Venom: it is exactly what we're saying Y/N.

Klyntars: you have the power of a celestial.

And just like that it all came crashing down on him, the news of that he contained this god like power was to much for him to take in, he feel to his knees and looked at the ground in complete shock, his semblance, wasn't even a semblance. All this time he was wielding the power of a celestial.

Y/N: h-how, how could I have this power?! It doesn't make any sense!!!

Klyntars: we have 2 theories, the first was that you may possibly have either a father or a mother who are celestials or.....

Y/N: or what?

The klyntars remained silent, unsure if they should say the other theory.

Y/N: OR WHAT?!?!

venom:.... or you created by the celestials themselves.

Y/N...... what?

Klyntars: like we said it's just a theory, we do not have any evidence that supports it.

Y/N: y-yeah, t-theres no evidence for it, is there anyway I need to know?

Klyntars: yes, unfortunately knull will return, and he will destroy the universe, only you can save us and existence as we know it, right now you have only unlocked a small portion of the celestial power within you, you will need to train harder in order unlock and control more of it's power and only then will you be able to defeat him.

Y/N just simply nods his head and clenched his fist, already feeling the weight of a big burden falling onto his shoulders.

Klyntars: we will meet again Y/N, when that is, is unknown, good luck young warrior.

And with that, the klyntars roared into the sky and everything flashed white. Y/N opened his eyes and saw that he was hanging off the side of the building he was on, looking at his right hand, he ignited it in flames and stared at it, finding out that he had the power of a celestial was still a shock, he needed time to comprehend it all, but right now was not the time.

Venom (in head): Y/N look at your reflection.

Y/N did as he was told and saw that his suit looked completely different to what it was before.

(What you look like now when you become venom)

Y/N examined himself before turning around and leaning his back against the building and sighing, still attempting to get over what he was told moments ago.

Venom (in head): how are you feeling my friend?

Venom (in head): still shocked venom, it's still a lot to take in, and the fact that I'm supposed to fight some fucking god sometime in the future is kind of scaring me, I mean I didn't think my life would be like this and yet here we are, (sighs) I just don't know if we're really ready for this.

Venom (in head): we can never truly know if we're ready Y/N, the only thing we can do is prepare ourselves from when the time comes and pray that we will survive against knull.

Venom (in head): yeah, but still, it'll be impossible for me to defeat a god alone.

Venom (in head): then why don't you call for help, you know they will help you whenever you need it.

Venom (in head): well they really answer the call though?

Venom (in head): there is only one way to find out.

Sighing, Y/N pulled out his scroll and clicked a small app, when the app opened a big A letter appeared on the scroll, at the bottom of the letter, the word "assemble" was there, Y/N was pondering whether or not to do it, but ultimately made his decision and clicked.

Venom: commence the avengers initiative.

AI voice: identification required.

Venom: Y/N L/N, code name: venom.

AI: identification confirmed, please say the password to initiate the avengers initiative protocol.

Venom (in head): here goes.

Venom (in head): remember Y/N, we're all in this....

Y/N/Venom (in head): together.

Venom: avengers assemble.

And with those words, the A letter began to minimize and show multiple pics of people around it, blue lines came out of the A letter and reached for the pictures of the people.

(In a warehouse in atlas)

A man is currently tied to a chair, bloodied and beaten, the man is attempting to remain conscious as he is losing so much blood. In the shadows, a man is washing the blood of his hands and turns around, the dim lighting in the warehouse showing a black jacket and combat vest with a white skull painted on it. He gets a message on his scroll and looks at it to see a familiar letter appearing on it, he slightly chuckles.

???: I haven't seen that symbol since the old days, looks like someone is wanting to get the band back together, question is what? Oh well, I'll find out when I get there. (Looks at the man in the chair) you got lucky punk, you're not getting punished anymore.

Tortured guy: oh thank go-


The man stopped speaking and moving as he was shot in the head.

???: I never said about killing you. (Looks at the scroll again and presses the letter).

AI voice: identification required.

Punisher: Frank castle, code name: punisher.

AI voice: identification confirmed.

The "A" letter disappeared and revealed a map of where venom is.

Punisher: alright Y/N, I'm on my way to ya, (looks into the shadows) I'm guessing you got the message?

Just then a man in all black with a white hood and a white symbol of the moon came out, next to him, a woman with red skin and yellow eyes wearing tight black shorts and black jacket, carrying a machine gun appeared next to him.

Red she hulk: yeah, we got his call.

Moon knight: it'll be interesting to see why he has called us to unite.

Punisher: I wouldn't say interesting but sure let's use that, come on, let's go to him

(In a bar in vale)

A women wearing black trousers, boots and shirt that revealed her stomach was sitting on a roof overlooking the city, when her scroll rang, she picked it up and saw the "A" symbol, she smirks a little.

???: looks like someone wants to bring our group back, it must be really important if they want to meet up again.

She presses the symbol.

???: identification required.

Talon: laura Kinney, code name: talon.

???: identification confirmed.

The symbol was replaced with a map of where venom was.

Talon: time to see what my favourite symbiote partners are up to, (smirks) ain't that right gwen? Jennifer?

Behind her, a woman wearing a black and white costume with a mask and hood on and onther woman with green skin wearing a white and purple uniform stood behind her.

Ghost spider: I'm guessing you got the message?

Talon: yep, to be honest I didn't expect both of you to go through with it.

She hulk: when it comes to one of our friends, we'll always answer the call.

Talon: I guess you're right.

Ghost spider: come on, let's go meet up with them.

(In beacon)

Robbie Reyes is currently working on his car when his scroll goes off, he looks at it and smirks.

Robbie: getting the crew back together even though we agreed not to be in each other's lives anymore eh Y/N (clicks on the letter)

AI voice: identi-

Robbie: shut up you shit, I know what to say, robbie reyes, code name: ghost rider.

AI voice: identification confirmed.

It revealed a map to show where venom is.

Robbie: I would head there but I'm lazy so i can wait till you come to me.

Just then a portal opened and out came a woman that looked like a universe.

Robbie: singularity? I guess you got the message too.

Singularity: yes I did, I plan to head there and meet up with the others, you coming?

Robbie: nah, I'm lazy.

Singularity: (shakes head) only you robbie, only you.

(In space)

A cloaked ship is currently orbiting remnant, inside the ship, a tall figure with wrist blades, a shoulder cannon and a mask in hand was currently looking at the planet with a look as if he was remembering something, he then heard footsteps coming up behind him and turned to see a figure similar to him but female standing next to him.

???2 (the female): I just intercepted a transmission on the planet.

??? (The male): why does that matter?

???2: it came from the one that defeated our brothers and the corrupted one.

Hearing that made the male figure pause momentarily, before lifting his right arm and clicking a few buttons on his sat - com and it revealed the "A" symbol which then disappeared to show a map, after seeing the familiar face of venom, he immediately became intrigued.

???: prepare my ship shumi, for I believe the one that assisted in helping me defeat the corrupted brother is calling for aid and I'd like to return the favour.

Shumi: of course.

(Back to venom)

Venom put his scroll away and looks up to the sky with a look of determination.

Venom: and so it begins.

A/N: who do you guys think the fugure in space was, find out next time, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and as always..... PEACE✌✌

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