Chapter 13

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Seulgi's P.O.V.

After proposing to Irene yesterday, we all decided to have dinner to celebrate our engagement. Joy and Yeri kept bugging us and asking when is the wedding. Of course I wouldn't want to rush anything but my fiancé told them that the wedding would be in two days. As you guessed, the two maknaes starting screaming and Wendy, on the other hand, told us that she'll plan the whole wedding. From the venue, up to the reception, she said that she'll handle it all. All that's left for Irene and I to do was to pick out our rings for the wedding and the clothes that we are going to wear. So right now, we were currently preparing to head out to buy our rings.

"Why is my fiancé taking so long? Yah, Irene, you know that you don't need to wear makeup right? I think you're beautiful just the way you are so come down here right now!!" I shouted downstairs since Irene was still inside the bedroom.

"Just a second." Irene shouted back.

A few minutes have passed and Irene was finally going down stairs.

"Yah, I told you that you didn't need to wear makeup. You're still beautiful without it." I tried to tease her.

"Aish, stop it. You're just saying that because I'm your fiancé now." Irene said while smiling a little.

"No, really. I mean it." I smiled.

"Yah, I told you to stop. I don't like it when you become cheesy. Let's go now, we only have a day left before the wedding."

"Well, it's not my fault that the wedding day is near. I wasn't even the one who set the date..." I said. This time, Irene hit me on my shoulder.

"Yah, if you say one more thing, I'll remove this ring on my finger and you should go find yourself a new fiancé."

"Okay, okay, I'll stop. Let's just get going."


Irene and I both decided to buy our wedding rings together because we thought that it would be nice of we both pick out what we like. I parked the car at the parking lot and we both decided to went down. Irene saw a familiar sign as we entered the boutique.

"Really?" Irene asked me when she saw the Damiani logo.

"Well, you know, a certain muse of Damiani caught my attention." I winked at Irene before leaving her.

I went to ask the lady at the counter for wedding rings and now Irene was beside me.

"Hi. We were wondering if you could help us find a ring for our wedding." I told the lady politely.

"Oh sure, our wedding rings are right over here." The lady replied and we followed her where the wedding rings were located.

"Here are our wedding rings. Just tell me if you already picked something and I will go arrange it already." The lady told us as we were looking at the variety of wedding rings right infront of us. At first, I was having a hard time to choose since there were a lot, but I was able to make up my mind when I remembered something.

"Ummm excuse me, do you still have the Belle Epoque White and Gold version? I heard that they were really in demand because of Damiani's muse last year." I told the lady.

"Ohhh yes, when that model came out, a lot of people came rushing here to buy that product. Well lucky for you, we have one right here." The lady said and then she showed us the ring that I wanted.

"So, what do you think about it?" I asked Irene.

Irene was already smiling. "You're really something, Kang Seulgi. You know that this is the ring that I advertised right?"

"Of course I do." I went near her to whisper her the next part. "That's why I'm choosing this one to boast to everyone that my wife is the gorgeous muse of Damiani." I felt Irene shivered a bit.

Before Irene could tell me anything, I looked at the lady and she was staring at us. I cleared my throat. "Ohhh umm, we would get this one. Thank you."

The lady prepared the rings for us and I looked at Irene one more time. It was obvious that she was blushing. The lady gave me the bag with the rings and I noticed that Irene was still out of trance.

"Hyun, are you still with me?" I waved my hand infront of her.

"Huh? Ohhh ummm, so that's the one?" She asked me.

"Yup. Come on, let's go buy our clothes for tomorrow." I held Irene's wrist and led her out of the boutique. As we were now inside my car, Wendy texted me.

From Wannie 🐹
Ohhh I almost forgot to tell you, do you know about that tradition wherein the bride and groom shouldn't see each other before wedding? Well Yeri told me that we should do that right now. I told her that that was supposed to apply on the wedding day itself but she insisted. So wherever you are, go back to your place. We'll meet you there 💙

I groaned after reading Wendy's message.

"What's the matter?" Irene asked.

"Well Wendy just told me that they will meet us at our place right now and I think that they will help us pick our clothes for tomorrow. But, she told me about this whole 'couples not seeing each other' thing and I guess that I won't join you in picking for your wedding dress."

"Aren't couples suppose to not see each other on their wedding day? We still have a day left and the wedding's not until tomorrow." Irene said.

"Well that's what Wendy said but you know, someone insisted. By I mean someone, I mean Yeri."

