Chapter 10 || A Plan B

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I looked around. Perfect. Our plan was going exactly the way we wanted it.

"This is good," I said when I spotted the security camera.

I put my hand out and a screen appeared in front of my face. A holographic one cameras couldn't see from behind. So I faced behind. Facemaker read it and his face changed into a knowing smirk.

"Why did we go away from everyone else?" he asked when I put the holographic screen down.

"Are you questioning my authority?" I asked him back, trying to sound aggressive.

"I don't even know what we're talking about," Facemaker said.

Someone give this dude an Oscar!

"That's what you're going with?! The confused thing?"

I shoved him and he shoved me back. I could almost hear them talking through the camera. Facemaker and I walked off in separate directions and met again back behind the area.

With Miss Granada...

"We need to get that one," she said, pointing at the fighting kids, "They're falling apart and he's most liable to blow us all up by accident. Let's go!"


"There!" Wheels pointed to the door.

"We're gonna make it after all..." A-Capella sang but as we reached the door, aliens showed up.

Oh shoot...

"No we're not," Fast Forward said, quickly running back but other aliens had assembled.

I looked around and realized there was no exit. It was only us and fighting. And we had to fight good. So I braced myself.

"What do we do now?"

"Missy? Why do you look so calm?"

"Because we have something they don't."


"Teamwork! Together, we're unbeatable! We're all strong now! Slo-mo attack! A-Capella, eardrums!"

"Ahhh!" A-Capella sang and the aliens began to hold their heads.

Slo-mo ran forward and Rewind began to fight. I watched as the alien took one look at Slo-mo and began to chuckle. Oh boy... he was in for one big surprise. One thing I've learned about fast-moving fists: they hurt a lot. So as Slo-mo ran up and managed to get close enough, he punched straight into the guy's stomach.

And he bowled over. Slo-mo grabbed his shoulders, lifted him up, and slammed him down to the ground. I looked to see Rewind giving vicious kicks and tricks, punching those guards like nothing was wrong with the world. I was expecting to see Guppy doing the same... but she was missing. Where was Guppy?

"Guppy? Guppy where are you?!" I exclaimed, scared we had lost her.

I saw her meditating.

"Guppy what are you doing?!"

"Staying calm."

"Not now! Guppy. Guppy listen to me! Shark. Frenzy."

Guppy's eyes lit up and she stood up, excited. She threw on her shades and growled scarier than anything I've ever seen before.

"EVERYONE MOVE!" I yelled and when they all saw Guppy, they fled.

Guppy threw an alien across the hall, punched them, kicked them, brutally knocked them out, and worked like a savage. She yelled in their faces and the guard screamed before she threw him into the ceiling and he skittered over to the other guards, who were knocked out on the floor. Guppy threw her hands up in quick celebration before bringing them down again, growling and glaring in front of her.

"AHHH!" she yelled, kicking another one and continuing her shark frenzy.

"Let's go!" I yelled.

Wheels suddenly motioned for Noodles to come over.

"Noodles! Chin-up bar!"

Noodles nodded and stretched out to make a solid bar. Wheels grabbed on with his hands and lifted himself until he was in handstand mode. His wheels were moving like lasers on ice.

"Go," he said when Guppy was out of the way.

His wheelchair knocked through the guards like bowling pins. Wheels sat back down and high-fived Noodles.

Back with the Heroics...

Watching his son, Miracle Guy stared in awe.

"He's a miracle..." he whispered.

Back with the kids...

We all watched as A-Capella beat the poop out of those guards.

"Ahhh!" she sang before kicking her in the face.

She grabbed her arm, pushed her over, and pulled. Suddenly, the arm turned into gross, purple tentacles.

"EW!" A-Capella shrieked, getting up off the floor.

Suddenly, tentacles sprouted from all their backs and they got up, looking more confident than ever.

"We're in trouble..."

They grabbed metal shackles from the wall and onto our hands they went.

"That's just great."

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