Chapter 10: Bullied

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*Laurance's POV*

"Wait, Michi, why is everyone avoiding me?" I asked the peppy Meif'wa, as I started to notice... everyone was avoiding me. They would all shy away from me.

"Nya~! Michi thinks its because, no one wants to be associated with Laurance. Because, if they are, Gene could hurt them as well," Michi sighed, her ears drooping.

Hurt well?

"Then, why are you hanging around me, Michi..?" I looked down at her, as her ears perked up once again.

"Because Michi likes Laurance~. Nya~. Doesn't Laurance like Michi~?" Michi looked up at me, her fangs visible. "Nya~ Nya~?".

"'re pretty cool," I shrugged, continuing my walk to Homeroom.

Michi squealed a small bit, leaving me utterly confused. I shook my head, smiling at the eccentric girl. She looked around, before her ears drooping once again.

"Michi has to get to class. Can she see Laurance later?"

"Sure, why not," I shrugged again.

"Yay! Bye, Laurance~. Nya~!" Michi waved goodbye, skipping excitedly down the hallway.

What an odd girl...

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw an awfully familiar blonde enter the school building. I turned on my heels, waving over to him. His gaze met mine, and I dropped my hand. Something was off about the look he was giving me.

"Garroth, hey!" I tried to sound chipper, in hopes of maybe cheering him up. I lightly jogged over to him, keeping a smile on. "Took ya long enough to get here. What was the hold-up?"

Garroth sighed, glancing up at me. It was then, I noticed a mark he had on his face. His cheek was a red colour, like he had gotten hurt. Who would've hurt him? He is so small, and innocent...I think...

"Garroth?! Did someone hurt you?!" I placed my hand on his cheek lightly, glancing him over.

Garroth slapped my hand, pulling away from me. "Don't touch me like that!"

Woah! What happened to his personality..? I've never seen him get like this, before...

"Bro, you alright? Is something wrong?" I moved my hand to his shoulder, giving him a comforting look.

Garroth's cyan eyes wavered, and he sighed. He lightly brushed my hand off of his shoulder, and he looked down at the ground. What was with all of these mood swings?

"Hey, bud...I know we haven't known each other for very long, but... Know that I'm always here for you, have been since day one. I-" I got cut off by the bell ringing. Garroth looked up at me, tightly gripping his bookbag straps. "Wanna head to class, Garroth?"



*Garroth's POV*
~1 Week Later~

"Hey, Ro'Meave, been a while. I've missed you, Sweetheart..."

Oh no, he's back in school...

"Gene...I see they let you back, finally," I put on a false confidence act, crossing my arms.

Gene stormed up to me, pushing me up against the side of the school. It was painful, but I didn't allow him to see I was hurting. That's just what he wants. He's a monster...

"You look hot today, baby~" Gene purred, lightly kissing me. I growled, rolling my eyes. I hated being called 'baby'. It's just so...demeaning.

"And you smell like death and depression," I tried pushing him off of me, to no avail.

"It's a new cologne I'm trying out. What do you think about it?" He smirked, pushing me more up against the building.

"Very suitable," I was extremely tempted to spit in his face, but I decided against it.

"Thanks, Ro'Meave. Glad someone appreciates it. I don't think your boyfriend does. He kinda looked at me, and scoffed. Can't believe you'd ever be with someone, as heartless as him."

"For the last time, I'm not dating Laurance! Second, I dated you. You're about as heartless as they can get," I gave in, shoving Gene off of me.

Before I could go anywhere, Gene grabbed my wrist. He forcefully pulled me backwards, pinning me back up against the school. "I love this side of you, baby~. It's sexy."

"You're horribly disgusting," once again, I gave in- and spit in the idiot's face. He stood there, puzzled for a moment. Gene's smirk grew, as he wiped it off of himself.

"Very attractive, baby. Not like I'm not already used to that feeling," Gene sent a wink my way, and I rolled my eyes.

"Was that supposed to be sexual? Because, if so, it was terrible."

"Wasn't exactly aimed in that direction. But, it can, if you want it to be~" Gene lifted my chin, kissing me again. I've never really been fond of this feeling. I guess, when we were together, I just tried to make myself think I liked it...

"Sorry Gene, pretty sure my boyfriend would be upset with that one," I pulled my head from him, teasing and attempting to get away from him again.

"Boyfriend? Who-"

"What is going on here, gentlemen?" A male voice interrupted our verbal quarrel.

Both of us turned to face the voice, revealing it to be my Science teacher. Of all people, it had to be him... He already hates me as is.

"Uh, s-sir! I-It isn't w-what you think it i-is!" I managed to push Gene off of me, making him stumble backwards again.

"Really? Because, I'm pretty sure that whatever was happening here...probably should've been saved for...home," the teacher glared at both of us.

I buried my face in my hands, completely embarrassed. Gene softly chuckled behind me, and I wanted to hit him again. I was tired of all of his crap.

"S-Sir! P-Please hear m-me out-" Gene clasped his hand over my mouth, sending me a death glare.

"I'll make sure he gets straight to class, Sir. Promise," Gene gave the Science teacher a warm smile.

"You better get to your own class yourself, Gene. No need to get yourself in more trouble."

"Will do!" Gene saluted the teacher, who shook his head and walked off. When he was out of sight, Gene removed his hand off of my mouth, after I had licked it. "You're just sharing all of your saliva with me today, aren't ya?"

"Yes. I'm hoping it would be effective...but it appears to be your strange kink."

"Got me figured out, dont'cha Ro'Meave?" Gene's confusing smile contorted into a terrifying glare. "You tell anyone what's going on here, you'll regret it."

More than I already do?


*Laurance's POV*

I sat at my desk, occasionally looking over at Garroth's. He's had me worried sick. He's been acting so off, lately...

Out of the blue, the class door swung open. A couple of my peers piled in, Garroth trailing behind them. His face had drained of colour, and he kept staring at the floor. What was so appealing about the ground, that he always had to stare at it?

Garroth waddled over to his desk, beside mine. He laid his head against the desktop, heavily sighing. Whatever has been bothering him, must've been horrible.

"Garroth, you okay? Something happen?"

"Laurance...I hate life..," he turned his head away from me, flicking his pencil multiple times. "...I can barely tolerate it, anymore..."

I need to help him...

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