The breaking of a routine

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Jared got out of bed and yawned while stretching. He brushed his teeth and combed his messy hair. He went to his kitchen and put a bread in the toaster. He went through his notifications. The toaster popped and he grasped his toast, a perfect brown. He put it on a paper towel and spread jelly on it. He didn't even bother to go to the table as he ate it, but he never really did. He threw away the paper towel and got dressed. He brushed his teeth again and fixed his tie. He put shoes on and got his things. He head out to work. The walk there was the same as always. He opened the door and sat down at his desk and started typing his newest article.

He always saw these crazy things that he needed to write about, while he looked at his life. Always the same every day.

He went to the restroom a couple times and ate lunch at noon. He walked home five hours later. The walk home was the same as always. He set his things down and got in his pajamas aka his lazy clothes. He watched whatever on Netflix and ate cereal for dinner. He eventually brushed his teeth and got into bed. He lay awake for four hours before sleep consumed him.

Jared got out of bed and yawned while stretching. He brushed his teeth and combed his messy hair. He went to his kitchen and put a bread in the toaster. He went through his notifications. Instead of the usual popping of the toaster, a knock sounded from the door. The toaster popped, but Jared was opening the door. A man with dirty blonde hair and a blue polo shirt stood before him.

Jared spoke, "Hello sir, what do you need?" His voice sounded raspy, as he never talked much and he recently woke up.

"M-my name is Evan Hansen and I- uh.. moved in next door last night, I w-was going around to meet the neighbors... um hi" the man stuttered out rather quickly, laughing awkwardly afterwards.

Jared laughed a little awkwardly as well, hoping to relieve some of the tension. He spoke again, "Well, welcome. Would you like to come in?" Jared smiled genuinely, glad for the break of his routine.

Evan smiled back with equal joy, "I would love to."

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