Chapter 14

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Seulgi's P.O.V.

I got to admit, the wedding was really fun but it was tiring at the same time. It took us almost half a day to finish the whole wedding ceremony including the reception. Surprisingly, Wendy and the others really prepared for that day. They even served a buffet during the reception which made Irene and I both feel like it's a real wedding. The guests all congratulated us as if we were really married. Yeri and Joy kept on teasing us for the whole day. Thankfully, Wendy told them to stop and she told Irene and I to head home since she knows that we're both tired. Currently, Irene and I were heading home. We arrived for about a few minutes.

"Ahhh I'm so tired." I groaned as we entered the apartment.

"Yeah yeah, staring at me all day is very tiring you know." Irene said beside me.

"Huh? What? I wasn't staring at you all day. I was just staring at you for like half of the day."

"Ohhh so you admit that you were staring at me?" Irene teased me.

"Of course, I still can't believe that I married a goddess." I winked at her.

"Yahhh stop it, I know that we're already married but I still hate it when you're being cheesy." Irene said, making me laugh.

"Ohhh before I forget, stay here. Take a sit on the couch, I'm just going to get something." Irene demanded. Being a part of the whipped culture, I followed what she said.

After a few seconds, Irene came back holding a wine and two glasses.

"Since we weren't able to celebrate our marriage with just the two of us, why not drink something together? Don't worry, you won't get drunk with this. I don't want you to get drunk either since I don't want my husband to turn into a child who keeps doing aegyo." Irene said as she gave me the wine and a glass.

I opened the wine and poured both of our glasses a small amount of it.

"After the wedding ceremony, did you feel something different between us?" Irene suddenly asked me.

"Well it made me feel like I'm really married. It was kind of weird. Is this what being married feels like?"

"I guess." Irene shrugged.

Silence engulfed the both of us. It wasn't the awkward type of silence. It was more like we're enjoying that we are right by each other's side.

"Let's have a toast then." I raised my glass and Irene did the same.

"To Kang Seulgi and Kang Joohyun for being the best couple in We Got Married."

"What? Is that what you really wanted to say?" Irene asked me. I nodded in reponse.

"Fine." Irene clinked her glass on mine.

*We Got Married Family (MCs)*

"Wow, they really claimed that they're the best couple on this show."

"Who wouldn't agree though?"

"I feel like they have the most realistic relationship in this show."

Irene was about to drink hers but then I stopped her. "Wait, before you drink that, why don't we intertwine our arms? You know like in the movies, how the newly wed couples drink their drinks together?"

"You watch way too many movies. But since you looked hot today, I'll do what you say." Before I could reply, Irene intertwined our arms together and then she started drinking hers. I did the same as I saw her drinking already.

"That felt good." Irene said after finishing her glass of wine. She went to reach the bottle of wine on the table but I stopped her.

"That's enough wine for you. I don't want my wife to get drunk just right after getting married. It's already late, so maybe we should start getting ready for bed." I told her.

"You can use bathroom first. I'm just going to rest here for a while." Irene replied.

"Okay, I'll go first but promise me that you won't drink anymore."

"I promise." That's all I needed to hear from Irene since I know that I can trust her.


After taking a bath, brushing my teeth, and changing into some pajamas, I called Irene so that she can use the bathroom herself. Irene went inside the bathroom and I told her to meet me at the bedroom after taking a bath. As I entered the bedroom, I went to get Irene's iPad and searched some movies to watch. Before deciding what movie to watch, I heard the door open.

"Wait, wait, wait. Stay there." Irene was surprised when I told her that. She slipped on something and she was about to fall. Luckily, her husband has great reflexes and catched her before she falls.

Irene was staring at me with an annoyed impression while I was smiling widely at her.

"Yah, Kang Seulgi, what were you planning to do?" Irene asked me, making me realize that I was still holding her.

"Ohhh right, I was about to do this." I grabbed Irene's legs and carried her bridal style.


It was kinda hard to carry Irene from the door up until to the bed since she was moving too much.

"Yah, stop moving. Do you want me to drop you?" I asked Irene. She stopped when I told her that.

I gently placed Irene on the bed and she had this blank expression on her face. I think that her expression was kind of a mix between anger and embarrassment.

"Kang Seulgi," Irene paused for a moment.

"Are you drunk? WHY WOULD YOU DO SOMETHING LIKE THAT?!?!" I was shocked when Irene started to hit me on my shoulder.

