Chapter 26: Psycho Girls

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*Garroth's POV*
~1 Month Later~

"Are you guys serious?"

"Oh, c'mon, don't judge us, Garroth. I bet you're just jealous."

"Jealous of what? The fact, that you guys are the gayest people I have ever met?"

"Uh, have you looked in a mirror lately? Pretty sure you fill that spot quite nicely."

I rolled my eyes, staring at the two idiots standing in front of me. If you haven't guessed them yet, it's Dante and Travis. They are just being...completely and utterly idiotic. I'd explain, but I'd rather not. It's just, that embarrassing.

"Yeah, sure," I rolled my eyes at Dante, glancing over towards the door of the boy's locker room. I hated being in here. Don't ask why. I just really don't like locker rooms... "Who are you waiting for?"

I turned back to Dante, raising an eyebrow at him. "Huh?"

"You keep looking over at the door. You waitin' for someone?"

Was it that obvious?

"Uh...maybe..," I bit my lip, looking away, and trying to ignore the smirks on Travis and Dante's faces.

"Your boyfriend~?" Travis sang, chuckling under his breath.

I scoffed, rolling my eyes. Travis too?! "I don't have-"

"Woah. Ro'Meave gots a boyfriend?" A recognizable voice chimed in, from behind a wall of lockers.

I flinched, knowing who it was. Of course they had to overhear my semi-private conversation. Damn it. Damn it. Damn it. Dante and Travis simultaneously turned towards the voice, giving equally confused expressions.

From behind a wall, the face of the boy known as Zenix appeared. One of Gene's little groupies. I hate Zenix almost as much as I despise Gene. Take note of how I said 'almost'. I don't think I'll be able to hate anyone more than I hate him. I don't think it's humanly possible. You guys get where I'm coming from, right? I'm not alone with this, am I?

"Zenix?" Dante crossed his arms, looking over the brunette. "What are you doing here? I thought you'd be with my brother?"

Oh Irene, Dante. Please don't remind me that you are related to the ruffian known as Gene.

"Yeah, but he's off doing something I don't really care about. So, I'm off ditching class by myself today," Zenix snickered, kicking his foot up against the nearest locker. "Didn't think that a few goody-two-shoes like you three, would be ditchin' class as well. What changed your point of view."

"We aren't ditching class," I scowled, not even wanting to socialize with this guy. Let alone, even interact with him. "We have a free period. So-"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I don't care," Zenix rolled his eyes, and I balled my fists. Damn it, he's getting on my nerves, again! If it weren't frowned upon, I would hit him, right here. "Well, since you guys are boring. I'll be headin' somewheres else to ditch class. Can't wait to let Gene know about the news."

Zenix winked at me, snickering again. Dante glanced at me in obvious confusion. I quickly turned away, wishing for him to just shut the Hell up, and leave already.

"Wait, why would Gene care about Garroth's relationships?"

"But, I'm not dating anyone!" I intervened, trying to prevent Zenix from saying anything. Dante did not need to know about my previous affections with his brother...

I looked up from my mini panic attack, seeing that Zenix had left. Dante was messing with something on his cell phone, and Travis was giving me a sympathetic look. I opened my mouth to try and say something, but was interrupted by the locker room door opening. Please don't be Zenix. Or especially Gene. Why can't he just graduate or drop out or something?! Why's he still sticking around?!

Thankfully, it wasn't either of them. And, also, so you're not left in the dark for much longer, it was Laurance. I mean, he ain't as bad as Zenix or Gene. He's still a bit iffy, though. Look, I don't care if I'm crushing on him, or even that he's apparently like my 'best friend', or something like that. I have the complete right to believe that he's a tad off.

"Hey! So, what conversation did I interrupt this time?" Laurance chuckled, inserting himself into our little group.

"Oh, Garroth, Travis was right," Dante smirked at me, looking in between Laurance and I. "It was your b-"

I quickly clasped my hand over Dante's mouth. I glared at Travis, and he gave me a, 'don't worry, I'll handle it', face. And, I could tell Laurance was extremely confused. Then again, when isn't he?

"Oh, Laurance, we were talking about the ladies," Travis sent me a secretive wink. Oh my Irene, he is such a doofus. "And how all of them, are all over Garroth."

I wish I could say that he made that up. But, that is completely true. The girls in this school are freaking obsessed with me. Especially a certain pink-haired cheerleader. You may remember her as my fake girlfriend for a period of time. Yeah...Ivy. After that little time period, she has grown obsessed with the very thought of me. It's at the point now, where it's kind of creepy. She's a little...psycho.

"Really now?" Laurance smirked, leaning against the closest wall. "Since when?"

I dropped my hand from Dante's gross mouth, crossing my arms. "What is that supposed to mean? The girls in this school are obsessed with me! Especially at this age for some reason. Somethin' with their hormones or something. I don't know how a female body works."

"Didn't you pay attention in Health?" Laurance chuckled, and I felt my face get hot.

"I...uh... Didn't pay attention during that class," I scratched the back of my head, biting down my lip a little. "It was never really a class that I was very fond of. B-But, uh...change of subject... Why don't you believe that the women in our school can be attracted to me? I thought it was blantly obvious."

I ran a hand through my hair. Laurance shrugged, "I mean, I can't deny that you're attractive and all, but...all of the girls in this school? Are you sure about that, bud?"

..! Did he just call me attractive?! Holy crap, my heartbeat just sped up! It suddenly got really hot and stuffy in here. Woo... I need a glass of water or something. I think I'm going to faint.

"Well, Laurance," Dante put his hand on my shoulder. "As much as I'd love to disagree with Garroth here, sadly it's true. Guy has a ton of lovely young ladies, fawning over him. His last name probably some part in it, to be honest though, bud."

I sighed, sadly knowing that it was probably the truth. I don't care if they're romantically interested in me, or whatever. What upsets me, is that what most, not all, of them care about, is the fact of what my name is. Garroth Ro'Meave. That's gonna earn you a lot of admirers, with a last name like that. And, people who are willing to try and go after that title. Unfortunately ladies, it ain't gonna work. Ever.

"Oh, I see," Laurance awkwardly coughed, shifting his gaze to the floor. "But, if that's true bud, I know what it feels like. I've had my fair share of people obsessing over me."

"Oh?" Now, I don't believe him.

"Yeah. Mostly this one purple-haired Meif'wa. I think her name is like...Michi, I think?" Laurance shrugged, and I did as well. "But, what can you say? Girls can be psycho."

So can guys...


Q- Asked by wolfy_writer

To: Aphmau

"Do you know Aaron? If you do i ship aphmau x aaron :3"


Aphmau- "Aaron? You mean that gross Senior? Eww. Why would you ship me with him? Disgusting."

Aaron- "Pfft. Big words coming from such a small potato."

Garroth- "Just watch. You two are gonna end up together in the future, if you keep acting like that towards each other."

Aphmau- "Nope. Never."

Garroth- "I said the same thing about someone else, as well. And, you know how that turned out."


Garroth- "I AM NOT DATING-..." *sigh* "You know what? Yeah, that's what exactly's going to happen."

Aphmau- *screm* "NOOO!" *screm*

Aaron- "Oh my Irene, if you're going to blow everyone's eardrums out with a *scream, then at least have it spelled right."

Garroth- "But this is a verbal conversation."

Aaron- "She's so dumb, she managed to spell verbal words wrong."

Aphmau- "Why, you!" 😡😠


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