"Hmmm well we should get going then. I don't know who's more excited for the wedding, whether it's us or them." Irene said making me laugh a little.


We arrived at the apartment after a few minutes. As we entered the building, we saw Joy, Yeri, and Wendy waiting at the door.

"Yah, what took you so long? We've been waiting here for almost an hour." Joy said.

"Don't listen to her. We've been here for like ten minutes only." Wendy smiled.

"Well what are you waiting for? Let's go inside." Irene said, she entered the password on the door and we all went inside.

"Woah, this one's look like the house of a main character in a drama." Joy said amazed.

"Based from what this place looks like, Irene unnie, were you the one who bought this place?" Yeri teasingly said as she nudged Irene.

"Yah, stop it. You're just our guests remember? Stop saying things that are nonsense." Irene replied.

"Chill, okay, okay." Yeri said and then she laughed after that. We then went to sit on the huge couch in the living room.

"Sooo, here's the plan. Irene unnie and I are going to pick out her dress for tomorrow. While Joy and Yeri will help Seulgi to find a suit and tie that she can wear for tomorrow's wedding. After that, you two are not allowed to see each other not before the wedding itself so Irene unnie and I are going to stay here while you three are staying at the dorm. I think that's about it. Anyone have any questions?" Wendy asked after explaining.

I raised my hand. "Yes Seulgi, what's your question?" Wendy asked me.

"Umm why can't you just come with me? Knowing Joy and Yeri, they would just tease me about the wedding all day."

"Well, I think that Irene unnie needs someone who is mature enough to help her pick out a dress for her wedding." Wendy explained.

"Ouch, that hurts." Yeri jokingly placed her hand on her chest, pretending that she's hurt.

"Well it's true. You both would just let Irene unnie keep on trying a lot of different dresses until the store runs out of dresses." Wendy said.

"That's called finding for the perfect dress, Wendy unnie." Joy said.

"Still, I think that I should come with Irene unnie."

"Okay, okay, stop fighting. Wendy, you can come with Irene. Joy and Yeri will come with me." I said trying to avoid these two to keep on arguing.

"So, what are we waiting for? Let's go!!" Wendy said. We all started to head out. Irene and Wendy rode Wendy's car while I, Joy, and Yeri used my car.


As expected, a car ride with Joy and Yeri wouldn't be peaceful. They kept on teasing me and asking me questions about Irene and the wedding.

"Seulgi unnie, aren't you thankful that we put you both in this show?" Yeri asked me.

"Why would I be thankful? I'm going to spend money for a suit and tie that I'm going to use for a single day and it isn't even my real wedding."

"Hmmm, I see that you haven't realized it yet." Yeri added.

"Realized what yet?"

"Your true feelings for Irene unnie." Yeri said once more. I was so shocked with what she said so I accidentally stepped on the break. Yeri flew towards the front seat.

"Omo, Yeri-ah, are you okay?" I asked as I tried to help her up.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." Yeri replied.

"Yah Seulgi unnie, just by judging how you acted right now, it proves that you have hidden feelings for Irene unnie." Joy said after Yeri sat beside her.

"Will you both be quiet just for a minute? I don't want to get into an accident because of the both of you." I said. Surprisingly after that they both shut their mouths. Oh boy, this is going to be a long day.


Irene's P.O.V.

Since I'm with Wendy today and not with Joy and Yeri, our car ride was peaceful. I wonder how's Seulgi doing right now. Wendy knows a lot of shortcut so we instantly arrived at the boutique where the wedding dresses are located.

"Here we are. I searched it online and it said that they have the best wedding dresses here." Wendy said as we entered the boutique.

There were different varieties of wedding dresses that we saw as we entered the boutique. I even saw wedding gowns on the other side of the boutique although I was only finding for a dress since we're just getting married for a show.

"Excuse me ma'am, can you help us find a wedding dress for this young lady here." Wendy asked the lady at the counter.

"Our wedding dresses are this way." The lady said as we followed her.

The dresses were hanged on huge hangers and you would just ask the lady which one you like and she would let you try it on.

"Unnie, you can go choose your dress here." Wendy said.

I looked at the dresses infront of me and decided to look closely to each one of it. As I was finding for the perfect dress, I certain dress caught my attention.

"How about this one?" I asked Wendy.

"Ohhh it looks nice. Why won't you try it on?"

