Family baking fluffiness

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I drew a pic for it! And like, they use 2% milk cuz why not???

Jared shouted at their two children.

Dawson was 13 and Maeve was 10.

The fathers heard two a groan and a squeal of excitement. Maeve sprinted down the stairs and jumped the last five steps. Dawson dragged himself down the steps.

"What do you need Dad."
Dawson grumpily said.
"I was texting Jason"

"I know you were soooooo busy b-but we're gonna do family baking! We're making brownies!"
Evan said with a small smirk.

Dawson's face lit up at the word 'brownies'.

Maeve squeaked and jumped in joy. Jared giggled at his eccentric child's happiness.

They got out the brownie mix, eggs, vegetable oil, and measuring cups.

"Aweeeeeee we're gonna cheat?"
Maeve disappointedly said.

"And by that you mean..."
Jared trailed off.

Maeve looked at him and replied,
"We're using brownie mix. Not brownies from scratch."
She frowned.

"Well we're lazy so we don't feel like making them from scratch."
Jared booped the smol child's snoot.

She put her hands up to her nose and crossed her eyes.

Dawson cooed, like a Pokémon.

"Let's do this!"
Evan cheered, pumping his fist in the air.

They washed their hands. (Always wash your hands before baking, children!)

Jared got a large bowl. He cut open the bag of brownie mix after taking it out of the box. He let Dawson dump it in.

Evan got a spoon. Maeve quickly dipped her finger into the powdery brownie mix and flicked it at her older brother.

Dawson flicked her arm in retaliation.

"Don't fight!"
Evan scolded.

They rolled their eyes and Jared gave Dawson an egg.

"Ughhhhhh I wanna crack the eeeeeeegggg!"
Maeve whined.

"You can put the vegetables oil and the water in then"
Jared negotiated.

Maeve's face lit up and she cheered.

Dawson expertly cracked the egg and threw it away. He then washed the egg stuff off his fingers.

Evan filled the measuring cup with water from the fridge. Maeve poured the liquid into the bowl.

Evan was about to measure out the vegetable oil until Dawson asked,
"Can I do it?"

Evan nodded and Dawson smiled and poured the appropriate amount in.

The dark skinned girl then took the cup and poured it in the bowl.

Jared started it off, mixing it a little until he passed it on to the teen.

The black haired boy mixed it until his dad spoke,
"Dawson give it to your sister now"

He nodded and passes it to the little munchkin. She struggled to keep the bowl in her hands as she stirred it.

Evan kept a close watch on the bowl. When she declared it finished, Jared took it and thoroughly stirred it until it was completely finished.

Evan heated up the oven and Jared got out the 2% malk.

"Hey maymay, wanna grab a game from downstairs so we can play it while we wait?"
Jared asked his little girl. She nodded screaming "EXPLODING KITTENS!!!!" In a sing-song voice on her way down the stairs.

They all giggled at the small girl's antics.

Jared snorted.

She ran back up the stairs holding the small box containing the game Exploding Kittens™

They all played it, Dawson winning the first round. Then during the second round, the oven beeped, signaling the oven being heated. Jared placed the brownie batter into the oven using gloves (safety first children!!!)

He came back to the game and continued.

Maeve yelled at her pops as she slammed three 'beard cat' cards onto the table.

Evan groaned. He had no 'nope' cards so he had to oblige. He sadly handed his joyful daughter the 'defuse' card.

The game continued but no one as aware of Jared's secret plan for victory. He somehow had three 'defuse' cards, two 'nope' cards, three 'favor' cards, one 'catermelon' card, two 'beard cat' cards, and three 'tacocat' cards. Victory was certain for the gay.

Of course it was down to Jared kinky kleinsen and Maeve cutiepie kleinsen. (That's a lie, your middle name it cutiepie. Any SU fans?)

Maeve had just taken a 'catermelon' card from Jared, which was no use. She didn't have anything else the could do and there were three cards left. She had no defuses left and she had a 33.3333333% chance of pulling an 'exploding kitten™' card. She took the chance and...


Maeve yelled as she dropped her cards on the table in utter defeat. Jared was doing some demonic victory dance...

The oven beeped. Jared went to the oven dabbing with every step. He put oven mittens on and dabbed once more. Then he got the brownies out.

They put the game away while they waited for the brownies to cool down.

Dawson took the game downstairs and Evan cut the brownies and Jared poured the mulk. Evan handed out the brownies which were placed on paper towels because they don't want to do the dishes. Jared handed the molk which was in plastic cups for the same reason.

They ate together. Maeve polishing it off in like two seconds and Dawson eating it little by little. Maeve threw her paper towel and cup while swallowing and yelled,

Dawson tsked and shook his head in disappointment at his competitive sister.
"Maeve, honey not everything is a competition you churlish and insubordinate imbecile."
Dawson said being sure to confuse his younger sibling.

Maeve didn't know what that meant but the was offended anyways.

Dawson kept eating little bites at a time.

The two fathers held in their laughter at their children's exchange.

After everyone was done they all watched whatever dumb, fake ass 'reality' show was on.

They were a happy family.

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