Chapter 15

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Irene's P.O.V.

I fluttered my eyes open since I felt the sun glaring into my eyes. I looked at the clock placed on the bedside; it was already 8:00 in the morning. Luckily, Seulgi and I don't have any schedule for today that's why we didn't need to wake up early. I already forgot about the girl next to me, not until when I felt a movement beside me. I looked at my side and saw a sleeping beauty right beside me. I realized that our faces were just inches apart from each other. I immediately moved away and I couldn't stop my cheeks from blushing. I wasn't planning to wake Seulgi up but then I heard noises coming from downstairs.

"Seulgi-yah, wake up." I tried waking her up. I kept on tapping her shoulder but nothing happened. There's only one way to do.

I stood up, positioned myself on the side of the bed, and I placed myself above Seulgi's body. Seulgi felt my weight on her body so she opened her eyes.

"Hyun, what are you doing?" Seulgi said after yawning.

"What does it look like? I'm waking you up." I was expecting for her to ask me to get up since I was heavy but she didn't.

"Just stay there, it feels nice." Seulgi replied.

Because of embarrassment, I stood up and decided to ignore what Seulgi just said.

"As much as I would like to stay in bed, I just heard noises coming from downstairs. I think someone got inside the house." I explained to her.

"Really? Who do you think it is? Do you think that we're being robbed?" Seulgi asked me as she sat up from the bed.

"I don't know. I'm sorry if I wake you up. I'm just really scared right now."

"Come here." Seulgi opened her arms. I sat on the bed and hugged her.

"Don't worry, your husband is here to protect you." We stayed like that for a while until Seulgi spoke up.

"Come on, let's go check out who's downstairs. Let's move slowly so that they won't hear us." Seulgi stood up and went to open the door. She opened the door slowly and we were now heading downstairs quietly.


Seulgi and I both looked at each other.

"Is that Joy?" I asked Seulgi.

"I think so."

We then decided to walk in a normal pace. As we reached the kitchen, I saw a huge smoke forming. I then looked at the living room and saw Yeri on the couch eating Seulgi's Pringles and there was a mess all over her place. I thought that this madness will end right there not until I saw Wendy running with a fire extinguisher. Wendy was putting out a fire that I assumed was Joy's fault since she was wearing an apron and she was holding a wooden spoon. Nobody even realized that Seulgi and I were already there. I tried to stop myself from shouting but I just couldn't help it.



Seulgi's P.O.V.

Irene was about to curse at the other members but since we are on national television, I stopped her.


I placed my hand on Irene's mouth so that she wouldn't finish what she was about to say. Thanks to Irene's loud voice, the members recognized our presence.

"Ohhh hi Irene unnie. You're early, I didn't expect you to wake up at this hour since both of you don't have any schedule for today hehe." Joy bashfully said.

I let go of my hand on Irene's mouth to let her speak. Irene catched her breath for a second before speaking up.

"What are you doing here? How did you even get inside the house?" I noticed that Irene was trying to contain herself from shouting.

"Joy memorized your password when we visited you here a few days ago. We decided to visit today since it's your first morning as a couple. It was supposed to be a surprise but we didn't expect you guys to wake up this early." Wendy explained.

"Do you think that we could still sleep with all the noise that you guys were making?!?! You almost even burned the whole apartment down!!!" Yup, Irene was now screaming.

On the other hand, Yeri was still watching TV, not minding Irene's range. "YAHHHH KIM YERIM, DON'T YOU HEAR ANYTHING?!?!?" This time, Yeri immediately stood up and went to stand up next to Joy.

This was supposed to be a serious situation but Yeri started laughing. "Why are you laughing?!?!" Irene asked her.

"It's just, you look so funny when you're angry." Yeri bursted out, laughing. I saw Joy looked at Yeri and now, they were both laughing. Wendy was the only one who was not laughing instead, her eyebrows were curled.

"Okayyy, you can stop laughing now. I'm not mad anymore. Just please, if you want to visit and surprise us, please don't burn the place down." Irene said.

"Sorry hehe." Joy said.

