Chapter 11

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Seulgi's P.O.V.

I was already done organizing my things in the huge walk-in-closet as I heard my stomach growling. All these work made me hungry. Maybe Irene's hungry too. I walked back to our bedroom and saw Irene laying down on the bed with her hands on her face. I wonder what she's doing.

"Ummm, Irene? Are you okay?" I tapped her shoulder a bit.

Irene got startled and she jumped a bit. "Ohhh, it's you. Are you done already?"

I nodded. "I just got finished. You know what, all this work made me really hungry. We haven't eaten anything since this morning. Do you want to eat anything?" I asked Irene.

"Hmmm, maybe we could order something?"

"That's a good idea. We haven't went to the grocery yet to shop so ordering something would be easier right now. What would you like to eat?"

"Hmmm, jajangmyeon would be nice." Irene said.

"Ohhh that's right, my family had a tradition back then that when we were about to move into another home, we would order and eat jajangmyeon. So since we moved here, eating jajangmyeon is a great idea." I said, a little excited.

"Should we go order some now?" Irene opened her phone as she asked me.

"Sure, but I don't know any restaurant that serves jajangmyeon."

"Yah, Kang Seulgi, the internet is invented for a reason. Just search the hotline of a restaurant that has it and tell me so that I can order already."

"Right hehe. I'm sorry, I'll start searching now." I scrolled through my phone and after a few minutes, I found a restaurant that serves jajangmyeon.

"Unnie..." Irene glared me. "Ohhh right, here's their number, babe." Irene paused for a second and I figured that it was because of what I called her. Well it's her fault actually, she doesn't want me to call her unnie.

"Huh?" Irene looked at my phone and started dialing the number.


The jajangmyeon that Irene ordered came. As the 'husband' of this relationship, I was the one who went to get our food from the delivery boy and I even prepared plates on the table for both Irene and I.

"Our food is here!!!" I yelled, getting Irene's attention since she was in the bedroom. Irene rushed to the dining room as soon as I called her. She stopped on her tracks when she saw what I prepared.

"Yah, what is this? Are you trying to make this look like a date?" Irene said. Judging from what I prepared, it doesn't look like a date to me. It's just a pair of plates, the utensils that we are going to use are placed on a tissue, a flower, and a candle on the mid--- WAIT, WHAT???

"Ohhh no, no, no, I just found these candle and flowers and decided to use it as a decoration since it's our first meal on this house together." Irene didn't say a thing after that but I can clearly see her flustered cheeks. It made me giggle a bit.

"Yah, why are you laughing??"

"Oh nothing, I just think that you look cute when you blush." Irene's cheeks turned even redder.

"Yahhhhh, stop it!!! Stop being chessy, I want to eat already." Irene hit me playfully.

"I didn't stop you from eating. I just said that you look cute." Irene then became shy so she lowered down her head and started munching her food.

"Yahhh, Hyun, it's not nice to not look at me while eating when we are the only ones here." Irene faced my direction as she continued chewing her food.

"What are you waiting for? You know that you can also eat right? You said that you were hungry, but why aren't you eating?" She asked me as she was done swallowing what she was eating.

"Right." I grabbed my chopsticks and started eating. "I was just busy admiring my wife, that's all."

"Huh? You were what?" Irene asked me since my mouth is now full of noddles.

I chewed and swallowed the noddles and then I started talking again. "I said that I was busy admiring you." Irene couldn't help but smile at my words.

Irene hit me on my arm again. "Yah, stop it, I can't eat because of you and your cheesy lines."

"No worries, here, I'll feed you." I grabbed a good handful of noodles with my chopsticks as I tried to feed her.

"Come on, don't be shy." Irene opened her mouth. She was chewing her food with a small smile on her face while her eyebrows are also furrowed since she was acting as if she was annoyed at what I was doing.


We finished eating after half an hour and I decided that I should do the dishes. Irene insisted that she'll be the one to do it but since I told her that there's a dishwasher here, she let me do it all by myself. After I was done cleaning, I went to our bedroom to check up on Irene.

