Chapter 29

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A/N: Surprise!! I wouldn't leave you guys hanging with the last chapter ;)


2 Weeks Later

Wendy's P.O.V.

Joy, Yeri, and I are currently having breakfast when we saw Irene unnie walking down the stairs with her head down. These past few weeks, we all noticed that she has been feeling more down than usual. We're not really sure why but, we all have something on mind why she was acting that way.

Irene unnie took some bread and decided to go back to her room. We waited for her to leave before starting our conversation.

"Yah, is it just me or Irene unnie has been acting weird lately?" Joy asked us.

"Yeah, I could sense that something's wrong with her." Yeri added.

"I think that this has something to do with the whole 'We Got Married' thing. She started acting like that after the show finished. She doesn't even want to see Seulgi after that. She keeps on making excuses when she's about to see her. This was all because of you shouldn't have let them work together on a show like that." I said, sounding a little worried because surely, something's wrong with Irene unnie.

"Yah, we didn't know that they would be both be cowards. It was pretty obvious that they like each other. We just thought that after the show, they would get together." Joy explained.

"Unnie's right. If they would just admit their feelings for ea--" I cut Yeri off.

"Wait, wait, wait, that's not a bad idea. If they can't admit their feelings for each other, why won't we help them? You know, we can let them realize their true feelings for each other and maybe after that, they'll admit it. So, what can you say?"

"Hmm, it sounds pretty good to me. The whole fake marriage thing will be useless if they're still afraid to tell each other about their feelings."

"Okay, it's decided. I'll go talk to Irene unnie. You and Yeri can go to Seulgi's place and talk to her about all this. We can stay connected using our phones. Call me or text me whenever something happens."

After that, we all stood up and went to do our respective jobs.


"Unnie?" I knocked on Irene unnie's door.

"Can I come in for a second? I just wanted to talk to you about something." I heard the other side of the door shuffle. Irene unnie opened the door, with her eyes all red and puffy.

"Sure, come in." She led me inside.

"Yah, unnie, what have you been doing to yourself?" I opened my arms wide and went to hug her. She hugged me back and I felt her cry on my shoulders.

"There, there, let it all out." I just let her express all her emotions out, figuring that this is hard for her. A few minutes passed and she finally calmed down.

"Wendy-yah, I can't do this anymore." She said, while sniffling in between her words.

"What is it? You can't do what?"

"I can't pretend that I don't feel anything towards Seulgi. This is just too hard for me. Everytime I think about her or even if I'm just reminded of our moments on the show together, it made me realize that I really developed something for her. I don't know what it is, so I just tried to avoid her the best way I can."

"It's called falling in love, unnie. It means that you have feelings for Seulgi unnie. It means that you love her." I held her hand for reassurance.

"You really think so?"

"Yes, I am 100% sure. Well, maybe if you're feeling that way towards Seulgi, I think that you should tell her." I saw a photo album next to her bed and opened it. "Look unnie, it's obvious that you both fell in love with each other."

"Seungwan-ah, I ca--can't."

"Awww why? This is your chance, unnie. If ever Seulgi doesn't feel the same, although I highly doubt that, it will make you feel much better rather than not telling her at all."

"It's not that. I'm not worried about Seulgi's feelings for me. I'm worried about our fans. I'm worried about other people. What would they say about Seulgi and I? I'm the leader of the group. Some people might say that it's my job to look out for my members and not to fall in love with one of them."

"Yah, you haven't really checked the internet everytime your episode with Seulgi goes on air, huh? You know that everytime the show is broadcasted on TV, almost everytime, 'Aseul' is trending. Joy, Yeri, and I were all very happy because instead of hatred, people are giving you guys their full support. Even non-luvies are saying that you guys should just date each other in real life because of your chemistry and how good you look together. And don't worry about the whole leader thing, you're not the only leader who fell in love with their member."

"Wh--what are you talking about? There are other people like me? B--b--but who is it?"

