2: the spirit returns

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"He's going to be just fine, mister Moto," I heard a voice say.

"What happened to him?" another voice said. I knew this voice. It was my grandpa's.

"Firemen found him in a burning building," the other voice said. "They immediately brought him here. They really saved his life."

"No," I whispered.

"Yugi? Are you awake?" grandpa asked. I could hear the surprise in his voice.

"Where... is he?" I said softly.

"Where's who?" the other voice asked.

I opened my eyes a bit and I could see that the other voice was a doctor. I was lying in a hospital bed, several tubes were sticking out of my arm and grandpa sat on a chair next to my bed.

"There was another man... inside the building," I whispered. "He is the one who saved me."

The doctor blinked a few times. "Mister Moto... No one else but you was found in this building," he said. "Maybe you just imagined things because of the smoke, of because you accidentally hurt yourself while you were inside."

Grandpa laid his hands on mine and gave it a little squeeze. "Why did you enter this house in the first place, my boy?" he asked me.

"I heard someone... screaming," I whispered. "So I called the fire department... but I couldn't wait... I had to rescue this person myself... but I couldn't find... this person... and I fell down... but then... he came..."

"Who are you talking about?" grandpa asked.

"The... other me..." I said with a soft voice.

"Let him get some rest," the doctor told my grandpa. "He desperately needs it."

My grandpa nodded and left me alone in the hospital room.

Whatever they said about the other me, I knew I hadn't imagined him. He was real, and I wanted him to come back to me.

I had to be few days more in the hospital before I finally was allowed to go home.

I hadn't talked about the other me anymore - maybe they would have let me stay longer if they thought that I was imagining things.

It was nice to be home again. I still had to rest a lot, but the problem was that I couldn't sleep. When I closed my eyes the only thing I could think about was him.

I still shivered at the thought of him kissing my forehead. And I remembered every word he had said.

He said he cared about me, that I meant something to him. Finally there was someone who cared about me in that way.

I know I was falling in love with him.

Though I didn't even know his name.

I sighed and fell down on my bed. I stared at the ceiling. "Please come back to me," I whispered.

Those days at the hospital had given me enough time to think. And he was the only thing I could think about.

I dreamed about him. I woke up thinking about him.

I knew I hadn't imagined him. But what if I did? What if the doctor was right? What if I was falling in love with my untouchable thoughts?

I wanted to do everything just to see him again, just for him to touch me one more time... just so I could see my thoughts weren't untouchable.

I wanted my thoughts to be real. I wanted him to be real. I wanted him to touch me...

"I'm not real," I heard someone at my footboard say.

I carefully sat up so I could stare into his beautiful crimson orbs.

"You came back," I whispered.

"You've been thinking about me," he said.

I blushed. How did he know?

"I should have never kissed you," he whispered.

"W-What?" I stuttered.

"Like I said, little one. I'm not real. I can't give you what you want."

"But why not? D-Don't you love me..?" I whispered a bit embarrassed.

He looked at me, then he looked down at the floor. "I do," he whispered. "But I'm a ghost from the past. A spirit. I can't stay forever. I'm not real, Yugi."

"Can I at least get to know the name of the one who saved my live?" I asked carefully.

He smiled a sad smile. "My name is Yami," he said.

"Y-You're beautiful, Yami," I stuttered.

Yami pouted. "Please, Yugi. D-Don't make this any harder..."

"I don't need a forever, Yami. I just only need you," I whispered.

He looked at me and I shivered at the sight of his beautiful body. "I want you to be happy, little one."

"Then please... kiss me."

I could see the doubt in his eyes, but he gave in. He crawled onto the bed and climbed on top of me. The next moment I felt his cold lips on mine.

I shivered at his touch. I moaned and pulled him closer. My whole body was tingling. I wanted all of him, and I doubted if I would ever get enough.

His tongue hovered over my lips and I gasped, giving him the opportunity to slip in.

I ran my hand through his hair while our tongues played tenderly with each other.

But suddenly, Yami broke the kiss. He sat down at the footboard again and started crying.

"Yami, w-what's wrong?" I stuttered.

"I k-knew you in the past, Yugi," he sobbed.

"But how?" I asked.

"We were partners. We were inseperable, aibou," he said. "But in the end, I had to leave you. I left you. I thought what I was doing was right, but it wasn't. I have missed you ever since, Yugi. I didn't realize that I loved you so much, that I wanted you so, so desperately. And I couldn't lose you again. That was the reason I helped you back there between the flames. I will make sure that nothing bad will happen to you, Yugi. I will make sure that I will not hurt you again."

He bit his lip. "I'm a spirit. I'm not real. And if you're really in love with me, I'll also hurt you when I have to leave."

"When do you have to?" I asked.

"In about a few hours," he pouted.

"Then own me, Yami. Own me, just for tonight," I begged him.

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