Chapter 17

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Seulgi's P.O.V.

Our trip to Everland was fun and tiring at the same time. I really enjoyed being able to spend my time with Irene almost everyday. This whole fake marriage thing really made a huge impact on the both of us. I can't help but to think about what will happen to us after this show. Do I have feelings for Irene unnie? Am I falling for her? Will we go back to the way we used to be? Being unnie and dongsaeng? Being sisters? Or will we--

"We still haven't received the special gift that was written on the letter? Do you think that they forgot about it?" Irene asked me as we were about to ride the elevator to our apartment.

"Hmmm, I'm not sure. Maybe they will surprise us or something." I replied. "I'm hungry."

"You're still hungry?" Irene chuckled. I nodded and pouted my lips.

"Well, maybe I can cook something for us. We recently went shopping and I think that I can find some ingredients to cook something." Irene suggested.

"No it's okay, you're tired. I'll just go find some snack to eat."

"I insist." Irene replied. I looked at her and smiled.

"Thank you."

"For what?" Irene asked me confusedly.

"Just for everything." Irene smiled at me.

We finally reached the floor where our apartment is located. The elevator opened and we both headed towards the apartment. As I opened the door, there wasn't any special gift or anything. I thought that the production crew already forgot about it. Then suddenly, Irene called my name.

"Yah, Seulgi-yah, I think that our special gift is here." Irene said while looking at the direction where the pool was located.

I went to see what Irene was looking at and saw that next to the pool, there was a fine dining cuisine that was prepared. Since it's already night time, it makes it look so romantic. There were candles and flowers on the table, together with the delicious food prepared next to it.

"I guess I don't need to cook anymore." Irene said.

"Sooo? Shall we eat then?" I asked her a little excited. Irene nodded and we both headed outside to eat our dinner.

"Mmmm, this is so delicious. We haven't ate anything like this since we are not touring anymore. This tastes like something that came from another country." I said as I chewed the food that I was eating.

"Right. It's been a while. I really missed eating this kind of food aside from the regular foods that we eat almost everyday." Irene replied.

We enjoyed eating together as the night atmosphere made it better. After a while, we finished eating. Something suddenly crossed my mind.

"Since we're here already, do you want to swim?" I asked Irene.

"Yah, you know that I can't swim. Besides, it's already night time. Aren't you tired already?" Irene said.

"Well, since we moved here, we haven't used this pool. You said that you wanted an apartment with a pool and I guess that we should swim every once and a while. We can try night swimming if you like."

"Fine. Let's change our clothes first." Irene said.


I was the first one to get changed before Irene. Since Irene doesn't know how to swim, I looked for her donut float and luckily, Irene brought it. I decided to put some air on the float but Irene didn't bring any air pump. So, I started blowing some air into the float so that Irene can use it. I just know that without the float, Irene wouldn't want to swim anymore. I went to the pool after preparing the float. It took Irene ten minutes before finally changing into her swimsuit.

"Yah, come on. I prepared your float already. The pool's not even that deep." I told her.

I put the float near Irene so that she can use it when she's in the pool already. Irene came down to the stairs and I guided her so that she can wear her float.

"It's not bad, right?" I asked her.

"Hmmm, it's just too cold for my liking. I think it's because it's night time already." Irene said.

*We Got Married Family (MCs)*

"It's more romantic to swim at night."

"The atmosphere is perfect for a night swimming."

"It's nice that they have their own pool."

"Try to move and swim a bit. You'll somehow get used to it." I told Irene. She started walking little by little. It was kinda new to me that she's not shouting and she's not scared.

"Is it okay?" Irene nodded as a response. "Do you want to hold my hand? You know, just up until there at the end so that you won't get scared." Wow, nice excuse Seulgi. You just said that she's not scared and then use it as an excuse to hold her hand.

"Sure." Irene held my hand and slowly, we walked up until the other end of the pool.

"I told you it's not that bad. The atmosphere is even perfect to go swimming." I said.

"Yeah, it's not as bad as I thought it would be."

"Do you want to make a bet? The first one to reach the other end of the pool wins."

"That's unfair. I'm not good at swimming. It's obvious that you will win." Irene pouted.

"How about this, you just need to reach the other end of the pool while I'll do another lap from there to here and then I need to reach that end too after doing a single lap. How's that sound?" I asked.

Irene put her hand on her chin as if she was thinking. "What's the prize first?"

"Anything you want. The person that will win can ask or demand anything that she wants."

"Hmmm, that's a good one. But with one condition, can I practice first? It's hard walking while you're here at the pool."

"Sure, ten minutes should be enough."

Irene then started practicing as she walked from one place to another. Her antics made me laugh. I, on the other hand, just practiced swimming and kicking. I didn't tell Irene that I would purposely let her win since I want her to enjoy swimming even just for once. What's the worst thing that she could ask for?

"Okay, five minutes is done. We should begin by now." Irene went beside me from the other end of the pool for us to start the race.

"Three, two, one...go!!" I yelled and Irene immediately started walking. I also began to swim and since the pool is small, I reached the end first before Irene. As I was about to do another lap, I intentionally slowed down my pace because Irene wasn't even half of the pool. After a few minutes of swimming so slow, Irene finally reached the end.

"Yay!!! I won!!" I heard Irene cheered. I then began to swim towards her direction.

"Wow, I didn't know that I would beat you. I guess I'm a good swimmer after all." Irene said while flipping her hair.

"Yeah, yeah, I know that you're good. Stop rubbing it in."

"So, what would you like as a prize? You can ask for anything you want." I said.

"Hmmm, I haven't thought about that. Let's just sit at the stairs near the pool first." Irene said.

I held her hand again and slowly pulled her towards the other end. I helped her remove her float so that she can sit beside me.

"So, have you decided already?"


*We Got Married Family (MCs)*

"I wonder what Irene wants."

"Maybe she wants a kiss."

"I bet you all that they would kiss. It feels so romantic and it's a waste if they don't."


Irene's P.O.V.


"Come on, I'm fine with anything. Just tell me what you want." Seulgi said.

Honestly, when Seulgi proposed this 'race', I already have something in mind. I just didn't expect that I would win that's why I haven't thought about it. Well, here it goes...

"I want you to stop holding back."

"Huh? What am I holding back?" Seulgi asked me confused.

"Even if we're married already, I can still feel like there's something holding you back. You're supposed to be the husband in this relationship but why do I feel like I'm the one who's always making the first move? You won't move or do anything not until I do something. I'm asking you just this once, just for the whole time we're on this show, forget that we're both straight. Do anything you want to do or what you want to do to me. I don't care what is it as long as I'm not hurting." I ended my speech and I looked at Seulgi to see her reaction. Her mouth is agape, she's shocked and speechless at the same time.

"I don't know what to say. I didn't think that you would say that." Seulgi said.

I put my head down waiting for Seulgi to reject me. "Well, I was who thought of this so..." I was caught off guard when Seulgi held my chin and made me look at her. That's when I noticed that our faces were inches apart.

"Fuck this, I won't hold back myself anymore." Seulgi thought.

Seulgi leaned in all the way and closed the gap between our lips. We shared a simple kiss that lasted less than a minute. We both pulled away shyly. Our faces were burning red.

"We Got Married Family (MCs)"


"Well, f*** it. No one's homophobic here."

"Amber, your words."

"Nah, let her be."



"That was really intense. After a while, they finally kissed!!!"


A/N: I just want to say sorry that I wasn't to keep my promise that I would update every week. Tasks from school just kept on coming and I'm sorry again. Still, I hope that you guys enjoyed this week's chapter!!

Is it too early that I made them kiss??

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