"Aigoo, you really don't know? Why don't you ask Taeyeon unnie about it?"

"Oh my go--" Irene covered her mouth. "Are you sure about that? But, with whom?"

"Hmmm, I'm guessing it's Tiffany unnie since they came to your wedding together and Tiffany unnie even said that you guys got married first before them. I think it's not a sin to fall in love, unnie. It doesn't mean that you won't look after the rest of us just because of Seulgi unnie. I personally think that you can take care of us even more since you already have someone beside you who can take care of you."

Irene unnie stayed quiet for a bit. I can feel that she's thinking about everything that I said to her. I just hoped that I convinced her enough and helped her realize her feelings for Seulgi because I can't stand seeing her like this. Hurt and confused.

"Come to think of it, you're right. In the first place, the producers were not gonna invite us to the show if they knew that we would get lots of hate and if they were really against same-sex couples on the show. Maybe it's time to focus and think about my feelings for Seulgi. I can't live without her and I don't want to waste my chance to be with her just because I'm a coward."

"So, are you going to call her now?" I asked, hoping that she would say yes.



"I don't want to sound desperate and I'm not ready to face her like this. I'll wait for her move. Maybe she'll realize her feelings for me just like what I did." Irene unnie said, with her hand clasping the photo album that she's holding.

"I'm pretty sure she would too."

Come on Joy and Yeri, make Seulgi realize her feeling for Irene unnie. If she doesn't make the first move, nobody will!!!


Joy's P.O.V.

Yeri and I immediately arrived at Seulgi unnie's place since it's just close to our dorm.

"Yah, Yerim-ah, go ring the doorbell." I nudged her.

"Why can't you do it? The doorbell's just right beside you." She said, pointing it next to me.

"Fine." I pressed the doorbell and waited for Seulgi unnie to come out. The door opened and Seulgi unnie appeared on the other side.

"Oh, Yeri, Joy, I didn't expect any visitors today. Is there any problem?" Seulgi unnie asked us. I nudged Yeri again. Fortunately, Yeri took the hint and began speaking.

"Unnie, there's something that we need to talk about."

"Ohhh, it looks serious. Come in, let's talk about it inside." Seulgi unnie gestured for us to come inside.

"Well, of course, does it look like that we want to talk about it while standing outside?" Yeri mumbled. I glared at her and she shrugged at me.

As we were sitted at the living room, Seulgi unnie started talking.

"So, what is it?"

"Should we just get straight to the point or should we lay it down slowly?" I whispered to Yeri.

"It's about Irene unnie. We know that you have feelings for her." Yeri said, not even minding me and answering my question.

Seulgi unnie was caught off guard and she was now staring at us with wide eyes.

"Wh--what are you guys talking about? That's impossible. We're just friends. She's like a real sister to me and she doesn't even see me in that way."

"Aish, I hate it when you do that. Now I know why our fans call you 'Slowgi'." Yeri said. Am I even a part of this conversation?

"I'm sorry, I'm just confused. Can you elaborate what you just said again?"

"What Yeri means is that we all know that you and Irene unnie have developed feelings for each other. It's really obvious when we watch your episodes together on We Got Married. We came here to talk to you about it because Irene unnie has been acting different ever since the show ended. We want you guys to talk about it or maybe just admit that you both fell in love for each other." I explained.

"Wait, Irene's acting different? I mean, Irene unnie's acting different? How? In what way?"

"Yah, you're making this sound like an essay question." Yeri commented.

"Irene unnie looks so down everyday. She can't even eat breakfast with us since she always stay in her room."

"Wait, but why would you think that Irene has feelings for me when she doesn't even want to see me? Everytime I ask her to come see me, she keeps giving me different reasons on why she can't come."

"That's because she's scared, unnie. I think that she's afraid of letting out her true feelings for you. She might be afraid to see you and tell you what she really feels." I said.

