Chapter 16

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Seulgi's P.O.V.

Irene and I woke up a bit late than usual. I don't know why but I think that it has something to do with Wendy, Joy, and Yeri visiting us yesterday. It was really tiring but we all had a great time. It was nice seeing the other members every now and then. Currently, I am arranging my vinyl records and Irene is eating breakfast. As I moved one of my vinyls, I saw a red envelope. Judging by how it looks, I think it's another mission. I went to the dining room to show Irene the envelope.

"Hyun, I found a letter." I said, showing her the red envelope that I am holding.

"Where did you find it?" Irene asked.

"It was right on the shelf where I put all my vinyl records."

"Huh, it's been a while since we had a mission." I gave Irene the envelope.

Irene opened the envelope and showed it to me so that we can both see what is written.

"The Aseul's Couple trip to Everland. Eat, have fun, and show the world how much you love each other in Everland. If both of you managed to complete the mission, you will receive a special gift."

"So are they going to provide us free tickets to Everland?" Irene asked me.

"I guess so. I'm curious about the special gift that they will give us after completing the mission."

"Do you think that we can complete this mission?"

"Honestly, it doesn't sound like a mission to me. We just need to have fun and show how much we love each other. It's really easy, right?" I asked Irene.

Irene nodded. "What are we waiting for? Let's go now. It's not fun if there are tons of people there already."

"Okay, let's go!!" I said, getting a little excited.


The ride to Everland was pretty quick. It only took us half an hour to reach our destination. Luckily, today was Monday and the place was not really packed.

"We're here!!" I shouted as I went down the car.

"Someone's excited." Irene said beside me.

"Well, we haven't been to a theme park since like forever and besides, I get to spend another day with you. Only the privileged gets to do that." I teased her.

Irene's cheeks flushed. "And by privileged, you mean you, right?"

I nodded my head. "Yup, only Kang Seulgi gets to do that." I winked at Irene and left her to get our tickets from the staff.

"Yah, Kang Seulgi, wait for me!!" I heard Irene shout. I smirked and continued walking.

After getting our tickets, we immediately got inside since the line wasn't long. As we stepped in, I instantly saw the horror maze.

"Let's try that one." I pointed at the horror maze.

"What?! You know that I don't like things like that." Irene said.

"Yup, well you don't need to worry, I'm right here. I won't leave your side while we're inside."

"Promise?" Irene raised her pinky finger.

"Promise." I intertwined my pinky finger on hers.

We stepped inside the horror maze and it was darker than I expected. Since it was still early in the afternoon, I expected the horror maze to be quite bright. I felt Irene linked her arm on mine as we kept on walking inside the maze.

"Baechu, are you still with me?" I asked. I felt Irene nod beside me.

Huh, this place isn't that scary. Why would Irene be scare--

"AHHHHHHH!!!" Irene screamed as a zombie appeared in front of us.

Omo, I forgot about something. I already promised not to scare Irene too much since her stomach hurts when she gets too scared.

"Are you okay? Does your stomach hurt?" I asked her.

"No, it's fine. I'm alright." Irene said. We stopped in our tracks and I looked at her.

"Since I don't want you to be scared anymore, I'll put my right hand on your eyes so that you won't see those people in costumes that keep on appearing, okay? Keep on holding onto my left hand, I'll tell you when we're at the end already." I explained to her.

"Okay, I'll count to three and I will cover your eyes. One, two, three." I put my right hand to cover her eyes.

During the whole maze, I was covering Irene's eyes. The scary background music was the only thing that she was hearing. Everytime a person would appear right in front of us, I would try not to react since when I do, Irene would jump a little. Up until the end of the maze, Irene's grip was really tight. At the end of the maze, I removed my hand on her eyes.

"Well, that was not a good idea. Let's just try some other rides. Oooo what about that?" I pointed at the rollercoaster.

"Nope. Not a chance." Irene replied.

"Come on, it's going to be fun. Remember when we went to ride a rollercoaster too with the other members? That time, it was Joy who was married but right now it's us. So, shall we ride it again since we're already married?" I did my best trying to persuade Irene.

"Hmmm, what are you trying to say?

"I'm saying that now we're married and since we are, I'll sit beside you and not some other guy. You don't have to be scared all by yourself anymore. You can hug me if you're really scared and if I get scared too, let's be scared together."

Irene clapped her hands. "Wow, that was one heck of a speech. Okay, I feel like you really want to ride the rollercoaster. Let's go then." Unexpectedly, Irene grabbed my arm and pulled me towards the direction of the rollercoaster.

We reached where the ferris wheel was located. After a few minutes, Irene and I were now putting our seatbelts on to get ready for the ride.

"Aigoo, looks like someone is having a hard time putting a seatbelt on." I said as I saw Irene struggling.

"You just need to do this and there you go." I smiled at her after helping her with her seatbelt. The countdown for the rollercoaster began and I looked at Irene one last time.

"Are you ready for this?"

"Zimzalabim?" Irene hesitantly replied. As soon as Irene said that, the rollercoaster started.

"Yah, come on, don't be shy, you can hug me if you're scared." I talked louder than usual since a lot of people were screaming. Irene then hugged me tightly that I almost lose my grip on the handle bars.

During the rollercoaster ride, I wanted to scream but I can't since it feels like my blood isn't flowing because Irene was hugging me so tight. Wow, I didn't know that she was THIS scared.

