Chapter 9: He's Suspended

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*Garroth's POV*
~The Next Day~

I still can't comprehend, what Gene did...

He kissed me! After we broke up, last month. And, he said, he would get "revenge" against me...

Perhaps, the revenge,was to toy with my emotions... He probably is going to take advantage of our love-struck mind...again...

I groaned out of frustration, staring up at my ceiling. I really wasn't up for school today. I just wanted to lay in bed, and not move. Not have to deal with Gene, with Laurance, with the school staff, or any other people that get on my nerves.

"Garroth!" A loud knock, came from the other side of my bedroom door. "Garroth, it's time for school!"

"Vylad, no! Go away!" I shouted back, almost suffocating myself, with the pillow I had placed over my head. "School can burn in Hell, for all I care!"

"How would that work out, if school already is Hell?" Zane's voice chimed in, before I heard his footsteps walking away.

I laughed a small bit, throwing the pillow to the side of me. Perhaps, if I acted confident, I'll become confident. Because, complete logic...

I hopped off my bed, hurridly changing into my school uniform. I grabbed my bookbag, slinging it over my shoulder. Perhaps, it isn't as bad as I'm making it out to seem. Maybe, I'm just overthinking everything...


*Laurance's POV*

I walked through the halls, hearing people murmur from the sides of me. When I turned to look at someone, they would shyly turn away from me. What did I do? Why is everyone acting like this?

"Laurance!" Someone called. I looked up ahead, to see a girl waving over to me.

She wasn't recognizable to me at all. I don't think I've ever seen her before, until now. The girl was a Meif'wa, with light yellow highlights, in her lilac-coloured hair. Her skin was slightly dark, and she had bright green eyes- like a cats. Obviously, because she was a Meif'wa.

Was that racist?

Stereotypical, if anything.

I nervously waved to the Meif'wa, biting my lip. She strolled over to me, her tail flicking behind her rapidly, and her black cat ears were perked.

"Hiya, Laurance~" The girl shyly waved to me, blushing a little.

"Um...pardon me, if this sounds rude... But, who are you?" I looked her over once more, biting my lip.

"Nya~! Michi forgot to intruduce herself! Stupid Michi! Nya!" The girl pawed at herself, before looking back up at me. "This is Michi~" The girl gestured to herself.

Is she speaking in third person?

I think it's a thing female Meif'was do...

Makes sense...

"W-well,'s nice to meet you, Michi. I'm Laurance," I outstretched my hand to her, and she watched with careful eyes.

"Michi already knows Laurance's name. Nya~. Everyone knows Laurance!" Michi exclaimed, shyly shaking my hand.

Everyone knows me..?

"Huh? What do you mean, 'everyone knows me'?" I rose an eyebrow at her, crossing my arms.

"Nya~! Everyone's talking about Laurance! He's the one, who managed to get Gene suspended!" Michi clapped her hands, almost appearing as if she had stars in her eyes.

I did WHAT?!

"I-I got G-Gene s-suspended..?" I asked her, earning a confirmation nod.

"Yup! Laurance has been the first person, to actually be able to prove he was guilty! Nya! Gene usually pawned it off on someone else, who would get in trouble instead! But, Laurance managed to actually do it! Nya!" Michi clapped her hands again. "Gene is so mad about it, too! It's crazy! Nya!"

Oh dear Irene! What have I done?! Garroth said that Gene wasn't someone to mess around with. What is he gonna do?!


*Garroth's POV*

I began my walk to school, Vylad already darting ahead of me. Zane had taken a different route than us, that was shorter. However, Vylad wanted to go this way, because it's 'prettier'.

Also, it passes right by Dante's house. And, Vylad wanted him to tag along. Which means, we're also going by Gene's house... Why do I have to be great friends with my ex's brother?

"Vylad! Wait a minute, you're too far ahead of me!" I called after my baby brother. But, it was futile. He was already way too far ahead of me.

I sighed, continuing my walk. I stared at my feet, kicking a few stones. I wasn't in the best mood today. I just wanted to get to school, do my classes, go home, homework, maybe throw in a bit of fanf- novels, or video games to cheer me up, then sleep. Not worry about anything. Not even Gene-

"Hey, Ro'Meave."

Spoke too soon.

I hesitantly looked up, to be faced with those menacing blue eyes. I nervously trembled, gripping tightly onto my bookbag straps.

"G-Gene? W-what are you doing h-here? On...the sidewalk...on this s-specific street..?" I nervously laughed, his fiery glare getting to me.

"Oh, I dunno. On my way to school," Gene crossed his arms, continuing to stare me down. "Or not. Because, your freaking boyfriend- Laurance- decided to get me suspended!"

Laurance got him suspended..?

"T-That didn't have anything t-to do with me! B-Besides, Laurance isn't m-my boyfriend. H-He isn't even really my friend! I d-don't like h-him," I honestly stated, still terrified of the look my ex was giving me.

"Your stutter is saying otherwise, Ro'Meave," Gene grabbed the collar of my uniform, bringing my gaze to match his own. "You aren't cheating on me, are you?"

"C-Cheating on y-you?! No! Besides, you b-broke up with me, remember?! You said, you don't... love me..," I sighed, recalling that day... I also met Laurance that day.

Worst day of my life...

"Ro'Meave, listen to me!"

Next thing I know, I feel a strong sensation across my cheek. I am left, almost paralyzed for a moment. Did he just...slap me? Slap. Me. Across my face?! Why?! What did I do?! Where's Vylad, when I need him..?

"I love you, okay?" Gene smirked, lightly kissing my cheek, where he had slapped me. He dropped me from his grasp, and I stumbled backwards a little. "I just have...unique ways of showing affection."

Gene blew me a kiss, before strolling past me. I stood in shock for a moment, holding my cheek. Surely, there would be a mark. What am I supposed to say?!

This is the most horrible year ever...

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