"You're both cowards and one should step up. I'm hoping that you would be that one, unnie." Yeri said beside me.

"Why are you guys telling me all this? It's not like I have feelings for Irene."

"Yah, you're on the denial stage already. You keep on denying that you don't have feelings for her but we can see right through you. Every episode that's on TV, shows the opposite of what you are saying. You wouldn't do all the things that you did for Irene unnie if you don't feel anything towards her. Right now, you don't even call her 'unnie' anymore because you're used to being her husband already."

"I did all those things for the show itself. It's all part of the fan service for the show. It was all caught on cam. We did it for the audience and for the ratings of the show."

"Yah, unnie, stop lying to yourself. The way you look at Irene unnie, the way you treat her, it all adds up to me. I think that you're just afraid too. Don't tell me that you don't feel anything for Irene unnie even when you guys aren't shooting? I know that you feel something too."

"B--but, what if Irene doesn't feel the same? It would just ruin our friendship and things will be awkward just because of me."

"We put you both on the show to make you realize your feelings for each other. We didn't sign you up there just to make you feel your feelings for Irene unnie. I'm pretty sure that she has feelings for you too."

"I guess you guys have a point. I have been completely burrying the fact that I fell in love with Irene. Everytime she tells me that she can't see me because of certain reasons, it hurts me. It hurts me that I have this feeling that she's avoiding me, but now that you explained it to me, maybe, just maybe, I have a chance on telling her what I really feel. I wouldn't deny that while shooting for the show, Irene's image for me completely changed. It made me want to spend my whole life with her right beside me and I don't wanna lose her. I don't want to wait for the time to come wherein she would fall in love with someone other than me. I kept on hoping that our moments together would make us both realize our feelings for each other and that it would be mutual."

"Finally!! Thank goodness. I thought you wouldn't come to your senses, unnie. I was even planning to knock you out and put you and Irene unnie on the same room if you haven't realized your feelings yet, but that would be a lot harder." Yeri sighed in relief.

"You what?" Seulgi unnie and I looked at her weirdly.

"Nothing." Yeri shut her mouth quickly.

"Anyway, Seulgi unnie, do you know when and how are you going to tell Irene unnie about your feelings for her?" I asked her.

"I'm not sure. Do you have any idea how I should do it? I don't think that a simple call or text would be enough."

"Hmm, I have an idea. Come closer, I'll tell you both about it." Yeri said and we huddled together.

"Okay, here's the plan."


Irene's P.O.V.

It's starting to get late and I still haven't received anything from Seulgi. Wendy told me to wait for anything since she said that Joy and Yeri already talked to Seulgi. Right now, I'm starting to lose hope. What if they already told Seulgi about it but she just doesn't feel the same? What if she doesn't want to see me anymore?

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard my phone signaling me that I have a message. It was from Seulgi.

"Come to this address right now. I really wanted to see you and I'm sorry if it took so long for me to have the courage to do this."

I unknowingly smiled at my phone. I kept on staring at Seulgi's message that I didn't even noticed Wendy was calling me.

"Unnie, I'm just going somewhere. Please lock all the doors if you are going somewhere too." Wendy winked at me after.

"Okay. Have a safe trip." I replied back.

After Wendy left, I prepared myself to leave. I put on decent clothes and applied a little bit of makeup.

This all better be worth it.


I arrived at the location that Seulgi sent me. It was a modern house that is located on a cliff. I entered the parking lot inside and decided to enter the house itself. I didn't know what to do so I just sat on the couch and waited for Seulgi. In just a minute, I received another text from Seulgi.

"Irene-ssi, walk to your right and follow the trail of rose petals. At the end of the trail, you'll find me there ;)"

I stood up and began walking to the direction on the right. A few more steps and I already saw the rose petals trail. I followed the trail and it led me to the...


There was no sign of Seulgi on the balcony. I waited for a few more minutes and I received another text from Seulgi.


I looked at my phone a bit confused. Is this what I think it is?

