Chapter 11 || An Alien Is Among Us

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"Now what do we do?" I panicked, looking around, "Rewind! Can you?"

"I-I can't!"

Fast Forward eyed him.

"We can do this."


"I can help you."

Fast Forward began to form the blue circles of her power and Rewind did the same. Then, we were back where we were.

"Noodles! Grab the shackles out of the ceiling!" I yelled and Noodles did as I asked.

"Now quick! Fast Forward!"

Fast Forward skipped ahead and I watched as the guards reached up for the shackles. There were none. Instead, the shackles were around their feet. We all laughed. But then, he reached into his pocket and pulled out the keys.

"AGAIN!" Fast Forward yelled and they did their mojo.

Finally, I had the keys. I smirked when the guard reached for his keys. I held them up.

"Looking for these?"

The guard groaned, out of options. We raced through the door.


They pulled me into interrogation, shoving me into a chair. I looked around. It was some crappy room. Then, Miss Granada came in, looking all pampered up for the big show. Great.

"Now spill it, Wildcard. What's the big plan?"

"Well," I joked, "the plan was to get me close enough to turn you into the dumbest alien alive!"

I stared at her.

"NO WAY! My powers finally worked!"

The guard behind me began to snicker like a mad man and I almost stopped my role. Miss Granada glared.

"Keep laughing and I'll blast you back to Ogima!"

He cleared his throat, looking down.

"We have ways."

"That'd be a first. HA!"

"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" the guard laughed before silencing himself before he'd get a double whammy to his poo poo panties--oops shouldn't have said that aloud.

"What did you just call them?" Miss Granada glared at me.



We ran for it along the bridge connecting the door to the pyramid.

"Come on! We're almost there!" I yelled.

Suddenly, just as we reached it, a glowing red thing appeared over it.

"What's that?" Noodles asked.

Wheels took out his dad's selfie stick, "Looks like..."

His selfie stick said bye bye as it burst into smithereens.

"A forcefield?! COME ON!" Wheels burst out.

"But... there's no one here but us!" A-Capella looked up, "Who did this?"

"I did."

A small but definite voice said and we all turned around. And there was no one there but...


"Ojo did you just... talk?"

"I could always talk," Ojo said matter-of-factly, "I simply chose to listen and observe instead. And what I heard was chaos... disfunction... just like your parents."

"But that's not true," I said, walking forward, "We were working together!"

"Then where's Wildcard?" she raised an eyebrow and I smirked.

"Good question. Hey, Wildcard old buddy! Are you in the ship's control room yet?"

"I sure am. Just like we planned, cutie pi--old buddy."

Ojo's smile disappeared and she stared at me in shock.


I watched as Miss Granada's face turned to horror and denial. What I was more focused on was how Wildcard almost called Missy 'cutie pie'. He should've kept it that way!

"Ignore that... it must be some kind of trick! I have Wildcard right here!" Miss Granada peered closer, "Don't I?"

I changed my face back to myself and she stared in shock.

"BOO!" I stuck my face forward and she reeled.

"AHHH!" she screamed.

"Man! I give this plan 50 to 1 odds at best!"

"We got the one with the useless superpower?" Miss Granada groaned in frustration.

"Got you far away from the control room!" I smirked and she looked around at her guards.

"Go to the control room! Now!"

She shoved them out the room and gave me one last agitated glare.

"ARGHHH!" she yelled before stomping out.

I began to laugh and gave her a pouty face before getting up and running down to where the others were.


"You were working together?" Ojo stared at me in shock.

"Surprise, surprise!" I smirked, thinking of the other things I had told Wildcard, "I also sent him on a secret mission."

I winked at her and she rolled her eyes.

"That's right. Because when your crus--the team leader tells you to do something... you hop right to it."

"Since when did you accept Missy as your team leader?" Ojo frowned.

"Since the tunnel..." Wildcard said, "When she told me you were an alien spy."

Everyone turned to me abruptly, in shock.


"Yep. Ojo's a spy."

Ojo smirked and purple tentacles grew out of her back as if to prove my statement right.

"You knew... How'd you figure it out?"

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