Training the new and improved team RWBY.

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Y/N POV: I'm sitting in a chair looking out the window, bored out of my mind, until ruby decided to start up a conversation.

Ruby (telepathic): sooo..... Y/N if it's possible, could you maybe teach us how to fight with our alien partners as one being?

Y/N (telepathic): that won't be necessary rubes.

Yang (telepathic): why's that?

Y/N (telepathic): because it will all come natural to you, when me and venom bonded for the first time, we were comfortable with eachother, whenever we fought white fang and Grimm, we were completely in sync, when you start fighting, you will feel stronger, faster, better than you ever thought you were.

Blake (telepathic): what about our semblances?

Venom (telepathic): we can answer that, your semblances will be pushed to new heights, allowing you to use them in ways that were never thought possible, for example, Y/N's semblance is fire control, and all we ever knew is how to shoot fire projectiles, but with our influence, we made it more powerful and made it as our form, which if you remember is called hellfire.

Weiss (telepathic): hopefully we get to experience all this when we face our enemies.

Y/N (telepathic): I'm sure all of you will be able to, considering we're heading to mount Glenn.

The link was then cut off as we then started to pay attention to oobleck.

Oobleck: now then! (Sips coffee) before we land, I believe it's time for some history!!!

Weiss: what does history have to do with this?

Oobleck: my, what a preposterous question you silly girl, why history is the backbone of our society, and the liver, and probably the kidneys if I was to wager.

Thorn/venom: what the frack/fuck?!

Weiss: and that means?

Oobleck: the southeast quadrant outside of vale is home to wild forests and deep caves, but it is also the location of one of the kingdoms greatest failures.

Ruby: mountain Glenn.

Y/N: that's right rubes, originally it was an expansion of vale, but in the end it got overrun by the Grimm, it was then fenced off from the rest of the city.

Oobleck: that is correct!! You seem to have learnt a good amount of history.

Y/N: guess you could say that.

Yang: what do you mean?

Y/N: not only do we know a lot about what happened to mount glenn, we actually lived there for a bit.

RWBY/Oobleck: WHAT?!?!?

Blake: how?!?!

Y/N: it was about..... maybe 4 years after I ran away, that I unintentionally stumbled into mount Glenn, the place was crawling with Grimm, and I was scared shitless, I was obviously still learning how to fight so I had venom do most of the fighting, anyway I was scavenging the area for anything that could be useful for me and food to eat off of, when I did that I set camp in a building and stayed there for a good amount of time, after about 3 weeks of setting up and laying traps for Grimm, I decided to take a look around the place, eventually the surroundings formed a story.

Oobleck: could you be specific On how the surroundings formed a story of what happened to mount glenn?

Y/N: what's there to be specific about? The Grimm, the destroyed buildings, the claw marks on some trees, seeing that was enough to tell me what happened in mount glenn.

Ruby: you spent 4 years in mount glenn?! Just by yourself?!

Y/N: nope, I actually met a girl who was travelling, she was a nice lady, when I asked her where she was going, she told me about the story of the 4 maidens, I'm not sure why she told me this and I still don't know, anyways, she eventually had to continue travelling, before she left she said that we'd meet again, now thinking about it, the way she said it was almost like she knew we'd meet again.

Weiss: what was the girl's name?

Y/N: her name was Amber.

Oobleck: I see, anyway, it now stands abandoned, as a dark reminder.

Blake: and a likely place for a hideout.

Oobleck: PRECISELY!!!!!

3rd POV:

Blaze: does he have to yell?

Yang (in head): yep, and he hasn't drank his first cup of coffee fully yet.

The bullhead then descended above an abandoned city, RWBY, oobleck and Y/N jumped out of the bullhead with weapons at the ready, while Y/N just morphed into venom.

Oobleck: now ladies, you all maybe students-

Venom: but at this day and moment, you're all four huntresses who are doing their first missio-

Yang: so the one we did in vale didn't count as one?

Venom: no it didn't count, since it wasn't one that we were ordered to do, anyway, you need to do exactly as me and proffes-

Oobleck: it's doctor! I have a PhD.

Venom: we find that hard to believe.

Oobleck: well it's true.

Venom: anyway, you need to do exactly what we say, ok?

The 4 nodded.

Oobleck: now then, let's leave the bags here and we'll come back for them later.

WBY did as they told but they soon turned to ruby who was hesitant.

Oobleck: ms rose, please leave the bag here, we can pick it up when we come back.

Ruby: umm, I can't do that.

Oobleck: and why not?

Ruby: umm...

Thorn: you have some important stuff.

Ruby: I have some important stuff.

Venom: what kind of important stuff?

Before ruby could respond, something in the bag was moving and then a head popped out of it and it showed a way too familiar face.

Venom: ZWEI?!?!?

Zwei: bark bark motherfucker!!!

A/N: TAKE 2!!!!!

Zwei looked at who had called him and saw venom, zwei stared at venom until the mask peeled away to show Y/N, when zwei saw his old owner, he jumped out the bag and ran at Y/N and lunged at him, knocking him down, he then licked his faces, happy to see his old owner again.

Y/N: (laughs) I missed you too little buddy.

Oobleck: miss rose, We're here to investigate an urban jungle teaming with death and hostility and you bring a dog?!

Ruby: ummm we-

Oobleck: GENIUS!!!

Venom/Y/N: nani/que (what)?

