Chapter 10

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*We Got Married Family (MCs)*

"What's this??"

"Ohhh, it's look like it's Seulgi!!"

"She's getting ready to pack her things already."

Joy's P.O.V.

"Helloooo~ I'm Seulgi. Right now, you're here with me to watch me pack my things." Seulgi unnie said to the camera that I am holding.

"Sooo, what should I bring with me?" Seulgi asked.

"Just pack some of your clothes and maybe some clothes for swimming since you told us that Irene unnie picked a house with a pool." Yeri said beside me.

"Ahhh okay." Seulgi replied. She began putting her clothes on her luggage.

"There. I finished packing my clothes. Hmmm, maybe I should bring some of my vinyl tapes too."

"You're going to bring a vinyl? Don't you think that you still need to bring a vinyl player in order to listen to that." I said.

"Yeah and why do you still need to bring your vinyl tapes when you can play those songs on your phone." Yeri added.

"Well, vinyl tapes are different for me. It became my habit to listen to it every now and then and who knows, maybe Irene unnie would love to listen to these tapes either." Seulgi stated.

We watched Seulgi unnie choose from her collection of vinyl tapes. As she was done picking some of her favorites, she looked at the camera and said, "Okayyy, I think that's all the things that I need. And don't worry, if ever I forget something, I'll just tell the other members to bring it to me."

"You wish." Yeri said, making me hit her with my elbow.

"Shhh, we're filming, remember?" I said.

"Oh right, hahahaha." Yeri faked a laugh.


Irene's P.O.V.

I decided to pack my things the same time as Seulgi packed hers. The staff told me to film while I was packing so I asked Wendy to hold the camera for me since Joy and Yeri were with Seulgi.

"The camera will roll in 3, 2, 1..." Wendy said acting like she was part of the crew and staff.

Since Wendy turned on the camera already, I managed to stop myself from giggling because of the way Wendy acted as if she's the director. I started to pack some of my things and decided not to talk since I was busy.

*We Got Married Family (MCs)*

"Ohhh it's Irene's turn to pack."

"Unlike Seulgi, she's really quiet and focused  when she's doing something."

"Irene must have really planned all the things that she's going to bring with her since it seems like she knows what are those that she need."

"Here's my iPad. I'll bring this with me so that I can practice drawing even more." I placed the iPad inside my luggage.

"Ohhh and before I forget, I'll bring some of my Care Bear shirts since nowadays, luvies love it when I wear stuffs like this." I giggled and organized the shirts that I got from my closet.

"So, this is the shirt that I was telling you about. Seulgi and I have matching shirts like this." I showed the shirt to the camera.

"Aren't you forgetting anything else?" Wendy asked me from behind the camera.

"Umm, I don't think so. Is there anything I forgot?" I asked Wendy.

"I don't know. Liquor maybe?"

"Why would I want to bring a liquor with m-- Ohhh, I see what you're trying to do here."

"What? I'm just saying, you're a newly-wed couple and maybe drinking a liquor sometime is a good thing?" Wendy said unsure.

"You know that Seulgi acts cute whenever she gets drunk. Maybe instead of being my husband, she'll act like a child and I don't want to take care of a child during our first night living together. And besides, we're not allowed to get drunk." I replied.

"I guess you're right." Wendy said.

I looked at the camera and said, "I'm done packing my things and to be honest, I'm kind of nervous with this whole 'living together' thing but I hope that everything turns out well~"

"Don't worry, knowing Seulgi, I know it will all turn out well. Aseul fighting!!" Wendy said.

"Aseul fighting!!" I said to the camera.


Wendy turned off the camera she was holding since we were already done filming.

"Well then, while it's still early, Seulgi and I should better get going." I said to Wendy after she gave the camera to the staff.

"Goodluck unnie. Just remember, everything will be fine. Don't feel awkward around Seulgi just because she's your husband now. Seulgi might sometimes act like a child but I know for sure that she'll treat you like her world, as if your her real wife." Wendy snickered.

"Yahhh, what are you saying?!?! Stop it!!! It's too cheesy." You know me, I sometimes cringe when cheesy moments happen.

"I'm just joking, but in all seriousness, I know that you guys would make up a great couple. Sooo, goodluck. Fighting!" Wendy said while raising her hand into a fist.

