Chapter 28: Prom Or Hell?

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A/N- Hiya, Lovelies! I'm finally back from my long absence! More frequent updates are going to be coming at ya! Hope you enjoy this longer chapter, that's been in the works forever! Lots of love went into this! 💜


*Laurance's POV*
~1 Week Later~

"Come on, Laurance, you're taking forever," Michi pounded on my bedroom door, and I sighed heavily, readjusting my tie for the the fourteenth time. "Michi hates being late! Nya~!"

"I'm coming, I'm coming!"

I groaned, regretting having agreed to this. Way to ruin my Prom already, Past Laurance. I barely know this girl! This is going to be a nightmare, already...

"Oh, wow! Nya! Michi likes," Michi purred, as I stepped out of my bedroom, reluctantly.

"Oh, uh, thanks. You're...dress is really pretty," I attempted to compliment her. "I really like that shade of compliments eyes?"

"Michi's glad Laurance likes it! She spent a long time, and a lot of money, nya~," she giggled like a small, innocent girl, yet her eyes felt like daggers cutting through my soul. It's as if I was trapped in her gaze, and there was no escape. I regret all of my life choices.

"We should probably head out, now," I suggested, prying myself away from her grasp, after she had grabbed a hold of my arm, her long nails digging into my skin, even through the fabric of my outfit. "Don't wanna be late, right?"

"Yup!" She giggled, very maniacally, though I'm pretty sure it accidentally came off that way... I think...

I'm scared for my life. I've seen the movies. Nothing good comes out of Prom, ever.

Well, that's the impression that's gonna be left on you for only watching old Horror films. Should've thought about this before your last movie marathon, Laurance.

"Is Laurance alright?" Michi's cat-like ears were down, and her black tail flicked behind her, in an awkward pattern. "He's been staring off into space, and concerning Michi, nya."

If she says, "Nya" one more time, I'm throwing myself in front of a train.

Don't you think that's a bit overdramatic?

Have you met this insane chick?! I wouldn't be surprised if she were to suddenly stab me or something! She's definitely crazy!

We are horrible consciences for thinking this.

You're the one who dragged us into this disaster in the first place! This is your fault.

You kmow what? Sure. Let's go with that. Just shut up.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just tired. It's late."

"It's eight," Michi furrowed her eyebrows, and I felt beads of sweat dripping down the back of my neck. "Is Laurance sure he's all right? Nya?"

Train, here I come.

I told you to shut up.

"Yeah, but, uh...I'm usually lying in bed by this time, just staring at the ceiling, you know... Hormonal teenager things," I lied, stepping into my car, after opening the passenger door for Michi, like the gentleman I am.

"That's okay! Nya! Michi'll make sure you won't fall asleep! Nya~!"

Oh, good...

*Garroth's POV*

I stood in the corner of the room, sipping at my punch. Honestly, the movies make Prom seem so much more fun than it really is. But, it's honestly just a more expensive version of every dance Phoenix Drop High has hosted...and more snuck-in alcohol. Fun.

"Where'd your lil' girlfriend get off to, Gareth?"

Oh, Irene, her again.

You know, she kinda reminds me of a T-rex. If we don't move, she can't see us!

That's how T-rex's work?

I dunno. I guess? I think I read that somewhere.

"Oh, hey, Ivy," I mumbled, chewing on the rim of my cup. "Yeah, Aph- who's not my girlfriend, by the way- is hanging with Katelyn, so I'm by myself, I guess."

"Aww, that sucks. And a slow dance just came on, too," Ivy fake-pouted, putting her hands on her hips. "That must really suck- not having a dance partner and all... And you're all alone without a dance partner, for a slow dance, that requires two people. And, I'm also all alone without a dance partner."

"Yeah, true," I turned away, knowing what she was trying to do. But I wasn't falling for it this time. I'm a strong guy.  "Too bad. At Prom, too, and all.

"Right, well, uh..," Ivy cleared her throat, looking very disheartened. "I need to go fix my makeup, uh... Catch ya later, Gareth?"


Ivy scampered off, and my eyes travelled over to the dance floor. And the most painful realization hit me, like looking in a mitror, to find knives through your back... And that was remembering that the man you are in love with, was busy dancing with some girl...

"Heya, Garroth," a feminine voice popped up, by the side of me. "What's wrong? Why are you so glum?"

"I hate my life, Aph," I simply answered. "This isn't Prom. This is Hell."

"Don't be so down," Aphmau grabbed my hand, using her other hand to turn my head in her direction. Katelyn stood beside her, with an impatient look. "You look like you need a hug. Do you need a hug? Because, I'm giving you one, anyway."

She wrapped her arms around my torso, giving me a quick hug, before turning back to Katelyn. "Now, I'm gonna enjoy one more dance with Katelyn, then I'll be right back, Gar!"

"Okay..," I sighed, watching as the two girls dashed out to the dance floor, immediately falling into each other's embrace.

Upset with the fact of being seen alone, I hid in the corner of the room, holding back tears. This was all so embarrassing. I felt abandoned. Alone. How could Aphmau do this to me? I thought she'd always be there for me...

"Hey, are you feeling alright?" I know that voice... But, I didn't look at them, I just continued looking forward.

"I'm fine."

"No. No, you're not."

Getting a sense of déjà vu from this conversation, I looked reluctantly towards the person, wiping my eyes, not wanting to meet their gaze. It was Laurance, looking as ever in his suit. His baby blue eyes looked over me, in concern.

He's so handsome...

Like always...

"What do you mean?" I asked him, my sobs slowing. Laurance gave me a huge smile, making my heart melt.

"I know that look all too well, Garroth. What's the matter?"

