Chapter 9

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Irene's P.O.V.

We went to the real estate agent's office to help us find our very own house. As we arrived at the place, the real estate agent greeted us and we did the same.

"Hi, my husband and I were wondering if you could help us find a place that will serve as our home together." I asked the real estate agent as polite as possible. Seulgi couldn't contain her laughter beside me so I hit her with my elbow.

"Of course, ma'am. So before we start looking into different places, are you both looking for a specific place? Like an apartment or a condominium? And is there any exact location where you want to be?" The real estate agent asked us.

"Ohh, we wouldn't mind where the location would be, right honey?" Seulgi asked me in surprise.

"Ahhh yes." That's all I could answer since I was surprised by what Seulgi called me.

"But for me personally, I would like an apartment. An apartment would be perfect for us since we're the only ones who are going to live there. It wouldn't be too big or too small for the both of us." Seulgi said. The real estate agent nodded.

"Ohhh and maybe a pool? If it is possible, I would like a home with a pool." Seulgi added.

"Noted. How about you ma'am? Do you have any wishlist for your dream home?" The lady asked me.

"I would disagree with my husband here. I'd like a home that is modern, like a penthouse maybe? Is that possible?" I asked the lady. Seulgi looked at me in disbelief.

"What? You want a penthouse? You know that we don't have the budget t--" Seulgi was whispering to me but was cut off by the real estate agent.

"Yes ma'am. I would try to find a suitable place that will meet both of your preferences." The real estate agent said and began typing on her laptop.

Seulgi looked at me while moving her head from left to right. I ignored her and looked at what the real estate agent was doing.

"Okay. So now, we will visit some places so that you can choose a place to live in. We can use my car to go to each destination." The lady said.

"No it's okay. Seulgi has a car." I said.

Seulgi cleared her throat. "Ummm, it's not here."

"What do you mean 'it's not here'? We just used it to get here." I said.

"Ummm, Joy texted me that she wanted to borrow my car because she has a schedule that it's urgent. I texted her the address on where we are now and I didn't know that she will take a long time to bring it back to me. I'm really really sorryyyy."



After minutes of scolding Seulgi, in the end, we ended up riding with the real estate agent since Joy texted her that she will be back in an hour.

"Okay so we're almost there. So the first place that we're going to is an apartment. It is suitable for two people since it is a small place." The real estate agent said.

"Are there already a lot of people living in that area where the apartment is?" I asked her.

"Since the place is next to a school, most of the tenants are students and teachers." The lady replied.

"Ohhh, so the place is a bit crowded." I said, making Seulgi and I nod.

*Interview (Seulgi)*

"It feels strange that Irene and I are going to live in a same house together since I was so used to having the members with us. We used to share her dorm together during our trainee days, but since now, we're going to live in a house together as a couple, it feels different."

We arrived at the place and the real estate agent guided us to the apartment that she was saying. Unfortunately, there was no elevator so we had to use the stairs.

"So there is no elevator here?" Seulgi asked the real estate agent.

"Unfortunately, there isn't one. But don't worry, the apartment is located at the 5th floor only."

Only?!?! That's like five times the stairs that you have to go through before reaching the apartment.

"It feels like we're exercising." Seulgi said.

We reached the 5th floor and Seulgi was the first one to enter the apartment.

"Woah, this is really great for two people." Seulgi said.

I was the last one to step inside the apartment and what Seulgi said was the opposite of what the place looks like.

"This place is too small. It feels like this was supposed to be for one person only." I said nonchalantly.

"Look, I can sit here, watching tv and you can cook dinner here." Seulgi said as she sat on the couch, went back to the kitchen and acted as if she was cooking.

"I don't think this place is really for us. I mean look at it, it's too small."

"Don't worry ma'am, I still have a lot of places to show you. Shall we get going then?" The lady asked us. I nodded and we went to the our next destination.


The next place that the real estate agent is going to show us is located at the 3rd floor and luckily, the building has an elevator.

"The tenants in this area are mostly young-adults who are working at the other building over there." The real estate agent said as she pointed a building right in front of us.

"Okay, so this is the place." She said when we reached the apartment's door.

The real estate agent opened the door and this time, I was the first one to go inside.

