Chapter 28

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Seulgi's P.O.V.

I had a schedule this morning so I left Irene at home while she was still sleeping. Right now, I am currently heading home since the photoshoot that I did ended early. As I entered the penthouse, I saw Irene wearing an apron, cooking.

"Honey, I'm home." I jokingly said.

"Yah, why are you home so early? I was trying to cook lunch for us."

"Do you want me to help you?"

"No, thank you. Go rest first. I'll finish this up." With that, I left Irene at the kitchen and let her do her thing.

Entertaining myself is a hard task. I couldn't stay still even for just a minute. I wanted to go out already and help Irene cook. I am really really bored right now. I didn't hold myself back and head out to watch Irene.

"Yah, what are you doing here? I told you to rest upstairs." Irene said.

"What's the problem? Is it wrong that I want to watch my beautiful wife cook?"


I burst out in laughter. "Yah, our marriage is about to end and you're still not used to hearing cheesy lines from me? Don't mind me here. Just cook like what you are doing before I came here."

Irene didn't say a thing and began cooking again. I watched her intently as she was really focusing on what she was doing. I think this was the first time that I saw Irene cooking with her being my wife already. I was too busy watching her cook that I didn't even notice that she was already right in front me, holding the dishes that she made.

"Are you going to stare at me all day or are you going to eat?" Irene asked me, smirking.

"I can do both." Irene began blushing and it was my turn to smirk. I didn't notice that she was struggling with the dishes that she's trying to balance with her hands.

"Ohhh, right. Sorry, let me help you with that." I took the plates that Irene was holding and began to put it on the table. I also took plates and utensils from the cabinet and started setting up for lunch.

"Wow, you really made all of these for me?" I asked her, looking at the dishes that she cooked.

"Of course, this is just one of the things that I would do for you." Irene smiled at me. I looked at her and smiled too.

"Should we start eating?" I asked.


I was about to eat, when Irene stopped me. "Here, let me feed you the right way." Irene took my plate for me and started twisting the pasta using her fork. She then fed me slowly, not wanting the sauce to drip on my face. Even though I know that there is no such thing as 'the right way to eat', I let her feed me. Who would refuse to be fed by the one and only Bae Joohyun?

"So, what do you think?"

"Mmm, did you buy these? It tastes really delicious." I began to feed Irene too just like what she did earlier.

"It tastes good, right?" I asked her. Irene nodded, while chewing her food.

After eating, I took a red envelope from my bag.

"They gave this to me on my way home." I gave Irene the envelope and let her read what's inside.

"Your marriage is going to be over today. Enjoy your last moment as a married couple."

"Wow, is this really our last day together? This just feels weird. I feel like we just got married and right now, we're about to end this relationship of ours already." I said, Irene nodded.

"It's kinda sad to think that this will be our last day as a couple. Feels like we just started and now, we're here."

"We haven't even been married for a year and it's already ending."

Silence filled the room as Irene and I both felt sad at the moment. I didn't know what to do since I, myself, don't want this marriage to end even though I know that it is fake. A few minutes passed, Irene spoke up.

"Oh, there's more paper inside the envelope." Irene opened the papers and saw that it was our resumes that we gave each other the first time that we knew we were going to be married.

"It was from our first date." Irene said.

"They're asking us to rewrite our resumes but this time, I'll do yours and you'll do mine." I replied, after reading the other papers that were with the resumes.

"Okay, this would be easy since we already know each other very well." We started filling up the information that was needed for the resume.


We sat at the couch on the living room before beginning to read each others' resume. We also took pictures using a polariod camera and attached it to the newly made resumes.

"Okay, let's start." I began saying. "Name. Bae Joohyun."

"Kang Seulgi."


"Irene." "Seulgi." We both said at the same time.

*We Got Married Family (MCs)*

"Wow, they thought of the same thing."

"They're really meant to be for each other. Why does it have to end?!"

"Ideal type." I read.

"My ideal type has become Kang Seulgi. Am I right? Did I became your ideal type after all these years?" I playfully asked Irene.

"Yes, that's true." Irene smiled at me.

"Okay, from this part, I will read what I wrote first and you can tell me what you wrote after this. Is that okay?" I asked. Irene nodded in response.

"Things she often say are... 'Yah' and "Kang Seulgi'." Irene laughed upon hearing what I wrote.

"Yah, you really know me that well, do you?"

"Level of physical intimacy. Intermediate. It's just about right."

"When do you want to hug her? Everyday. I just want to give her a hug everytime I see her."

"Aww, that's so sweet of you. Come on, give me a hug." Irene opened her arms and hugged me.

"Her favorite place. Next to her husband."

*We Got Married Family (MCs)*

"Seulgi really learnt a lot while being Irene's husband."

"She's really sweet and flirty right now, compared to the first time that she was with Irene."

"Huh, you really know me well. Now it's my time to read what I wrote and maybe you can say that I know you well too."

"Your ideal type is someone comfortable, laughs a lot, and looks pretty when they laugh."

"Yah, that's wrong." I cut her off.

"Wh-- I'm pretty sure I'm right."

"You should have specified my ideal type. You didn't have to write all of that because basically, based from your description, it all says Bae Joohyun to me. So, yup, you can say that you are my ideal type." Irene hit me playfully.

"Yah, stop cutting me off. I know that already. I was supposed to write my name here but I didn't want to be so full of myself so I wrote this instead."

"Okay, now it's my turn. Things you often say are 'Omo', 'Baechu' and 'Honey'."

"Level of physical intimacy. Low."

"Huh? Why did you choose low? I could've sworn that I was more intimate lately..."