I smiled and held Wendy's hand. "I'm not the only one who needs a 'goodluck'. Since you're going to be staying here with two children all by yourself, you need it too. Goodluck Wendy, take good care of those children."

"Wha-- You mean Joy and Yeri?" Wendy asked. I nodded in response.

"No worries, Son Seungwan can handle this. Sir, I promise to take care of those two, sir." Wendy did a little salute gesture like what soldiers do which caused me to laugh.

"Goodluck on your duty, sergeant." I saluted her too with a huge smile on my face.

I decided to tell Seulgi that we are about to leave. I can already her the screams of Seulgi, Joy, and Yeri and I wasn't even near Seulgi's door yet. I opened the door and saw the three of them laying down on the floor.

"Yah, Kang Seulgi, have you packed your things already?"

"Ohh, unnie, yes, I'm done packing." Seulgi answered me as she picked herself up from the floor.

"Yah, what did I tell you about calling me unnie?"

"Oh right, I'm sorry my sweetheart~" Seulgi suddenly said making the chick and the hamster behind her burst into laughter. I couldn't help but blush because of the sudden nickname that she called me.

"Yahhhh?!?!?! Stop being cheesy!!! Why does people around me act as if I am in romantic drama?!?!"

"Maybe because you are. Seulgi unnie as your husband and you're the wife. Doesn't it look like you two are the lead couple of a romantic drama?" Yeri said, making her and Joy laugh.


"Ooookayyyy, enough with this already. Let's get going." Seulgi pulled me outside her room before I could attack Yeri.

"Say goodbye to them now, Hyun."

I didn't wave my hand at them since I was still irritated at what Yeri said. Even though I wasn't able to bid them goodbye, Joy and Yeri waved their hands at me and said, "Byeee unnieee!!! Goodluck on your marriage with Seulgi unnie!!! We were rooting for the both of you that's why we put you on the show!!"

"What did they say?" I asked Seulgi.

"I don't know. I just heard them saying 'bye' and 'goodluck'."

We reached the garage and Seulgi said that we should use her car. I was about to carry my luggage to place it on the trunk but Seulgi carried it for me.

"Don't worry about your things. I'll put it all on the trunk. I'm supposed to be the husband here remember? I don't want to see my wife carrying all these things. Go ahead, you can get inside the car now." Seulgi placed the rest of the things on the trunk.

*We Got Married Family (MCs)*

"Ohhh girls love it when their partners are acting like a gentleman."

"I feel like they already have a chemistry since the first time they met."

"Their chemistry is indeed different. It's special."

"Oh by the way, I'm driving. So get in the front seat." Seulgi said.

I got inside the car and just like what Seulgi told me, I am now sitting on the front seat. It was still pretty early and I too didn't want to drive since I'm a bit sleepy. For some reasons, I couldn't sleep well last night. I wasn't sure whether I was worried or excited about all of what's been happening.

"Are you buckled up already?" I didn't notice Seulgi entering the car since I was too distracted with my thoughts. I even forgot to wear my seatbelt.

"Aigoo, you still haven't worn your seatbelt. Were you waiting for me to help you with it?" Before I could reply, Seulgi was already helping me.

"There, all buckled up." I looked at my seatbelt and then I looked at Seulgi. Her face was close to mine since she just helped me with my seatbelt.

I felt like Seulgi panicked a bit since she immediately leaned backwards. "Shall we get going then?"

"Sure, let's get going. This one's one heck of an adventure."


It was quite a short drive so we instantly reached the building where the penthouse was located. Seulgi decided that she'll be the one to bring all the things to the penthouse and told me to head upstairs first. I insisted to help her but she told me that she doesn't want me to get tired. I stopped insisting to help her since she was being a stubborn bear. I used the elevator and I was now standing right infront of the apartment's door. The door was locked and in order to get in, I should enter a password or like a pin.

I decided to call Seulgi since I don't want to waste my time going back and forth just to ask her what's the door's password.

"Seulgi-yah, what's the door's password again?"

"Ohhh that. I almost forgot about it too but since I wanted to choose a pin that is easy to remember, I choose a date. A date that is special for the both of us. It's '0717'."

"Alright, I got in. See you up here soon. Bye."