"Baechuuu, what are you up to?" I asked her as I sat down on the bed she was laying on.

"Nothing much, I'm just really full right now. I just want to rest." She answered me.

"Ah ah ah, too bad, you don't have time to rest."

"What do you mean?" She asked as she positioned herself so that she was now sitting on the bed.

"Well, technically, we just moved here and we don't have anything in the fridge. No foods and no anything. And don't forget, we haven't bought our toothbrushes yet since you told me the other day that we can do it today."

"But I want to sleep~" Irene did an aegyo and she went back to her position a while ago.

"Joohyun-ah, we can't. What we would we eat tomorrow, the next day, and the day after that?"

"We could just order some food to eat, just like we did today."

"May I remind you that we're married already and have you seen a couple that orders their meals everyday?" Irene pouted at what I said.

"Okay, fine. Let's go." Irene stood up and she hurriedly went outside all by herself.

"Yahhhhh, what for me!!!" I said as I tried to catch up on her."


Irene's P.O.V.

Because this was all Seulgi's idea, I made her drive the car all the way to the grocery. Well of course she'll drive since she's the 'husband' in our relationship and probably because this is her car.

"We're here." Seulgi said after parking the car.

"Wait, wait, wait, stay there. I'll open the door for you." Seulgi hurriedly went down the car to open the door for me, but since I'm not in the mood for her dorkiness, I opened the door and went down the car before she could even open it.

"Aww, why did you go down already? I told you to wait for me." Seulgi said while pouting.

"Well then, I guess I couldn't wait. Come on, let's go inside."

As I was walking towards the entrance, Seulgi suddenly grabbed my hand.

"What are you doing?" I asked her annoyed and blushing at the same time.

"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm claiming my wife. Besides, I don't want other people to flirt with you and look at you like you're a piece of meat." As soon as Seulgi said that, I felt a whole zoo in my stomach. This girl is really good at making me feel things.

*We Got Married Family (MCs)*

"Woahhh is that really Seulgi???"


"I can see that Irene likes it when Seulgi does things like this."

We entered the store and Seulgi let go of my hand in order to get a cart. My hand felt kind of empty when she let go of it. I brushed it off and went to the front of the cart to hold it. I tried pulling the cart so that we can start shopping but it seems like something was stopping it, I mean someone was stopping it.

"Yah, what are you waiting for?" I asked Seulgi.

"You don't look like you're happy. Don't you want to shop with me?"

"It's not that. I'm just tired, that's all."

"Well then, let me help you with that." Seulgi pulled the cart out of my hands and then she rode it. I laughed as I saw her riding the cart.

"Yahhh, Kang Seulgi, stop embarrassing me!!! You're my husband not my child remember?!?!" I ran in order to catch up on her.

"Oh right. Sooo, are you feeling better now?" She asked me with a big smile on her face.

"Why would I? You just rode the cart like a child and you expect me to feel better? I'm even more tired because you made me r--"

"In that case..." Seulgi carried me and placed me inside the cart.


"You said that you were tired right? So why not just stay there so you don't need to walk." Seulgi started pushing the cart.

"Alright, alright, I'm not tired anymore. And also I'm happy to be here with you. Is that all you want to hear? Let me out of here now."

"What was the last one again? I didn't quite hear it?" Seulgi placed her hand on her ear and went closer to me.

"I said that I am happy because I am here shopping with you. You happy now?"

Seulgi nodded her head rapidly and then she helped me get off the cart. As soon as I was already standing, I immediately hit her arm.

"Oww, what was that for?" Seulgi asked as she was rubbing the part of her arm that I hit.

"That's for embarrassing me. Don't ever do that again, promise?"

"Yeah okay, but promise me that we'll enjoy each other's company starting from now."

"What are you saying? Of course I enjoy being accompanied by the one and only Kang Seulgi. Even if sometimes it seems like I don't, deep inside, I am really happy whenever I'm with you." I looked at Seulgi after saying those words. I saw her looking at me with a huge smile plastered on her face.

"I knew it. You love me." She said.