"Not bad. This place is a lot bigger compared to the last one." I said.

"This place is pretty good." Seulgi said as she went in the room.

"Unlike the last apartment we went, this one's a simpler and you can tell that it has a huge living space." The real estate agent said.

"Sooo, shall we check the bedroom?" Seulgi asked me.

"No. I don't like it." I replied.

"You don't like what?"

"I don't like this place. I think that it's a little too simple for me. The whole white and brown palette makes it look plain."

"Ohhh, hehe. Can you excuse us for a second?" Seulgi asked the real estate agent.

Seulgi pulled my arm and led me outside.

"Isn't it a bit harsh to the real estate agent that your comments about the houses that she's showing us are all negative comments?" Seulgi asked me.

"What's wrong with it? I'm just being honest. And besides, she's a real estate agent, she can show us as many houses as she can until it suits both of our preferences." I said.

"Well, both of the apartments where we went to is already okay for me."

"Not exactly. You said that you wanted a pool, right?"

"I didn't mean that. I was just joking. Having a pool mea-- Yahhh! Where are you going?? I'm still talking!!!" Seulgi shouted since I left her already, not wanting to hear any of her excuses anymore.

I went back inside the apartment and saw the real estate agent waiting. Seulgi went inside too after a few seconds.

"What do you think about the place?" The lady asked.

"Honestly, it's a little to plain for me. Can you please show us a penthouse maybe?" I said.

"Ahhh so you want a place that is a bit more modern and bigger than the previous apartments that we've saw?"

"If it is possible, then yes. And maybe a place with a pool too."

"No problem ma'am. There's just one thing, since you want a penthouse, your price range would need to be higher than usual. Is that okay?"



"Yes." I repeated again.

"Okay, so let's now go the next place that I'm going to show you." The real estate agent told us.

"What are you doing? We don't have the budget to buy a penthouse." Seulgi whispered at me.

I held out my finger and placed it on her lips.

"Shhhh, don't worry. I can handle this." I answered. My finger was still on her lips so instead of talking, Seulgi did the money sign telling me that we don't have enough budget.

"I told you that I can handle it." I let go of my finger and went to ahead follow the real estate agent, leaving Seulgi behind.

*We Got Married Family (MCs)*

"So Seulgi's okay with a place that is small and Irene is not?"

"Woah, Irene's really picky when it comes to choosing their home."

"Is Irene Seulgi's sugar mommy? She seems like a rich wife."

"Stop it Amber."


Seulgi's P.O.V.

The real estate agent parked her car in front of the building where the next apartment is located. For sure, I think Irene would choose this place since the building itself looks fancy.

"This is the place. The elevator is right over there." The real estate agent guided us towards the elevator. She pressed the top floor button. By this time, I figured that she will show us a penthouse.

The elevator opened and you can clearly see that the hallway is for rich people. It looks luxurious and really fancy.

"Here it is." The lady opened the door. Irene and I entered the same time since the door is big.

"Woah, this place looks really really nice." I said as I saw what the place looks like.

"This is it. This is the perfect home for us. It's a perfect size for two people." Irene said.

Isn't she exaggerating a little? This place is too big for the both of us!! We can even invite the other members to live with us judging by the size of this place.

"Here is the living room and the dining room." The lady said as she entered.

"This place also has a pool since your husband wanted a pool. Come, the pool is located this way." She added.

We followed the real estate agent and saw a huge pool.

"I really like this place. I can see us living here." Irene said.

"Hehe, me too." I replied awkwardly.

"The bedroom's this way. You can go and take a look." The real estate agent said.

Irene and I went to the direction in which the bedroom is located. As we opened the door of the bedroom, I was beyond surprised.

"Woahhh, this place is really modern." I said.

"Seulgi-yah, look at the closet over here." Irene said.

"Omo, there's even a walk-in-closet here?!?! Wowww, this place seems to be really expensive." I said and I saw Irene laugh.

"That's why this place is perfect for us. Since we are choosing a house that will serve as our home as a couple, I don't want to live with you in a place that is simple. I want to live in a place like this." Irene said making me smile.

"Are you sure we have the budget to purchase this penthouse?" I asked her.

"Don't worry about it."

"I don't want you to spend so much money just for our house."