I checked the whole penthouse all by myself since Seulgi was taking too long. I was about to go down to check on her when she suddenly appeared infront of me.

"Here..are...our...things..." Seulgi said in between breaths since I figured that she was tired.

"Yah, I told you I can carry my things." I said as walked closer.

"No, it's fine I'm not tired at all. Besides, my muscles could use some exercise too." Seulgi playfully showed me her biceps. I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, yeah, stop flexing. I get it already." Seulgi laughed.

"So, what should we do first?" I asked her.

"Since the penthouse is fully furnished and looks clean already, maybe we should head to our room first? Maybe we could put and organize our clothes on the closet? And we can also put some of our things on the bedroom."

"Hmmm, maybe you're right. Come on, let's go fix our things. Oh and before we head to the bedroom, I'll bring my suitcase with me. You can just carry your own since I don't want you to get tired again." I pulled my suitcase with me and we both headed towards our bedroom.


It was easy to unpack and organize the clothes that we brought since the closet is really big and everything has its own place. I was surprised when Seulgi showed me her collection of vinyls.

"You brough your vinyls?"

"Just a couple of it."

"How are you supposed to play those things?"

"I also brought this." Seulgi said and showed me her vinyl player.

"That's why you're tired from carrying all of our things. That must've been heavy."

"Yeah, I guess it's worth it since I'll be able to listen to these." Seulgi said referring to her vinyls.

"You know, I should really test this out. I might have accidentally let go of this player when I was carrying it since it was really heavy."

"I told you that I can carry my things. If I carried what's mine, then you didn't have to test your player anymore. But go ahead, try it now. I'll just continue packing my things." Seulgi nodded and went to pick a song from her collection.

"Hmmm, maybe I should try this one." I heard Seulgi say. After a few minutes, I heard the 1975's 'fallingforyou' playing.

I didn't bother asking her why she chose that song because I don't want to assume anything. I continued packing my stuff away and from the corner of my eye, I saw Seulgi organizing her things too.

I was almost done packing but then I couldn't reach the top shelf all by myself. I debated whether or not I should ask Seulgi for help since she's busy doing her own thing. But since I realized that we're practically married, I shouldn't hesitate whenever I want to ask her something.

"Umm, Seulgi? Can you help me put this on the top shelf? It's just right over there." I asked her while my back is leaning on the shelf.

"Sure, you're such a small baby. I sometimes forget that you're older than me." Seulgi approached me and then she ruffled my hair. All I did was pout.

I stayed at my position and I didn't even notice that Seulgi was so close to me, I mean her body is since she was reaching for the shelf above me and she was now on her tippy toes.

"There you go, all done..." Seulgi slowly said as she stood properly right infront of me. At this moment, I felt as if my body is not functioning properly. I wasn't able to move since our faces were only inches apart.

I think I'm falling, I'm falling for you

That's what the exact lyrics that I heard at this very moment. Damn you Seulgi, out of all the songs that you can listen to, why did you choose this song?!?!

I felt Seulgi leaning towards me slowly. I didn't know what to do. She was really close to me up to the point that I can feel her breath on my lips. Our lips were getting closer and closer...

I cleared my throat and began to fake a yawn. Seulgi instantly pulled away and cleared her throat too.

*We Got Married Family (MCs)*

"Were they about t-- KISS?!?!?!"


"Woahhh our Seulgi's getting really bold these past few days."

"All this work made me tired. Shall we take a rest first?" I asked her as if nothing happened. Although my cheeks say otherwise since I was now completely blushing.

"Ohh sure. You can go rest there on the bed. I'll finish putting my clothes on the closet." Seulgi said. She started to get some of her clothes from her suitcase and then she went to the walk-in-closet.

I lay down on the bed since I was still shocked with what was about happen. What was I thinking?? What was Seulgi thinking?? Did I do the right thing or not?? I should've kissed her at that moment!! No Joohyun, it's too early to do that. I placed my hands on my face because of frustration.



A/N: I am so sorry that I wasn't able to update these past few days since I was so busy streaming, voting, and getting overwhelmed with all the contents that Red Velvet has been giving us. With that being said, I promise to update the next chapter very soon!!

Anyway, while you're at it, don't forget to stream Monster and Naughty!!

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