Wendy clasped her hands. "So, since that we're all here, shall we start eating? We prepared a lot for you guys and I hope that you will somehow appreciate what we have for you. Come on, let's start eating!!" She said, walking towards the dining table.

Joy followed Wendy. Yeri was standing right in front of me, still holding my Pringles. "Don't worry, I'll buy you another one." Yeri said while tapping my head. She then joined Wendy and Joy on the dining room.

Irene was about to follow the others but I stopped her. "I think that maybe we should change the door's password." I whispered. Irene nodded in return.


Irene, Yeri, and I were all sitted at the dining room waiting for Wendy and Joy to serve the foods that they have prepared. They were a lot of foods that were at the table right now and I couldn't believe that the three of them prepared all of this; it was as if there is a feast happening just by looking at all the things on the table.

"Wow, you really cooked all of this?" I asked.

"Well, technically Joy and I made it. Yeri was busy watching TV and eating Pringles." Wendy said.

"It all looks delicious except for the meat. Judging from how it looks, it's burnt. It looks like coal to me." Irene said, judging Joy's cooking skills.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to burn it. I'll try some of it to see how it tastes like." Joy replied. She then took a piece of the meat and started trying it. After chewing it, she started coughing.

"It...doesn't...taste...good." Joy said and then she drank water.

"What are we going to do with the meat now? We can't eat burnt meat. And why, just why would you burn the most delicious part of the meal, you could've just burned the shrimp." Irene said.

"Ohhh, I almost forgot, I think that we still have some extra meat in the freezer. I only asked Joy to cook half of it." Wendy said, she took out the meat in the fridge.

"So, who's willing to cook?" Wendy asked us. We all looked down and stayed quiet.

I was fidgeting with my fingers, when Irene nudged me. "Yah, Seulgi-yah, go cook the meat."

"Ugh fine, I'll go cook the meat." I stood up and get the meat from Wendy. They all cheered since I figured that they're too lazy to cook right now.

I started cooking and good thing that the meat Wendy, Joy, and Yeri bought cooked really fast. I served some meat on the table and ask them to start eating already. After finishing the last batch, I went to go and eat with them.

"So, how was it?" I asked them.

"It tastes better than the meat that I cooked." Joy answered.

"By the way, where's the burnt meat? It's not here anymore." I asked.

"Well, Irene unnie didn't want to waste food so she made Joy eat all of it. Yeri and I couldn't stand watching Joy eat all of the meat alone so we decided to help her. But don't worry, I can almost forget how that burnt meat taste like because of this." Wendy said, referring to the meat that I cooked.

"Well, I'm glad that you guys liked it."

We all stopped talking when we started to eat. Everyone was in their own world and it was really quiet.

"Yah, try this one." Irene said. She was trying to feed me something that was wrapped on a lettuce. I ate what she was giving me since it was normal for us to do things like this, especially now that we are a couple.

"Umm excuse me, did you forget about us? You both are too sweet, it's making me cringe." Yeri commented.

"What? We do things like that even before getting married." Irene said.

"Yeah, well that's it. You're married now so it kinda feels different. It feels like we're thirdwheeling" Joy said.

"Okay okay, enough of judging Irene unnie and Seulgi. Let's just proceed to the main portion." Wendy said while wiggling her eyebrows, looking at Joy and Yeri.

"Main what?" I asked.

"Well we didn't come here just to feed you both. We came here to have some fun and maybe to test your chemistry. So first of all, we would ask you some questions and you would try to answer it honestly. You guys have spent some time together for a while and we weren't able to see you, so Joy said that we would do a 'Q and A' so that you can update us with your married life." Wendy explained. Irene and I looked at them weirdly.

"Why do we need to do that? Is that really necessary?" Irene asked.

"Yuppp." Yeri said.

"Okay, so I'll go first. I heard that Irene unnie made rules when she learned that you're going to be her husband. If I remembered correctly, she said that the first rule is not to call her unnie, the second one is that you guys shouldn't avoid skinship, and lastly, I think that you told her not to flirt with anyone since Seulgi is yours already." Joy said. Yeri almost spit out the water that she was drinking because of laughing too much.

"You really said that?" Yeri said.