I tried to look at the girl beside me and I saw her with her eyes closed and her eyebrows furrowed. I smiled just by seeing what she looks like. She looks like a scared small bunny.

"The ride is done." I tapped Irene's shoulder to let her know that the rollercoaster ride was already finished.

Irene breathed out for a second. "Thank God it's over."

We both removed our seatbelts and got out of the rollercoaster. As we were walking, I remembered our mission. I then held Irene's hand.

"What are you doing?" Irene asked me.

"I know that you told me before that you prefer linking our arms together rather than holding hands but I feel like we've been doing that ever since then. I wanted to do something different, something that would make me feel like we're really married." I said. Irene smiled at me and held my hand tightly.

"Come on, let's try another ride." Irene once again pulled me into the direction of another ride.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"You'll see."

We reached a line to a certain ride and I looked up to check what ride it is. I saw a ferris wheel.

"You want to ride a ferris wheel? Aren't you afraid of heights?" I asked her.

"Well yes, I'm still afraid of heights but the sun is setting. The view will be great once we ride the ferris wheel on time. And besides, I have you, right?" Irene tried to wink but she failed. She closed both of her eyes which made me laugh.

"You're so cute." I pinched her cheek.

"Yah, who told you to pinch my cheek?" Irene pushed my hand away.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry." I raised my hands in surrender.

We waited in line for ten minutes. As we rode the ferris wheel cart, the cart began shaking a little.

"Okay, are we all set?" I asked Irene as the staff closed the door of the ferris wheel.

"Yup." Irene replied.

Since people are starting to ride the ferris wheel, we keep on stopping each now and then. I looked at Irene and she looks frozen.

"Is my wife scared?" I asked.

"Ohhh huh?" Irene cleared her throat. "Just a little."

I raised my hand right in front of her. "I'm right here, remember? You can always hold my hand if you're scared." Irene nodded and held my hand.

*We Got Married Family (MCs)*

"Seulgi is such a gentleman."

"Irene's really lucky to have someone like Seulgi."

"They're being really sweet to each other without neither of them noticing."

We stopped at the top and it was a perfect timing since the sun started setting.

"Wow, you're right. The sun really looks beautiful up here." I said. I looked at Irene and she was already looking at me.

"Thank you for being with me. Thank you for spending the whole day with me." Irene told me.

"That's nothing. What are husbands for?" I said, making Irene hit me lightly.

"Yah, don't be fluttered too much." I didn't say anything after that. I tightened my grip on Irene's hand and admired both the scenery and the girl holding my hand.


It was already night time and since we forgot to eat, we decided to eat something here in Everland because it's part of our mission. We went to a coffee shop near Everland. As we entered the shop, I went to find an empty table. There was one available at the corner and we both decided to sit down.

"So, what do you want to eat?" I asked Irene.

"I think I'll have a sandwich since I'm not really hungry."

"Okay, stay here. I'll go order our food." I stood up and proceeded to the counter. As I was ordering, I saw a man approach Irene. I told the lady in front of me our order as fast as I can as if I am rapping. I then dashed my way to Irene.

*We Got Married Family (MCs)*

"Omo, a stranger just approached Irene!!"

"Irene's really standing out that's why the man noticed her."


"Is there a problem here?" I leaned onto the chair in front of Irene and I intentionally showed my ring as I was pretending to fix my hair. The man saw my ring and noticed that Irene was wearing the same.

"Oh, I'm sorry, my bad." The man ran away after that.

"Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" I was really worried. I held Irene's chin to check whether the man hurt her or not.

"Seulgi, calm down. I'm fine." Irene replied.

"What did that man tell you?"

"Well, he asked me if I'm alone and I told him that I'm not. After that, you suddenly appeared." Irene said.

"I'm sorry that I left you. I shouldn't have, I didn't know that some random stranger would just approach you. Of course I should know that, you're like a goddess sitting here all al--"

"I'm fine, Seulgi. You can stop babbling." Irene laughed a little.

"Still. It makes me uncomfortable knowing that other people wants to flirt with you."

"Same here." Irene said above whisper.

"What was that?" I asked her.

"Nothing. I just said that I'm okay." Irene smiled at me.

I was about to say something, when a waiter appeared and served us orders.

"Stop worrying, okay? I'm really fine. I wasn't even scared since I know that you're here to protect me." I smiled.

"From now on, I'll be extra careful. I promise to always protect you."

"Yah, finish your food first." Irene said and we both laughed.

After finishing our meal, the waiter served the desert that I ordered.

"You ordered a cake?" Irene asked me. I nodded.

"Aren't you full already?" She asked me again.

"Nope. Here, try some." I tried to feed Irene some cake. She hesitantly opened her mouth.

"Mmmm, it's good."

"Do you want some more?" Irene nodded and I gave her another piece.

"Yah, look at your mouth. You're all dirty. You're like a child who ate the last piece of cake at the fridge." Irene said. I then started wiping my mouth with a napkin.

"You're lucky that you wiped the dirt on your mouth just in time. I was about to kiss you to wipe it o--" Irene stopped what she was saying and she looked down. It was evident that she was blushing.

"You what? Were you planning to kiss me?" I smirked.

"I--" Irene was lost for words.

"YAHHHHHH, THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT." I laughed because clearly, she was speechless.

"Why are you laughing?!?!" She asked me.

"Nothing. I just love spending time with you."

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