I gave the dress to the lady and she led me to a fitting room just beside the dresses in order for me to try it on.

"I'm just going to sit here in front of the fitting room unnie." I heard Wendy yell.

After a few minutes, I successfully wore the dress. There were two women who told me that they are the ones who are going to open the curtains so that it would look like I'm really going to get married. They opened the curtains and I saw Wendy sitting infront of me.

"Wowww, Seulgi's one lucky girl." Wendy said above whisper.

*We Got Married Family (MCs)*

"Irene looks really pretty."

"She looks like a real life goddess."

"The dress is simple yet she pulled it off really nicely."

"What was that?" I asked Wendy.

"Oh it's nothing. I just said that you look really pretty." Wendy replied.

"So, what do you think?" I asked her again.

"I think it's perfect but of course the decision is up to you, whether you want it or not."

"I like it. I think I'll choose this one." I said.

"Great, let's call the lady and tell her to prepare the dress already." Wendy said as she stood up and went to look for the lady. I, on the other hand, began to change into my casual clothes so that I can give this dress to the lady.


Seulgi's P.O.V.

Remember when I said that Joy and Yeri shut their mouths a while ago? Well it didn't last long. After for about five minutes, Yeri started talking again and Joy followed her. They kept on saying that they knew that I have hidden feelings for Irene and things like, 'Irene unnie feels the same too.' I really can't understand these two. Thankfully we already arrived at the place where we will buy my clothes for tomorrow because I can't spend another second riding a car with Joy and Yeri.

"Ohhh this place looks fancy." Joy said as we entered the boutique.

"Hello. How can I help you?" A woman enthusiastically asked me.

Before I get the chance to speak, Yeri spoke up. "You see, my friend here is getting married and supposedly she's the husband in their relationship. So can you please help us find her the perfect suit and tie for her wedding tomorrow?"

"I see. Right this way please. Here is where women's suits are located." The woman guided us where the suits were located. Since I'm not a man, I personally think that these suits look the same except the only difference was their colors.

"So Seulgi unnie, have you decided what to wear?" Joy asked me.

"Ohhh hehe, not yet. Though I think that these suits look the same."

"Well, let us help you with that." Yeri said as she started giving me different suits.

"Quickly, try those on. Try it on and show us what it looks like."

"Okayyy. Umm excuse me, where is the fitting room located?" I asked the woman.

"Right this way." She led me where the fitting rooms are located.

The first suit that I tried was color red. It's like a velvety suit and I didn't liked its color but since Yeri gave it to me, I tried it on. I exited the fitting room and saw Yeri and Joy sitting on the couch nearby.

"So, what do you think?" I asked them.

"Hmmm, it looks to jolly for me." Joy said.

"You look like a hotel manager. Go try a different one." Yeri commented.

I internally groaned and went to change to another suit. The suit that I'm trying on next is a grey-plaid suit. After putting it on, I exited the fitting room again to show the two maknaes.

"What about this one?" I asked.

"The suit is nice but I don't think that it's fit for a wedding." Yeri said.

"I agree. Why don't you try something traditional, like a regular black suit and tie." Joy said.

"Okay, but if this one doesn't work out, I'll just wear a plain white polo for the wedding." I entered the fitting room again and tried on another suit.

I exited the fitting room for the last time and this time, Joy and Yeri's eyes were wide open.

"Woahhh unnie, you really look like you're going to get married." Joy said.

"Yeahhh I think that Irene unnie is going to love it when she sees you." Yeri added.

"I think it looks nice too. So shall I pick this one?" I asked them.

Joy and Yeri immediately nodded their heads which made me laugh.


Seulgi's P.O.V.

It's the day of the wedding and currently I've been feeling a lot of emotions. I haven't seen Irene since yesterday so I didn't get the chance to see what dress she picked. I arrived at the venue early since Wendy told me that I'm the groom and only the bride should arrive late.

"Put more flowers and chairs here please." I saw Wendy talking to the staff as I arrived at the venue.

"Woahhh this place looks nice. How much did you spend for this?" I asked.

"Oh no worries, it's for you and Irene unnie so the three of us decided to pay for all the expenses." Wendy replied.

"Why are there a lot of chairs? How many people did you invite?"

"Well I only invited a few, I just decided to put a lot of chairs for decoration. Solar unnie and Moonbyul unnie couldn't come since their MCs for the show. Here's the guest list. You can check here who are coming for the wedding." Wendy gave me her clipboard.