"I love you, Irene."


Seulgi's P.O.V.

I was hiding in one of the rooms at the house. Apparently, I bought this house last minute just to follow Yeri's plan. As I hear footsteps from the balcony, I opened the door and saw Irene's back. I immediately texted her and waited for her reaction. I realized that she was not moving nor reacting to the message I sent her, so I decided to step up.

"I love you, Irene." I said from behind her. Slowly, Irene looked at me.

"What did you say?"

I slowly went beside her and held her hands on mine.

"I love you, Irene. I'm sorry that it took me a long time to admit that I have fallen in love with you. I wasn't really sure at first whether what I felt towards you was just sisterly love or maybe I gained this feelings for you just because of this show and I began to believe that it will pass after that. But then, weeks passed and I started to feel that you were avoiding me. That was the time that I realized that you mean something more to me. You were such someone much more than a sister or a leader to me. You are someone that I want to spend my lifetime with. I want you to be by my side for my entire life and I want to grow old with you. If you're going to give me a chance, I promise that I would should you how much I love you and how much I care for you." I was catching my breath after my confession. I looked at Irene's eyes and noticing that she wasn't reacting, I let go of her hands.

"I'm sorry. I said too much. It's okay if you don't feel the same. What I said was stupid. I shouldn't h--"

Irene cut me off with a kiss. This kiss was different from the others which she gave me. This time, I can feel our desire, passion, and feelings for each other. With a kiss, I can feel all the words that Irene couldn't tell me back then.

Irene pulled away gently. We placed our foreheads on top of each other.

"I love you too. I wouldn't tell you that I like you because what I feel is much greater than that. I'm sorry for being a coward. I'm sorry if I made you feel that I was avoiding you. I'm s--" I cut her off with a peck on her lips.

"Stop apologizing, you have done nothing wrong. I'm just so thankful that you feel the same way. I wouldn't know what to do if you don't." We both laughed after that.

I noticed that the sun was starting to set and I immediately back hugged Irene and let her face the sunset.

"I'm glad that I get to watch sunsets with you." Irene said.

"I'm glad that I have you in my arms right now." I replied.

"By the way, did your wish come true? The one that we made on our last date." Irene asked me.

"Hmm, not yet. I haven't asked you to become my girlfriend yet so I can't exactly call you mine."

"I'm already yours and yours only even if you haven't asked me to become your girlfriend yet. So basically, your wish came true." Irene looked at me and gave me a peck.

"How about you, did your wish come true?"

"It just did. You made it come true." Irene looked at me once again and smiled sincerely.

She looked so beautiful right now and I couldn't stop myself from kissing her. Irene kissed me backed immediately and later on, the kiss started to become heated. Before anything else, Irene pulled away and whispered something into my ear.

"Shall we continue what we left in France?" I nodded eagerly and Irene immediately pulled me to the direction of the place that we both know we'll both enjoy.


Wendy's P.O.V.

We stayed at the bottom of the cliff since Seulgi told us to stay there and wait for them. We did as what we were told because we also want to respect their privacy. I bought a binoculars with me so that we can see whether our plan worked.

I am currently the one using the binoculars and when I shifted my vision to the balcony, I saw them kissing.

"Mission accomplished!!" I shouted, which caught Joy and Yeri's attention.

"They're already kissing so I guess our plan worked." I gave Joy the binoculars to let her see.

"Finally, I can die peacefully." Joy then gave the binoculars to Yeri.

"Umm, Wendy unnie, should I stop creeping on them now? I just saw Irene unnie pin Seulgi unnie to the wall."



A/N: That's the end of the story. Thank you to everyone who supported this book and I hope that you enjoyed reading it.

At the moment, I haven't decided what books to write next. I was planning to stop writing after this book but if you still have any suggestions or recommendations what book I should do next, just comment it here.

Again, thank you. I wouldn't imagine that this book would reach this far if it weren't for you guys.

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