"Well, you were really afraid of physical contact when we first got married. I even told you not to hold back and that was the first time that you kissed me; so, low. That is final."

"Point taken." I said.

"When do you want to hug her? I want to hug her everytime she takes care of me and treats me as if I'm her world." I hugged Irene after she said that.

"Her favorite place. At home, with her wife right beside her." Irene's gaze shifted from the paper to me.

"We really know each other that well, huh?"

"Okay, let's just read the last two at the bottom." Irene said.

"When did you fall in love with her?" Irene read the next question.

"Now." "Now." We said in unison.

I tried to contain my happiness because we indirectly admitted that we fell in love for each other. I didn't want to freak Irene out so I remained calmed and wait for her to finish reading.

"What was the most memorable moment that you did as a couple? It was our wedding day for me." Irene said.

"Yeah, me too. I felt like that I was getting married for real."

"Everyone was there to support us and I really felt like a bride that time."

"Yeah, the preparations and all seemed to good to bw true."

After we read our resumes to each other, we began packing our stuffs and started to organize it on our suitcases. We remained a peaceful silence as we were packing since we both don't know what to feel at this moment. We finished packing and headed downstairs.

"Goodbye. I'm going to miss this place." I waved my hands at the penthouse.

"Yah, don't worry, I bought this place. We can still come back here whenever we want."

"Oh, I almost forgot about that. Bye, see you next time our dear home." I waved for the last time and started heading outside.

"Here, let me help you with that." I carried Irene's suitcase and let her walk towards my car first.


As I was driving, I couldn't help but to feel like this was our really last moment as a couple together. I didn't know why I didn't plan any special date or event today. I guess I forgot about it, not until now...

"Can you still remember the first time that we met each other at the bridge where the zipline was located?" Irene asked.

"Yes, I do. When I saw you there, I thought that we were both going to be on the show together, but as a separate couple."

"We were really awkward back then. I was really shocked when the producers said that we were going to be a couple."

"Yeah, those times are now memories." I held Irene's hand using my hand.

"When we first started, we already knew that there is going to be an end." Irene said, while caressing my hand.

"I didn't know that that end is near. I felt like we've only been together for a week."

"Yeah, it felt really short. Just promise me one thing. Whatever happens after this, promise me that nothing will change between us, okay?"

"Alright, I promise." I wrapped my pinky finger around hers.

"If things get awkward between us, I would blame Joy and Yeri." Irene whispered. Luckily this time, I heard her.

"Yah, don't worry too much. Everything's going to be fine. I promise to act just like the way I did right before all of this happened. I promise you that I won't ever let things get awkward. I'll always be a real sister to you just like you are to me." I gently squeezed her hand and looked at her.

I parked my car in front of our dorm, hoping that the others are not at home right now because I know that they will probably tease Irene and I. Fortunately, as I parked my car, Wendy texted me that they went out to eat.

"I don't w--" Irene was supposed to tell me something but she stopped herself from doing so.

"What is it?" I asked her.

"Nothing. I'm just thankful that you married me."

"Me too. I feel like I'm the luckiest person alive when you 'married' me." I said, while gesturing an air quote on the word married.

"Let's head down first so you can put your suitcase at your room."

We headed out and I got Irene's suitcase from the backseat. I let her go in first and told her that I will carry her things.

"Wow, it's been a while since this dorm was left empty. Yeri's always here and I haven't imagine going here without seeing her." I said.

"By the way, have you checked your suitcase already? I packed a gift there for you." I told her after I roamed around the dorm.

"Really? I haven't checked it since we left the house. I'm going to check it right now." Irene opened her suitcase and found my present right inside.

"It's a photo album. I put all of our pictures there that I took with my camera."

Irene opened the album and saw the very first picture that we had when we met each other at the bridge at the zipline. She opened further and saw our picture during our cafe date. She silently looked at the photo album while flipping the pages. I can see tears from her eyes that are threatening to fall.

*We Got Married Family (MCs)*

"Awww Irene is trying to stop herself from slipping a tear."

"This is just too emotional for me."

"They were a lovely couple indeed."

As Irene reached the last page, she saw the letter that I attached.

"Do you remember that we felt awkward and didn't know what to do back then? But soon, we became closer to each other and we began to see each other as husband and wife and not as sisters. Thank you for being a good wife and a good friend of mine. I'm happy and grateful to have been married to the beautiful and gorgeous Irene and Bae Joohyun, who's a person that I admire the most. I don't think that today is our last day together, so I don't want it to be a sad day. Don't forget that I'll always be by your side rooting and cheering for you. Thank you for marrying me. I love you. From Kang Seulgi."

I saw a tear fell from Irene's eyes and I immediately hugged her.

"Don't cry. We won't be apart. We're just going back to normal. Being together in a group and all and not as a couple. You can always count on me."

I retracted my hands from her when she calmed down.

"Okay, I guess I'll get going now. Text me or call me whenever you need something. I'm only a call away and my place is just near, you can always come there if you want someone to accompany you." I was about to head out, when I heard Irene say something.

"Kang Seulgi, I love you too."


*Interview (Seulgi to Irene)*

"You were like my missing piece. You know that you can call me everytime you feel depressed or lonely. You can do it Bae Joohyun. I love you."

*Interview (Irene to Seulgi)*

"I know that you always work hard in order to achieve your dreams and goals in life. Please remember to take a rest whenever you need one and don't exhaust yourself too much. Always, take care of yourself and even if we're not a couple anymore, I'll still take care of you. Thank you for being a part of my life. I love you, Kang Seulgi."


A/N: The end?

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