Guest List:

"Why are Tiffany unnie and Taeyeon unnie invited?" I asked Wendy.

"I don't know. It was quite strange since I didn't even invited them. They just told me that they wanted to see their 'daughters' get married." Wendy said, air quoting the word daughters.

"Ohhh by the way, I almost forgot. Since I can't find anyone to host your wedding, I also invited Hyoyeon unnie to be the host." Wendy said.

"You what?!?! Why would you do that?!?! Out of all the people you could ask, why would you ask our sunbaenim?!?!" I asked shocked.

"Well, when she heard that I was finding for a host for your wedding, she volunteered. I didn't want to refuse her offer so I accepted it." I mentally slapped myself after she told me that.

"Ahhhh I don't know what to do. Now I'm embarrassed."

"Don't worry Seulgi, everything's going to be alright. She wouldn't volunteer if she doesn't want to, right? And besides, it's your wedding day. You should be happy." Wendy gave me a reassuring smile.

"You're right. Seungwan-ah, I just want to thank you for making all of this happen." I sincerely said.

"That's nothing. Just don't forget to invite the three of us for your real wedding in the future hihihi." Wendy giggled.

"Yah, what are you s--"

"I'll stop you right there. Have you already decided which song are you going to sing? I told everyone that you're going to sing a song for Irene unnie." Wendy said.

"WHY ARE YOU TELLING ME THIS NOW?!?! You could've told me earlier so that I could've practice."

"Well, I sort of forgot and I remembered it just now because I saw it written here." Wendy showed me a piece of paper.

"Don't worry, I'll help you with your song. Also, we should probably start preparing now since the guests are going to arrive soon and Irene unnie will arrive in a few minutes."


Jisoo, Jennie, Rosé, and Lisa were the first ones to arrive. I welcomed them all with a warm smile.

"Wowww, are you really Seulgi? You look really hot." Jisoo told me as I hugged her.

Jennie hugged me next. "Yah, unnie, be sure to take care of Irene unnie, got it?" She told me in a bitchy yet sincere tone.

"I promise." I told her.

Rosé and Lisa also decided to greet me with a warm hug. "Congratulations on your wedding unnie." Rosé told me.

"Thank you. And also, thank you for coming." I bowed down as Rosé did the same.

A few more minutes have passed, Yeri and Joy arrived with Taeyeon unnie and Tiffany unnie.

"Where is my lovely daughter?" Taeyeon asked as she arrived at the venue.

"Ohhh there she is!!" She ran up to me and gave me a hug.

"Ohhh I'm so proud of you!! Yeri told me a lot about you and Irene and I can't wait to watch you both get married!!" She cleared her throat. "Of course even if it's just for a show and it's not real."

Tiffany unnie approached me next. I also gave her a hug.

"Awww Taeyeon, they are now going to get married. They will get married first before us. I think that we should plan for our wedding too." Tiffany said earning a nudge from Taeyeon.

"Ohhh hehe, well, congrats again on your wedding Seulgi." Taeyeon said and left to go find her sit with Tiffany.


I was so nervous and I didn't even realize that time flew so fast. I am now currently waiting for Irene to arrive. Everyone was ready and they were already at their designated places. Even Hyoyeon unnie was infront already. The car that Irene was riding arrived and I grew even more nervous. I didn't know what happened next. All I know was that Irene was now walking down the isle with a huge smile on her face. My nervousness faded when I saw her. Instead, I felt really really happy at the moment.

As Irene reached where I was standing, we both sat down on the chairs that are placed infront.

"We are gathered here today to witness Irene and Seulgi get married. Before we start, Seulgi has prepared a song for her lovely wife. Let us give her a round of applause." Hyoyeon said and the crowd clapped their hands.

I stood up and Hyoyeon gave me the microphone. I gulped before talking. "Umm sooo, before anything else, I would like to thank everyone for coming here today. I've been contemplating and thinking a lot whether I should sing this song for Irene but since today is our wedding, I made an exception." Jason Chen's 'Best Friend' started playing.

Do you remember when I said I'd always be there?
Ever since we were ten, baby
When we were out on the playground playing pretend
I didn't know it back then

Now I realize you were the only one
It's never too late to show it
Grow old together
Have feelings we had before
Back when we were so innocent

The crowd started to clap their hands, following the beat of the song.