"That's not important. How did you even find out about that?" Irene asked Joy.

"Well, I kinda watched the first episodes to see how you guys would act and I didn't expect you to own Seulgi unnie like that."

"Where's the question there?" Wendy asked.

"Ohh right, I forgot. This question's for you Irene unnie, among all the people that Seulgi unnie flirted with, whom are you most jealous to?" Joy asked.

"That's a good question." Yeri commented.

We all looked at Irene, waiting for her to answer. "Well...I'm not jealous of anyone. Seulgi and I were together for almost 11 years now and seeing her flirt with someone doesn't affect me anymore."

"Boooo. That's not true. If that's true then you wouldn't even need to implement that rule since it doesn't even affect you." Joy said.

"It's okay unnie, you can answer us honestly." Wendy said.

"Well, umm you see, there's only two people whom I really got jealous to. Of course, Sunmi was one of them and the other one was...Jisoo." Irene covered her face after saying Jisoo's name.

"Ahhh I knew it." Joy said.

"Why would you become jealous of Sunmi and Jisoo? I didn't even flirt with them." I said.

"Okay okay, that's enough. Go ask the next question already." Irene said.

"I'll go, so Seulgi, this is a question for you. What do you love the most about Irene unnie?" Wendy asked.

"Well, I love everything about Irene. But what I love the most about her is when she laughs so loud. She doesn't care what other people would think of her when she's laughing and I really love that." I explained.

"Awww that's really sweet." Wendy said. Irene, Yeri, and Joy bursted out laughing.

"See, that's what I'm saying."

"Okay, last question, again this one's for you, Seulgi unnie. If you were to choose between Bae Joohyun and Irene, who would it be?" Yeri asked me. It was really obvious what would my answer be.

"Irene is someone that many people admire and love when she's on stage. She has this charisma that makes you want to focus on her as if you were under a spell. But for me, Bae Joohyun is different. Even from the first time we met, I got to know Irene as Bae Joohyun. Bae Joohyun is like the real Irene. Just thinking about Bae Joohyun makes me really happy." I said and then I slightly hugged Irene.

"Awww you guys really look like a real couple now." Yeri said.

"Well, the 'Q and A' ends here. Rest for now, we will play some games later." Wendy said.

*Wendy, Joy, and Yeri (Interview)*

"The last time that we spent time with Irene unnie and Seulgi unnie, they were like real sisters but as we spend time with them now, they were like a married couple for real."

"I didn't imagine that Seulgi unnie would be our dad since Irene unnie is the mom of the group."

"Well, they both should get ready since the next things that we're going to do would really test their chemistry and it would even make them closer to each other since it will have a lot of skinship."


Wendy, Joy, and Yeri told us to go to the living room. When we arrived at the living room, we saw the three of them sitting on the couch.

Wendy stood up. "So right now, we have prepared some games to test your chemistry and for more skinship since you are now married. Since we are five, we divided the teams into two. I will be the host of the games, Yeri and Joy would be on the same team and of course, the married couple is on the same team. I'll explain the rules in each game. Don't worry, we only have two games. Shall we start playing?" Wendy asked. We all nodded in response.

"The first game is very popular, especially for Korean idols. I know you are all familiar with it, it's called the Pepero game. So basically the team that has the shortest pepero at the end will win. I'll only give you a single stick, so get as close as you can!! And of course, a game wouldn't be fun without punishments, right? The team that will lose gets to carry her partner in a bridal carry for ten seconds, okay? Without further ado, let's start the game!!"

Joy and Yeri were the first ones to play. Yeri was the one who was biting the pepero and when Joy bit the other end of the stick, Yeri's eyes widened. Joy was the only one who was biting the pepero up until she reaches the part where Yeri is biting.

"Yah, Kim Yerim, bite the other end." Joy mumbled.

Yeri wasn't moving so Joy bit the other end. Since Yeri didn't move an inch during the game, their pepero was a bit long.

"Awww will Irene unnie and Seulgi win this game? Let's find out." Wendy said.