"Yah, stop it. That's what couples do in movies."

"I told you to stop watching too much movies!!!"

"Okay, okay, I won't do anything like that again." Irene stopped hitting me. She stood up to dry her hair. I, on the other hand, sat on the bed and waited for Irene to finish.

After Irene was finished, I spoke up. "Honey, can you give me a massage? My back hurts and I don't think that I can sleep because of it."

Irene looked me as if I am joking. "You want a massage? Okay, I'll give you one." Irene sat down on the bed and I turned my back on her to let her massage my back.

"It hurts right here, this part." I pointed out which part hurts and before I could feel anything else, Irene started to hit my back.

"Ouch!! Is this what a massage feels like?" I asked her.

Irene went to whisper in my ear. "That's what flirting with other people feels like." She then started to hit my back again.

"What the? What are you saying. I wasn't flirting with anyone? It was our wedding day, why would I flirt with other people?"

"Well, that's not what Joy told me." I began to remember all the things that I have done before the wedding. The guests weren't too many and Sunmi unnie wasn't even invited. I wasn't even flirting with anyone, even with Jisoo, unless...

"Are you jealous because of Jisoo?" Irene stopped.

"I didn't flirt with her, I promise." I looked at her and raised my hand.

"I don't want to talk about it. Let's just go to sleep."

"Awww I knew it. My wife looks so cute when she's jealous." Irene suddenly hit my arm again.

"Oww, that hurts." I rubbed the part where Irene hit me.

"Awww does that hurt? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to get jealous. It's just that Joy keeps on teasing me, telling me that you're flirting with Jisoo right before the wedding."

"Don't worry, I'm yours and yours only." I hugged her. Irene was not hugging me back but I felt that she was enjoying my warmth.

After a while, I let go of Irene. "Sooo should we go to sleep?" Irene asked me.

"Do you want me to sleep next to you?"

"Why wouldn't you? We're already married and don't you think that we should sleep next to each other? Only couples who are divorced don't sleep next to each other and obviously, we're not divorced. You should know this already since you watch a lot of movies." Irene said which caused me to laugh.

"Don't get mad, I'm just joking. Of course I will sleep next to you. Why would I let my wife sleep alone?" I sat beside Irene.

"Do you want to maybe take a picture? You know, to document and to reminisce our first night as a married couple?" I asked her. Irene smiled and nodded her head.

I went to get my phone and turned it into selfie mode. "Okay, 1, 2, 3."

*We Got Married Family (MCs)*

"Oooo they look like sisters."

"They're more than sisters, Jackson. They're married already. Don't you know that?"

"Alright, alright, that's enough Amber."

"Wow, we really look like a couple here." Irene told me after seeing our picture together.

"I'll just post it on my SNS." After posting the picture, I immediately got a comment from our fans.

"You two look like newly weds."

"Omo." I said after reading the comment.

"What's the wrong with it?" Irene asked me. "We really are newly weds, remember?"

"Ohhh yeah, I forgot about that. I thought that we were just doing a live together hehe."

"Pabo." Irene said while smiling.

"Okayyy, that's enough for today. Before we go to sleep, I decided that we should watch a movie first." I connected Irene's iPad on the TV and played 'Metamorphosis' on Netflix.

"What's that? Is that a horror movie?" Irene asked.

"Well...let's just see." I lay down beside Irene and as she saw the first scene, she immediately covered her eyes with a pillow.

"Remember when we watched Gonjiam Haunted Asylum together? You were scared too but you managed to finish the movie. This time, you can cuddle with me if you're scared." I said.

"That's ridiculous. Why would I be sc-- AHHHHH" Irene went to hide on my shoulder.

"I told you."

The movie kept on playing and every time there were jumpscares, Irene would cuddle with me and she would hold my arm tighter. It was cute seeing how she was so afraid of the movie. After an hour and a half, the movie ended. I looked at Irene and saw that she felt asleep with her head on my chest. I turned off the TV and looked at Irene. I was looking at her intently and she was sleeping really peacefully. God, I still can't believe that I'm married to this gorgeous woman.


A/N: I'm sorry again for updating late. School has just been pretty hectic and I wasn't able to update on time. Anyways, I forgot to say thank you for 10k+ reads!!! Thank you all so much for reading and supporting this story!!!

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