I pray for all your love
Girl our love is so unreal
I just wanna reach and touch you, squeeze you
Somebody pinch me (I must be dreamin')
This is something like a movie
And I don't know how it ends girl
But I fell in love with my best friend

"Aw aw." I heard Wendy said.

Through all the dudes that came by
And all the nights that you cried
Girl, I was there right by your side

How could I tell you I loved you
When you were so happy
With some other guy?

Now I realize you were the only one
It's never too late to show it
Grow old together
Have feelings we had before
When we were so innocent

I pray for all your love
Girl our love is so unreal
I just wanna reach and touch you, squeeze you
Somebody pinch me (I must be dreamin')

I approached Irene and hugged her lightly. She then pinched my cheeks which made me laugh.

This is something like a movie
And I don't know how it ends girl
But I fell in love with my best friend

I know it sounds crazy
That you'd be my baby
Girl you mean that much to me

And nothing compares when
We're lighter than air and
We don't wanna come back down

And I don't wanna ruin what we have
Love is so unpredictable
But it's the risk that I'm taking, hoping, praying
You'd fall in love with your best friend

I pray for all your love
Girl our love is so unreal
I just wanna reach and touch you, squeeze you
Somebody pinch me (I must be dreamin')
This is something like a movie
And I don't know how it ends girl
But I fell in love with my best friend

I pray for all your love
Girl our love is so unreal
I just wanna reach and touch you, squeeze you
Somebody pinch me (I must be dreamin')
This is something like a movie
And I don't know how it ends girl
But I fell in love with my best friend

I fell in love with my best friend
I remember when I said I'd always be there
Ever since we were ten, baby

Everyone cheered after I finished singing. I saw Irene clapping and I went back and sat next to her.

"You never fail to amuse me Kang Seulgi." Irene told me with a huge smile plastered on her face.

"Whew, that was a great performance by the one and only Kang Seulgi!!" Hyoyeon said making the crowd cheer again.

"At this point, Irene and Seulgi will now exchange their vows for each other. Let us now witness it at this very moment." Hyoyeon said once more.

I grabbed the mic and decided to talk first. "Umm so Irene and I decided to write a letter for each other and we are going to read that letter now. So, here it goes." I cleared my throat before speaking again.

"Dear Irene unnie, before you say anything else, do not worry, this is the last time that I would call you unnie since after this day, you're going to be officially mine. When I first saw you, I didn't really imagine that I would end up marrying you, but as I get to know you even more, I'll be honest that that thought came into my mind. I've been by your side as your best friend and dongsaeng for years now and I promise that I will never ever leave your side. I may be your dongsaeng back then, but after today, I promise to become a husband to you. I may not be the best but I promise to become the best husband for you."

I looked Irene after reading my letter and I noticed that her eyes were watery.

"Wow, I feel like crying right now." Irene said making everyone laugh.

It was now Irene's turn to read her letter. "Dear Kang Seulgi, ever since then you were a dongsaeng to me. You were there for me for years and I am so thankful for that. Even before, you kept on telling everyone that we are unnie and dongsaeng and I didn't know why everytime I hear that, deep inside me, something hurts. I didn't know the reason why but now I know it. It kept on hurting me because I wanted to be more than that. I wanted to become more than just an unnie to you. I would lie if I told that I have not imagined this moment to happen. And before I end this, I have one last question for you. If I fall now, will you catch me?" Irene asked which made the crowd quiet. Nobody was talking since they were all waiting. Hyoyeon gave me her microphone.

"How can I catch you if we're both falling for each other?" As soon as I said that, everyone cheered so loudly.

"Is that a yes then?" Irene asked me.

"Of course." I replied. I then approached Irene and hugged her. After the exchanging of vows, we helped each other wear the rings that we brought.

Hyoyeon went up to speak again. "I now pronounce you, husband and wife!!" She shouted making the crowd cheer. "You may now kiss the bride?" Hyoyeon said but it came out more like a question.

I looked at Irene and she was already looking at me. I leaned in but this time, I kissed her on the cheeks. My heart says to kiss her on the lips but on the other hand, my lips say no.

"You're officially Kang Joohyun now." I whispered into Irene's ear. We hugged each other and after that we held each others' hands.

"We're officially married!!" We both shouted which caused everyone to cheer.

*We Got Married Family (MCs)*

"Why do I feel like this is a real wedding?"

"They could get married for real and that's fine for me."


A/N: This chapter was the longest chapter that I made. I hope you guys liked it!!

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