Oobleck then rushes to Y/N and takes zwei off of him and holds him.

Oobleck: canines are historically known for their perceptive nose and heightened sense of sound, making them excellent companions for a hunt such as ours.

He then started to spin zwei around while ruby stands proudly with her hands on her hips.

Ruby: I'm a genius!

Y/N: (pats ruby's head) good for you rubes.

Blake: anyway, what are your orders?

Oobleck: oh yes straight to the Chase, I like it!! As you've been informed, the southeast area has been marked as a hotspot for recent Grimm activity, now there are several possible explanations for this behaviour, one of which being.... Grimm.

Everyone stared at him confused except for Y/N who just got out his scroll and played a video game, a dramatic tumbleweed appeared and then ruby spoke.

Ruby: uhh... no offense but duh!

Y/N: he means the lone beowolf that's 100 yards from us right now (puts scroll away).

They all look behind them and see the lone beowolf down the street, they each took their weapons out except Y/N who has venom cover his face.

Oobleck: stop, there are a number of reasons a Grimm would be congregate in this particular area, the most likely of which would be there attraction to-

Venom: negativity, sadness, envy, loneliness, hatred, all qualities that are likely held by our hidden little group garnering ill intent.

Oobleck: why did you interupt me?

Venom: cause why not?

Ruby: so what do we do now?

Oobleck: well Mr L/N would you like to answer that?

Venom: sure, we'll just wait it out, then we track it, if the beowolf leads us to it's pack, then the pack will lead us to our targets.

Yang: how long are we supposed to wait?

Venom: not sure, probably hours, days, maybe even weeks, lone Grimm have been known to stand isolated for months- and there's the whole Goddamm pack.

As he said that, more beowolfs appear.

Weiss: wait what?!


Venom (in head): mission failed we'll get em next time.

Venom (in head): did you just-

Venom (in head): yes, yes I did.

Blake: what do we do?

Venom then looks at team RWBY and smirks.

Venom: what do you do? That's simple.... test your might.

The beowolfs then charge at them and RWBY charge at them as well, each taking their own batch of Grimm.

Venom (telepathic): my fellow klyntar, I believe it's time to work your magic.

Klyntar (telepathic): understood/you got it.

As RWBY was fighting, oobleck was sipping his coffee and holding zwei while venom was focusing on each member of RWBY to see the possible changes their klyntar partners have done, he looked at ruby first and noticed how fast her reflexes and attacks have gotten since the start of the battle, when he sees ruby swing her scythe, he notices how when she swung it, rose petals appeared and there was some wind that appeared to push them back slightly.

Venom (in head): wind attacks?

Venom (in head): yes, she can now use her semblance to unleash powerful wind attacks to push her enemies back however, if she wants to destroy her enemies from afar, all it will take is for her to do one powerful swing.

Venom (in head): impressive.

Venom then pays attention to Weiss and sees that she's able to create ice like weapons to help her, he looks closer to see that there is some ice on her rapier.

Venom (in head): let me guess, she's able to create ice like weapons and add cold damage to her rapier.

Venom (in head): yes, but if we remember correctly, schnees are able to summon Grimm from their glyphs.

Venom (in head): yeah.... Wait, are you saying that frost will be able to unlock her power of summoning Grimm?

Venom (in head): it's possible, but we need to test that theory in order to get the results, and seeing as we're back here, this seems like the perfect opportunity.

Venom then looks at Blake, and see her using her semblance to create 2 clones of herself, when he sees one get attacked, it doesn't dissipate and gets back up and fights.

Venom (in head): I'm guessing her shadow clones are fully solid instead of semi-solid.

Venom (in head): that and they can hit twice as hard, she can also summon more than 2 clones to assist her in battle.

Venom (in head): very helpful.

And last but not least he looks at yang and sees her taking hits from the beowolfs and isn't fazed by them, her semblance then activates and she punches a beowolf which creates a heatwave, knocking some of the surrounding Grimm away and even burning some of them.

Venom (in head): what's yang's upgrade?

Venom (in head): Yang is able to hit back with triple the amount of force, she can take hits without flinching unless it's an even bigger Grimm and whenever she hits someone or something, she can burn them and create a mini heatwave that can burn enemies near her.

Venom (in head): very helpful, each of them are gonna be tough to take down.

When it's all over, they come back to oobleck and venom with smiles on their faces.

Ruby: that was a piece of cake

Oobleck: I wouldn't celebrate yet miss rose, this was one of the many attacks we will encounter, also, how is it you were able to do what you just did to the pack.

Ruby (in head): oh crap baskets.

Blake: push ups...

Yang: sit ups...

Weiss: and plenty of juice.

Oobleck: I don't understand.

Venom: I think they mean that they've gone through some intensive training.

Oobleck: ah yes, that makes sense, now then shall we continue?

Venom: let's go.

We then proceeded to start walking through the city.

Venom (in head): what do you think is happening back with that cinder lady?

Venom (in head): don't know, why do you ask?

Venom (in head): well ever since we thought of her as a potential threat, she hasn't done anything suspicious.

Venom (in head): true, but you know what they say.....

Venom (in head): leave no stone unturned.

A/N: well guys, you landed in mount glenn and explained your time there, you watched RWBY fight a pack of beowolfs with their klyntars influencing their semblances and saw the kind of results that were given, anyway thanks for reading "we are Venom - training the new and improved team RWBY," and as always.... PEACE✌✌

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