"Why do you care?" I hoped he would just leave me alone. I really didn't want anything to do with him at the moment. But, he kept smiling.

Stop it. I hate that beautiful smile.

Just go away. You've broken my heart, enough.

"Well, I hate seeing you upset. I saw you come over here, and I knew something was wrong. I decided to wait until Michi was preoccupied, and I could escape from her, to come check up on you. I'll ask again. Are you alright? Honestly, this time," he put a hand on my shoulder, and I couldn't contain my crying anymore. I just wanted to hold him, and tell him how much he really means to me. But I can't... Because, he isn't mine.

Why do you continue to care so much about me?

Unlike Gene...

"I'm fi-"

"My name is Laurance," he interrupted me, with a smile, outstretching a hand to me.

"What? I know your name." I had to stifle a laugh, because I was still secretly mad at him.

"I'm Laurance Zvahl, may I ask your name?" His smile contorted to a smirk, and his hand stayed in front of me, not moving it.

I finally recognized why I was getting this sense of déjà vu. I realized why he was doing this. Honestly, this was a smart way to make me feel better.

"I'm Garroth Ro'Meave," I answered, not skipping a beat, this time.

"Nice to meet you, Garroth."

I shook his hand. My heart pounded, and my whole body felt entirely warm. I looked into his eyes, finding myself lost in them. Then, I felt it. And, this time, I knew what I was feeling.


Now, if he only felt the same.

"Well, Garroth, do you care for a dance?" He asked, abruptly, after I let go of his hand.

My face flushed violently, and I bit my lip. Oh Irene, I think someone spiked the punch. There's no way this is all really happening. No way in Hell!

"What?" I stared at Laurance, completely flustered.

"I want any excuse to get away from my date, and I can tell that you've been abandoned," he placed his hand on my shoulder. "What do you say?"

"A...slow dance? Isn't that gay?" I bit my lip, trying to figure out his true motives behind this. Was it to embarrass me even more than I already was?

"It doesn't have to be. I'm not into you. You're not into me. What's gay about it?"

Oh, young, naïve Laurance. You're such a blind idiot. Everything. Everything is gay about it. Especially me.

"What do you say? It'll be fun, and the song's almost over, so it won't be long," he smiled at me, with his heart-warming smile.

"Laurance, I can't dance," I justified, trying to get out of this situation.

"Neither can I. We can fail at it, together."

His words were like cupid's arrow through my weak heart. I longed so desperately to take his hand. To be closer to him...

But, I couldn't...

"I'm sorry, I can't," I backed away,  as quickly as I could making my way back over to my table.

I immediately sat down, almost slamming my head on the table, with how hard I laid my head on it. A million thoughts raced through my head. I wanted more than anything to dance with him. But, there were so many things that could go wrong. Especially if people decided to make fun of us. I wouldn't care, since I've dealt with hateful gay comments my entire High School career, since Gene. But, I couldn't let Laurance suffer from that. I like him too much to have him go through what I went through.

"Hey, buddy, I'm sorry," Laurance appeared to the side of me. "I didn't mean to make it weird, or anything."

"It's not that. That's not why..," I hesitantly looked up at him, biting down hard on my lip.

"Then...what was it?"

"It's nothing," I replied fast, diverting my gaze away from him. "Nothing I wanna talk about."

"That's fine. It's okay," he continued to hold onto that damned smile of his, but I could hear heartbreak through his voice. "Here. I got something for you."

I looked back up at him, to find instead a flower in my face. A blue Carnation. I was stunned and utterly confused as to why he was giving me such a present.

"What's this for..?" I hesitantly took it from his grasp, twirling it between my fingers.

"Aph mentioned something about you really liking the colour blue, and being a fan of flowers. I picked this up for my date, but you deserve it more than her. You're my best friend, and I'd hate to see you upset," Laurance walked off, after finishing what he had to say.

As soon as he was out of sight, I tucked the flower behind my ear, and held my hand over my heart. Sure, Prom wasn't all that great. But, at least I got something memorable out of the experience.


Q- Asked by GaurrenceOTP

To: Laurance


And To: Garroth, Zane, and Vylad

"Can I have a group hug from you guys? You are my favorite"


Laurance: "I'm technically not with that Michi girl. We aren't official, or anything. I just brought her to Prom, because I felt really bad. (Also, I'll probably never be with her. She's really insane. Please send help) And, I'm not with, who did you say again?"

Garroth: *Covers Laurance's eyes* "Nobody. There wasn't anymore to the question! Right, Aph?" *Glares at her*

Aphmau: *Sighs sadly* "Right..." *Reluctantly deletes comment, after taking picture on her phone of it* "Love your username by the way, GaurrenceOTP. Super cute, and relatable."

Garroth: "Aph!" *Lets go of Laurance*

Laurance: "What does their user mean anyway?"

Aphmau: "Hehe. I'd tell you, Laur, but Gar would hate me forever."

Garroth: "You better believe it, Aphmau..."

Laurance: "Ooookay."



Zane: "Wait, hold on, did you just audibly say 'gasp', like the word, 'gasp', out loud?"

Vylad: "I know what 'audibly' means, Zane."

Zane: "That's...not the point I was trying to get across..."

Garroth: "Back on topic, GROUP HUG, GUYS!"

Zane: "No!"

Vylad: "Come here you beautiful unicorn!" *Hugs GaurrenceOTP *

Garroth: "I really need a hug, too! This just made my day!" *Also hugs them*

Vylad: "C'mon, Zane! Don't leave us hanging, like this."

Zane: "Ugh, fiiiiiiiiiiine. But, only because they grouped me in as one of their favourites." *Joins hug*

Garroth & Vylad: *Tears of joy*


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