"It's nothing really. I can handle this."

I didn't reply back, all I did was hug Irene.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you. Even for once, I didn't imagine myself living in a place like this." I said making Irene laugh.

"Come on, let's go back to the real estate agent and sign the contract for this house." Irene said.

*Interview (Irene)*

"Being the leader of the group, I am always the one who looks out for the members but right now, it feels like someone is looking out for me. Ever since getting married with Seulgi, she makes me feel that someone is taking care of me. She's worried that my decisions would affect me personally. She makes me forget that I am supposed to be her unnie and leader because right now, she makes me feel like her real wife; a person that she really really loves and really really cares about."

*Interview (Seulgi)*

"After signing the contract for our home, it made me feel that our marriage is really starting. Buying a house of our own and living together is the first step."


Seulgi's P.O.V.

"I'm glad that we already have a house of our own." Irene said while we are walking since I still don't have my car with me.

"Yeah, it feels surreal that we're finally going to live in a house without the other members."

"Yeahhh. I hope the others would be fine when we move out."

"I'm sure they would. Besides, Wendy's there to take care of those two children." I said making us both laugh.

"By the way, since Joy still has your car, we can't go home yet. Is there anything that you want to do first?" Irene asked me.

"Hmmm, since it's still early, do you maybe want to go to the movies?"

"Kang Seulgi, are you trying to ask me out on a date?!?!" Irene said, her hand on her chest pretending to be surprised.

"If you want it to be." I replied and winked at her.

Irene, while smiling, pushed me back a little.

"Sooo, do you want to?" I asked her again.

"Sure, we have nowhere else to go, right? And besides, there's a cinema close by. We can just walk and reach the there in no time."

Irene and I reached the theater. I went to buy the tickets while Irene went to buy some snacks. After buying, we both went to meet again near by the ticket booth.

"So, what movie are we going to watch?" Irene asked.

"It's a secret."

"Yahhh, what if it is a horror movie? You know that I don't like watching horror movies."

"Don't worry, your husband is here to protect you." I said, posing like a knight.

"Yahhhh, so it is a horror movie!!"

"If I tell you now then it wouldn't be a surprise anymore." I said as I pulled Irene inside the movie theater.


We ended up watching 'The Conjuring 3'. The movie hasn't even started yet but Irene is already scared because I told her that it's a horror movie as soon as we sat down.

"Calm down, I'm here, okay? You can hug me if you're scared." I said, Irene hit me on my shoulder.

"Yahhhh, this is all your fault!!! If you didn't choose a horror movie, then I wouldn't be like this!!!" Irene said annoyed.

"Here, eat a popcorn to calm you down. Say 'AAAAA'." I tried feeding Irene with a popcorn and luckily, she ate it.

"Good girl." I patted Irene's head.

"Stop treating me like a child!!!" Irene shouted.

"I'm not treating you like a child. I'm treating you like my wife." That's all what I needed to say to make Irene shut her mouth.

The movie started and Irene was really afraid of it. Whenever there are jump scare scenes, she would shout so loud and bounce a little. Since the movie's getting a little to intense for Irene, she's now hugging my right arm. Irene would tighten her grip whenever she's scared and sometimes, she would even hide behind my arm.

The movie ended pretty late and I was really tired. I decided to call Joy to pick us up since she hasn't returned my car yet.

"I'm crazy tired Irene." I said as we exited the cinema.

"Yeah, me too. All those screamings made me really really tired." Irene replied.

"Don't worry, Joy's going to pick us up. You and I don't need to drive since Joy's driving."

After a few minutes, my car appeared in front of me and Joy rolled down her window.

"What are you waiting for? Come on lovebirds, hope in!" Joy said as if she owns the car that she's using.


Irene's P.O.V.

You can clearly tell that Seulgi is really tired from all those house huntings that we did and from hearing me screaming for an hour straight in the cinema. As we entered her car, Seulgi leaned her head on my shoulder.

"May I?" She asked me.

"Sure, you're my husband after all." I replied back.


"Shhhh, Seulgi's already sleeping."

"Okayyy Seulgi unnie's wife. I'll lower down my voice. But still, I'll tell the others about this." Joy said excitedly.

All I did was smile since I was really tired to argue with an excited chick.

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