"Yahhhh, what do you mean love? I didn't mention love even once? Yahhh Kang Seulgi!!" I shouted since Seulgi already left and took the cart with her.


"Sooo, what are we going to buy here?" I asked Seulgi as we reached the section where fruits and vegetables are located.

"We're going to buy some ingredients for the food that I'm going to cook later."

"And what is that?" I asked.

"It's a secret. Try to guess it just by looking at the things that I will put on the cart." Seulgi then started to look for different ingredients.

"Is it sujebi?" I asked her even before letting her put the ingredient that she was holding.

"Ahhhh how did you know?" She asked me while smiling.

"Of course, it's your favorite dish. And by the way, I saw your phone that says 'Ingredients for Sujebi'." I laughed a little.

Seulgi looked at the phone she was holding. "Ahhh right, I forgot to turn it off."

"It's okay. Just be sure that the sujebi would be delicious." I told her.

"I will. To be honest, I think that I am a better cook now than before. Unlike before, I could follow recipes online now."

"What do you mean that you're now a better cook? You couldn't even cook a souffle without burning it."

"Ahhh, that's different. I promise that this sujebi would taste good."

We continued rooming around the store to look for Seulgi's ingredients. By this time, we completed all the things that she needed on her recipe. We went to the snacks section and something caught my attention.

"Yah, isn't this your favorite too?" I showed her a box of choco pie.

"Ahhh yes, we had a lot of those back when I was little. Do you want to buy that?"

"Sure." I put a good load of two boxes of choco pie in the cart.

"Don't forget about these." Seulgi said while holding a Pringles original.

"Huh, you will forever and always love Pringles right?" Seulgi nodded.

"Then what are you waiting for? Go get some and put it in the cart." Seulgi went to get some Pringles and of course, all of its flavor are original.

"Alright, maybe that's enough. Let's get going." Seulgi said and pushed the cart to the next section.


"Ohhh we're at the section full of toothbrushes. We need to buy one. Which one would you choose?" Seulgi asked me, looking at all the toothbrushes right infront of her.

"Shall we choose the ones with our representative colors? I'll get the red one and you can have the yellow one. It will help us differentiate what is ours."

"Okay, that's a good idea." I went to get a red and yellow toothbrush and also some toothpaste too.

"What's the next one on our things-to-buy list?" I asked her.

"Well, the last one here are slippers. Slippers that we can use inside the house." Seulgi replied after checking her phone.

"It's this way." I directed the cart towards the section where the slippers are located.

"Sooo which one would you get?" I asked Seulgi as soon as we reached the section.

"This one's cute." Seulgi went to reach for the slippers with a bear design on it.

"I can have this, and maybe you could have this too." Seulgi said and now, she was holding two slippers. One with the bear design and one with a bunny design.

"It's nice. We could be matching because of this two." I said.

"Is this one okay for you?" Seulgi asked me.

"Yup, I think that it looks cute."

"Well, those are all the things on the list. Shall we pay for these now?" Seulgi asked me and I nodded in response.

We reached the cashier and I saw a familiar face right infront of us. It was Bogum.

"Hi." Bogum greeted us. Seulgi and I both did the same.

"What are you guys doing here? And why are you two alone? Where are the others?" He asked, looking at our back to check where the other members are.

"Well actually..." Seulgi put her hands around my waist. "it's just us." Bogum shifted his gaze on Seulgi's hand that is holding my waist. I noticed that he was a little confused. Before he could say something again, Seulgi spoke up.

"We're actually married already and I hope that you don't mind us shopping together and unfortunately bumping into you." Seulgi said without letting go of my waist.

"Ohh, no, no, I don't mind at all. Ohh I better get going. Congratulations to the both of you." He bowed his head before leaving. He looked at Irene one last time and said, "It was nice seeing you again Irene." I felt Seulgi tightened her grip on my waist when Bogum said that.

"What was that for?" I asked her after Bogum left.

"Ohh it was nothing. Like what I told you a while ago, I was just claiming what's mine." Seulgi whispered into my ear which caused shivers down to my spine. She then let go of her hand on my waist.

"You're really something, Kang Seulgi."

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