It was our turn already and Wendy gave the pepero to Irene. Irene then bit the other end. As I bit the opposite side, Irene closed her eyes. I tapped Irene's shoulder to let her know that we need to start eating the pepero. Irene nodded and we start biting the biscuit together. Irene's lips were getting closer and closer. I didn't know what to do but I really wanted to win this game and I know that Irene wants to win too. I could already feel Irene's breath on mine.

"Hyun, tilt your head a little bit on the so that I can bite the biscuit." I mumbled. Irene tilted her head a bit as I move closer.

"This is interesting." I heard Joy said.

I slightly felt Irene's lips on mine and I know that she did too so I decided to bite the biscuit now.

"Wow, that was entertaining to watch!! The married couple wins this game!!" Wendy announced.

Irene and I cheered, forgetting about the fact that our lips practically touched.

"Now, Joy and Yeri will do their punishment."

Joy and Yeri stood up and Joy started to carry Yeri bridal style. She easily carried Yeri since I figured that Yeri wouldn't be heavy.

"Okayyy, let's now proceed to the next game. This game would be the last since the punishment is quite heavy. In this game, one person on the team will wear a blindfold. I would put ten clothespins on the other player and the goal of the game is that the player who is blindfolded should remove all the clothespins on their partner. I'll give you a minute to play and the team that can remove the most clothespins will win. You'll play at the same time. First, Irene unnie, here's the blindfold."

Irene wore her blindfold and stood up on the side, waiting for me. I went over to Wendy so that she can put the clothespins on me. Wendy attached the clothespins all over body. On my collar, pants, and on some parts that I won't bother explaining.


Wendy's P.O.V.

After attaching the clothespins on Seulgi's body, I called Yeri.

"Yah, I already told Joy about this. I will put all ten of the clothespins on the bottom of your shirt so that Joy can get all ten of it. Our plan is to let Irene unnie and Seulgi lose. Got it?" I whispered to Yeri.

"Will Seulgi unnie notice the clothespins on my shirt?" Yeri asked me.

"Well, I think that she's a bit nervous about this game so she wouldn't notice it. But just to be sure, when you stand next to Seulgi, turn around so that she won't see the clothespins. Only face Joy when the game starts."

"You're a sneaky host." Yeri said, making me laugh.

"Okay, go back to your position. We're going to start the game."

"Okay. Everyone is at their positions already so we will start the game in three, two, one...go!!"


Seulgi's P.O.V.

When Wendy said go, I became even more nervous. It's not that I don't want any skinship, it's just that I'm not used to this much skinship. Irene started from my waist and began to move her hands all over my body. During the game, I kept my eyes closed. Irene already removed two clothespins and then she started to feel my figure more so that she can remove the others that are left. I was a blushing mess right now. The other one was on my collar and when Irene was trying to remove it, it was stuck. She kept on pulling it which made me move closer to her. Of course, I was the only one who was blushing since Irene was wearing a blindfold.

"Time!! It's already time and you guys can remove your blindfolds." Wendy said.

Irene removed her blindfold and she saw the other clothespins on my clothes.

"Aish, why would Wendy scatter the clothespins on your body? That is foul play." Irene commented.

We saw Joy and Yeri cheering since they got all the clothespins. Irene counted ours and we only got five of them. I removed the others on my body and gave it to Wendy.

"So, it seems like Joy and Yeri won!! With that being said, Irene unnie and Seulgi, you have to do the punishment." Wendy told us.

I looked at Irene and she was already looking at me. The girls were already squealing just watching Irene and I look at each other.

"So, do you want to kiss me or do you want to be kissed?" I asked Irene.

"I want to be kissed." Irene replied confidently.

"Okay, well here it goes. Please close your eyes." I told Irene. Irene closed her eyes and I started to move my face closer to hers. I closed my eyes and without second thoughts, I pecked her lips.

Wendy, Joy, and Yeri started screaming. Irene opened her eyes and we were both blushing. I opened my arms and hugged Irene.

"Wow, I didn't know that our plan would work so perfect." Yeri said. Wendy nudged her.

"Ohhh I mean our plan to visit you both hehe."

*We Got Married Family (MCs)*

"They executed their plan well."

"Irene and Seulgi don't even have any clue."

"It looks fun to spend time with them."

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